Sunday 20 October 2024

Pine Script Forex Lot Sizes in STRATEGY SCRIPTS

hey Traders welcome back to another
video in this video I want to
demonstrate how to calculate your Forex
Market position size in terms of lots
when testing scripts through the
training view back tester system so in
this video I'm going to be building on
the script we created in the previous
video If you haven't watched that video
I'll leave a link in the video
description but this is basically a macd
crossover system it's pretty simple
we're just buying crosses of the macd
signal line below the zero point while
trading above or below this 200 period
moving average it's not a super Advanced
system but it is profitable on a few
markets so over 360 trades about 44 of
our trades uh close for a profit and we
made a 38 return over those 360 trades
so there's something to this system it's
quite interesting but one issue we have
is that we are calculating our position
size in terms of units now some brokers
will allow you to trade in increments of
a single unit so a Wanda or oanda is a
good example of that they're a Forex
broker that allows you to trade any
position size you want in terms of the
lot sizing but most Brokers will have a
system where you can only trade standard
Lots mini Lots or Nano lots and each of
those different baskets of position
sizing are basically increments of 1000
units so a nano lot is 1 000 units a
mini lot is 10 000 and a standard lot is
one hundred thousand units of whatever
currency you're trading but you can see
here that this script is trading
increments that do not match that lot
sizing system so for many Brokers uh
trading 32 530 units may not be possible
and so our back testing results are
going to be slightly inaccurate to what
is realistic or what can be
realistically achieved in real life
given in the fact that many Brokers
don't allow this position sizing format
so today's lesson is going to show you
how to do this I've already done it
obviously to prove it's possible if I
turn this option here use Lots instead
of units on these numbers here will
change there we go you can see now that
we are trading 33 000 units which is the
closest equivalent to that initial risk
but in terms of lot sizes so this would
be 33 mini lots and then we close out
eight mini Luts which is a quarter of
our position and then the remainder of
our position gets closed at our second
profit Target here so before we begin
I've created a really simple example
script here that goes over the pseudo
code and the math behind this solution
and before I even get into that I should
mention that if in case you haven't
noticed the training view team have
changed the pine script editor
dramatically so very different to what
it used to be like I'm still getting
used to it myself there are some things
I really like about it and some things I
don't like at all but
sure we'll get used to it over time but
anyway let's break down the code to this
example math for lot sizing in Pine
script so the first thing we need to do
is get our position size in units so for
this little example script I just have a
user input where we can just input the
position size just to test the code in a
real script this is where you would
place in your actual position size
calculation based on your stop loss the
distance from your entry to your stop
loss and so on but for now let's just
focus on the theory behind this solution
so if I open up the settings here we
2164 units or 2.1 mini Lots what we need
to do in order to get this as a lot size
is we need to divide this into
increments of 100 000 and now I've got a
function here that I'll cut out just
temporarily and we'll add that back in
later because I don't want to confuse
people let's keep it really simple for
the moment so we're getting our units
and now we need to convert these into
lot format so to do that we need to
divide our units amount by 100 000 or
one standard lot so in this case if I
bring over my calculator two one six
four divided by 100 000 gives us
0.02164 so now that pretty much gives us
our position size in Lots so if I open
up my window here for trading or placing
orders if I put in a stop loss
it doesn't matter where my stop loss is
but if I set my risk to one percent you
can see that I don't quite get a flat
one percent risk here
because my position size has been
rounded down or to the closest mini lot
amount so in this case that's 0.19 Lots
or 19 mini lots and that gets me as
close as possible to one percent risk
based on a 46 pip stop loss now global
Prime c460 Pips but it's actually 46
Pips it's 460 points in this case but
that's not relevant so just ignore that
for now 46 pip stop loss 0.96 risk is as
close as we can get to one percent risk
using the lot sizing system so what I
need to do with this number is I need to
get rid of these decimal places because
if I open this back up I can't type in
0.95 I can only put two digits in here
specified amount is not a multiple of
the instrument quantity step of 0.01 so
we need to round our
0.02164 number down to two decimal
places fortunately that's really easy
and simple to do in panscript we can
just use the math.round function so we
reassign our Lots variable to math.round
lots to two decimal places and that will
give us 0.02 in this case since we'll be
rounding down if this was to 6 7 4 or
something like that this might get
rounded up to 0.03 if you want to make
sure that this number always gets
rounded down instead of up you'll need
to use a different function than the
math.round function basically you need
to use a truncate function that just
strips off all of those decimal places
regardless of whether it should round up
or down one way to do that is to use my
zen Library
if you import my zen library and give it
an alias and we type in Zen dot truncate
this will cut the excess decimal places
off any given number
so if I pass that in there and replace
math.round Lots with my truncate
function and now while we're here you
can see this is turned purple because
it's a library function that's one cool
new feature about the uh new pinescript
editor that I do like I like how it
differentiates between Pine scripts and
build functions and custom functions and
libraries but anyway if I save this
script now and I open up the settings
menu and change this number to two seven
six four this should still round down to
2000 units there we go but if I change
this back to math.round lots to two
decimal places and save the code
this same number will round up to three
thousand because the number we're
getting when we divide by 100 000 is
0.027 and when we're rounding to two
decimal places that obviously gets
rounded up to 0.03
but if you don't want that to happen
you'll need to use a truncate function
like the one I've created here and by
default this function truncates to two
decimal places but you can also specify
the amount of decimal places you want to
strip a number down two but anyway for
today's example so that we're not
dealing with too many moving parts and
complexity I'm just going to leave the
standard round math.round function as
the way we strip those decimal places
off now once we have our position size
as Lots rounded down to two decimal
places in this case 0.02 that is the
position size we would be sending to our
broker normally under normal
circumstances if we were to take a trade
and our position size in the strategy
tester told us to buy or sell
2164 units when we enter our position in
our broker we would actually type in
0.02 Lots since that is the closest
value or position size we can send to
our broker based on this number to tell
well the strategy tester to take trades
with a position size based on this
format this lot size format so that we
get a more accurate back test output we
need to convert this number back into
units because the strategy tester only
works in units at least on Forex so the
way to do that is just to Simply
multiply this number we have by 100 000
which will convert it back into Lots as
it's equivalent in units so what that
will give us is this number here 3000
units based on a position size of
2764 units if we were to input this math
into a strategy script and use this
number as our position size that's how
we get the strategy tester to take
trades based on lot sizes but before we
continue There is a cleaner way to go
about this and that's using a custom
function so I can get rid of all of this
code here paste in my custom function
and now this function here will do what
we just did but it's a little bit tidier
it's all kept within a custom function
you could add this to a library and
import that Library into all of your
scripts your strategy scripts and then
you have a convenient way to quickly
convert units into lots and I need to
get rid of that int keyword there that
way we can pass in floats and integers
into this function so now if I save that
code we'll be getting the exact same
thing so now what we can do is we can
cut this custom function
copy this out I can get rid of the
script I don't need it anymore I'll get
rid of the macd as well since we don't
need that on the screen it's just adding
more clutter now if I open up the source
code to the script we created in the
previous video again I won't explain too
much about this script since I've
already done that in the previous video
go and watch that if you haven't already
where I explain how we built this script
but basically this script already
calculates our position size for 4X as
units now we can just copy and paste
that function into this script so I'll
paste it I'll paste it below our user
inputs so here is the custom function
now what I need to do is first of all
I'll add a user input here below this
Forex risk per trade percentage input
I'll just copy this line of code over
this is just a Boolean input that we can
turn on or off and this will tell this
script to use Lots instead of units so
if you're trading through a broker like
oanda you can turn this off since you
can actually trade this position size
but if you're trading through a
different broker that uses lots you'll
need to turn this on when you're back
testing so now that we have our user
input switch and our custom function all
that's left to do is convert the
position size that gets calculated in
this block of code here into Lots so
I've got a separate video on how this
code works here but basically this code
takes into account the conversion rate
between your base currency so in this
case that's for me that's Aussie dollars
on this account that I'm
um using as an example so when I'm
trading us yen in Aussie dollars I need
to convert my position size based on the
exchange rate between
um the quote currency on this symbol and
that's what this code here does and if I
scroll down to where our positions get
entered here we are long trade and short
trade you can see that I use my custom
Library function here AV stands for auto
view and auto view is a Forex auto
trading plugin for Chrome that you can
use to Auto Trade Trading view scripts
that's why I originally created the code
that I'm using to calculate this
position size for the Forex markets but
this method applies to testing as well
so this can work for the strategy tester
as well as real live auto trading
through auto view and for today's
example what we need to do is convert
this position size value from units into
Lots before we pass it into our entry
function so to do that I can can use a
ternary or conditional operator here to
say is
input underscore use Lots turned on
if this is true then we want to convert
our units to Lots
and passing our position size otherwise
we just want to use our position size as
so again this is a bit confusing
especially if you're new to Pine but
what we're saying is we're saying set
the quantity of this position we're
entering the position size quantity
should be set to
is use Lots turned on if so set it to
units convert it into Luts
using our custom function we pasted
other ways you've used Lots is not
turned on then just pass in the position
size as it is
and now we need to do the same thing for
our short entry so I'll just copy and
paste some code over there to save time
it's exactly the same formula
and that's it we are now entering our
positions based on Lots if this setting
is turned on in the settings menu so now
if I save my code we are nearly done
there's one last thing I want to explain
before we wrap up the video but
quickly if I turn on use Lots instead of
this number here should change to a lot
format in terms of units so right there
is 43 mini Lots or nearly half a full
lot but we now have a problem with our
exit code so normally if you're just
using a one in one out approach so just
one profit Target or if you're exiting
based on a candle pattern so you exit
your full position based on a
Candlestick pattern or something like
that then you can stop watching the
video here you don't need to do anything
else to your script however you can see
that because we are taking two profit
targets here the first profit Target is
25 of our initial position the second
one is the remaining 75 we are telling
the strategy tester to exit a
uh position based on units still so down
here 10 750 units we can't send that to
our broker we can't send
0.1075 because our Brokers only allow up
to two decimal places so what we need to
do is in this particular script we need
to change our exit code slightly so down
here is where our exits are made
initially all it does is exit based on a
percentage of our open position so I
underscore Target is this user setting
here so by default when price hits our
first Target we take off 25 of our
position so we exit 25 of our position
from the entry called long
based on if price hits our trade Target
or our Trade Stop for that matter
and then the second line here exits the
remaining position the remaining 100 of
our position based on if price hits our
second target or our stop loss so what
we need to do here we can leave the
second line exiting 100 of our remaining
position is what we still want when our
second target is hit but our first
Target cannot be a percentage of our
open position we need to actually
calculate that percentage of our open
position and then convert that same
number into Lots so to do that to make
it easier to read there's plenty of ways
we could do this but for today's example
I'm going to create two new float
the first one is going to be called exit
partial units
and this is going to be set to strategy
dot position underscore size divided by
100 divided by our first Target
so in this case I Target is 25 by
default and so
100 divided whoops divided by 25 will
give us four and so our position size
will be divided by 4 in order to get a
quarter you could also multiply this so
you could just do I Target divided by
100 so flip these around
that gives us 0.25 and then you could
multiply that by our open position so if
we had a thousand units open that would
close out 250 units either method should
work fine but that's what we're doing
with this line of code we are
calculating the units we need to close
out based on the user setting here of
how much of our open position to exit on
our first Target when our first Target
is hit now there's one problem with this
line of code and that is that the
strategy tester
when it goes short has a negative
position size so when we go short here
we actually have a negative 43 000 units
open as our position so what we need to
do here is wrap this code in in math.abs
the math dot ABS function is ABS stands
for absolute it's short for absolute and
that will convert the given number
within the parentheses here into a
positive number so if the number is
already positive it does nothing if the
number is negative it turns it into a
positive number so in this case here
negative 43 000 would be converted into
forty three thousand and to get a
quarter of 43 000 negative 43 000 and
then it's going to divide that by four
that gives us negative 10 750 and then
the math.abs function will get rid of
that negative sign and we'll have 10 750
units but now we need to get rid of that
750. in order to convert this into Lots
so to do that I have a second float
variable here that I will call exit
partial lot
and that is going to be set to units to
lots and then we pass in our exit
partial units
variable from this line of code here so
we have our position size we want to
exit as a percentage of our total
position size in units we then convert
that into Lots now what we can do is we
can get rid of the percentage of our
quantity parameter in our exit function
so exit underscore percent equals 100
we'll exit 100 of our position qty or
quantity is set to now if I pass in our
exit partial units that will do the same
thing as exiting in this case I Target
one is 25 by default so this would be
the same with the default settings this
would be the same as saying quantity
percent equals 25 but now that we've
converted them into units what we can do
is use a similar
um ternary operator as we did up here
down here so we can say uh is I
underscore use Lots turned on
if so we want to use this quantity to
exit our initial position the initial
percentage of our open position
otherwise if used Lots is not turned on
then we just pass in the
units version of our initial Target so I
can copy this line of code down into
this parameter as well and now we're
we have a script that is entering and
exiting our positions based on Lots as
an equivalent of units so I know it's a
bit confusing but if you look down here
we are now exiting 11
000 units instead of 10 and 750 and then
we're exiting the remainder of our
position 32 000 units when our second
target gets hit by Price action or in
this particular trade we actually exited
for break even so our first Target was
hit our stop loss was moved to break
even and then the remainder out of our
position since it didn't get hit by this
Wick gets exited for break even and we
exit our 32 000 remaining units and now
the strategy tester is giving results
based on what we would be getting if we
were to trade this system on the Forex
markets using Lots instead of units and
if I come up to the settings menu and we
turn this setting off
that will change our numbers
not dramatically but it will change them
slightly so if you keep an eye on our
returns here 38.29 when we are trading
in units if I turn this on to Lots we
get a slightly higher return but
probably a slightly higher Max drawdown
as well that's because some positions
are slightly greater than one percent or
whatever this setting is set to and some
positions are slightly smaller than one
percent because as I mentioned
towards the start of this video
if for example I was to take this trade
and I put my stop loss there and take
profit there
create a limit order and I set my risk
to one percent I actually can only get
as close as 0.98 which is 0.2 Lots or
too many Lots so over time you know over
a few hundred trades
um this slight percentage difference is
going to make a noticeable but not
significant difference to our strategy
tester results but as Traders we should
always strive to get the most accurate
back testing results we possibly can
um there are limitations to historical
data and back testing but we can
mitigate a lot of those limitations by
simulating as closely as possible what
our system would have done in the past
had we been trading it so a few of those
things to consider is commission costs
slippage we can know for certain in many
cases what our commission would be we
don't know for certain what our slippage
might be that's an unknown factor we
just need to account for in our system
development and the theory and the
conceptualization of what our system is
possible or capable of anyway that will
do it for today's lesson it's a little
bit of a confusing one I understand and
I apologize the reason it's a little
confusing is because we're building on a
previous lesson that was already quite
complicated building out this strategy
script but in future lessons when we
cover this material I can link back to
these two videos we can build on this
information so whenever I create a Forex
based system to test through the
strategy tester we can copy and paste
this block of code this custom function
and basically our entry code here so
once we calculate our stop loss distance
in Pips that's all we need to know in
order to use all of that code we just
went over that I can copy and paste so
we plug in our stop loss distance and
the position size that is calculated
based on that stop loss distance we pass
that information into these functions
and there's these blocks of code that we
can copy and paste into future scripts
and that will make our lives a lot
so what I might do is cut this code and
I'll paste it in here
so we'll keep all of our Forex position
sizing code in its own
block of code that we can copy and paste
into future scripts and that will make
things a lot easier in future lessons to
build on this information so what I also
might do since we only use my zen
library in this system to calculate the
position size I might cut this line of
code out from where it is and I'll paste
it down in here as well and some of you
might not be aware of this but we can
also add on a curly brace here and a
closed curly brace here
now we can actually hide that entire
block of Code by just clicking on this
little drop down box here if we want to
and now all of this code Within These
two comments can be pasted into future
lessons and we can build on this and
what I also might do by the next video
that I publish is I might put this
custom function into my zen Library
itself so that we can have that cut out
we'll import the next version of my zen
Library when that's published and we'll
have that custom function ready to go
without needing to include those five or
six lines of code into our scripts every
time we want to do this unfortunately I
can't put this code into a library or I
would have already because you cannot
use the request function the security
function in custom libraries but anyway
that will do it for today's lesson I
will leave the source code to this
modified script Below in the video
description you can copy and paste all
of this code in into your Pine editor
and basically all you need to do is
adjust your default strategy parameters
based on whatever system you're trading
and whatever Market you are trading
crypto stocks Etc will have different
default strategy values you'll need to
change your user inputs based on the
system you're trading all of this can
stay as it is but this code here where
we calculate the indicator values and
our entry conditions and exit conditions
you'll need to change this to suit your
system and then when you enter your
trades you can pretty much copy and
paste all of this code here so perhaps
in the next system that I break down in
the next strategy video we'll take
everything we've learned here and build
on that build out some templates that we
can copy and paste into future scripts
and that sort of thing but for now I'll
leave this video here hope you found it
interesting and valuable and I will
speak with you in the next video take
care good luck with your trading and
have a great day

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