Sunday 20 October 2024

Make a DISCORD BOT out of TradingView Alerts 🤖

hey traders welcome back to another pine
script lesson today's lesson is going to
be a little bit different to my usual
lesson today i'm going to be showing you
how to create a
discord bot out of trading view alerts
now admittedly i recognize this is a
pretty niche subject and not many of you
are going to need to do this
sort of thing but it's something i've
been playing around with
in my free time
while i'm trying to set up this zen in
the art of trading discord network this
is going to be a discord server that
anyone can join to stay up to date with
what i'm up to so there's a section here
sort of automatically update whenever i
release anything new on social media or
new trading view scripts or anything
like that and it also has a bunch of
market update channels now these
channels are mostly managed by a custom
bot i wrote in java so it's a little bit
more advanced here's some of the source
code here i'm not going to be showing
you anywhere near anything as complex as
what you see here
in today's lesson we're going to focus
on pine script and trading view and how
to create a web hook in discord to send
information from trading view into your
custom discord server and these alerts
will look something like this if i
scroll up a bit here you can see this
alert here now this is under the crypto
updates channel but this was just a test
command i sent yesterday and basically
what our trading view alert is doing is
sending an avatar icon url
bot name
a message here you can tag roles so that
anyone with this role gets a ping or
notification that there's a new message
in this channel
and then we have an embed it's called an
embed here where this this sort of box
here and what you see in this box here
is first we have an author you can make
this anything you want i just set it to
market update then we have an author
image i've just set it to whatever the
first base currency is in this case it's
aud aussie canada so we have the aussie
flag there and then we have our message
from trading view and this is a message
i wrote in my training view script this
could be anything you could send any
data that you can get out of trading
view to your discord server
in this sort of format so that sounds
like something you'd be interested in
stick around and i'll jump over to the
pine script editor and show you how i
built this out but before we begin
i should mention that if you want to be
notified when this discord server
community thing goes live to the public
head over to the
and sign up to our mailing list and i
will send you out a message when it's
ready to join but anyway let's get
started with today's lesson so i've
obviously already written out the code
here i'm going to delete
all of this
and then i'll paste in
uh the code block by block and explain
what it does as we go
so the first thing we have here is a
bunch of user settings as always
we have a bot name avatar url
an icon url
title url
a text message custom message to add
to our
discord embed we have our role id to tag
or ping when this message goes out we
have our embed color
and this little boolean here volatility
alerts i'll explain what all of these do
as we build out the script and this will
all make perfect sense why i've set this
up this way
but before we get into the coding i need
to show you how to set up your web hook
on your discord server
so this is assuming you already have a
discord server custom discord server
that you have admin privileges for if
you don't know how to do that i'm not
going to show you how to set that up in
today's video because it's outside of
the scope of what i'm teaching today
there's plenty of tutorials out there if
you're interested in that
but if you've already got your server
set up
all you need to do in order to create
your web hook
to send this information to from trading
view is right click on your server
come down to server settings and then
click on integrations
next you want to click on web hooks here
and then click create new web hook this
button here
and then we have our sort of web hook
creation interface here you can name
your bot whatever you want it doesn't
matter what you call it because we can
override that
with our trading view alerts
but the one thing you do need to make
sure you set up correctly is your
we cannot change what channel our
message is sent to once it's set up so
make sure you select the right channel
here that you want to use
so for today's lesson i'm going to come
down and select
i'm going to select private sandbox this
is a custom private channel i've created
in my discord for testing stuff that no
one else except for me can see so i'm
going to click on that and i'm going to
call this thing
um just
test bot for now and i'm not going to
bother with the avatar
i'm going to save changes and now we
have our web hook bot set up
so that's literally all you need to do
on the discord side let's jump back over
to the pine editor and i'll show you the
script that i wrote so this is a work in
progress i'm going to add more features
to this script as i find the time
to be honest it's not a huge priority
for me at the moment but i figured while
i'm doing this i might as well turn it
into a lesson to teach you guys
something a little bit different
so the first thing i do in the script
other than get our user input is declare
a couple of constant variables
so constant just means these don't
change i never change these in the
script and they are var variables so
they're persistent so on the very first
bar on our chart these three variables
get initialized and their values never
the first value is our role id this just
converts our role
id from the settings menu
into the appropriate discord syntax so
that it actually tags that role over on
if i were to just
crypto for example if i were to send
this message
um as a
human user in this uh channel this would
actually tag the crypto role but if i
was just to write at crypto in my alert
text it would just show up as text and
it won't tag the user
the discord syntax for bots specifically
just for bots to tag roles
is the open arrow or left arrow the and
sign and then the role id the discord
role id
so if i right click on my server come
down to server settings roles
if i right click on the crypto role and
click copy id and go back here
this is the id i need to
reference when i'm trying to
ping this role so we need the left arrow
and sign and at sign and then close that
off with the right arrow this right here
would look like this
when this message gets sent from our web
hook bot to discord so that's an
important thing to mention if you want
to tag a user then it looks like this
you get rid of the and sign and then you
need to
copy the user id and paste that in there
so if i copy
my bot id
we would need to go at
like that
but we're just working with roles today
so let's jump back over to the pine
and move on the next constant variable
here is our icon url so if the symbol
info type
so the market type we're currently
loaded onto our chart is equal to 4x
then we're on a forex market and instead
of sending our icon url from the
settings menu
i send a flag icon so this is my website
here we're getting the art of trading
dot com forward slash files forward
slash discord forward slash flags and
then the base currency is going to be
the first
three letters in the symbol ticker
so if i were to set an alert on this
market right now this would be turned
into all of this forward slash aud
dot png and we would get the aussie flag
otherwise if we are not on a forex
market then we reference the icon url
from the settings menu and you can set
that to anything you want it's just a
link just a url to any image file
same with the avatar url which we'll get
to in a moment
next up we have our market constant
variable and i'll explain what this is
used for later it's not important it
doesn't get sent in the alert or
anything like that anyway the next thing
i do is just get the data i want to send
to discord so in this case i'm simply
getting the percentage change
of the closing price
compared the current closing price
compared to the previous closing price
so we're dividing that and then
multiplying by 100 in order to turn that
into a percentage and then i'm also
getting the rsi
of the current market
and you could use the security function
here to reference other markets other
time frames etc i'm just keeping this
simple we're just referencing the
current market we're on so that we can
just set an alert
on this market
and then when the alert fires it will
reference the current market's data next
up i needed a custom function to
truncate which is a fancy word for cut
the excess decimal places so when you're
sending some alerts
to third-party apis to discord in this
sometimes if you send a value like if we
send the rsi on our chart the rsi might
or whatever
but when it's sent when that number is
sent to the third party api it could
have like a dozen decimal places and
it's just ridiculous
so this custom function here truncates
the numbers decimal places to whatever
we want it to be so for example if i
wanted to truncate the rsi's value we
could say rsi truncated
i don't know if that's a word but let's
just go with that
it's set to
and then we'd use truncate
and then pass in our market rsi variable
this guy here
and then how many decimal places we want
to cut back to so if i put two in there
then we would only have two decimal
places after the whole number of our rsi
now here is the most complicated part of
the script where we convert our values
and all the settings data everything we
have here into json format
to send to the discord webhook so i've
got a custom function here
all of this code will be in the video
description a link to it will be in the
video description you can just copy and
paste this entire script into your
editor and play around with it but here
the embed json code for discord from
pinescript let me paste it in here
and it looks like a big mess but i'll
explain what's happening here we have
our embed parameters so the color of the
embed this is the this is the actual
color you can see we've got a red color
on this embed a white one on this one a
green one on this one so that's our
first parameter
a second parameter is the author
the third is the title fourth is the url
and this is the url of the title so if i
go back over to discord in this case aud
takes me to the trading view chart that
i set this alert on so that url
parameter turns the title into a link so
this title becomes a link to this url
next up we have our icon url when we
call this function later in the script
we pass it this icon url constant
variable which remember
sends a flag icon if this is a forex
pair otherwise it just sends the icon
url from our settings menu
next up we have a description
and then we have this variable here
which i can get rid of as i'm not
currently using that so if i jump back
over to
discord this is our description
this is our title this is our author
this is our icon url this is our color
this is our content message
and the role tag
this is our avatar url
we can set this to any image we want to
and our bot name can be sent to anything
we want and that basically makes up
uh your average discord message sent
from a bot i'll leave a link in the
video description to a resource a really
handy resource if i bring this up here
this website here has a great
bunch of guides here tutorials on how to
use the different embed
parameters so you could have a footer if
you wanted to
and that puts a little footer on the end
here with an icon url and in fact we
might use this
later in our script to set the quote
flag image so right now we only have the
aussie flag on here we could set a
footer below this description here that
has the canadian flag image in it here
and then a little footer here if we
wanted to so maybe we'll look into that
um towards the end of this lesson and to
remind myself i'm just going to paste
the comment in here
to this footer code and we'll come back
to this later but anyway there's a whole
bunch of information here you can send
images and all sorts of things
and you can do all of this through json
using your pine script alerts but today
we're just going to focus on the basics
i don't want this lesson to be
too complex so let me go over this
function really quickly the first thing
we do is set up bot text this is our
username of our bot you can see all
these backslash
and quotation marks here the backslash
is an escape character now in most
programming languages including
panscript obviously
we use quotation marks to
declare a string so when we're working
with strings or text we need to use
quotation mails to tell panscript that
this isn't code this is text that we
want to send somewhere or display
somewhere but if we want to use
quotation marks in our text
you can't just
do a bunch of quotation marks because
pinescript thinks this is just a bunch
of blank strings side by side and it
will you'll get compile errors if you do
that so instead what we need to do is
use the backslash or escape character
and then put in our quotation marks so
now you can see this is a full string
but when we send this to discord or any
anywhere else or display it on our
screen or whatever we do with this the
backslash will be basically deleted and
this is what our text will look like
but pinescript knows that we want to
include this quotation mark within this
string so that's why this looks so messy
and it's a bit of a headache to write
out the way i did this was i just set up
embed how i wanted to in notepad and
then i pasted that code into the pine
editor and i just backspaced everything
and added backslashes
for all the quotation marks
and just added a string on the end like
it took me a little while to get
everything lining up perfectly but
that's what this giant string here
basically is it's just one long json
string that sends all of our various
parameters so we have our username which
is our bot name our avatar url which is
the url to our
our profile image of the bot then we
have our tag text uh what this variable
here is doing is it's saying is our
message blank so let me make this a bit
bigger and open up the settings menu
here this is our message parameter
we could set this to anything we want
like hi this is a market update
or you can leave it blank and then there
is no text that gets sent to discord
this text is
this text here
before the embed so it's optional you
don't need to include this and you don't
even need to include a role if you don't
want to you could just send an embed
without the role and without the message
in our script the way you do that is you
would just make both of these text boxes
and then this
tag text would end up just being a blank
string because here we first check is
message blank
and is roll blank if so then set our tag
text to blank otherwise
if message is not blank or roll is not
blank then we set our content parameter
and then we specify
is our message blank if so then we just
add nothing to the content parameter
just yet otherwise
if message is not blank then we add that
message text to our content tag or
parameter then we add a space on the end
and then we add our role id constant
which is this guy here and this does the
same thing it checks is roll blank
if so just send a blank string
specify our role ping tag with the
correct syntax that you can see here so
this role id would be a long number like
you see here and the way you get that
role idea as i showed you earlier is you
just right click on the role name
anywhere in discord and click copy id i
think you need to turn on
some sort of setting in the settings
menu just google that if you don't have
the option to copy ids just google how
to copy discord ids there's plenty of
information on that out there so that's
our tag text next up we return the rest
of our text so this just
sort of merges everything together so we
our bot text our tag text and then our
embed code we have our title here we
have our url for the title we have our
color of the embed we have our
description of the embed we have our
author name
in this case that's going to be the
market we're currently on
and the url
of that author so by default that's just
set to the same url as our title but if
you wanted to you could have two
different urls here so that when you
click on
either this
this will take you to one url and then
you could make it so that when you click
on the market it takes you to a
different url if you wanted to i've just
set it up so that both take you to the
same url then next up we have our icon
url this is the icon
of the author in this case this is our
flag icon for forex markets and if we're
not on a forex market then it sends
whatever image you put in to this
setting here by default it's just set to
my logo
my company so it's actually quite simple
it only looks complicated because we're
just dealing with json syntax in
pinescript which
you know if we were to see this in plain
text it would look a lot more like this
so this is a lot easier to read than
what we're dealing with
but basically you would just write out
what you need to display and then as i
showed you earlier you can format it in
pine script after you've written it out
in plain text like this it's a lot
easier to do it that way than to try and
write it out with all those backslashes
just remember that when you're
specifying all your keys you need
quotation marks around them but when
you're specifying your values not all of
them need quotations so your color for
example is just a number so you don't
want to put quotations around this and
same with although it looks like you can
if you want to
but it's the same with
booleans you don't want to put
quotations around your booleans or the
there is a good chance the message won't
and this is a good time to mention that
if you don't want to use embeds and you
just want to keep it really simple and
just send a simple
line of text to your discord use the
content tag it's much easier it's just
one curly bracket one open curly bracket
then content in quotation marks colon
and then a string and this string can be
anything and that gets sent to discord
just like this so if you want to make a
really simple discord bot through
training view just use these instead of
embeds but i like the look of embeds so
i went with that instead plus you can
add images and cool stuff like that
so that's the important part of the
script covered the first half next up
all we need to do
send this information to discord using
an alert so let me paste this code in
so the way i've done this is i check if
the bar state is confirmed this boolean
value this inbuilt variable is only set
to true on the last closing update of
the current bar or in other words the
final tick of the current bar before a
new bar starts
so if the bar state is closing in the
act of closing on the final tick then we
get a bunch of information when we send
it using the alert
function and the way we would use this
is we'd create a new alert select our
script and input the webhook url that we
created at the start of this lesson but
we'll get to that in a moment
so the first thing i do before we send
this info to
discord is i get a couple of strings
here just to keep my code tidy or as
tidy as possible i broke up our message
into multiple variables
the first one is our time frame this
gets the current time frame we're on if
it's an intraday
uh time frame we're on then this text
here will say our time frame
period plus minute so if i was on the
four hour time frame this would say 240
if i was on the 5 minute time frame this
would say 5 minute
otherwise if this is not an intraday
time frame but it's a daily time frame
then our time frame variable is set to
daily and i just realized we don't need
the spaces here
get rid of all the spaces
so if the time frame is daily then our
time frame is set to daily
if i just set this variable to
timeframe.period then this would just be
so to make it a little more readable on
discord i convert
the d of the daily time frame period
into daily same with the weekly if we're
on the weekly time frame then it's set
to weekly instead of just w
and if we're in the monthly it's set to
monthly otherwise if we're not on any of
these time frames i don't know what time
frame we're on and so i just set it to
blank so this is all done within
parentheses so
one of these will be selected out of our
conditional statements once we've just
uh determined which one we're on then we
add the text
time frame to the end of that so if
we're on the five minute time frame this
time frame variable would say five space
minute space time frame
just to make it more readable on discord
next up we have our update this is the
update we want to send
this is basically our
turning our market data that we've got
up here into readable text
so here
we're saying sim info symbolinfo.ticker
that would say audusd
space ended space and then we check did
the market change
is the market change variable this is a
percentage change remember of the
current bar if the current bar's
percentage change was positive or above
zero then we say
aud usd in this case ended up
and then
our market changed percent
or if it was not above zero then it
ended down
and then our market change percent
and here we need to convert our market
change value into a string or we'll get
a compile error so you can't add a
number directly to a string we need to
convert that string into text
we do that using the tostring function
and then here is my truncate
method the custom variable custom sorry
function i created here
that converts
this market change percentage value into
number with two decimal places so that
we don't have 1500 million you know
numbers after our
decimal place then we add the percentage
sign on the end of that text then we say
which time frame this data is from
which is just passing the variable we
created up here
on time frame and then in brackets we
have our rsi value and again we convert
that value to a string and we truncate
it down to two decimal places so if i
jump back over to discord this is
exactly what that looks like now i know
it's a lot of work to get a simple
sentence sent to discord
but the beauty of this
sort of code is that once it's written
we can pretty much set these alerts on
any market we want to and the hard
work's done that's why i like using
custom functions and stuff for this
because now this entire script is
reusable and i've set multiple alerts on
multiple markets
to keep updating the users of my discord
on any important market events such as
you can see i've got a few bitcoin i'm
going to add to the crypto alerts when i
get around to it but this will notify
you whenever
um bitcoin volatility picks up so
bitcoin rises or falls 10 with uh in an
intraday time period within the day
you'll get alerted on discord if bitcoin
is broken out of its two-week range on
high volume you'll get a alert
because that could predicate a larger
move incoming
um and then i just have basic forex
that just update you on where the
markets end of the day uh one thing you
could add to this if you wanted to and i
probably should have i don't know why i
is the uh
of this market
um i don't know where the best place to
do this would be
um let's do it here maybe let's add a
open square bracket plus two string
close plus
close square bracket so now we'll have
have in square brackets the actual price
of this symbol so that's it next up we
have our content which just generates
the json
this passes all this information to our
custom function here and converts it
into json format so that we can send
that information in our alert so i need
to get rid of this boolean because we're
not using that at the moment
that boolean was to add fields i was
going to play around with adding various
multiple fields to the embed but i don't
think that's a good idea
for this particular use case if you
wanted to send like maybe stock data
maybe you wanted to pull financials from
a market or um multiple indicator
readings from a market you might want to
look into using fields
which again this um guide here will help
you with if you go to fields here if i
scroll down you can see
if you wanted to you could send a whole
bunch of indicator values or something
for a specific market using fields
instead of using multiple embeds
it looks a lot tidier but we won't cover
that in today's lesson because it's
going to be too much information
one other thing i did with my script is
i added a volatility
alert so if i paste this block of code
in here this is exactly the same as this
code here the only difference is instead
of waiting for the bar to close
we're checking if the current bars
change percentage
the absolute value of the current
markets change percentage so positive or
negative if it has moved 10 percent up
or down within the current bar and the
user has turned volatility on in the
settings menu it's on by default then
this alert will be sent to discord and
this is just telling you that there's a
high volatility alert
the only difference really with this
again i should add in
current price of this market would be
helpful to know or useful to know
the only difference between this
code here and this one up here other
than we don't specify the time frame
which i probably should do so let me
copy this here paste that in there and
change today to
time frame
so now this code is identical to our
block of code here the only difference
is instead of sending out color from the
settings menu this here
which by the way is a decimal color not
a hex color or a
rgb color this is a decimal color not
sure why discord uses this instead of
hex colors
but you'll need to look up an online
converter maybe i'll link one in the
description to convert your preferred
color into a decimal value but the only
difference with this block of code is we
check if the current change is positive
then we set it to bright green otherwise
we set it to bright red so if we have
positive volatility this would be a
green embed if we have negative
volatility or bearish volatility it'll
be a red embed
then we use the alert function to send
json syntax to discord
that's it so finally the last thing i do
here is i create a custom table now this
is completely optional let me paste this
code in
and get rid of our plot close
this is completely optional i only did
so that i could um quickly and easily do
a bit of debugging with my text
for sending my alerts so now if i save
this script fingers crossed this will
compile without any errors i hopefully
haven't missed anything
i spoke too soon
undeclared identifier content
too much arguments ah because i removed
a parameter from our custom function
and i forgot to update that now it
should compile without any errors there
we go
you can see that our little custom table
here is giving us just a little bit of
information it's telling us what our
base currency is and what market we're
on if we were to go to for bitcoin for
example now it's saying btc
and crypto if we were to go to gold
it'll be cfd
and xau usd
because this is not a forex market or a
crypto market
our market variable
as you can see here
if it's forex or crypto then we pass the
base currency to our market variable
otherwise we just reference the whole
ticker so because this isn't forex or
we're just sending the entire ticker and
that'll apply to anything we uh look up
here so if i look up apple for example
this will say stock and apple
and of course you could set this
this alert up on apple and it would work
just the same as forex or anything like
that only difference is you won't get
your little flag icon sent to discord
but of course if you wanted to you could
look up an apple image and put that into
your icon url and that will override
the image over on discord but anyway
let's go over the table code really
quickly this isn't really relevant to
the lesson
but i'll go over really quickly first
thing we do is set up a
with a position of middle right with one
row one column and a border width of one
then we have a custom function here
which fills the table fills the cell of
the table
so down here we check is this the last
bar on our chart
if so then we use the fill cell custom
function we pass it our table id
we pass it 0 row id 0 column id and then
our title which is market
as you can see there
and then our text so this is market plus
and then our sim info symbol info dot
type so this gives us our market type in
this case that stock
and then we need to pass a color a
background color for the table i just
set mine to black with zero transparency
and i set the text color
to color.white i'll leave a link in the
video description to the blog post where
they announced the release of this table
functionality and i have a couple of
guides there a couple of
example scripts that show you how to use
tables but this is just a really easy
way to quickly and visually show certain
data from your script
in this particular case this was just
for debugging purposes
just so that i knew what my json code
was sending to discord anyway that is it
for our script
let me wrap this up really quickly
i will add in the footer code in a
moment but let's just test
this script
before we move on to doing that and
wrapping up this lesson
so let's create an alert on
let's go with us yen
why not
uh we're on the five minute time frame
let's go to a one minute time frame so
that i can make this quick
click on add alert
select our script
leave it as any function alert call
make sure to paste in the right webhook
url so let me show you how to do that
so here we are on discord
i need to right click on my server go
server settings
web hooks
and then click on my test spot
copy that webhook url
and then go back to trading view and
paste that url into our webhook url
parameter box here
you can name this whatever you want you
can set any of this to however you want
you can notify yourself if you want to
all that's optional
now let's click create and in five
seconds we should get
an alert sent
to my
private sandbox channel where i test
these sorts of things
there we go
market update
sent from trading view you can see that
our webhook url's been our web bot sorry
has been overwritten with the parameters
we sent in our script so it's no longer
called test bot it's called trading view
it's got the trading view icon here and
all the information we wanted to send
it's got our price
um the percentage we're on a one minute
time frame so it didn't move at all
the rsi is 22.45 on this market and
we're on the one minute time frame
awesome that's about it i know i kind of
rushed through this lesson but
the source code will be in the
description again as always
so if you need to just rewatch this
lesson a few times if you
if i rushed over something you don't
quite understand it
but it's pretty easy it's pretty easy to
set this up and it's pretty cool if you
have your own discord server
or you're trying to set up your own
training community
this is a really cool feature to have
it's really really simple to set up and
as you can see it just posted another
alert i better go and disable the alert
otherwise i'm going to get a bazillion
messages sent to my discord before i
remember to do that so i'm going to jump
over right now and delete that alert and
then i'm going to take a quick break and
i'll come back and we will add the
footer to this alert
including the quote currency flag in
this case the japanese
flag symbol
to our discord message so i'll be right
back i need to take a break have dinner
and then
i'll show you guys how to do that all
right i'm back uh i've changed my mind
about adding the footer in today's
youtube lesson just because this video
is already long enough you can figure
out how to do this yourself if you
just study the json format for adding a
footer to our embeds but this is what
the final product looks like on my
discord server the only thing i need to
change here is to convert these pips
into whole numbers but you can see that
two icons are here now so we've got the
icon and the us icon
in the header and footer which helps you
to identify which currency pairs are
which a little bit easier for those of
you in the panzer mastery course i'll
include an extended version of this
lesson where i'll show you how i added
this footer in but for the youtube guys
watching thanks for watching this video
i hope you found it interesting make
sure to hit the subscribe button if you
did because i'll be back soon with new
lessons on how to do some cool stuff
with pinescript oh and if you want to be
notified when the discord server goes
live make sure to head over to the and sign up to our
mailing list
anyway that'll do take care best of luck
with your trading and i will speak with
you soon goodbye

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