Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there my name is tammy bakshi
and today
we're going to be talking about why
exactly bert performs
better on downstream tasks if it's
twice in the pre-training stage once on
a very large corpus of text data
and then once on domain specific text
now one thing i do want to say before we
actually start today's tutorial
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now personally this is something that
i'm really interested in because i've
started to see this shift
from training architectures and training
regimes really for neural networks
that are mostly hey let's train a
network on our task
um and then we saw this evolution
towards well maybe we can fine-tune some
neural networks and get them to do other
things like for example if we train a
network on imagenet then maybe we can
you know specialize it to cats and dogs
or something of that sort
and now we're seeing this full-on sort
of transfer learning approach
where we're trying to say how much
insight can we extract
from just data right from just as much
data as we can get
and then how can we go ahead and
specialize these neural networks to work
really really well
on other kinds of sort of domain
specific data
now personally i find this really
interesting and sort of the field that's
been leading this evolution i believe
is the field of natural language
processing now depending on how many of
my videos you've watched before
you probably know that a i'm really
passionate about machine learning
and that b natural language processing
and natural language understanding and
is my favorite sort of subfield within
machine learning technology
reasons for that are you know many
different reasons actually but really
it's because
natural language is so complex not only
do we need people to
sort of encode within machines generic
sort of imaginative thoughts that we
have as humans
but we also somehow have to make it work
across domains right no matter what
that language is about and that can be
really difficult right it's like
for example bert was trained on just
hundreds of gigabytes of just text from
the internet
and that enables bert to be a really
good natural language understanding
which we can then fine-tune on what are
known as downstream
tasks things like question answering or
natural language classification or
aggression or things like this
but then in between there's a sort of
i would say rarer step that not as many
people do
but can be incredibly helpful and that
is the same sort of pre-training stage
but once again for your own
domain-specific data so
before we get into that let's take a
little bit of a step back
what is bert now if you're watching this
video i assume you already know a little
bit about the bert network
but just as a quick recap burt is a
language understanding or a transformer
built with the goal of being able to
understand natural language
this was developed by google a couple
months ago
and it's really brought a revolution
into the world of natural language
processing technology right now
pretty much every nlu solution out there
is powered in some way by
this bert neural network or its
now the thing about bert is that it's
trained with a really really interesting
well there are technically two of them
but the main one is called masked
language modeling
now you may recognize the term language
modeling from
neural networks that can generate
language so for example being able to
take a word
and then predict the next word and then
take those two and then predict the
third word and so on and so forth
until you reach the end of a sequence
well masked language modeling is similar
but except in instead of going from left
to right and continuously generating
more words
what's fed into bert is a whole sentence
with a certain number of tokens or words
just randomly removed
and then what they actually train bert
to do is fill in the blanks
so bert is going to learn the sort of
internal representation of natural
just based off of filling the blanks
that is incredible
who would have thought that we can train
neural networks to not only understand
natural language
but even structure it internally
mathematically similarly to how we as
humans do
just by training them to fill in the
blanks i think that's really interesting
it's kind of like how we teach kids to
to read and write now
bert is also trained on what's known as
the next sentence prediction task
uh which enables it to take two
sentences and basically predict uh is
sentence b
what comes immediately after sentence a
or is just some completely random
however the the researchers over at
facebook sort of determined that wasn't
really necessary didn't really help out
the training process at all
and so with the roberta network they
kind of just didn't do
the next sentence prediction um and so
whether or not that's needed as a whole
sort of debate it sort of helps out some
downstream tasks but the vast majority
of them it doesn't
and there are other kinds of training
objectives that are better but
what we're focusing on today is masked
modeling now after the mass language
modeling objective
usually what pretty much anyone would do
is they would go to the google website
github repo for bert they would download
the bert model
they would use their own data and they
would just fine-tune
bert and its generic natural language
understanding engine
on their data and that's what i've been
doing that's what everyone's been doing
but if you'd like to go the extra mile
if you have for example
lots of unlabeled text data that is
specific to your domain
but only a little bit of labeled data
then you can do what's known as a
second step of pre-training
you can take the pre-trained bird and
run mass
language modeling once more on your own
data before you run
your downstream task now the reason for
this is not because you want bert to
play film blanks with you but because
what what's going to happen is
burt is going to adjust its data
distribution or the way that it expects
the data to be distributed as input
to match your domain specific language
now i've been working on a couple of
different you know projects that are
based on this foundation of very
powerful nlp
one of them is in the field of music
it's something that i haven't really
talked about just yet
but one of the components for this
project requires utilizing birth
as you can imagine it's really difficult
to get access to large amounts of
labeled data
when i'm working with this sort of the
sort of field and it's not very generic
language either it has a very specific
theme to it sometimes it you know
ignores grammatical rules and
punctuation and spacing
and therefore i need a very custom
version of bert to work here
so what i've gone ahead and done is i
have actually put together a real
of how that secondary stage of
pre-training helps bert
and we'll talk about why exactly this
all works as we take a look at the code
as well
so let's quickly dive into this now to
start off i'm going to tell you what i
as i said bert's already been trained
with masked language modeling
what i've done is i've gone ahead and i
have downloaded
a couple ten thousand song lyrics
from the genius website now what i've
done is i've taken
each set of lyrics and i've split them
by the individual line so just line by
line not section by section just line by
then what i did is i put together a
little script that would automatically
go through each line
and make two versions for each one where
of the tokens were just masked out
randomly and removed and the other one's
just the original
then i retrained bert to do that fill in
the blank task
and before we take a look at why exactly
this was so useful for me
let's just take a look at some of the
outputs from the network to begin with
now we're going to start off with what i
think is a really interesting example
it's an example where the network it's
competent but you can see that the
second step of pre-training didn't
really help out that much so
i'm gonna go ahead and take this line
over here from genius and i'm going to
feed it into both neural networks
you can see both pieces of output on
screen right now
on the left you can see the top 10
predictions from the network that i
fine-tuned to be really good at filling
the blanks for lyrics specifically
on the right you can see the output from
the network that wasn't fine-tuned this
was just
directly downloaded from the hugging
face repository for neural networks or
transformers to be specific as you can
see looking which is indeed the gold
standard label
is the top prediction for both models to
give you a bit more context this is the
base model for bert
i'm not really using the large model
here so looking which is the gold
standard label
is indeed the top prediction
now this is a bit more subjective but if
you were to go down in the
you know top two three etc you might
notice that the network that was
fine-tuned for music lyrics
comes up with words that would still be
more plausible to be part of a song
rather than the non-fine-tuned bert
which is just trying to fill out the
sentence as if it's just
somewhere random on the internet but
then again that is a bit more subjective
so i'm not going to
try to do an objective analysis of that
right now instead
i want to move on so we've seen an
example where both networks achieve
pretty much the same outcome and i'm
showing you this because i don't
necessarily want to
cherry pick the results that i show you
here now i want to show you an example
both completely fail all right and
it's it's not because the neural
networks aren't competent once again
it's because the context is just too
all right so what i've done is i've gone
ahead and taken this specific
line from this song all right and i
masked out the word lining
and i fed this into my neural network as
well as the original bert network
and both of them had absolutely terrible
now again you might say that the one
that's fine-tuned has
slightly better output as in you know it
would make a little bit more sense for
uh picking to be here instead of brought
which is the second top prediction um
respectively for both models but then
the word
lining isn't there at all however i will
say the fine-tuned model
did get a lot closer as you can see
down at rank number seven we do have the
lined which is close to lining
again it doesn't really mean the same
thing in context here but you can argue
that the fine-tuned network was in a
sort of closer ballpark or radius
versus the model that wasn't fine-tuned
at all so you've currently seen an
where both networks are pretty much the
same both networks pretty much fail
so you're probably saying well what's
the value here why would i go through
all that extra
extra effort to actually do the extra
parade training step
now remember you haven't seen actual
downstream performance just yet
but i will show that to you in just a
moment now i want to show you some truly
mind-boggling examples
examples that i think really prove why
this is such
an important step let's take a look at
them on my computer right now
now as you can see what i've gone ahead
and done is i've gone ahead and taken
this line from this song now as you can
in in sort of general context on the
internet you more than likely wouldn't
see this kind of line if you were just
browsing reddit or if you were just
browsing facebook or twitter you
probably wouldn't see this line anywhere
but in a song you wouldn't bat an eye at
it it's just there
of course it wouldn't be it's it's it's
so i'm gonna go ahead and feed this into
uh both my fine-tuned and the original
network and i'm gonna mask out the word
sheets now as you can see
the fine-tuned network just blows the
original one out of the
water now the gold standard label is the
number one
prediction for the fine-tuned model and
the original
doesn't even get the gold standard in
the top ten i think that is
absolutely incredible now you can see
that bird is trying its best
it's like where could a stain be well
maybe there would be a stir stain on the
floor maybe the walls maybe a
counter or a carpet but it's unable to
get the word sheets
because well that's very you know song
domain specific context extension
but what i think is an even more sort of
extraordinary application of this
is when we move the mask to the very
of the sentence now it's going to be the
exact same sentence we're going to
remove the mask from the word sheet so
we're going to put that back there
but then i'm actually going to go ahead
and have the models
uh predict on the first word masked
and as you can see once again the
fine-tuned model just
absolutely shreds the original model's
the original model isn't even close in
what it's trying to
fill whereas the fine-tuned model
instantly right there
it's got the word lipstick first
prediction it's god
now what i personally find so incredible
about this
is is think about it the word
lipstick stains and the word sheets
didn't appear
in the same context that this neural
network was trained on at all
it was actually taking these different
pieces of data that referred to
different concepts in different contexts
and it's able to sort of generalize them
in its internal structure
in order to make it so when we refer to
something as a brand new imaginative
just like that it's able to predict what
the masked word should be
now while the fill in the blank
performance may be amazing
you're probably wondering well does it
really help you in a downstream task
and well yes it does because think about
if you're able to better predict what
words should be
that doesn't mean you have a better word
predictor that means you have a better
and better
you have a better every single layer in
burke before the last one
that is working towards embedding your
entire sequence
into a space in which it makes sense in
your domain
and the networks that are responsible
for taking the output of those
and actually doing something with them
in a downstream task
will then have better more
contextualized embeddings to use
i mean think about why brit is so
powerful in the first place it's massive
and with this technology we're getting
further and further
contextualization now what's absolutely
amazing about this
is just how simple it is to fine-tune
networks themselves
i mean take a look at this in order to
add this pre-training stage they're
really just
two main steps i have to do first of all
i put together
the following data python file what this
is it goes ahead and takes of course the
hugging face libraries uh the the
transformers library specifically from
hugging face
um and it goes ahead and imports simple
bass bert model as well as its tokenizer
i define a couple of functions like for
example function that's responsible for
tokenizing input
a function that's responsible for
actually masking out some of those uh
some of those values at random
another function that's responsible for
sorting and batching a bunch of
different inputs
into batches where burke can actually go
ahead and and use them efficiently on
the gpu
and then all i got to do is go ahead and
save those outputs to my disk
and then what i do is i've got a little
bit of a training script here
and what this training script does is it
uses the power of the library known as
lightning in order to do what it is that
i'm doing
which is training this burp model in a
way easier way than i could ever
implement from scratch using pi torch
and hogging face library
um and specifically what i mean by that
is if we go to the end of the code i'm
using what's known as a
pi torch lightning trainer module in
order to automatically just say you know
i want to use distributed parallel back
end i want to run four epochs and i want
to run on four gpus on this machine
just like that pie torch lightning is
handling it and
i've got my model training on four gpus
and it's using distributed data parallel
which is
way more difficult to implement than the
regular data parallel in pi torch
but it's so much more efficient so it
makes it worth it and pi torch lightning
makes it that easy for me now if you
take a look at the actual code that goes
behind training the basic concepts are
pretty simple of course
i've got the data set module which is
basically just over here to enable me to
load in my data
which is essentially just loading in a
pickle that i had already created for my
data processing script because of course
every time i run the training i don't
want to
re-reprocess my data because that takes
some time
and then i've got this little pie torch
lightning module over here that's
responsible for opening up a pre-trained
burp model from honking face
going ahead and feeding my data into it
along with the mask that prevents me
actually attending to padding tokens and
then from there i'm just going ahead and
running a training step which is
feeding data into the network getting
the loss based off of the mass language
modeling objective
and then returning that loss over the pi
torch lightning where it can determine
what exactly my new neural network
weights need to be
and it does that using the atom
optimizer that i define
over here so the basic code for fine
tuning is incredibly simple this is
already on
github and there will be a link to it
down in the description unfortunately
i cannot provide you with a data set for
this but if you do have your own data
set you can easily repurpose this code
and make it work for your own data and
for your own tasks
and of course just to show you once more
you're probably
finally wondering well i clicked on the
video to figure out what the performance
difference is
and here it is the performance
difference for me here
uh is is usually a difference in loss
from about
0.52 for my usual downstream tasks
to 0.49 when i'm training
on uh with a with a fine-tuned
pre-training objective uh now you're
probably wondering
what do those numbers mean well
unfortunately i can't tell you what the
is that i'm training on because once
again this is a uh this is um
an objective that i can't i can't share
with you just yet but
the idea is that i'm using in general a
loss function customized version
nonetheless um but it is
a it is a triplet loss function and this
triplet loss function again i train it
on the pre-trained bert
and the fine-tuned bert when i train on
pre-trained burke
loss comes out to usually about 0.52 and
on the fine-tuned burke comes up to 0.49
now you're probably wondering well great
it's about a 0.03 difference
why exactly does that matter well it
matters because of two things first of
when you're dealing with limited amounts
of data as much generalization and as
shaving off the losses you can get the
better second
i only trained this for two epochs and
we're already seeing a difference
and remember one more thing my burp when
it was
fine-tuned was only trained on line by
whereas this next task that i'm training
on downstream
is trained section by section so lines
separated by separator tokens within
and so keep in mind that my task isn't
particularly ideal for pre-training and
i'm getting such a great performance
boost so with your domain specific tasks
where you're actually pre-training on
data that makes sense in your domain
you can only imagine the kinds of
performance boosts you're going to get
and so
this was a demo of why exactly it makes
sense and how you can go ahead
and sort of fine tune bert on your own
data in a mass language modeling sense
all the code will be in the description
uh and hopefully that helped you realize
what sort of training regimes you should
be using for your neural networks of
every task is different going to require
a completely different regime
but this gives you a pretty good idea of
what direction to look at
i really do hope you enjoyed that
tutorial once more if you did please do
go ahead and subscribe to the channel it
really does help out a lot and make sure
to like the video as well
if you did enjoy it now of course feel
free to leave any questions down in the
comments below i'd love to go ahead and
answer them or as a github issue on the
in the link in the description apart
from that thank you very much everyone
for joining in today i really do
appreciate it and

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