Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Henry Bakshi and
this time we're going to be going over
how you can use CUDA for massively
parallel array arithmetic now in this
video today I'll show you how you can
actually implement CPUC code in order to
take two arrays of constant links and of
course the exact same length say 5,000
elements in each array now we will be
working with of course a lot more
elements in this video but just for
example what you could do is actually
add subtract multiply or divide each
element in the array for example the
first element in the first array and the
first element in the second array could
be added together or even multiplied or
subtracted or divided and that result
would be the element first element in
the resulting array third array which is
the final return value now after I show
you how you can implement that in CPU
code I'll tell you a few of the
drawbacks of converting this to parallel
code whether that be parallel CPU or GPU
code once that's done I'll show you how
you can actually code in that very same
system in CUDA C code to create a
parallel GPU version of that massively
parallel array arithmetic but now let's
get over to the Mac part where I'll show
you how you can actually implement all
of this code alright so welcome back to
the Mac part and now I'm going to show
you how you can actually implement all
of this now let's get started I was
actually taking a look at a CPU
implementation of such an application
now as you can see this is a little bit
of what the code looks like it starts
off with the includes and of course with
C we're going to be including the
standard input and output and standard
library libraries after that I'm going
to this one define a variable called
size and I'll talk about what that
actually means in just a moment
after that I'm going to declare the
actual functions that will do the
addition multiplication division and
subtraction and in this case these are
called matrix add matrix multiply matrix
divided and matrix subtract the inputs
for these functions are input 1 input 2
the output where the output will
actually go and of course the index of
where exactly the inputs should be taken
and the output should be given after
that all they simply do is they actually
take the output array or a pointer to
the output array and they set the index
element to the input ones index of
element plus the input twos index of
element matrix ad will then be called as
many times as there are elements in the
input one and input two arrays it will
put the results in the output array and
we use index to find out which were
which number of the function is actually
being called to find out which element
in the array is to actually use and set
very very similar logic is actually set
for the matrix multiply divide and
subtract functions except the fact that
we're not adding we're either
multiplying dividing or subtracting as
you can see here but after that in the
int main function we're ready for the
actual logic that will allow us to run
this code now of course it actually
begins with allocating the input 1 input
2 and output our X the way we do this is
by declaring a pointer to input 1 input
2 and out each one is equal to malloc
meaning memory a lock the size we're
passing it is the scien variable we
design we defined up in the top of the
code multiplied by the size of the float
data type and then we're converting this
from a void pointer to a float pointer
and then putting that into n1 into and
out respectively now you've allocated
all of your memory now you actually have
to give these variables meaning and once
you give them meaning you actually have
to allow these variables to be given to
the functions and then once the
functions have the variables they will
run their logic on them
the way you do this is by looping
through zero to the size variable that
we defined at the top of the code now
the iterator here is going to be an int
called I and the way you do this is by
saying for int I is equal to 0 I is less
than size plus plus I meaning while I is
less than size with an initial value of
0 increment I and then return its value
or at least that's what this means over
here now once that's done then you're
going to take the highest element of n1
and set it to the I variable you're
going to take the if' element of n2 and
set it to the I variable and you're
going to take the highest element of the
out variable and set it to 0 it will
then run the matrix multiply function on
the n1 and n2 arrays the out array and
of course the I iterator after that
you're done running the matrix function
you can then print F the first 10
results and then loop through I 0 to 10
meaning 0 to 9 in this case because of
the way that this is formed and from
there you can actually print out all of
the first 10 elements in the out array
now if you were to run GCC to compile
the script and then actually run the
file that GCC gives you out you can see
that the first 10 results are 0 1 4 9 16
25 36 49 64 and 81 and let's make sense
because of course the first element is 0
10 0 then 1 times 1 2 times 2 3 times 3
4 times 4 it continues and continues 5 6
7 8 until it's 9 times 9 and as you can
see that is correct
now of course this is to be accepted or
even expected because you're running
this on the CPU so any calculations you
perform here will be extremely precise
however when running it on the GPU
that's a little bit of a different story
now let's talk about how you can convert
all this code to GPU code which you can
then go ahead and run and actually run
this in very very highly
parallel fashion in order to get your
results not first of all there are quite
a few drawbacks when you're converting
this to parallel code whether it be CPU
or GPU the number one drawback is well
first of all this isn't very
computationally expensive meaning each
operation doesn't take very much time
when each operation takes a lot of time
that's usually when you want to
implement more parallel procedures
however again in this case we're not
necessarily looking for whatever takes
more time because we're doing so many in
parallel that the plain fact that doing
millions in parallel it adds up to give
us a big time saving however apart from
that you also have to remember that when
you do things in parallel you also have
to combine the results if you've got
eight people doing work for you you need
to actually go ahead and take the
results and combine them into one list
of results you can't just take the
results and do and do nothing with them
you can't just have eight separate lists
of results and so there's another sort
of bottleneck when you're taking all the
results and combining them back to be
used in another sequential manner and so
that is what that those are just a few
of the drawbacks however with GPUs these
drawbacks are even more amplified
because first of all GPUs do individual
operations much slower and much more
computationally expensive lis than CPUs
do they also do them with much less
precision than CPUs can do them and of
course when you're using GPUs you have
an entirely different memory space than
when you've got CPUs what this means is
that as you are using your GPU you need
to copy your input variables onto your
GPU memory and then once and do the
calculations in the GPU you need to copy
the output variables back onto CPU or
host memory now this is quite a bit of a
bottleneck and this can become one of
the reasons that your application
performs slower on GPU and faster on GPU
however with extreme parallel operations
this cost is really nullified
the CPU in general will take more time
to execute than the GPU would to copy
onto the GPU run and then copy back and
so now that I've discussed all of this
let's talk about the CUDA implementation
of this code now when you're doing when
you're running a CUDA implementation you
don't need the standard library because
you're not allocating any memory on the
host without CUDA so you only need to
import the standard i/o header after
that you can define your size which in
this case I'm also defining Mehan as one
million now after that there are a few
changes in how you actually declare
functions that will do the addition
multiplication division and subtraction
now the first change that you can
probably see is that there is a global
defined and defined in the beginning of
all of these functions what this means
is that it'll tell the CUDA C language
this is a function that can be called
from either device or host after that
we're just of course telling it that
this will return a void that's default
and then of course I'm also putting a
kernel underscore before the matrix add
matrix multiply matrix dividing matrix
subtract this doesn't have any language
meaning it's just that of course it's a
little bit more clean and you can this
is really just a terminology that we're
using always CUDA kernel if you don't
exactly know what that means well I'd
really really recommend that you watch
my previous to the tutorial which will
introduce you to all the basics
terminology drawbacks and benefits of
CUDA before continuing to watch this
video after that you can go ahead and
declare the input that this function
takes as you can see this function will
take input 1 input 2 and output as the
inputs to the function the parameters or
the arguments into the function these
are all float arrays however you will
notice that I'm no longer taking an
index integer why is that well it's
quite simple because now instead of
running for example matrix add 1 million
individual times I only call the
function once and CUDA will
automatically run it those millions of
times for me I just need to specify how
to run it millions of times from their
kuda will automatically give this
function a few different variables like
block index block dimensions and thread
index from there you can calculate the
index by using those variables that
cooter gives you once you calculate the
index then you can actually calculate
what the user needs you to calculate
which in this case is the output index
element is equal to input 1 and input
twos some of their indexes element from
there I do the same thing for the matrix
multiply matrix divided and matrix of
track functions except instead of using
as addition I use multiplication
division and subtraction but after that
there are a lot of other changes in how
you actually call those functions let's
talk about that
the first change that you can probably
notice is that we're not running the
malloc function anymore of course we're
not running memory a lock because if you
watched my earlier video you know that
running malloc will actually give you
page' belen ree and page double memory
is not very efficient for cuda memory
transfers and this is because of course
page will memory maybe swap memory it
may be giving less priority and in
transfer times and just generally page
will memory is much slower than pinch
memory with page real memory you might
be getting 4 to 6 gigabytes per second
whereas with pin memory you might be
getting 11 or 12 video bytes per second
with these sorts of transfers and so in
order to allocate this pinned memory
what I do is I run CUDA host a lock and
this will make the CUDA library allocate
memory on the host instead of using a
host function to allocate memory on the
host for you in essence I pass a pointer
to N 1 into and out I tell it the size
of these variables in this case the size
constant times the size of the float
data type and then I pass it in CUDA
host out lock and default enumerator
essentially this will tell it that we're
just doing
a default host a lock after that what I
do is I initialize these variables in
one into and out by setting of course as
you saw in the last CPU in one's AF
element to I into science element I and
outs AF element to zero after that what
I do is I declare three more floats and
these are d underscore in one into and
out now what does the D underscore mean
well D underscore stands for device
underscore now what this means is that
these are the variables that will be
stored in your device or GPU memory
instead of your CPU memory the way you
do this is by instead of running CUDA
host a lock this time you'll run
cudamalloc this will run the memory
allocation functions of CUDA and this
will allow you to allocate memory on
your GPU you'll pass a pointer to the
device in one into and out and you'll
pass it the size of these variables in
this case the size constant times the
size of the flow data type for each and
after that you will actually copy the in
one from the host to the n1 to the
device and similarly for in two and out
now the way you do this is by alarmingly
cut out mem copy function you pass it
the variable in which you want a copy
and then the variable from where you
want to copy you then pass it the size
of the transfer and you pass it from
where to where you're copying in this
case we're doing tuna mem copy host to
device so we're copying from CPU to GPU
memory after that I run the kernel
matrix multiply and over here we've got
a little bit of logic that will tell
CUDA how exactly it should run these
functions or run this function
now essentially what this means is that
we're taking the size in which case is 1
million and we're telling CUDA how many
blocks there should be now a block is
essentially a block of threads now do
remember that the GPU that I'm using the
gtx 1070 can only run ten twenty four
consecutive threads in one block at
least not on the chip on a block and so
what you have to do is calculate how
many blocks you'll have to use now in
this case you have 1 million of these
you have 1 million individual a 1
million 5 in 1 million elements meaning
that you want to run this function a
million times now you can only have 1024
threads in a block and each thread will
handle one individual element so now
what you need to do is divide this by
1024 and that's how many blocks you'll
use but then there's a problem what's
the problem
well let's just say that you have less
than 1024 elements say 300 elements then
you don't even have one single block so
you need to take all these and add one
block to it and similarly if you have
over mil over 1024 then that doesn't
really matter CUDA will just ignore that
extra block and of course the number of
threads that you're using are 1024 so
you calculate the number of blocks and
then tell that you have 1024 threads now
after that you pass it the device
variables for in one into and out
finally once that's done now this is
going to be run synchronously it's not
like you just started the task and then
it'll return to you it'll automatically
wait and once all of it is done
executing and this is really the best
part about CUDA it's not asynchronous
unless you want it to be you could tell
it to happening synchronously however it
becomes a lot easier to program in a
circumstance like this where I want it
to act like a CPU function or a
sequential function whereas everything
that's parallel is handled in the
is actually happening but once that's
done I then run kunam em copy and I
actually copy into the host out variable
from the device out variable I give it
the size and I tell it that I'm copying
from the Vice Center to host memory
because remember the output of this
function was given in device memory I
now need to copy that from device memory
over a host memory and then in host
memory I can do it ever else I want to
win it and from here it's as if nothing
ever happened with the GPU it's as if we
just had those results just like the CPU
gave it to us we can use it just like we
would any other result from there you
can print out first ten results using
the exact same logic that you did last
time I'm now going to exit out of the
editor and run MVCC the nvidia cuda
compiler i'm going to pass it my cuda
file I mean want to tell it that I want
to run you can specify an architecture
though for example if I were to run you
can see for some reason it will
automatically use older architectures
and so in theory I can actually specify
it to use newer architectures and it
uses a newer architecture the warning is
not given to me because this one is not
deprecated this is the latest
architecture compatible you compute 6.1
architecture and I can of course also
apart from this SM I can also use the
compute architectures they both work
perfectly and as you can see we again
get the correct results because of
course zeros on 0 1 1 1 times 1/2 times
2 3 times 3 4 times 4 etc etc all the
way to 9 times 9 and as you can see all
these results are correct which again a
cheap you isn't even not that precise it
is it is more than precise enough to
actually give us these results correctly
and as you can see we have run all these
multiplication problems in parallel
now of course though if you're looking
to get an advantage while using a GPU
over a CPU you definitely want many many
more operations to be run in parallel
because of course we're copying
megabytes two gigabytes of information
to and from the CPU and GPU and so you
need enough of those operations to
balance out the disadvantages of the GPU
gives you the drawbacks of bottlenecks
you need to balance those out and of
course running more and more things in
parallel will definitely help you do
that okay so that's why I had to go over
in this video today how you can actually
take CPU code that allows you to do
arithmetic on a on a raise and actually
go ahead and convert that to GPU code in
CUDA I really do hope you enjoy today
thank you very much for joining and of
course if you like the video please -
make sure to leave a like down below and
of course if you think this could help
anybody else you know like your friends
our family please do consider sharing
this video as well of course so apart
from that if you have any more questions
suggestions or feedback please do make
sure to leave it down in the comment
section below you can you can also email
out to me at Tasmania or leave
it down as a comment in the comment
section below or even tweet to me ask
Taji mani that's going to be it for this
video today thank you very much for
joining and if you'd like to subscribe
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so thank you very much for joining today
stay tuned for the next part of the
Kunis series and of course - I will also
be starting an entirely new C and C++
series talking about all of these C
basics in the first place thank you very
much goodbye

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