Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name's sandy Bakshi and
today I'm joined by rich hire T so
welcome rich thank you for joining us
today would you like to quickly
introduce yourself lucky to be with you
thank you I'm rejecting I've worked for
IBM I'm a developer advocate working on
the Watson services so our role our team
have a small team we focus on the
cognitive AI side of things and our job
is to create assets for developers yes
so we go and create actual applications
that utilize a lot of lots of services
and we provide a lot of information
about how so developers can get started
a running start with pretty extensive
read B's and tutorials and blogs and all
that stuff that we'll get into later on
that's correct that so that we get
developers on to the Watson services as
quickly as possible that's nice thank
you very much this is really really
interesting stuff you just mentioned in
fact the tutorial today is all about the
Watson discovery service and more
specifically a new feature that's going
to be coming to all Watson discovery
service instances very very soon now
that's the step feature we'll talk about
in just a moment that allows you to get
structured information and knowledge
from your unstructured information which
is really interesting but for now I'd
like to begin by talking about how we
can actually use the Watson discovery
service in a much easier way using the
color patterns that enable you to create
Watson applications so right rajulun
tell us a little bit more about that you
discovery UI the in created as a code
pattern sure so what we did was we took
a real use case we we took it so first
of all Watson discovery is great it's a
ingesting unstructured data yes an
indexing it
enrichments so that it could be queried
in a number of ways that's the power of
discovery so what we did was we took
basically a thousand Airbnb reviews for
the City of Austin this is freely
available data yeah yeah so that's part
of the behind most of our code matters
we always use data that people can get
for free we have access to these
services that they can get on a free
trial basis okay so users never have to
pay for anything to get started right so
our code pattern basically takes a look
at that data you can we can use the
Watson discovery tooling to look at that
and try to try to get some information
glean some information from that through
the tooling a little bit ugly little the
interface just individual queries you're
not it's not formatted very well so what
the UI did was just put in a happy face
around that using the API is making the
same types of queries that users would
typically make presented in a nice UI so
people can see it and get some data
information about that way that's great
all right so now let's take a look and
how easy it is for you to get started
and actually use that new discovery UI
let's take a look at thousand Airbnb
reviews and take a look at what kinds of
insights were handling
okay so anyway this is the this is eek
developer code pattern home page which
is available at developer so
this is where the landing page for all
of our code patterns so as a developer
this is where you'd come to just you
know you have a specific need or you're
trying to look for an example of this
specific service so you would come here
to find that that's great so we have
some some filtering over here or some
hints to get you to where you want to go
I'm going to go directly to the app that
I created so for each one of these
developer patterns we have this nice
page overview page which allows you to
view a demo try it out you can actually
run it without doing anything just
clicking the button you'll get there we
have a description of the of the code
pattern overview this is where you're
going to determine what
you really want to dig deeper or not
yeah hopefully it gives you enough
information for that as with all the
code patterns we have a diagram flow
describing the services and the
interactions between the pieces yes so
from there let's go ahead and get the
code that takes us to the github repo
again all of our code patterns are
housed on github publicly they're freely
open sourced so people can take them do
what they want with them they can
actually contribute to the code if they
find bugs they can log issues or
whatever so I'm gonna go to the github
repo here first page is always a detail
to read me so for this one we talked
about a little bit about what discovery
does for you this is the enrichment part
when we talked about where it pulls out
entities categories concepts keywords
and sentiment yes and we'll we'll dig a
little bit deeper in how you set that up
with your data mm-hmm here's that same
architecture diagram where we're
ingesting where we're feeding JSON files
into Watson discovery the API is
accessed as that discovery shows it to
the user mm-hmm
here's a little hand drawing of some of
them at the layout of what its gonna
look like I thought this was a pretty
cool this is what we thought about
additionally how we what we wanted to
show to the user yes
so these were all the UI components so
not only we showing you how to access
discovery but we're also going down and
showing and using specific obviously we
were writing codes we have to choose a
specific framework yes so what we like
about no this one's written to note what
we like about note is that it's a little
more freely open to other frameworks
it's not so cookie cutter you know you
have your choice of things in fact here
we talked about all the components this
one uses nodejs we based on react we
have an express back-end yes this one
uses semantic UI components which is
cool it uses chart and just for testing
that's nice so I can see that's all the
steps here are really neatly written
which I love so if I'm a developer and
it's just starting off with Watson
discovery I wouldn't need to you know
start from scratch entirely
documentation there's a clear list of
steps here that's gonna help me out so I
like that yeah and you don't want code
snippets right you want you want fully
functional code that's what's on the
liver so we have a video which you can
go click on I encourage you to do that
mm-hmm and if you link the only industry
actually good and that that's a deeper
dive into this thing so here's the steps
you talked about now for most of our
code matters we offer a deployed IBM
Cloud button which is convenience
basically there's some setup involved I
would recommend users who really want to
know this stuff to actually go through
the manual process without loading a
locally provisioning of the services
yourself yes that's the only where
you're gonna learn but there's we always
offer this option which does a
provisioning for you and pushes a code
and deploys it on the cloud and you can
access it that way that's convenient yes
so these are the steps I would recommend
running locally starts with cloning the
repo then we go through the creating of
the IBM cloud service in this case is
just discovery and we'll show you that a
bit the end result of what has house but
but essentially you you provision a
discovery instance and you have you
point to the data that you want to
ingest yes and this will give you your
shows kind of takes you through that
mm-hmm and they get ingested into
discovery so again these are the steps
involved with that at the end of that
you're going to have a set of
credentials that Watts provides for you
for to run this application you need to
plug those into what we are env file yes
and there's B&B file just for those not
familiar with that UJ and ojs would be
the environment file
yep telling you all the different
credentials yes so it's basically
username password and the pointer to
exact instance of discovery we want to
talk to and then you just run the
application and it's available on port
so let's go to first let's go to the
discovery service
so here's those Airbnb ratings I've
already created the collection perfect
if we click on that you'll see that
we've loaded in 999 records perfect one
of the key things about the enrichment
is is done through a configuration file
so here's where you access that and you
notice here that for us we want all of
these enrichments to take place okay
another concept that we're going to go
into later with your with the knowledge
graph is that we need to add the
mentions like to this configuration
which isn't available which is not
available this tool so we had to do that
programmatically Juby API so if you take
a look at especially we take a look at
natural language understanding you'll
realize that under the egg teeth there's
also a specific kind of oh there's
another enrichment can I have been
mentions that's not available through
the tuning currently so you're gonna
have to add that manually but we'll get
into that in just a moment when we're
talking about the new feature that I was
telling you about the knowledge graph
right perfect
so here's the data and it pulls out
things like top entities these are what
we call aggregate information so it
takes a look at all the 999 of them and
it pulls out the things that it finds
most most often yes so we have related
concepts the hierarchies so it's all
cool stuff displayed to you you can
actually dig deeper look at some of the
the actual fields it pulls out mm-hmm
we can run queries through the tooling
yes wish I had a nice query I can run
it's about Airbnb ease and Austin so I'm
going to say near the college we'll see
what we get all right so we get some
hits about from the ratings themselves
again this is not easy to read it gives
you scores based on how well Watson
thinks it
meets the criteria for your search yeah
those kind of things so the whole
purpose behind the UI is to is to make
this more readable and accessible to the
user absolutely
so let's go to the UI so here it is I'm
running on port 3000 off that same data
these are all of the reviews and notice
we have those enrichments we talked
about as filters so this is what you
build with the kind of pattern so when
you actually go ahead download the code
pattern run it with NPM this is what
you're gonna get a little UI for Watson
discovery right so these things are
pretty obvious it talks about the
entities and it's in and or the
enrichments each category tells you the
number of hits what category it found we
have a nice tag cloud here with the top
entities or any of the other merchants
you want to choose we also have a
sentiment chart this is based on
Watson's determination of sentiment
which is different than a rating so the
user has rated the facility the Airbnb
rental but Watson has looked at the
actual text beyond text so the wording
of the rating and determined a positive
or negative sign yes not towards
necessarily the actual place but towards
the situation that was described in the
review yes and in this case you could
see most of them are favorable mm-hm
we have a nice trending graph here so we
could see how the term Austin has
trended over time I don't know if that's
very relevant one but I'm just going to
oh it's the actual scores over time
so you can use different different
values here
yes I got a good one here so we can take
a lot of the concepts yeah we go and of
course we can also there's some other
niceties here we can filter the the
matches the actual ratings we can show
based on they go to the lowest rate the
lows are negative sentiments
there we go so as you can see there are
quite a few people that have negative
experiences with Airbnb but this one
over here about South by Southwest says
Lisa was great which is positive
welcoming cue bungalow and good
references for food around town okay but
this is where the negative part comes in
all right
when I broke a key she came armed with
bolt cutters and rescued my computer
from the locked cabinet above and beyond
now as a human you can tell this
technically positive but Watson took the
situation into context and said hey you
broke a key but luckily someone came
armed with bolt cutters but the
situation generally here was negative if
this hadn't happened it would be not
positive that's why Watson gave me
negative rating if you wanted to say
make this more relevant to Airbnb and
try and predict what someone's rating
would be based off of the text then in
that case you would probably have to
train your own model either a with the
Watson studio over the natural language
classifier or something that you seemed
fit but for the sentiment this is this
is what the sentiment understanding
currently does right great explanation
okay so let's go back to discovery and
let's talk about how we can further
enhance this data through building
relationships and they're not the
knowledge rap sounds good okay all right
so now once you get a little bit deeper
into Watson discovery by taking a look
at the knowledge grouse boy what does
the knowledge graph - well imagine this
for the Airbnb reviews we've got people
who are viewing different places at
Airbnb now let's just say we want to
extract some structured knowledge some
kind of facts so we're able to find from
that text and we want ballistically
display it in a graph like let's just
say we've got Fiona now Fiona
is someone who actually hosts guests on
Airbnb now of course these Airbnb
reviews are from Austin and so please
these are host two that are of course
Austin we know that already but if it
weren't as obvious to us like for
example if we were taking mobile reviews
into account we need information like
now one more thing fiona is hosting
people in downtown Austin
so downtown is technically considered as
a separate location by Watson and this
is downtown in the south of Austin so
cells is also a separate location now
this is how the knowledge graph works
all of this is a really complex
unstructured natural language but with
the knowledge graph you can go ahead and
determine relationships between all of
these entities we know that downtown
Austin and South are geo political
entities or locations and fiona is a
person and so fiona is located in Austin
okay so we Watson is able to tell us
that fiona is located in Austin Watson's
also able to tell us fiona is located
downtown and then Watson can go even
deeper and say downtown is located in
Austin and all of these relationships
are being found from simply natural
language and then it also tells us at
downtown is located in the south and
then all we need to do is build an
algorithm they can understand this kind
of graph but much much larger of course
because this is only a small snippet of
all the different knowledge that
discovery was able to uncover and just
like that we can understand unstructured
data through the Watson discovery
service using knowledge graph
unfortunately since it's in beta it's
only currently available to advanced and
premium instances so if you have an
advance or a premium instance of lots of
discovery great you can follow along
if not then highly recommend you take a
look at how it works just so you're
ready when Watson Isco
has this speech we're rolling out to all
the other kinds of instances as well all
right so now in order to enable the
knowledge graph feature with your
discovery instance you first will have
to give Watson correct enrichments for
its people to find out watch though the
knowledge graph so what I recommend you
do is you go over to the Watson swagger
interface now what this is it's
basically the API Explorer for Watson
you can find at the Watson API Explorer
Angela mix net there will be a link to
it in the description below now if you
scroll down you can see every single
different kind of API call that you can
make to the Watson discovery service
there are lots of them and they're
really useful but the one that we want
to use is actually get your
configuration now your configuration is
what tells Watson what exactly it does
with different data sources and how
exactly it enriches those data sources
so what you do is in the very top here
pasting your user name and password for
your discovery service then scroll down
and provide your environment ID and
configuration ID go ahead and click on
try it out and as you can see it's gonna
run the request and it's gonna come back
to you in response this is the whole
configuration now go ahead and copy this
response and paste it into the update
update API call now occurring you're
going to need to copy in your
environment ID and configuration ID but
you also need to paste in the
configuration if you pasted it and you
scroll up you'll realize that where it
says entities you will not have mentions
and mention types so what you need to do
is need to add mentions true and mention
types true there will be a there will be
a link to a github gist that contains
this whole configuration for you so you
don't need to put it in for yourself
manual and then what you do is fill out
the environment ID which I can just copy
from up over here from our last call
paste it into the update then go ahead
and do the same thing for the
configuration ID and then tell Watson to
update that configuration of course
I haven't need to add anything because I
already had it there but once you add in
your mentions just click on try it out
and just like that you've updated your
you've updated your configuration
response code 200 it's a success now
Watson knows exactly how it needs to
enrich the data now one thing you need
to make sure is that you upload your
documents after you do this step do not
do this step later because then Watson
will not be able to reinvent your
documents they're going to delete the
configuration or delete the environment
and do it all over again or delete the
collection all right so now that we're
back here and now of course we've
already had our mentions and Watson has
enriched the data now where do you take
a look at what the knowledge graph truly
does I'm gonna go over to this pane over
here the build queries pane now right
beside searching aggregations is
knowledge graph if you don't see if and
that means you're not running a premium
or advanced instance as of today which
is July 20th so now of course you can go
ahead and find some different entities
if you want to look for example well
let's just say I wanted to find a person
called Fiona I can go ahead and run the
query and it would give me entities that
match that Fiona and it gives me some
information about that entity but what's
more useful and what you want are the
relationships now of course it gives you
a watching discover is going to give you
a list of all the different entities
inside of its knowledge graph that it's
built inside the system and so all of
these entities are related to other
entities in some way or another so now
that we're here let's take a look at
what we can actually do now let's just
say we're looking for Fiona and we want
to see how exactly Fiona is related to
Austin all I'm going to do is run the
query as you can see it tells me Austin
has a colocation Fiona colocation is
it's a very very broad sort of
relationship so we can ignore all the
collocations but Fiona is located at
Austin and Fiona resides in Austin and
both of these are correct so I can
actually go ahead and take a look and
remove Austin now if I only provide if I
only provide Discovery with Fiona
and I don't tell it to find the
relationship of Fiona to any other
specific entity and it's just gonna give
me all the relationships that Fiona has
to other entities this Brian communicate
she's the owner of a cottage she greets
people that come over she's located at
location which is a co reference to
another entity but these are all good
for relationships associated with the
Fiona entity now if you would actually
go ahead and take all these
relationships and graph them out this is
what it would look like now one thing I
would do I would like you note is that
I'm using a website called web graph
viscom and what I did is I actually just
went him to the JavaScript console of
Google Chrome and I put together a quick
like uh like a three liner piece of
JavaScript code over here and basically
what this JavaScript code does is it
allows you to take all these
relationships that are shown in this
English sum in the Watson discovery
tooling and as you can see it exports
them to a format that graph is likes so
you can go ahead and copy this and you
can paste it into graph news and that's
actually gonna make a really uh neat
knowledge graph out of it
so I took a few different entities
namely I took Fiona downtown Austin and
I took those three entities and I found
all the different relationships they
have and I exported them to graph this
format and I put them into this website
called web graph is calm so I didn't
need to do it manually in Python so as
you can see this is the whole graph that
it makes for us let's go through this a
little bit and take a look at what it
actually is so of course we have Fiona
at the very beginning here now Fiona is
located at location of course that's
just a CO reference to learner entity
here's the agent of recommend and she's
the owner of a cottage so you can see
Fiona owner of cottage and there's
another feature and discovery that
allows you to find evidence for use but
we're not going to be coloring that in
this video now there is a little bit
more of an interesting map here so you
could take a look at Fiona she's located
at downtown now Fiona is also located at
now downtown is located at Austin and
downtown is located at self and South is
also located at downtown so there's a
sort of circular reference here between
these two entities now if you take a
look over here there's also an
organization or Congress that's based in
and is a part of the South which is
located in downtown which is located in
Austin so as you can see you're able to
create this really complex graphs you
can take a look at Congress and you can
see that Congress is technically located
in Austin because Congress is based in
self which is located in downtown which
is located in Austin so you can make
these really complex relationships you
can also take a look at some more things
that are located in downtown with for
example Hyde Park is located in downtown
there's a neighborhood there many
restaurants inside of downtown there are
the Boston streets cars they're all in
the downtown and so as you can see this
is just a small fraction of the
knowledge that discovery was able to
extract from the Airbnb reviews and
again the Airbnb reviews weren't even
written with the intention of providing
this kind of knowledge but still lots of
discovery was able to understand that
natural language and provide that
information to us but we've got a little
bit more of an interesting data set
that's meant to actually provide this
kind of knowledge now this data set is
actually two documents just two
documents in contrast to the 999
available over here in the Airbnb
ratings however if you go back over to
manage data it's a very very interesting
data set see the Danes that I'm talking
about two biographies of Henrietta Lacks
now just in case you're unaware
Henrietta Lacks or actually was
suffering from a kind of cancer back in
nineteen around the 1950s and this kind
of cancer was actually special because
the cancer she had made her the first
person to have cells that we live and
actually thrive outside of the human
body so you can actually buy HeLa cells
as they're called and actually what
experiments on them and so that's why
we've solved uncertainly solve but we've
had major breakthrough some different
areas like cancer it all tons it four
kinds of areas because we were able to
use those difference
and so of course our client people
different people who write biographies
on Henrietta Lacks and so we take these
biographies more specifically the one by
Rebecca Skloot and also the Wikipedia
page actually relax and upload them into
Watson discovery using that same Airbnb
config so that we have the mentions and
the entities and the relationships all
all in the India in figuration as you
can see I tells us it's 50 percent
positive 50 percent negative it gives us
some keywords Henrietta Lacks but Bette
lacks Carver a personal Crownsville
state hospital David Lacs and these are
all related to of course the biography
tells us a little bit about the content
and it also tell us about a few
different concepts of course he'll as I
was mentioning the HeLa cells are
talking about cell cultures Rebecca
Skloot who's who actually wrote the
biography and Henrietta Lacks herself
but I know what you're interested in
you're interested in the knowledge
graphs let's head over to the crosswords
now let's just say that we want to find
the relationship all the relationships
that Henrietta Lacks has as you can see
these are all a different kind these are
all the different relationships that
Henrietta Lacks has now Henrietta Lacks
has attribute cancer health condition
Watson's able to find these really
complex relationships just for natural
language and then the best part is that
you can combine it with other machine
learning services to say hey something
like does Henrietta Lacks suffer from
cancer and actually convert that to
actually find a certain kind of
attribute or entity in this knowledge
graph but anyway let's just say I go
ahead inspect and I run inside of the
console that quick three liner of code I
was telling you about
as you can see we get these these graph
is an x over these graphs this sort of
graph this format text so if I were to
copy that into web graph is again as you
can see this is the knowledge graphic
gives us four four four just a few of
the entities inside of the solid graph
of course there's a lot more you could
extract if you wanted to but this is
what I've extracted for now so as you
can see this is actually great because
it says Henry
relax part of many elderly because Henry
Lux was elderly Henry relaxes also the
parent of Deb relaxed which again is
correct can relax also resides in clover
which is a geopolitical entity now
Deborah Laxmi more interesting Oprah
Winfrey actually plays role of Deborah
lakhs in a movie
however whispers is not that movie
that's a separate ecatel together
and Deborah Lacs is also part of many
descendants and these descendants of
Henrietta Lacks are located in the South
just like Deborah Lacs is located in the
South actually also part of the family
the lacs family and she's also the agent
of informs because she's informing
people about this by participating in
talks all the descendants are
participating in talks as well as Deb
relax if you go over here here are some
entities that aren't actually directly
linked to this part of the knowledge
graph however if we were to get out
every single relationship in this
knowledge graph there would probably be
some kind of link here now again this is
why this is so interesting we can see
that there's instructor which is a
person who is employed by Bellarmine
University which is an organization and
this organization is based in Louisville
which is a geopolitical entity now
Center College is based in Danville and
most of Danville and Louisville are
located in Kentucky
so they're both located in Kentucky as
rich tell us they're located in Kentucky
and so this is the knowledge graph and
discovery built of just a few entities
imagine having to go through that entire
biography as human and actually having
to extract these cash relationships make
notes about this now instead of you
actually really through all that text
and actually having it be impossible for
many computer programs to go through
that text you can use programs like
Watson discovery to create knowledge
graphs convert the structure of
information take a look at all the
different relationships that exist
inside this text and of course make your
life million times easier by converting
unstructured data and structured data
that you can make use of in
yeah great job explaining that I think
this crap will make lives at home so
that's my radio
it's very soon you know very soon as you
create a code pattern once but once the
Watson discovery knowledge graph is in
of course it is completely available to
the public because currently it's only
in in advance and the code pattern
should allow you to upload documents and
automatically make huge knowledge graphs
like this one that you can actually
jurors the 3d now we need to join code
pattern yes looking forward to it
thank you alright and so that's how you
can use the Watson knowledge graph or
Watson discovery services knowledge
graph to convert unstructured data into
structured data alright so that's how
you can use water discoveries new
knowledge graph feature hopefully very
soon it becomes out of beta and you can
use it in your free trial instances or
light instances and your regular
instances as well so thank you very much
rich for joining you today glad to have
you on the show my pleasure thank you
opportunity working with you appreciate
thank you very much glad to have you on
so apart from that if you did like the
video and you want to see more content
just like this one please do consider
liking the video and sharing it with
people you believe may be able to
benefit from it apart from that if you
have any questions suggestions or
feedback please do go ahead and contact
either rich or I so rich how can people
contact you you pull my personal IBM
email account which I think you'll
provide a link to in your video perfect
so rich is email address will be down in
the description below also my email
address my Twitter will be in the
description so if you'd like to ask rich
variety questions please do feel free to
contact us or even just leave a comment
down below and we'd love to get back to
apart from that if you do love the
videos on this channel and you want to
see more content like this please do
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video so thank you very much and thank
you rich alright thank you thank you bye
bye bye buddy

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