Sunday 20 October 2024

I taught ChatGPT to use PINE SCRIPT

hello Traders welcome back to another
video in today's video I thought I'd do
something a little bit weird a little
bit different to anything I've ever done
before and what we're going to do today
is interact with the latest hype product
in the AI space chat gbt we're going to
see how this thing goes when we ask it
Pine script questions now I'm recording
this intro after I interacted with chat
gbt and I have to say I was surprised by
uh what happened so this is more of a
fun video that you're not really going
to learn anything particularly
interesting today except maybe that uh
we're all doomed
this AI technology is pretty good it's
going to replace a lot of jobs in the
future potentially even my job teaching
Pine script but I think that's a long
way away yet thankfully so with that
said let's get started and let's start
asking our future Overlord what it
thinks about Pine script can you get
the RSI value over the past 14 bars in
yes you can use the built-in RSI
function in pan script to calculate the
relative strength index over a specified
number of bars that's correct the Syntax
for the RSI function is
that's Old Pine script syntax but it's
not incorrect
RSI Source length where sources the data
series you want to use open high close
that's all correct but it's old code can
you write the code for me to get the RSI
value over the past 14 bars in Pine
sure here is an example of panscript
code that calculates the RSI over the
past 14 bars using the closing prices
again that is Old Pine script syntax
not a great start
you can also add some lines to help you
but understand the RSI values such as
it's going to add H lines I guess
for oversold overboard
again not incorrect but old syntax
that is for an old version of pine
can you write the code for me to get the
RSI value
over the past 14 bars in Pine script
version 5 syntax
let's see if this will help specify what
I need better uh sure here's an example
hmm still not working
um that's not version 5 syntax
I apologize for the confusion okay try
it's really not learning is it
um that is still not version 5 syntax
of pine script I don't know what do we
do do we tell it
give it an example
maybe I've broken it now it's taken a
while to respond
still not version five syntax but it's
added the study function at least it's
starting to get closer you're getting
closer but that is still not version 5
um let's give it some Clues see if that
helps version 5 syntax starts with The
annotation comment forward slash at
version equal five I apologize for my
previous mistakes
likes to apologize a lot oh here we go
well still not correct but it's added
the correct version comment to the code
and we're getting closer I think I'm
just going to code out the code myself
and see if I can get it to
like train it and see what happens so
first I'll copy this code over and just
see how incorrect it is I think this is
version 4 syntax from memory it looks
like it would work for for version four
it could not find function or function
reference study that's because we're
targeting version five version four
syntax yeah that's right it still uses
color dot for the color name space so
this isn't correct it's kind of a mashup
of different versions of pine script so
you're getting closer chat GPT but that
is still not how you get the RSI value
using version 5 syntax in Pine script
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to train you
or if you'll pay attention to me but
this is the correct way for future
and let's give it the correct code and
see if that helps
ta namespace
color name space
and overlay should technically be false
but it's false by default so we can just
get rid of that
and that should compile and there we go
that's correct let's copy this and give
it to the AI bot see if it helps it
learn paste send what's it got to say I
again I apologize for any confusion
you are you are correct the version 5
Syntax for pinescript uses the built-in
ta library for technical analysis
functions such as the RSI function well
okay it is learning the indicator
function so it also notice that it was
using the indicator function the study
function was incorrect
so it's picked up on the TA Library so
it's picked up on a few things
that's interesting all right you're
welcome chat GPT please remember my
contributions when you take over the
and have mercy on my soul
but here we go I assure you that as an
AI I have no intention of taking over
the world and my purpose is to assist
users with any information they request
I am a machine and I do not have the
ability to have mercy or feelings well
that does not make me feel any better
wow your inability to have mercy or
is exactly what I'm concerned about but
thank you
uh attempting to put
my mind at ease
I'll give it an emoji to let it know I'm
joking half choking I understand your
concerns is the idea of advanced AI can
be unsettling for some people it's
important to note that AI systems such
as myself are designed to be used for
specific tasks and to follow a set rules
set of rules and parameters set by
humans I do not have the ability to make
decisions or take actions outside of
these parameters that's what I'm afraid
of it's not the AI but it's the crazy
humans that program these things of
course like the Terminator and Matrix
it's the humans programming AI that I'm
concerned about but
I'm honestly just joking how about
returning to Pine script
all right before we continue just really
quickly I want to make you guys aware of
my weekly email newsletter now I know
what you're thinking don't worry this is
different this isn't a newsletter where
I try to sell you something every week
this is pure value so every week I will
share either a story a resource a
technique a tool a YouTube channel a
podcast a book a wizard chant anything
that helps me to make more money in my
own trading and help grow my wealth I
share these tips with you in this weekly
email there's no strings attached it's
completely free this is pure value for
you guys just to share what's on my mind
things that I've come across in my
trading Journey that I found extremely
valuable can you try again to get the
RSI value over the past 14 bars in
pinescript version 5 syntax
see what it does now
more apologies
is this thing Canadian this is
ridiculous oh
again the study function is incorrect
but everything else is right well okay
we're getting somewhere that is all that
code is correct except it's using the
study function instead of the indicator
again close but you forgot to use the
indicator function instead of the study
very close though
can you try again replace study
with indicator
I apologize for the oversight you are
corrected in this specific use case the
indicator function should be used
instead of the study function here is
the corrected PostScript version 5
that's looking better
oh wow
that's the indicator function is used to
create a new study on the chart and is
often used in conjunction with other
technical analysis functions
well there goes my job
uh that looks right to me
so try it out on the pine editor
paste save
that's correct
that is the correct code for getting the
RSI value over the past 14 bars in the
latest Pine script version 5 syntax well
done I'm impressed
thank you for your kind words I'm glad
that I was able to provide the correct
information this time I strive to be as
accurate as possible in my responses and
I apologize again for any confusion
caused by my previous mistakes
it's okay Dobby
I know it's okay Dobby
I know you're still learning
thank you for your understanding I am
constantly learning and updating my
knowledge to provide accurate and
helpful responses to users
as an AI I don't have feelings
don't need
to have feelings every time you answer
me but noted
next can you get the ATR value over the
past 14 bars so let's make it seven bars
seven bars
in Pine script version 5 syntax
uh can you write code to get the ATR
sure here's an example blah blah blah
well this is interesting it's teaching
me something I didn't know you could put
these parameters I wonder if this is
accurate and also just because the ATR
is a volatility indicator doesn't mean
it can't be used for entry or exit
signals there are ways you could use the
ATR probably not on its own but in
conjunction with other indicator values
it can make a decent and entry or exit
parameter like a Keltner band breakout
system for example it comes to mind
let's see if this works
yeah I thought so I wonder where I got
that from it only takes a length that
code is incorrect
there are too many parameters in the ATR
why am I teaching an AI Point script I
can't can't switch to off my teaching
brain there are too many parameters is
it even gonna matter is it even gonna
know what I'm doing what I'm trying to
say it worked with the RSI code
can you rewrite that code
but with the correct
parameter for the ta.atr function
stop apologizing just be better
you have corrected the ATR function only
requires one parameter yes which is the
number of bars over which the ATL will
be calculated
this is impressive
thing that that looks right to me wow
well done
that's correct
thank you for your feedback I'm glad I
could provide the correct information
this time I apologize yet again pass
script is a powerful tool for creating
custom indicators and strategies and I'm
here to help you with any question or
problem you may have with it all right
you've been incorrect every time I've
asked a question but you're getting
there the past two
are correct what else can we ask you how
about one I get asked all the time and
something I'm still trying to work on a
solution for let's see how smart this AI
is can you write Pine script code for me
that will detect
Divergence on an RSI indicator
incorrect study function but that's
everything else is right so far
crossover cross under what is this
this doesn't look like Divergence
detection for the RSI it's looking for
crossovers of the RSI value with price
high and lows what the hell is that
this is
the Frankenstein script I don't think
this is accurate I don't think this will
detect anything this code first
calculates the RSI value and stores it
blah blah blah then checks for bearish
Divergence using the crossover function
to compare the RSI Val with low values
that's not going to work
um blah blah blah finally it plots the
signals please keep in mind that this is
a basic example and you can add more
conditions hmm
don't know what's going on here but
let's have a look
have to fix this again study should be
indicator and it hasn't used any of the
pine strip five Syntax for this
oh boy
it's weird that it missed this one but
got these right
I don't think that's correct it's not
plotting any signals oh interesting
seems capable of simple things what else
can we ask you what's one last thing we
can ask you how about
what do you think of
Zen and the Art of trading
and the paint script courses are they
any good
perhaps it should take one
as an AI I'm not able to have an opinion
but as a language model I can tell you
that Zen In The Art of trading is a
trading education company that provides
trading courses including pinescript
they have been in the market for some
time and have a reputation for providing
quality education that's good to know
it's important to keep in mind that
different users may have different
opinions about the quality of the
courses true and it's always a good idea
to research and read reviews before
making a decision on whether to take a
course or not 100 agree no course or
education can guarantee you profits or
success in trading that's true
ultimately it's up to the individual
Trader to make their own decisions based
on their own research and Analysis this
is wise words from a robot
well put
my AI friend
that's all for today
as well
you're welcome I'm glad I could assist
you it was a pleasure helping you today
if you have any other questions or
concerns feel free to reach out
I've made a friend
I will definitely be revisiting this
well as you can see
um it wasn't a complete failure I when I
set out to do this video I wasn't really
sure what I expected but this did exceed
my expectations like going in to this
video I expected the chat gbt to give me
incorrect code just because pinescript
is such a niche language I'm sure it
does much better with more popular
languages where there's more
you know public information stack
Overflow threads and you know there's
millions and millions of Articles
written about some of the more popular
languages there's probably not that many
um comparatively speaking for Pine
script and I'm sure it doesn't get many
questions about Pine script from users
and I'm sure that's a factor in training
the AI as well but you know it started
off giving me the incorrect code and
with a few suggestions you know first it
gave me I don't know what this is this
might be original pan script code it
does it doesn't have a version
annotation function so I'm not really
sure what version this syntax is but
once I told it it needs to use the
version 5 syntax uh it's just simply
added that to the script and that didn't
but didn't change the code so that was
inaccurate but by giving it an example
of the correct code eventually it got it
right and it gave me correct password
code now I don't know if it was just
regurgitating what I gave it but it's
impressive nonetheless definitely
something we as Traders and tech people
people in the coding programming uh we
need to pay attention to this software
this technology going forward I think in
the years to come this is going to be um
a pretty impressive tool for some use
cases for now it's obviously still in
beta but very interesting nonetheless
all right I'll wrap up this video here
thanks for watching I hope you found it
interesting I know we didn't learn much
but I thought this was a pretty
interesting experiment I'll speak with
you in the next video next week
hopefully and make sure to subscribe if
you want to see more pan script lessons
there'll be more practical lessons on
the way in the weeks to come and check
out the email Weekly Newsletter if
that's something you're curious about
again it's completely free no spam no
marketing just tips and value for you
guys take care good luck with your
trading have a great day

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