Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to the
tutorial my name is tan me and this time
we're gonna be talking about something
that one of my viewers actually
suggested to me if you go to Swift
Beethoven is part two the second
revision of one of my most popular
tutorials you'll see if you scroll down
that she asked me to create some more
features in this what they do he says
app now she didn't really ask me to make
a YouTube however I just did one anyway
and this is what you're watching right
now because I really wanted you other
viewers to be able to know how to do
haha if you wanted to ever do something
like this you should know so without
further ado let's get into what this app
is about this app will allow you to
basically enter in a friend's name an
item that they took from you and also a
picture of that item the reason we take
a picture of that items is so that we
can check if the item has been damaged
and we can also check if it's actually
yours you might just write something on
it made me write your name in a special
way sign it so that you can take a
picture and know that it's actually
yours when they return it back to you so
now let's talk about why you would
choose this method over alternative
methods well in just a second here I am
going to be comparing a few methods
together with mine however let me just
tell you the method that I use is very
less commonly used for some reason I
don't know why it's a little bit more
complicated to code that I'll tell you
that however it is much more efficient
you can put many more on the server at
once and it's much faster than download
and upload these images so without
further ado I'm gonna take you to the
whiteboard and then I'm going to explain
exactly how the source code works with a
diagram then we'll go to the source code
on my Mac you will see everything I see
the code see how it works and again this
was written in Swift so just make
getting right out of the way I didn't
tell you this little tense of
objective-c but again the source code
will be in the description so you can
check that out and also just give me
some feedback on this video for the
source code
for this video we'll be host on
bitbucket instead of github because it
is a bit easier for me to use however if
you don't like the new update you can
just tell me and I'll revert it back to
github so let's get started so welcome
back now we're at the whiteboard so
let's start drawing diagrams so now
Alice said this method is quite
complicated but that gives me a chance
for me to explain it really simply for
you so you can take advantage of this
extremely simple of this well
complicated but turns out to be simple
method so once it started and now this
is our requirements we first of all have
to upload an image that's our first
requirement what's the second
requirement we need to be able to upload
okay but what that third requirement we
don't have anything else right well we
do on our third apartment it's actually
one of the biggest ones of all it needs
to be fast and it needs to be 99%
so one of these options come to mind you
naturally think of a few options first
of all you think hey why don't we just
use a blob which is actually just NS
data if you don't know what that means
and put that onto the database along
with some tech tests
I mean text right back to work but I'll
explain its weakness in just a minute
second option we could use FTP for the
image for the image and then we could
just use the database for the text but
there's another weakness then there's
one more option would you store it
locally and we can immediately think
about this and the thing is why do you
even creates lift databases in the first
place there's no point of storing it
locally at all so that option is pretty
much useless for us so we just remove it
now these are the two options that
naturally come to mind so let me explain
the weakness of each first of all we
have the blob into the database and then
also the text into the database now you
must be thinking what's wrong with this
it must work perfect the NS data is just
going through pH
just like any other text going to the
database right shirred nicely but now
what happens is this is an image we're
talking about we're not talking about
text and the problem here is that images
are extremely big and text is relatively
small so if we were to convert this to
NS beta and put it on to a database over
here it would work
however when we're taking an image and
convenient to NS data that's such a big
program trying to be transported here
and it just doesn't work with PHP you
would have to connect to the data it
would to the server manually which
really wouldn't be very useful so then
that's described so we cannot use this
option option one out of the river then
we have FTP y'all see thinking okay this
is the last option the only option what
could be wrong with this but there is
something wrong with it
let's see this we are essentially just
using the database and what we're doing
is we're storing the image name just the
name not the actual image itself we
store the name of the person itself and
then we're also storing the item now
what could go wrong with this it's we're
storing these things in the database and
then in the FTP we just store it the
image perfect right yeah let's just go
with this perfect we make an app and I
actually give this but then there was a
our speed requirement which is actually
one of the biggest requirements just
doesn't work out with this for some
reason the FTP server just can't handle
a file this large so we're left with one
other option but it's not one that will
naturally come to your mind when we talk
about this let's see what I mean let's
just erase a bit of this and now that
you know that these won't work we don't
need this on here we'll just keep our
requirements and as you can see so now
let's talk about the third option now
our third option is very simple
however it's complicated to program what
we do is we take the image name we take
the name and we take the item now what
we do is we have two things here the
database itself and we also have my
GoDaddy uh basically web storage and
that's just so we have two things the
database and the web service
now we have one more bridge essentially
and this is called PHP this comes a lot
handier because what we're doing is we
are taking the image name the name of
the person and the item and run a
straight putting it into the database
we're not looking at anything else for
not uploading an image we're just
putting the image name the name of the
person and the item in the database it's
that simple
but then how do we upload the image well
that's our PHP comes in and PHP already
came in here because that's the only
reason we can actually connect to the
database is because we give this to PHP
PHP gives it to this and this goes to
the database so that works perfectly
however what we have here is an image
and as I said before if we were to
convert this to NS data this and the PHP
don't go together that was because when
you convert this to an NS data putting
that in a state out inside of a link
that link becomes so gigantic and huge
and it's not first of all not able to be
percent-encoded and second it's just too
long for PHP to handle however you know
those little scripts that you can make
for PHP let's just say this is a web
browser and you could like ask them to
browse for an image pretend that says
browse and then you can basically upload
an image we are emulating that with iOS
we are taking an image and simulating
pressing browse putting in the image and
clicking on upload with PHP so use HTTP
POST command to do that
so what we do is the image goes to PHP
here and the PHP and after that so it
has nothing to do at all
Swift is just out of the picture
completely now now it's PHP in the web
now with the web service PHP contacts it
does some stuff and what happens is PHP
ends up uploading this image to the web
service so that's how it's going to work
and let's get into the source code now
so I'll see you at the Mac so now that
we're out the Mac let's look at the
source code so I'm just gonna hop over
to my Mac here and as you can see I am
running OS X 10.9 El Capitan and I'm
using iOS 9 for this so this will be
written swift 2 beta 1 however there
will be us with one version coming out
soon in the description along with this
with two version that is coming out
right now so let's get into it so as you
can see I'm just gonna open it up it's
on my desktop here I can just open it up
the Xcode project and we have the little
Xcode beta 7 jumping over here and then
there's a second we should see the Xcode
project so now this is the swift
animators part 3 app where you can
upload images and before we even start
let's just look at the UI and so right
is this loads up these storyboard file
sorry this take a little bit of time
because first of all this is a beta
software meaning it isn't always the
most efficient and also it is a pretty
big UI so I'm just gonna hide the debug
area and the Navigator and as you can
see these are the two screens that we
have here one over here we have for the
viewing of the entries that you already
have this is a custom table view cell
with a label for the person's name a
text view for the item name and an image
view so that you have an image of the
item then we have a reload button so you
can actually reload so if you were to
upload from a website etc you can reload
from here and also an upload button
which will segue over to the second view
where you can enter in someone's name
the item they took you can choose an
image you you can also go back and then
this is a UI activity indicator view
which will allow us to see if we're
currently up
now just as Justin but just before we
get into the code I'm going to connect
my iPhones over here and I'm just going
to give you a quick demo of this app as
you can see I'm just a second it'll pop
up on the yeah so now we have the
spotlight search and I can go into quick
time and then I can click done all to
command and and then I can go over here
and use my iPhone as an input and then
as you can see I'm recording my iPhone
screen so I can give you a quick demo of
this out now there is a slight glitch
with this app and it's not really I'm
assuming it's not a glitch with my app
because this is proper code working with
iOS 9 and select 2 however what the
problem is you can only deep up this app
from Xcode and the reason for this is
because we are using a workaround that
will allow us to use older SSL
Certificates from GoDaddy with the newer
select 2 because Swift tune will crash
the app if you are not using the newer
SSL Certificates and we use an Xcode
workaround which allows us to use the
older SSL Certificates with X with Swift
too so if I were to go here if I come
here as you can see in my info dot list
if I open this as source code you'll see
I've included an entry not exactly sure
where it is
just let this load really quick sorry
about that
and so now that we're here was this B
file for it let's just see now it's
probably this one well it wasn't one of
those so there actually is I have oh yes
this one NS app Transport Security NS
allows arbitrary loads as yes so this
key will allow us to bypass the older
SSL certificates and use this with the
older ones now the reason this doesn't
work just without Xcode is because this
is the thing that's telling the iPhone
hey you should stop looking for the
newer SSL Certificates and so what it
does is you can and the end result is
that you can only leave out this from
Xcode not from iOS straight up so but
with that limitation in mind I'm just
going to open up my iPhone I'm going to
click on debug so this will run the app
onto an iPhone and as you can see the
screen here now this will take a few
minutes to load while it loads up I will
take you straight into the code because
I don't want you to keep waiting and I
want you to keep in mind this will take
a little bit of time to load the reason
is because we're downloading three
entries from the data from the database
already and the thing is this is just a
comparison if we were to have three
entries in an FTP server this would take
hours to load up however we're just
surplus storing this on my GoDaddy
website which makes it actually much
faster around half or maybe a quarter of
the time so as you can see in just a
minute it will go from a blank screen to
download it images so what I'm just
gonna do is I'm going to bring this down
a bit and oh it's it's done as you can
see sometimes it's faster than other
times sometimes the Wi-Fi is better but
this was a relatively quick download and
so as you can see we already have three
entries first of all we have Frank over
he took my mouse and then there's a
picture of the mouse let me now Travis
he took my well auto correct
took my market apparently but it was
supposed to be marker and there's a
picture of the marker there and then Tom
took my glasses not exactly sure why he
would do that but then there's a picture
of my glasses so then if I were to click
on the upload button over here as you
can see it opens up another UI in which
I can click over here and let's just say
the person's name is Tim now that we
have Tim's name let's just say he took a
USB extension for me from me USB
extension so now I can click over here
and click on choose image and as you can
see over here I can just take a picture
of this and now I asked me to use the
photo so I can click on use photo and in
just a second sorry for the delay it
does do this because of the uploading
time limit it will disable the back
button and it will tell me that it's
starting to upload the UI activity
indicator will start moving and as you
can see if I move this around here
it has NS logged data received over here
and the Activity Monitor is gone so now
if I click on the back button in just a
second this will load up again it does
download all three images again but this
time it will also download a third image
which is Tim USB extension so right as
it loads up which will be in just a
second we should be able to see as you
can see it has received stuff from the
database it has received Frank Mouse the
image name Travis marker Tom glasses and
Tim image 3 dot PNG USB extension so if
we just wait for a few more seconds it
should download all four images
including the new 10 image and we will
be able to see all the entries in the UI
tableview and just while that loads I'll
just yeah the moment I say it so as you
can see we have a UI tableview and this
is a very good example to show
this is completely scalable as you can
see me a Frank Mouse Travis marker Tom
glasses and ten USB extension and a
picture of each now that we have the
demo out of the way let's just go to
Xcode itself so now that we have that we
can just get out of QuickTime and let's
just expand Xcode okay so now we're
going to go back to the source code and
now let's get really started with the
juicy part okay so now we have the
classic import uikit this will import
darwin foundation and the uikit which
will allow us to do basic UI stuff with
iphone so then we have a few comments
and I'll explain what these are in just
a second but as you can see we have an
extension to the string class now what
does this do this is what a comments
come in as you can see this extension so
string class will allow us to get
specific ranges of characters or
specific characters themselves from a
string and we can also set them in the
string so as you can see I have a string
is equal to Tammy and let's just say I
wanted ta n out of Tammy I would say I
would start counting zero one two and
that's pretend so I would take STR and
then just like arrays I would put some
score back it's brackets around it and
then create an NS range of type integer
from zero dot dot dot two and then I
want to end the square bracket and
that's what this extension to the string
class will essentially do apart from
that we have the class of view
controller which conforms to UI view
controller UI tableview datasource into
my table view delegate UI navigation
controller delegate and
uiimagepickercontroller delegate these
all add up for the UI view controller
which will allow us to actually show
stuff on screen the UI tableview
datasource which will deem us worthy of
giving UI tableview data and the
delegate for the table view this is just
so that we can do basic stuff with the
table view like reloading the UI
navigation controller delegate which
will allow us to come in and out of the
image picker with completion handlers
the uiimagepickercontroller delegate
finally which will allow us to actually
use image pickers then we have a few IB
outlets one is the table view which is
the actual list that you saw of the
people there the items and image then we
have the name and item text field so the
name text field will basically be the
name of the item you want to the name of
the person sorry that you want to upload
to the database and then the item will
be the actual Ivy's name that you want
to upload then we have is the upload
label which is a UI label and so this is
what is over here let me just open up
the storyboard this is the upload label
and this is the upload bar which will
tell us that it is currently uploading
so then we have a back button the only
reason we're actually declaring a UI
button with an iboutlet is because we
want to disable this so that you cannot
I can you cannot upload you cannot
upload and then go back because then it
would stop the upload and then it would
mean in between and then the next time
you were to open the app it would
actually give you a nail except ssin
because it would look in the database
and it would find an image name but it
would try or it will try its best to go
to the website and download something
but it would say then it's not there so
we have to declare this and make sure
they cannot go back man we have the data
as an nsarray
and this is the if you've watched Swift
databases this is the variable that will
be full of data which is the JSON that
we get from the PHP we have the image
picker which is the
uiimagepickercontroller we have a text
storage which is a array of strings
which where we can hold name any item
and this is a blank array of course we
have the bar upload to see and this is
an objective-c class which will allow us
to upload which is equal to a new
uploader class then we have the timer
which is a new NS timer and what this
will do is it will check if we if we are
doing an option operation on uploading
or downloading it'll check if we're done
actually uploading so then the
viewdidload function we have data is
equal to the new
JSON from the item register dot PHP that
I have created on my website and then
we're just printing that to make sure
that it works if we are currently
testing then we have check for boolean
update and this is what the timer is
calling every three seconds so and this
will also make sure there is a
three-second delay for hiding the tivity
indicator and also enabling the back
button just to make sure that it is
completely done and it has successfully
uploaded to the server
so what we're checking here if upload
the C and then we have a function which
returns a boolean which is done yet
function because if I go here we have
the actual upload image to server
function and then we also have the done
yet function which returns a boolean and
also we have the actual boolean which is
done yet I couldn't get this to be a
palpable variable which we can actually
access over here so I just created a
function that returns it for us then
we're checking if this is true then
enable the back button hide the upload
label hide the upload bar and stop
animating the upload bar then you want
to invalidate the current timer and then
set the timer to a new and s timer then
the reload function we are just getting
the new data of JSON from the item
register dot PHP and then if the table
view is on screen by and we find that
out by doing this then self dot table
view dot reload data and the reason
we're checking if it's on screen is
because if it's not on screen and we do
reload data it will give us an exception
next any touches began function we are
just basically checking self dot view
and editing true this means forced so
basically if there is a keyboard on
screen and the user has clicked anywhere
on the screen then just hide that
keyboard then the datum JSON function we
are taking the URL as a string and we're
returning an NS array the contents that
we just got so essentially what we're
doing is we are creating a constant
called data which is equal to NS data
contents of URL the NS URL and then
we're getting a string value the URL
that you gave us and we are forcing this
to an unwrapped because we know that you
have given us a URL and it will convert
to an nsurl and then we're doing is we
actually have quite literally a do
statement what this will do is not the
classic programming do-while statement
instead so if two more places to do with
a repeat and we they created a new do
statement which will basically emulate a
try-catch it's a it's a weak version of
try catch the reason I say weak is
because whenever you have a block of
code in a do statement whenever there's
something that you actually need to try
for you literally have to put the
keyword try before it this actually
makes it quite complicated and why would
you even put code in that do statement
if you didn't want to try it doesn't
make sense but we have to live with it
and stuff too
so we're doing and we're turning we're
trying to get the NS JSON serialization
not JSON object with data we're giving
the data and we're forcing a debt we're
forcing this as an unwrapped but if it
finds nil mean there's no box to unwrap
then it will run this try it'll run the
catch and return a blank array however
if this does succeed it will continue to
this it will give it no options because
we don't want to format our JSON or
anything then we are forcing as a
downcast to NS array then as I said this
is just being returned then for the
table view number of rows in section
function we are just returning the data
count meaning how many
basically rows there are inside of the
data that we've just got from the JSON
and then in the self urilla index path
function we are different a new
additional info cell which is my custom
cell as you can see from this identifier
and we are forcing this as a downcast to
additional info cell then we are doing
if index path row is less than or equal
to date and account meaning there is
currently that specific element in the
data as in
then we want to create the main data is
equal to data index path row as an inner
stationary because this is basically an
array of NS dictionary have an array of
all the entries and all the entries have
a dictionary in them which stores the
friend name the image name and the item
so we are forcing this in the downcast
to NS dictionary then we are setting
this cells friend name dot txt to main
data friend so this will be basically
the main data that we just got with a
friend item which in this case first or
first would be Frank and then we are
getting the item which in this case
would be Mouse and then we are creating
let's fill name is because we already
have a file named variable however fil
name is equal to main data and then
we're getting that specific image name
and then forcing that as a downcast a
string and then cell dot image image we
are sending the image views image as a
UI image data the NS data the contents
of URL the nsurl of string the my
website slash the folder item IMG / the
file name that we just got and we are
unwrapping the NS URL and we are also
unwrapping the NS data and that's what I
just said if we do get something in the
database but not in the actual in my web
server then the problem is it's going to
try it's best to unwrap in a state up
however it will not be able to because
there's nothing to unwrap so then it
will just throw an exception or crash
the phone and then we are just returning
the cell and if everything was
successful then in the take picture IV
action what we're doing is we are we are
resetting some variables and then we are
giving the name
the item that you just entered into the
tech storage variable we are declaring a
new UI image picker and then we are
setting that's delegate to self because
we did make view controller conform to
uiimagepickercontroller delegate and
then if I go back here we are setting
the source type to dot camera we could
do UI image picker source type dot
camera but with Swift this is not a new
feature this was in from I don't know
the first beta of Swift but you can just
skip that UI image etc etc and just
putting a dot camera and it'll
automatically find out what enum you're
referring to then we are presenting the
image picker we're making sure that we
present it in an animated way and are
giving it no completion handler because
there's nothing to do when it's done
however when we are done picking me deal
with info for the
then we do use a completion handler
meaning we dismiss the view controller
which is the image picker and we just
want to make sure that it's animated and
then the completion handler in this case
will be a new statement and in this new
statement we will create a new timer
which is an NS timer dot schedule timer
when interval this will be every three
seconds and will target itself it will
go through the selector check for
boolean update that I just explained the
user info will be nil and it repeats it
will be true because we actually want us
to keep repeating not just delay and
execute the code once then we are
enabling and we are disabling sorry the
back button we are showing the uploaded
label we are showing the upload bar and
we are starting the up load bars
animation then what we are doing is we
are creating an image is equal to info
which is the info we just got from the
UI image picker uiimagepickercontroller
original image this is the original
image that they picked and then we have
let names is equal to self dot contents
function which I will explain in just a
moment then we have the number to add is
equal to zero and this variable will
essentially tell us what number you have
to add in front of the variable of the
file name because we can't just have
every image called image a PNG image
we'll just keep overriding and all the
all the images would have the same name
or say all the images would be the same
so what we have to do is we have to take
number to add a zero we have to loop
through the entire names that we have
and we want to check if the first five
characters of the string is equal to
image then add one to number to add and
at the end we will get a proper result
of what to add to the front of our image
name so then we declare a new constant
called fil name and if you were
wondering why there's actually two
variables called fil name well they're
not in the same scope is each other so
they can't access each other meaning
there's only one variable in each so
then we're declaring that as a string as
image and then the number to add dot PNG
so this will make sure there's a unique
image name every time even if there's a
hundred images this will be image 101
dot PNG then we have the image data
which is a PNG representation of the
image as a UI image and we're forcing
this as a downcast and this will return
the NS data to us then we are trying to
upload to C and then we are uploading
the image to server we're giving it the
UI image as its re the image as a UI
image and we're forcing again the
downcast and then we are giving it the
name of the fil name that we just
created with a number to add then we
have the URL so now that we're done
actually converting weight now that
we're done uploading to the web server
let's upload to the database so what
we're gonna do is we're gonna create a
new URL as an NS string and this will be
equal to my website slash item unit PHP
and what's gonna happen is it's gonna
take X as a parameter which will be the
name of the item it will take the item
as a parameter or Y is a parameter sorry
and then we'll take the item and also be
as a parameter which will take the image
name itself then we declare the URL and
we just want to make sure all spaces and
all new lines are replaced with percent
20s and % 0s
effectively then we are creating the NS
data contents of URL NS URL string and
then the URL as a string and then since
we're not using this variable we just
new underscore is equal to NS string the
data which is the data here the encoding
is the normal NS utf-8 strain coding the
only reason we really do this is because
you want to properly execute the website
we could use an nsurl request but that's
deprecated and stuff now now then we
have a catch which will catch any errors
that we have uploading this C and it'll
just print that error just skip
everything prettier that's it then in
the contents function which I said I
would explain in just a second we are
basically getting the data of JSON and
then we are returning the parse names
function the data and now I'll have to
explain this too so now this function
will take all data as an NS array which
is all the data from the web server or
the database sorry and then we'll return
an array of strings so if I have the
final names array of strings which is a
blank array and then we are looping
through all the data and then we are
doing let as array is equal to eyes and
a stationary sorry it doesn't really
match up as dictionary and then as
dictionary yeah so that works and then
we return the final names now now that
we're done skimming through the source
code let's take a look just like we did
last time that's the actual JSON file
itself so if I come over here let's just
say I open up Safari in just a second
you will see that and this opens up
sorry this will take a second sometimes
does this just don't peep
so what we're gonna do here is let's
just say we go to slash
item register dot PHP now if I go here
you'll see the JSON data which is the
friend frank item mouse in image
I am image do not PNG and this is all in
the JSON data that we are getting in the
yeah basically app so that we can parse
that and put it inside of the UI
tableview now if you want to see where
the images are stored you can go to a
long that's going to log into my GoDaddy
so if I go over here sorry
so you can see I can log-in and then
this will allow me buddy my web hosting
and then I'm just going to open up my
file manager and then you'll see I'm
actually storing all of my images inside
of my GoDaddy
so I can come here and I can just click
on item IMG and as you can see we
actually have all the images stored so
if I were to go to
/ IMG / image - dot PNG it will actually
show us a full version of that image so
it'll just load up here as you can see
this is the glass of entry so that was
image - meaning it will be 0 sorry if I
open up the item register again then 0 1
2 dot PNG this is the friend Tom he took
my glasses and image image - dot PNG as
you can see this is the picture of the
glasses that we have here and so that
matches up I can't even go to images 0
just to give you a clear example how
this works and it will open up this
image and the image 0 sorry would be an
image of the person that took my mouse
and as you can see this is a picture of
the mouse so that's basically how this
is working and if you really want to go
into some more detail I can open up my
PHP myadmin and as you can see here I'm
going to open up the actual database
itself which is item reg items and as
you can see we have Frank Mouse image 0
and which one image - image 3 and then
all the other text and if I go to the
structure so that you actually know we
have no blob here this is not uploading
any data nothing this is all working
with the PHP that will upload to the
item right
so yeah that was really it I hope you
guys liked it at Khan Academy because
this video is actually also being
submitted to Khan Academy hope you guys
liked it there and yeah subscribe if you
miss a channel like the video if you
liked it comment you have if you have
any questions I will get back to you as
soon as possible and yeah you can also
email me if you have some more questions
and of course source code will be in the
description and this will again be
hosting bitbucket na github and so we
slip two knots which one however in a
few days I will release a circle
inversion as well so that was it good

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