Thursday 17 October 2024



so well there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Ken Adachi and this
time we're going to be going over how
you can build a swift sift for Mac OS
that can automatically solve your word
searches using the tesseract OCR and OCR
dot space API so let's get right into
how you can do that now
so basically what we're going to be
doing today is we're going to create a
shell script that can take two images
first of all the word search itself the
matrix of letters as well as the word
list of words inside of that word search
is then going to take those two runs
both through a OCR platform test rack
and OCR table space respectively sort of
matrix and word list and then those
results will then be processed sent over
to Swift simple run an algorithm to
actually find the words worthless in the
matrix or the actual word search itself
and simple output not only the locations
of the letters themselves in the words
themselves in the word search but itself
will actually form the word search I
like the words and give them back to you
so let me tell you how we're going to be
doing that
all right this I'm just going to draw a
quick diagram let's take a look at how
this entire application is going to work
in the back end let's take a look at how
that works and it actually begins with
the most fundamental basic blocks of
course and so these will be our matrix
and of course our word list
okay so we've got our matrix and we've
got our word list and basically what
we're going to do is now the reason I
have to use two different OCR platforms
it's because well they're there's their
strength shine when they're doing their
respective tasks because tesseract what
have done have done is I've disabled the
English dictionary from tesseract and
tesseract becomes extremely good at
finding this extremely structural matrix
layer and in fact what happens in
tesseract is able to return the matrix
to us in the exact format that is
actually in so let's just say we've got
14 by 14 matrix of words or letters that
contain words the word search what will
happen is I can actually tell tesseract
that I know this is a square of
characters and Tetrarch will take out
square characters it will actually give
me 14 lines of data each 114 rows with
space in between each row and this is
absolutely grateful and for our Swift
script because it becomes so easy to
parse in the code and when it's easy to
well it becomes very easy to work with
in our word for solving algorithm all
right so now what we can do we can go
back over here and the thing is the
matrix regardless OSR off with the
matrix and matrix itself what it needs
to do is go over to a program to
basically help it clean up the image
because the thing is when you take an
image with your iOS device or scan your
scan your word search what's happening
is the matrix it doesn't necessarily
have the best image quality and because
it doesn't have the best image quality
well what happens is you end up with
inaccurate OCR and when you all end up
with a nicer OCR you're only able to
find beautiful words in the worst so
what happens if they're just great for
that there's this great script created
by Jeff and they'll be a link to this us
but in theatres the P below and
basically what it does it cleans up your
checks for you it's a mainly script what
it does it takes the image of your text
don't clean house Portland will make it
an amazing format that OCR programs love
and so what we can do is actually send
it over to his program called clear
technically again senses of the script
so lowercase on another matter though
the official name is all lowercase so
text okay Dan effects cleaner becomes
very very crucial part because without
text clear you end up with inaccurate
OCR and a thorough we are basically
defeats the purpose of the entire system
all right now the seconds after the
matrix has been the image of the matrix
has been sent to text cleaner
what happens is we need to be able to
send that image that takes cleaner
outputs which is the clean version of
that image we need that to be scaled up
a lot until the breakage we're already
brewing breaking a lot is what I'm going
to say and the reason is to do this is
because tesseract because of the way
tesseract is entrained and firm because
of the way that it was built up from the
ground tesseract love scaled up images
it loves draw pixel data and so what
we're going to do is we're going to use
our own little I guess you could say our
own little image magic script and what
we're going to do is we're going to
rescale using imagemagick which if you
didn't know image magic is a unix
program or next program in or that
they've used to resize rescale or on
filters for greatly doulos magic wizard
images as the name implies and so it
happens easy text cleaner output just
sent to image magic now what we'll thing
I'd like you to know yourself is that
the text cleaner itself does use image
magic it's just that eases it for
different purposes so what we do is text
cleaner will use image magic to clean up
the text and clean up the image to
create a very nice image for OCR and
then also got that great image then
we'll use our own image magic command to
scale it up to 6,000
six thousand pixels and so what that
will do is it will give us the correct
but I get the image that we will then
send to cataract but we'll talk about
tesseract now let's talk a little bit
about the word list now the thing is the
word list doesn't need to be processed
as much because we're using a relatively
commercial OCR software called OCR not
space and as you know with commercial
software sometimes you get better
what is your OCR an old stereo space is
not required to text inning in fact it
encourages no no text cleaning because
when the tech cleaning sometimes you get
lower accuracy with a word list because
of course this is just a matrix of
characters these are actual words that
we want to find so what we're going to
do is we're going to have a Python
script that will actually send our word
list to OCR dot space it's gonna fix my
filling or so basically what happens is
the Python scripts will take that image
that the image of the word list and
what's the healthy image all that word
list it's going to then convert that to
post data and apple TF will then be sent
over to OCR dot space using their
positive using their generic rest api
and RSVP I'll go over to OCR space from
there advanced algorithms I'll and then
once the wordless hasn't been through
OCR will be ready to be sent to the
script but just before we talked about
the subscript we have to talk a little
bit about tesseract so what we do is we
run a tesseract script as well and
whether this is developed by Google and
so tesseract will then give us the
output of all the characters in our word
search matrix and so now what happens is
we've got this image value output as
being sent over to Kathryn and so now
we've got both our OCR outputs and we
read to you a subscript and so what we
do next is we've got this swiftest
and they simply respect and loves this
really great algorithm developed by John
O'Hagan it will actually give you a link
to where he created this algorithm in
the description below but basically the
point is it's fairly generic word search
search search implementation word search
so for implementation
he actually cleared this in 2009 and
what happened does that actually take
his code
we're taking this algorithm and we
basically implemented it in switch even
in a physics a more efficient or more
user-friendly way basically what happens
I'll play why user-friendly in just a
moment but what happened this tesseract
will then take its output and send that
over to Swift and OCR dot space will
also take its output and send it over to
Swift and what's which has both of these
inputs that and you'll start to kick in
it'll take both of them and little
personally I'll run some pre-processing
on the tesseract struct and it'll solve
some common errors that we know
tesseract I'll deal with for example 0
can easily confuse a capital oath and so
those issues are fixed conveniently with
Swift and once we solve those issues
that has racked has then finally for
able to have switching or run its gray
algorithms and once it finds all of the
words in the word search what might
happen is Swift will give us two outputs
not just one what's not much first one
first so this works output that we're
going to get from Swift is actually
quite simple it's just going to be the
locations of all of our words basically
all the locations of where each word
starts on the board list or on the on
the word search matrix and so then you
know the location isn't always you want
a visual way of representing it so the
user can see where the words are and
much more will ever then user friendly
way and the way I do this is actually
quite quite simple
well the last button is nine simple as
you might think but it does work very
nicely and what happened is we actually
highlight that matrix so we send a
highlighted salt matrix back to pieces
so recently we highlight all the
locations we highlight the actual words
in the matrix and give it back to the
user so the user can see see those
results and so what happens is we
actually think they'll give this output
to you but what happens is the location
data powers this so two things what's
happening a script generates the
location output that location alpha will
then be used along with just in a
regular search and location to actually
create this salt and highlighted matrix
for the user to use and that is what
we're going to be building today and now
without any more further ado let's go
straight to the Mac part where I'm going
to be showing you how exactly we can
implement this entire system behind me
now this was a very interesting project
but I can't wait to share with you so
let's get right into the coding part all
right so welcome back to the math part
and now I'm going to be showing you how
exactly you can implement this entire
system but just before we get into that
let's survive exactly what we're going
to be doing now if I go over here and
you can say prepare this diagram around
the architecture of the T word search
system and so essentially what happens
is let's talk about the matrix and the
word list first these are basically our
inputs to the T word search system what
happens is the matrix will roll through
a pre-processing stage before it can be
run OCR on and this will involve
cleaning the text and of course
resigning a foot test rack can actually
make use of it this will use text
cleaner and image magic and then once
that's done we'll go to tesseract OCR in
order to find all of the characters
inside of the matrix once that is done
then we will take our word list and send
it to the OCR dock space API through
Python in the OCR dock space API will
return all the words in the word list
and output them to a file as well once
we've got all of that information from
test rack and OCR dock space we then
take that initiate the Swift engine
and Swift is I'm going to run the
algorithm by John O'Hagan and of course
we're implementing by me in Swift as
well as few more extensions from others
and basically what's going to happen is
once with run to the algorithm it is
then going to output the locations of
the words inside of the word search as
well as an actual solved word search
matrix with all the soft words
highlighted alright so that's how our
systems going to work and now let's get
to how you can build such a system now
what one thing I just like to cover
really quickly is how this actually came
up and I mean if you think about it word
searches are technically supposed to be
this sort of time killing activity where
all right so you've got free time and
you want to solve the word search why
not it's something to do but what
happened is I was trying to solve a word
search and I and I got quite frustrated
because because I mean I'm trying to
find 15th word on row 14 and I'm unable
to and so I just wanna I want that best
one I guess you could spark the idea and
mean to say hey why don't we create a
computer system or some sort of some
sort of system as I mentioned that can
actually take images of the word search
I don't even need to type out the word
search should take images the word
search take an image of the word list
and then sold it for us and that's
exactly what I went ahead and did
alright so you can see this is our Swift
script and before you start talking
about all that other all the other parts
of this algorithm or this architecture
Sartain this entire system that I've
taken from many many sub of many
let's talk mainly about the Swift
portion or for the moment so the Swift
portion here what this is going to do
for us is going to do the main
processing of the output from tesseract
to give output to the user as our final
output now inside the switch that we've
got this extension to spin the string
class and implements this really simple
boy or more string search and this is
from Ray wonder which link in the
description in case you'd like to check
that out and so that that's that's
basically what we've got this string
we're also to two functions by me and
basically what these functions will do
is like for example the main characters
function will take something like oh I
don't know let's just say you've got a
string and you know that the maximum
value of the string can be three
characters like nine nine nine right
Albin thing is let's just say that the
string is 89 what will happen is the
function main characters will
automatically make this space eight nine
so that it will fit in with something
like nine nine nine and similarly for
something like nine or just you know
five for example put space space five so
it fit in with nine nine nine and eight
nine and it looks quite nice it
basically right aligns that text and
what happened to the mint your groom
left is practically the exact opposite
it'll do something like okay let's just
say again we know that nine nine nine is
the maximum value it will convert the
just eight nine to space eight nine or
sorry a time space and it will convert
five to five space space so that you can
then have your text after those spaces
and you can have everything nicely
aligned and this is used when we're
giving our output to the user and the
way this helps you see you know producer
much better interface for the user so
they can get their output in a much
better way all right so after that we've
got this really great implementation I
mean word search out solver algorithm by
John Oh Hagen and of course there will
be a link to John Oh Holland's Python
implementation in the description below
what I've basically done I haven't done
is the abstract of the entire algorithm
taking it from Python converting it to
algorithm form and then once I did that
I really implemented the entire thing
from scratch in Swift on as you can see
this is basically our swift
implementation of John Tejanos word
search algorithm implementation from
2009 on the programming praxis website
and again link to that in the
description below
alright so what happens though is
Jonathan Gonzaga them only deals with
simple printing out the locations
like their own column of the words and
very known user-friendly way it sold the
word search and that that's great well
the thing is we want to make this abuser
friendly as possible to make sure that
the users are able to actually visualize
visualize that that representation that
that word search being sold and the way
we do this the way I do this is we
actually take the output from this
algorithm and then we basically go back
a step and we basically a note down the
row and column of every single character
at the part of word and little happens
later when we're printing out the entire
solve matrix every one that falls within
within those those characters will then
be highlighted yellow using I will just
open this up really quickly using the
colors SDK or API or the colors code
created for Swift and again there will
be a link to the colors or the rainbow
colors we get a repository in the
description below basically it allows
you to print out you basically like
jumbled it and style and color text to
the terminal using Swift or to any
console using Swift that's what that
allows you to do but essentially the
logic behind though is that since we
only have where this were where any word
starts in a word search the logic behind
this is that we should be able to take
that starting row and column and
calculate the row and column for all the
other characters in that word in the
matrix through taking the direction that
we know it's going in and then of course
we should be able to find it that way so
basically what happens is we note down
the beginning row and column and we
append this to an array called
coordinate colors and coordinate colors
will contain the row column tuples that
need to be highlighted and then what we
do is you haven't reasonable lube and
what does it quickly can you temp grow
and temp call variables and then we loop
I is one - word character shot count -
one basically one - all the length of
the word word award strength - one and
basically were to say the word in Bakshi
it alludes from one to five and so what
is it each one we then not a quick
conditional and we say all right
does the direction contain the letter B
if it does then increase temporal by one
if it increase if it has a u in it then
decrease it by one and if it doesn't
have any of those then just keep and
then just add zero to it meaning keeping
so it's the same then what happened is
for the column though we check okay does
does the direction contain our meaning
right if so then I'd want to call them
but if it has a L meaning left then the
gate want meaning bring it back one and
so if that is there either
then do zero don't do anything to
temporary column then what we do is
we've calculus that allows us to do is
we after that line yet successfully
calculated the next row and column of
the next character in that word in the
word search and repend that we append
this is I guess you could say this tuple
back to the coordinate colors array and
then we just continue the cycle over and
over and over again until for each and
every single word we've got each and
every single character that needs to be
highlighted that's what we do is we have
this crippled a lot of here and what
this logic is going to do it is actually
going to loop through all of the results
that the algorithm gives back to us or
really not even new results all going to
do is loop through the actual matrix
itself that it was inputted in the very
beginning and once it loops through that
matrix as its printing out the matrix
it'll check for each row and column that
it's looping through like for example if
it's looping through thirteen thirteen
row 13 called 13 it'll say all right in
the current colors array it doesn't say
that row 13 calls 30 needs to be
highlighted if it says that it doesn't
need to be highlighted and well what
we're going to do is we're going to make
it bold and yellow and what that's going
to do is going to
allow user to see that word highlighted
I can actually see the word search being
solved and that is how our shits Creek
works its entirety now of course you
want a more detailed explanation of the
algorithm there will be another video
about that very soon there will be a
part two about the actual algorithm
behind the word search solving and that
will be out soon as well alright so
that's how that works but now let's get
over to a quick demo of this actual
system and once I show you a demo of the
system then we can get into how exactly
you can build the other components of
the system now what I'm going to do is I
want to run a very simple word search
strips that I print by doing dot slash
word search SH and then I'm going to
pass it matrix PNG and word list dot PNG
now if I go back to my finder here you
can see that as you can see matrix dot
PNG is this matrix right here and if I
go down to word list this in our word
list for what we've got in our matrix
that should be perfect so now we're
going to pass this and we're going to
pass our matrix and let's see we're able
to run out the yard that accuracy our
results and see if we're able to of
course solve this or search I'm going to
click enter in these people clean the
text using in text Peter will resize the
text it'll then run to tesseract OCR
it'll then run it through OCR dock space
OCR and just before we continue here I'm
not going to show you the bottom just
yet but first as you can see after the
OCR up space OCR is done it prints out
the OCR results for first of all the
matrix and you can see for a few
problems with like a capital S being
classified as zeros but don't worry so
it will take care of that and what we're
going to do now is I'm going to scroll
down as you can see these are the OCR
results for the word list and you can
see the strengths of each of these OCR
platforms are really shining out here
tesseract is great with the structured
data the OCR dock space API is great
with that on structure just word data
and then what we can do is scroll down
and as you can see the algorithm has
resulted in the rows and columns of the
beginnings of these words as well as the
direction they go in I'll actually test
this out and see if this works
now says that near the word neural net
is going left in the direction left up
meaning diagonally left and up and it
begins on 1313 now as you can see this
is our highlighted grid search and as
you can see it actually comes out quite
nicely and the user should be able to
actually see where all these words on
their words such men copy that town onto
their physical copy and so basically
what happens is let's just stay here
okay 1313 let's see so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13
all right so this is the 13th 13th
element or the 13 15 the data piece of
data or element yes and basically what
we can do is go left up as you can see
neural net as you can see this is
correct and highlight the two so we can
see any you are al and DT and so we see
the word neural net even though again if
I was solving this word surged manually
that would take me a long time but what
happens is this algorithm is able to
take the OCR results run that to the
script and then output your correct of
your results as well as the position and
the actual highlighted version in fact
if we take a look at something like John
it's on the fourth 13th so we go 1 2 3 4
and then over to the 13th
as you can see John's going up and the
scenes pictures John's going up and I
notice this actually hard-coded you can
run this with any matrix or any word
list that tesseract and OCR not space
OCR have a good time classifying and you
should be able to find if not all at
least most of the words inside of your
word search and the reason I say not all
is because sometimes you know the ready
of seeing my new inaccuracies with the
OCR and then the osseous ability are
the algorithm the correct characters it
would be able to assume what exactly are
talking about but again there are always
ways to work around that like hard-coded
let it shine distance algorithms or
something of that sort then again back
that's for another video sometime later
alright so that's how that works that
was one down now we've got one more demo
to show you and that devil actually has
a very interesting feature where you can
actually find unintentional or repeats
of words and I'll show that to in just a
moment but first I'd like to show you
the rest of the code that goes behind
this entire system and so let's actually
started off by going into the word
search SH file the orchestrator for all
of this and so what happens as you can
see first of all it cleans the text and
it runs this basically standard text
cleaner format basically takes the first
argument that it was given and it seems
the file to text clean underscore and
then the first argument is given that we
basically rename the file or you know
create a duplicate of the file that's
been text clean to text clean under
stores a pre underscore as a prefix of
that file name and then what happens is
we then resize the text and then we use
image magic scan work function or
convert command and we give it the text
clean image and you resize it to 7,000
with 7,000 a to a resized image we then
want tesseract OCR and we're running
this on mode 6 what that means is it'll
run specifically structure data for
actually from the tesseract command you
can see a dash PSM means specify pH
segmentation mode and these are all the
page segmentation modes possible but
basically what happens as you can see
number 6 is assume a single uniform
block of text and this is exactly what
our matrix is and that's why the page
segmentation mode 6 works so perfectly
we then save the output to a file called
a dot txt then what happens we run the
OCR up space OCR Aaron this is my Python
step so I run the Python OCR space set
of dot P Y file we hear that the second
argument passed which is a word list PNG
and then we output whatever Python gives
us to be txt and then once that is
completely print out all of the OCR
results by using cat and so I do catch a
dot txt cat beat exe so that the user
can actually see what the OCR results
are looking like in fact if you want
this to be formatted nicely we could do
something like this and it would put a
space between these two these two lines
here and then what we can do is we can
actually echo out the algorithm results
and what happens here is if I go back as
you can see in Xcode I've actually
coated the Swift command line app and
when I build it as you can see famous
words for solver as a product when I
open it in finder it's innocent a very
obscure location all right foots and
some sort of build folder and some sort
of derived data folder we don't want to
have to deal with that so what I do is
actually create a symbolic link from my
Xcode build to my actual word search
folder and what happens is I as I make
my symbolic link from that build file to
the word switch for itself and what
happens these are they basically create
a clone of the file over here in my word
sixth rectory and what this allows me to
do is basically say you know whenever I
build a new text gun and the Xcode build
of this application then what's going to
happen is not only will it build for
Xcode that will automatically be
transferred to my word sixth rectory as
well because it's just a symbolic link
or a shortcut and so that's that's how
that works basically we run that binary
and this is actually our swift and you
give it the a dot txt beat exe file and
once the word search solver prints out
all of the algorithm results then we
clean up by removing the extra files
that we just created in order to solve
the word search no we do this by
removing a dot b xt XE v dot txt the
resized version the first image of the
text cleans version the first image and
this will allow it to essentially clean
up to the space cut the directory was
already in and that is the entire code
for this
of course psychics you can see this will
be complete code and some of these
sources that I'm using for this our open
source like tesseract but then again
those basically act as are as basically
you foxes where we send in some input
they give us some output than were able
to use that in our architecture and our
system and then what I do basically eyes
again what's happening here is each each
each individual building block basically
of the system take some info from the
last up gives it to the next step but
and that continues on until swift is
able to take those final inputs and give
us our final outputs and does that sort
of main have mean main processing I
guess you could say the main heavy
lifting I'd have to say is done by the
OCR because without the OCR this would
be impossible because it's not practical
be able to enter in your word search
character by character it's probably 14
by 14 word search I'd be entering 196
characters that's just not possible
so the OCR doesn't meet heavy lifting
switch of the main processing and oh and
all were able to get our output which is
what we really want in this really
user-friendly way and that is exactly
what we want what we wanted to achieve
and that's how I was able to achieve it
in fact I actually like to give you one
more demo and so if I actually go back
here you can see we've got this other
file called matrix one and this is
another matrix that I've got here
another word search that I've created
and as you can see this is the word word
list for that for that matrix and if I
go back to my terminal you can see I can
actually run that word search script
once more and this time I can actually
run it on matrix one dot PNG and
wordless on top entry and these are
these are different files than the ones
that we were using last and so what's
happening again is cleaning the test
resizing it tesseract OCR dot space it's
been going to run the algorithm as we
know once it comes back from OCR knock
space again sometimes you'll see a table
space does take a little bit of time you
can fact again it is a rest api
ah and it really depends on you know
factors like internet speed API uptime
etc etc to ensure that it was er that
space is functional
then again what we can always do is
cancel that or never money right as I
was about to you got or actually no
unfortunately OCR got space has not yet
returned results but it's alright let's
run this word search once more and let's
see if those are not space is able to
return our our results now just a moment
here we should be able to feed in our
image to OCR dot space and Oh Sarah not
space will be able to reply to us now
what I'm going to do is I'm going to be
right back in just a moment once OCR
space is done processing I'll be back in
just a moment
all right so my internet had a little
hiccup there and wasn't able to
communicate with OCR dot space exactly
perfectly so let's just go back to the
terminal here and this should work now
so if I just go back to word search and
if we rerun the script again no code
changes just a quick internet hiccup so
if we just run as you can see it returns
the correct results but if I go back now
you can see on our OCR results are great
now we got we got a correct word list we
have one idea in this wordless stuff so
I mean I included the word IBM in the
word list ah but the thing is if you
scroll down here for some reason the
algorithm is returning to IBM ok and so
this is one of the great things about
this album what happens if I scroll down
unintentionally there are two IBM's
inside of this word search and take a
look here the first one here that goes
right down okay it was seven one right
down this is I B and diagonally alright
but the thing is as you can see here
we've got some words Nvidia and we've
got pan mate and after end video we've
got actually but that's not relevant to
this now the second eye in Nvidia and
the first M in 10 may they've been
using a bee in one column and so
unintentionally I got another I am
linking these two words and what
happened were such algorithms he's able
to find that word and so unintentionally
there was another word that was
including this word search which I most
probably wouldn't have found but the
word search algorithm the word search
our connection with system was able to
find it and that's just one of the great
features of this entire network but
apart from that as you can see it found
words like deep learning it found CUDA
sound Twilio spelled backwards it found
convolutional it found Apple found of
course IBM NVIDIA Bakshi handmade and of
course another idea and so that is how
you can build your own word search
solver of horses this T word search so
over architecture this entire system
that includes so many different great
projects all put into one great little
system that can basically analyze and
then solve your word searches for you
and of course this is an absolutely
really fun project to work on all the
source who will be down in the
description below but you can check that
out and use it use it yourself all right
so thank you very much for watching
today that's going to be all for the
video I really do hope you enjoyed you
were able to learn something of course
if you did please make sure to leave a
like down below and of course if you
believe this could help anybody else you
know if your friends and family please
make sure they liked there as well and
of course as I said share this video as
it really does help out a lot but
partially backs you have any more
questions suggestions or feedback is and
definitely comment section below email
them to me at any mini or
tweet them to me at AG Manny
alright so that's gonna get for this
video but if you want to see a lot more
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well alright so thank you very
for watching today I hope you enjoyed
thank you good luck

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