Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Terry Bakshi and
today we're going to be going over LLVM
compiler infrastructure now LLVM is an
absolutely fascinating piece of software
and the idea is this how can you make it
easier how can we make it faster how can
we introduce more reuse of code in the
compiler development world now first of
all let's take a bit of a step back and
let's start off by talking about
compilers now of course as developers
what you interact with on a day to day
basis would be compilers whatever you
write C or C++ or swift or Julia or rust
code you are interacting with a compiler
when you writes a Python code Ruby code
you're interacting with what's known as
an interpreter we'll talk about those
later and why they're special but for
today let's talk a bit more about
compilers now think about this let's
just say I were to give you as a
developer some sort of C code so of
course I would be writing a dot C file
or if I were writing C++ code this
depends on your convention but you would
usually call it a CPP or a C X X file
right so single now think about how
exactly your computer your machine
actually knows what to do with the code
that you've written now of course your
CPU is not gonna understand C code it
needs to be translated down to machine
code individual instructions that your
CPU can go ahead and execute or at least
understand we'll get more into what
exactly the differences in future
episodes but for now let's just say we
need to take our C C++ files and we need
to convert them to some kind
of machine code so we need to convert
from here to say x86 or maybe arm
assembly maybe we need to convert to
PowerPC right so it really depends on
what architecture you're trying to learn
the code on and this is the role of the
compiler taking your high-level code
that's relatively much easier to write
and converting it down to machine code
but there's a bit of a problem when you
write code you have intentions for what
you want the computer to achieve you
have some sort of input you want to get
some sort of output and you're providing
the computer with a way to translate
that input to output not the compiler
needs to understand your underlying
intentions behind the code because if it
can't then it's gonna do a kind of naive
translation from your code to machine
code and that is extremely inefficient
think about it like a loop where you say
X is equal to five right and while X is
less than ten go ahead and increment X
so go ahead and take X and increment it
by one now really what you're doing is
you're trying to say all right we want X
to be nine and if the compiler were to
just run this as it is
you would get X's equals nine eventually
but it would take a bunch of CPU cycles
so what if the compiler could
automatically understand that hey you
just want X to be nine so instead of
setting it to five and then looping
through and checking the condition every
time and incrementing and doing all of
this nonsense why not just send it
tonight it's that simple this is called
constant folding it's one of the many
optimizations that a compiler can apply
to your code to automatically make it
faster without you needing to write
better code in the first place it's
super convenient there's all sorts of
other optimizations like for example
function inlining where when you call a
function if it's short enough instead of
actually going and calling the function
things in stock and plopping them after
what it's gonna do is it's just gonna
take the code from that function and
align it wherever you called it it's
that simple
and by doing so it can in some cases the
greatly improve the performance of your
programs but there's a bit of a problem
almost all of the compilers written in
the past
we're monolithic compilers what that
means is that they would have their own
little sets of optimizations or or
transformations that they plan your code
and only that compiler would ever be
able to use those optimizations and if
you want to introduce new
transformations maybe you want to insert
some instrumentation only we have a
brand new idea of how you can make your
programs faster for a very specific
domain well you're kind of out of luck
because you have to deal with the
monolithic nature of the compiler and
somehow integrate your passes your
transformations into it and this is
where LLVM comes in instead of having
this one blackbox compiler that takes
your code and just widely translates the
machine code instead LLVM has a modular
architecture enabling anyone to go ahead
and extend it however they wish so think
about it like this instead of going
directly from C to assembly with a bunch
of who knows what in between what if we
could clearly define what exactly that
intermediate stage represents for your
code this is called an IR intermediate
representation where particularly in
this case it's called the LLVM IR LLVM
intermediate representation so what's
gonna happen is you're gonna take let's
just say a C file it's going to go to a
dot ll file which is your dot LLVM IR
file and this will be converted to your
assembly and of course your machine code
now when you convert C to LLVM I arm
it's not just static code the LLVM AR
goes through a series of transformations
and then from those transformations back
into LLVM i
code and this will happen over and over
and over again until LLVM says I'm done
optimizing this program then an
LLVM back-end will kick in and the
backend will take this platform generic
LLVM code and you can read the platform
specific assembly code for example let's
just say you're compiling on x86 arm
risk 5 PowerPC whatever it might be no
matter what you're gonna have in most
cases the same LLVM IR code it'll be
optimized the same way but then
depending on the architecture you're
compiling for a different back-end will
kick in and convert that to native
assembly that is the idea behind LLVM
now there are many many more things you
can do with LLVM for example let's take
a look at some other languages now we
know that clang for a fact uses LLVM
clang is of course a c compiler now GCC
and other c compilers jumped it's only
clang that uses LOV m however there are
other languages altogether that use LLVM
compiler infrastructure some of these
most notably would be swift rust and
Julia Julia you may know as a
just-in-time compiled language that's
right LLVM doesn't just need to be ahead
of time compiled like this it can even
be just-in-time compiled as the Julia
compiler does enabling them to have
super powerful in language features
enabling lengths or frameworks like flux
and zygote to even exist anyhow back to
LLVM now think about this there's a set
of transformations over here inside of
this LLVM ir domain but sometimes the
thing is that it's important to
understand the high level code that the
Rossi file provides in order to provide
more meaningful and language specific
optimizations if you think about it C is
still relatively low level and so when
you go from seat
I are sure you're decomposing structure
a little bit but it's not too bad
however when it comes to a really high
level language like swift where you give
up a lot of control to the compiler you
in most cases don't manage memory
manually you hand it over to automatic
reference counting things like this
because of that the LLVM code is a lot
more lengthy it contains a lot more
instructions to do almost the same thing
that you wouldn't see so when you go
from Swift to LLVM ir to eventually or
assembly if the architecture looked like
this you would be losing a lot of
architectural information about the
program between these two stages
therefore the Swift compiler team
thought that hey instead of going
directly to LLVM ir which is kind of
like assembly with types kind of like in
between c and assembly what if we had
two intermediate representations what if
we went from swift to a different
language altogether what if we went from
Swift to this new thing called SIL and
then from SIL to LLVM SI l being swift
intermediate language then when we went
from Swift intermediate language to ir
and an ir to assembly each individual
stage introduces its own optimization
passes enabling your program to run
faster and here's the thing because this
is slightly higher level it can
understand higher level details about
your program enabling it to do higher
level optimizations that enable better
and more canonicalized LLVM ir which can
then be further optimized by the LLVM
compiler and its transformations finally
converted to assembly code and here's
the interesting thing the same
optimizations that were written for C
are now instantly applicable to Swift
the Swift compiler team didn't need to
worth of optimization and
transformations that was already done by
the LLVM compiler team this is why LLVM
is so important being able to reuse code
across compilers across languages and
they learn people to get things done
faster enabling all languages to benefit
from just a single compiler that's the
idea behind LLVM and there's so many
more things the great teams at the
elevator are working on now the primary
maintainer of the LLVM compiler and a
clan compiler actually as it's the only
C compiler supporting Objective C has
been Apple of course but now Google is
contributing a lot to the project as
well you may have heard of the new Swift
for tensorflow framework which is
extensively powered by LLVM features of
course because chris laughing is a
creator of both LLVM and the Swift
language left Apple to join the Google
team for their accelerators and now of
course leaving the Swift for tensorflow
team and they are also contributing
something else something called ml IR
which will further increase the amount
of reuse we can have a cross compilers
even to things like for example Google's
TP use and other accelerators but that's
a topic for an entirely separate video
this however is what we're going to be
getting into today we're gonna take a
look at if your different languages like
Swift Julia and C we need to be specific
we're gonna take a look at how exactly
these individual intermediate
representations work what they mean and
how they're optimized and in a future
video you're going to be able to see how
you can develop your own transformation
and optimization passes and how you can
go ahead and do things like insert
instrumentation entirely automatically
and now let's take a look at how these
compilers client Swift and Julia
actually use LLVM compiler
infrastructure right so now let's take a
look at how you can actually see what's
going on behind the scenes inside of the
LLVM compiler infrastructure tooling now
I will say that while you can use the
compiler tools directly you can actually
invoke clang or Swift C or the Julia
pilot with certain arguments to see your
LLVM code another great way to take a
look at LLVM code and even assembly code
is through something called a god bolt
compiler explorer it's available at god
bolt or gets entirely online they
provide you with tons of different
compilers tons of different kinds of
compilers and different languages for
example over here I can switch over to a
c compiler i can choose which kind of c
compiler i want i can choose a GCC i can
choose the MSV c compiler the microsoft
compiler i can choose the power
compilers use the Excel compilers and of
course I can choose clang compilers so
take a look at this I can go up to clang
9 I can you even go to trunk but let's
just say we want x86 Clank 9 compilation
now over here on the Left I type in my C
code which is in this case just in
square in num return num times nothing
simple squaring logic but let's just see
I did something a little bit different
let's just say I did int factorial and I
provided index and we said if X is equal
to 1 then just return 1 otherwise return
X x factorial X minus 1 now this is a
super simple classic factorial
implementation now look at this on the
right we get some assembly code that
represents the factorial function super
simple just like that as a matter of
fact if I like I can even go ahead and
include stdio.h or file and I can
actually go ahead and print out the
factorial of 5 so just like that we're
printing out the factorial of 5 we get a
main function as you can see we're
moving the number 5 to a register or
calling the factorial function we're
moving the results over to other
registers calling printf and so on and
so forth classic stuff but wait we're
using the clang compiler so we know that
before goes to assembly it goes to LLVM
in turn
representation so how do we take a look
at that well if we pass the - s flag -
clang that's just telling it a bit
assembly so it's gonna admit the same
thing as it was before but there's one
more flag you should pass - Annette -
LLVM when you pass this flag it's gonna
change entirely and now we're gonna see
is LLVM IR code now this looks a lot
less intimidating than the assembly code
looked although I will say that it's
still not great from a sort of first
time you take a look at this it looks
intimidating still so let's go ahead and
try and understand a bit of how LLVM
works and the way LLVM works is it's
written in phone called SS a single
static assignment now I will link to
some resources so you can figure out
more about SSA and what it does
essentially LLVM works on the sort of
infinite registers concept so as you can
see here for example within the
factorial function we have these many
registers we register two three four
five at Sentara
and these are just labels for different
registers that we're storing things and
over here and here and here at cetera
now there are also other labels for
example % one is the label for the first
parameter passed into the function
itself and over here you can see that
we're specifying the type of that is a
32-bit integer over here we also happen
to find that the function will return a
32-bit integer as well within the
function there are a few different
things we do for example the first thing
is we have two separate registers where
we're going to store the pointer to an
allocation of a 32-bit integer so we're
allocating two different 32-bit integers
in memory and storing their pointer
addresses inside of those registers then
we're actually storing let's see what
are we sort here we're storing the
argument that came into the function
inside of this third register over here
now I will say one thing a few of these
instructions are absolutely useless this
is not the best this code can be but why
is that you may ask well it's because
would cleanse
it's been a blind translation from the C
code you gave it right to some LLVM code
the most obvious translation possible
that works but is it fast it's doing a
lot of unnecessary operations so how can
we reduce that it has an entire register
year that doesn't even use and here's
how you can do it
we gotta tell LLVM or client more
specifically to actually optimize the
code to do this we're gonna pass it the
- oh flag now there are a few different
levels of optimization there's - 0 which
is don't even think about optimizing
whatsoever there's a 102 3 and then
there's fast fast means enable some
experimental potentially unsafe
operations like for example working with
less accurate floating point division
and things like this I usually use oh
fast because the particular applications
that I develop don't need the extra
safety but in most circumstances sort of
production level applications are gonna
use oh three because it's the safer
option in this case though what's the
worst that can happen let's use Oh
faster so I'm gonna go - oh fast and my
compiler options here and would you look
at that Wow we went from a little bit of
LLVM code to a lot of LLVM code now why
is this you may ask well there's one
thing I want you to think about let's
just say we remove a fast and let's take
a look at our code as you can see it's a
blind translation therefore on line 21
we're calling the factorial function I
mean obviously it's a recursive function
so we be calling the function again it's
recursive but if I add the optimization
plan back watch this if I try and search
for factorial I only get one result the
factorial function isn't calling itself
guess what happened LLVM removed the
recursiveness from the function it
understood what the function was trying
to accomplish and made it a non
recursive implementation of the same
function isn't
fascinating now because it's sort of
canonicalized standardized the
implementation of that function it was
able to do another really interesting
thing now look at this inside of our C
code there are three times factorial is
mentioned once for its definition wants
to call itself recursively and another
time to actually call it from the main
function but watch this
there's only one reference to it the
LLVM code is the main function not
calling the factorial function well
actually it isn't so the constant
folding I was telling you about just a
moment ago what happens is this LLVM
actually runs your variables or your
constants in this case your literal
values through the function at compile
time and it's like hey factorial is such
a simple function I might as well just
hard-code the result for you take a look
at this on line 111 in the main function
we're calling the printf function but
the printf function doesn't call we're
not calling factorial to figure out what
the print LLVM has hard-coded the result
of factorial 5 into the program for you
LLVM is not looking at the name of the
function or what it is rather it's
looking at the functionality it's doing
constant full and say hey you know what
we don't need to do all this calculation
at runtime we might as well just print
out 120 because that's what they want us
to do what's that that's what the
programmer wants us to do and that's
LLVM sort of thought process they're
iteratively going through these
different optimization passes it enables
you to create faster code first of all
it's a moving that recursiveness it's
making it interative on top of that it's
making it a better implementation you
see the factorial function when
optimized becomes a lot longer but at
the same time it's faster because each
individual instruction is a lot faster
and fewer instructions end up being as
you would if you were clock cycle are
taken on top of that what happens is it
in mind is a function so it puts the
factorial implementation inside of
and then it does constant falling it
says hmm inside of the main function we
have all this unnecessary computation
that I can do now that I don't need to
do at runtime let's just finish this now
and that is why these compilers are so
great that's why these are necessary
tools is because they enable you to
write such good code as a matter of fact
in the vast majority of circumstances
writing assembly code manually is
actually it actually ends up giving you
slower code than writing in a
higher-level language because then you
have all these compiler optimizations
that are making your code faster for you
so that is a quick look at LLVM for c
but there's still two more languages to
cover so let's take a look at them now
first of all I'm gonna take a look at
just using the actual clen compiler
locally to help put this LLVM code it's
gonna be super simple so let's just say
we do test dot see again this time we'll
do the square example
so we'll do number times number and
we're just gonna print out the result of
one hundred squared all right
just because we want to avoid a warning
we're going to include this header file
as well so we're just printing out the
square of a hundred now if I go ahead
and do clang test dot C then it'll
output a binary that I can run and it'll
print out the square of 100 but what I
can also do is pass it the dash S flag
which will create a test on s file which
is the assembly code for the code that I
just wrote if I also pass it emit LLVM
then it'll output a test dot ll file
which is the LLVM code so now here's
what I'm gonna do I'm gonna remove the
binary and the S file and now we've only
got the LLVM code so I'm gonna say C
example ll or every test ll see example
ll and there we go so we've got test dot
C and C example ll which is the LLVM
code for that C code but now let's take
a look at some Swift code shall we so
let's just say I go ahead and type in
test on Swift so we're gonna create a
super simple Swift file
we're gonna create a function called
square it takes number which is an
integer returns another integer which is
just a number times number and it prints
out square of 100 all right now if I run
Swift test on Swift it prints out 10,000
just like clang did but I can do Swift C
test on Swift I can tell it to emit IR
which will emit the LLVM IR code now
yeah so I can tell it to me IR and I can
tell it to output to Swift example dot
that well now watch this if I open up
this file get ready to see quite a bit
of code there we are so much code now if
you take a look at what's actually
happening here as I mentioned Swift is a
much higher level language than CEA's
and therefore there are many more
operations that go behind doing
essentially the same thing in Swift now
when this gets compiled down to assembly
likely a lot of this stuff is gonna go
away but in this case it isn't this is
raw LLVM ir from the swift compiler
remember both clang and Swift that we've
taken a look at so far have not
introduced any optimization passes we'll
take a look at what it looks like then
in just a moment but as you can see this
is all of the LLVM IR code that Swift
generates that is a lot of IR code at
least relatively all right but now let's
take a look at Julia now remember that
julia is an is a just-in-time compiled
language so we can't just call it and
say emit the IR for this entire file
because it does it function by function
not file by file so let's go ahead and
actually run the Julia repo and go ahead
and interact with a little bit
but first a quick primer on the Julian
language the star operator is a bit
special in this language so for example
you can do 5 times 5 and of course you
would get 25 you can do 25.6 times 20
3.12 and of course you would get
whatever the result of that is but the
star operator in julia is also the
string concatenation operator so for
example hello times world would result
in hello world now let's just say we
were to create a function called F and
it takes a variable or a parameter
argument called X and it returns x times
X and now Julia is a compiled language
but we didn't tell it what the type of X
is so how in the world does it know what
to do with X well watch this this is
almost like a magic trick I can pass it
the number 5 guess what it returns 25 I
can pass it hello
and guess what our turns hello hello I
can pass it 5.67 and it returns 5.67
squared isn't that absolutely
but what's super interesting is that we
can take a look at the LLVM code for all
these different compiled versions of the
F function by using a little macro
called at code underscore LLVM I type
that out and I tell it what I'm going to
invoke for example let's just say I'm
passing well let's just say I'm passing
an integer to F then as you can see it
creates LLVM I our code assuming we're
taking an integer 64 and returning an
integer 64 and returning 8 multiplied by
super simple stuff so then how about we
do floats so let's just say I were to
return or let's just say I were to pass
5.67 now as you can see it's looking for
doubles and it's doing a floating point
multiplication but what if I pass in a
string look at this when I pass it
ten a just like that's so much more code
to deal with this string involved so
every time you pass different arguments
Julia is actually going through and
saying hmm does this function make sense
if X is a string or integer or a double
if it does go ahead and compile it to
LLVM and then provide the user with the
result of the execution and what's
interesting is every single time you
actually run a function the first time
it'll compile the LLVM code and optimize
it and the second time and so on and so
it'll use the cache version of that
function so it doesn't keep compiling or
else of course there would be no point
to using the language because it would
be too slow your recompiling the
function every single time you call it
and so that is how julia uses LLVM and
so that is how clang Swift and Julia
used LLVM in their own ways one more
thing I want you to take a look at them
as you can tell we have LLVM ir files
for two different languages swift and C
both of them were created a zooming no
compiler optimizations in mind but let's
redo that this time assuming we do want
compiler optimizations so I'm going to
clang test dot C this time gonna pass oh
fast to make it optimize as much as it
can then we're going to do s emit LLVM
and we're going to output to see example
ll and we're gonna do something similar
for Swift now Swift doesn't have levels
of optimizations either you are or you
aren't optimizing or you're optimizing
for binary size instead of speed which I
rarely ever do and so in this case we're
just gonna pass a - oh because that
means optimized for speed from there I'm
going to tell it to admit I are and
we're going to output to Swift example
LL now let's take a look at this C
version of the LLVM ir how simple is
that the square functions literally just
multiply argument against itself in
return and the main function well it's
not even calling the square function
it's just printing out the hard-coded
result of square and of course that is
10,000 because we're looking for the
square of 100
now what's interesting is that while the
Swift IR is still a lot longer
it is doing fundamentally the same thing
take a look at this line of code it's
storing this hard-coded 10,000 inside of
a variable which it then passes over to
print Anakin's print it out onto the
screen so it's actually pretty simple if
you take a look Swift and see both did
constant folding thanks to the same
optimization passes that is absolutely
exceptional stuff code reuse is always
good and the fact that LLVM is open
source being maintained by large
companies at Google and Apple and if so
many developers working towards it you
can be sure that your code is being
optimized as thoroughly as possible that
people are working towards more and more
even companies like IBM are contributing
towards different optimization passes
for example loop optimization paksas
loop merging all sorts of things one
more thing I want to leave you in before
I go as I mentioned Swift doesn't just
compile to I honor it compiles through
another intermediate language called SIL
Swift intermediate language so let's
take a look at some of that shall we now
we can compile in a very similar way
except this time we're gonna admit silk
instead of a MIDI IR and we're going to
save it to a different file so i'm gonna
open to something there we go we got SIL
this looks kind of like if you were to
take swift and LLVM and kind of go in
between but a little bit closer to the
LLVM side whereas LLVM looks as if you
went between C and assembly sort of
right in the middle right so you're
going from Swift to something a little
bit closer to Swift not quite at LLVM
and then you're going to LLVM and then
they're going to assembly and by doing
this at every stage you can introduce
further further lower level
optimizations that you could never
achieve with a simple monolithic
architecture that's the power of the
Swift and generally LLVM compilers
taking a look at this this is all silk
up now because this has optimizations
there's a chance that the hard coding
and the constant folding occurred over
let's take a look indeed it has as you
can see the constant folding that was
necessary for swift to say you know what
instead of calling square we'll just
print out 10,000 that actually happened
at the Silph phase so it didn't even
make it to LLVM and this enables LLVM to
apply its optimization passes better now
just you're aware another thing that
LLVM does is called canonicalization
this does things like for example let's
actually take a look at a sample file
here if I were to do something like int
F X and this just returns X plus 1 or we
could say if X is not equal to 5 return
1 otherwise return 0 well in this case
what's happening is if you were to take
a look at the canonicalize or fixing me
to see syntax here if you were to take a
look at the canonicalized LLVM for this
instead of saying if X is not equal to 5
then return 1 otherwise return 0 it'll
flip that around and it'll say if X is
equal to 5
return 0 otherwise or or if it is so
it'll it'll basically switch the true
and false from the else above to the
regular F or for example if it's doing X
minus 1 in central do X plus equals or
plus negative 1 by doing this it
standardizes the format for certain
operations and enables optimization
passes to look at only certain kinds of
operations instead of having to look at
a wide range of different operations and
so I doing that enables optimization
passes to have an easier job and so that
is how LLVM compiler tooling works now
in the next few videos on LLVM we're
going to be taking a look at how you can
actually use the LLVM pass manager to
introduce your own instrumentation into
different functions and from there we're
gonna be taking a look and brand new
stuff in the world of LLVM hopefully
things like MLI are very very soon
but that's all we have for this tutorial
today I really do hope you enjoy if you
have any questions poof or leave them
down in the comment section below email
them to me or tweet them to me act as
you many apart from that if you do enjoy
the content on this channel and you want
to see more of it please do feel free to
subscribe to be notified whenever I
release a new video once again thank you
very much for joining in today good bye

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