Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Henry Bakshi and
this time we're gonna be going over how
I can use the T MySQL kit that I've
created in order to communicate MySQL
with Swift natively in your iOS watch
OST vos and even Mac OS applications
let's begin it's not first of all we
know that we have two things over here
now first of all let's pretend we have a
my SQL Server
okay so we have my SQL Server now we
also have a now I'm going to make a
dotted box here and I'm going to say
swift basically we have a soft end and
we have a MySQL end now in the swift end
we have an application your application
okay and the MySQL now the thing is your
application stores data let's say it's a
chatting app it stores its data in the
MySQL server now there's a problem we
know that's Swift and MySQL don't
communicate with each other they don't
know that each other's language they're
completely different and so usually what
you need to do is you need to create
your own sort of PHP bridge between your
MySQL server and Swift okay now there's
a big problem with this happening first
of all it's very specific to this vast
scale server and this Swift application
okay it's not Universal if you want to
put this bridge in a different
application it won't work you're gonna
have to change a lot of parameters it's
very hard coded into the system and even
if you do manage to not hard-coded that
takes a bit of time to code in however T
MySQL kit solves all of those problems
for you essentially what team I asked
you Elka does is it erases this bridge
between MySQL and Swift and one of
dozens of places the bridge with a very
convenient wrapper of PHP around MySQL
so for example I can just create a
little wrapper here around - well now
this is built in PHP alright it's not
PHP does this now this PHP end is noted
I call this t t my SQ okay all right so
this is T my install kit that PHP end
however T MySQL kit has two parts
it has a PHP part and it has a swift
part so there's another part apart from
the just your application there's the T
MySQL ok here's what all right so there
are two parts the to tina SQL kits now
the thing is your application instead of
communicating directly with MySQL you're
going to communicate with T MySQL kit
however you will feel right at home
because T MySQL kit runs in it
essentially you could call it natively
it allows you to use the same my SQL
syntax the say MySQL queries everything
you can give it your query in string
format for example select star from
table name and the table name could be
users as a string to team I ask you LK
you'll feel as I said you'll feel like
you're communicating directly with MySQL
and your application will give T MySQL
kit a request
okay now you pretend as if you're
talking with MySQL because T MySQL can't
returns you the result but what happens
is in order for T MySQL kit to actually
return that result what it'll do is
it'll take your request and it'll do a
bit of processing on that it'll convert
that request to a URL request then what
happens is that gets sent over to this
PHP end alright and so here in the PHP n
some sort of conversions happen and some
processing and then it goes straight
into the MySQL once MySQL you know does
it's loading once it's done handling
your request and it has
response for you that goes in in JSON
format to a PHP but it's not just JSON
of course it's encoded and so
essentially PHP will then take that
decode that okay send that back to T
MySQL ket and then what that's gonna do
is it's gonna convert the JSON string to
NS data which they've now renamed to
data with sort three in the next release
of the foundation framework they've
converted an estate out to data and then
s URL to URL and you know stuff like
that and essentially this goes to TR t
MySQL kit on the swift end and then
finally after some processing and
conversions it goes back to your
where you feel just at home
communicating with my SQL and it doesn't
even look like it's actually
communicating with a server just seems
like it's running locally on Swift and
that is essentially what I'm going to be
showing you how to do now again the real
advantage to this is that this wrapper
and this framework are universal they
will run with almost any MySQL server in
the world all right you just load this
onto the Apache server that accompanies
the MySQL server you put this into your
Swift application technically this would
also work on an objective-c application
because you could integrate Swift into
your objective-c project and they're off
and so that's going to be its Fort Lee
white worker today
one more thing just before we get into
the Mac part though is that this
application can be quite a good and
useful parse alternative if you have
let's say a website like a GoDaddy
website where you have MySQL hosting and
for example you wanted to you know
migrate to from parse because of course
that's shutting down and you want to
migrate from parse - let's say MySQL
instead of some other database like
MongoDB you don't want to self host
parse because that would be let's say
too hard to set up for you or you don't
have enough resources and so essentially
you can use TI my SQL kit which if you
were wondering T stands for 10 made 10
name is cool kit so you can use T MySQL
kit on your GoDaddy server which is just
a PHP file PHP wrapper you can
connect to your MySQL sir database I
mean you're my school database and you
were Swift and can you communicate with
that team is ql PHP n with its swift end
and that's going to be it so as you can
see that really makes it easy to Meyer
it from parse to something like MySQL
that's gonna be it for the tutorial
today all right so now let's move over
to the Mac part where I'm going to be
explaining to you how exactly you can
use T MySQL kits along with just a MySQL
server and actually you know host
database and accents would Swift and
feel right at home
communicating with MySQL with its normal
queries let's get right to it so welcome
back to my part and now I'm gonna be
showing you how exactly you can use
MySQL get in your iOS and watch us and
TV us and Mac OS applications let's
begin so as you can see I have this
little sample application ready but I
will actually be showing this to you a
bit later but to begin first of all on
my server over here I am I'm running PHP
myadmin and as you can see I actually
have this products available database
and inside the products available
database I have an ice-cream table and
then the ice-cream table I have a flavor
and quantity sort of column or columns
and the first of all the flavor is text
and the quantity is an int all right so
now let's begin first of all our
objective is to be able to use Swift to
run these queries insert into ice cream
flavor quantities value I mean flavor
quantity values chocolate 5 meaning 5
chocolate ice creams and also 3
strawberry ice creams we want to get
those into the database and then select
star from ice cream meaning select
everything from ice cream and then
convert that data to a string and then
print self and so first of all I know
these don't exist these aren't real
functions in Swift what I've created
extensions that allow this to happen so
now in order to explain what I mean
let's actually get to the source code of
T my SQL kit lets me
so first of all of course I'm importing
foundation and then I have an extension
to the data class now of course they're
renaming NS data to data and nsurl to
URL and stuff like that they're moving
the next step
NS actually since for next step fun fact
and so they're stripping that off
because the next step is years old like
almost a decade now more than more than
a decade technically
and so there's removed ns so now also
they're basically I've created an AZ
string sort of you call this computer
property and so what I can say is I've
created this asteroid computer property
which is a string and essentially it
returns a string data of self and then
the encoding string of encoding that
utf-8 now of course in a real sort of
application scenario you probably
wouldn't use this because I mean it
assumes utf-8 encoding which is pretty
common that's why I did that and of
course it also forcefully unwraps is
optional which is not the best way to do
things but for an extremely simple
application this works and so
essentially this will convert data to a
string really easily then essentially
there's an extension to the string class
and essentially I'm using the URL
encoded computer property that I'm
creating and essentially this is going
to return a string and it will return
self dot adding percent-encoding with
allowed characters and its character set
URL path allowed and so essentially this
will just URL encode a string so like if
I have this this query that I want to
send to my skew well I'm going to URL
encode before I actually send it to
MySQL because of course it's going over
an HTTP request then also to uh in the
same string extension I have a function
called print self which returns a string
so essentially it prints self and then
returns itself so that sort of is pretty
convenient instead of putting print
around the entire thing it becomes a bit
more clean to read and then finally the
juicy parts MySQL kit T - welcome and so
essentially team il kit inside of that
we have a very
called msk handler my SQL kit handler
and now this is the link to that PHP
script on your website which I will be
showing you in just a moment that's on
my server right now and so essentially
that's going to be a string or actually
in this case a mil string it currently
has no value and also a database
variable because when you initialize
minus QL can you give it the database
that you want to connect to so then it
gives my the MySQL kit on the server and
that database so it knows what to
connect to and then it gives it the
query and so that's pretty interesting
as well so in the initializer I just ask
for an msk handler as a string and a
database is a string and then I set the
self values to exactly that whatever
they gave through the initializer
however I mean they actually currently
cannot initialize without giving those I
mean you could create like nil my
shortcut object but you cannot
initialize my ex Trel kit without an msk
handler in a database all right so next
we have I have a function that I've
created called run request underscored
data now I'm going to be creating more
functions in the future and later
releases of the MySQL case framework or
scope my SQL cake code and essentially
right now it returns data but soon also
creates a JSON array
you know integers stuff like that for
eternity as well instead of you having
to convert the data to whatever else
you'd like but anyway so Kourt basically
this function will run our quest to the
team is cricket's side on the PHP end
and essentially what happens is this
function asks for a query from the
developer and so that's as a string of
course just normal MySQL query which is
really what is so powerful about my SQL
kick you can give it a normal MySQL
query and then it will return data at
you again they're stripping and as from
NS data to make it just data then
essentially what I do I create a final
URL which is equal to the MS Cahan order
that was given to us which is the PHP
and the URL to PHP and and then I just
add question mark meaning now the
parameters come in of the URL of
HTTP requests and for the DB which was
database I send the database variable
over here but I do RL encode that first
and once I URL encode that that goes
into the string and then another
parameter is query and so I just URL
encode it's a query that's that and also
I return force try data contents of URL
string of this URL that upgraded again
in a real-life situation I guess you
wouldn't exactly use exactly this code
because the thing is with this code
we're first of all forcefully trying
something and forcefully unwrapping the
URL so if the URL is not valid that's
gonna crash if the data doesn't return
then it's gonna crash and so you would
probably want to implement some error
handling but this is the bare bone sort
of code that you're going to be putting
in in order to actually make your
application able to contact MySQL after
that you can implement your hair error
handling as well the way you'd like it
whatever you'd like it to do this is how
it's actually going to contact it all
right so now let me also show you over
here if I open up the file manager on my
server here if I scroll down as you can
see I have this PHP file called get
anything and if I go to the code editor
here or I believe I already have that
open but anyway as you can see basically
I have my username filled out and I have
my password filled out now essentially
these username and password credentials
need to be of your MySQL database and
the host of course needs to be the host
of the MySQL database as well in this
case since I'm running it on my own
this is localhost but if you were
running this remotely like those PHP and
or the Apache or the yeah a PHP script
is let's say running locally on an iOS
device for example and your MySQL server
is on the cloud then you actually want
to give it the host of the MySQL server
but since I'm running the PHP and in the
- Trillian side by side on the same
server which GoDaddy happily does for me
even though I mean Mac and cloud does as
or really any Mac Mac hosting service
you can just use localhost because of
course they are beside each other and
don't really need to go remote to find
each other alright so then as you can
see just you know in my other database
tutorials the normal connecting to MySQL
code but except for the fact that I'm
not giving it a database to connect to
I'm actually finding a database from the
parameters which I'm using underscore
get to a richer root tree from the URL
and so I'm using DB which is the
parameter that is passed in order to you
know give the database to the PHP script
so I've connects the database and if
it's unable to do that it's just gonna
say unable to connect however if it is
able to do that then it will get the
query into a query variable and then get
the results as JSON and echo them to the
screen and after that what happens is
Swift will take that convert that to NS
data and send that off back to your
application and that is quite a bit but
now as you can see back to PHP myadmin
in the ice-cream table there's currently
nothing no quantity of ice-cream and
that's not good for business we can't
sell anything okay so let's say we
receive a shipment of five chocolate ice
creams and three strawberry okay and so
basically you want to insert into
ice-cream with flavor and quantity the
values chocolate five and strawberry
three all right let's try this out so
now essentially what should happen is it
should insert five chocolate in there it
should insert three strawberry and then
it's print exactly what happened with
this select command however one more
thing I'd like to do is do this one by
one so you can actually see it happening
in phpMyAdmin so if I comment out these
two lines of code then if I run this on
my simulator here then you'll be able to
see that first of all the simulator
shows nothing but right after this is
done printing lots of stuff or which I'm
not exactly sure why this prints out I
have done a little bit of researchers
because of you know the data how it's
synchronous and how it's not able to
to the server properly but again you
don't need to worry about this these are
just warnings and these don't these are
ones actually errors so now this should
be done inserting into the database
let's see let's not might go over to PHP
myadmin and I click on ice cream as you
can see chocolate 5 MySQL kit is working
till now let's try and see what happens
when I insert something of let's say
strawberry all right so I'm going to run
this once more into the simulator all
right as it loads up on the simulator
and it's done printing lots of stuff all
its warnings
well no it's done no it has to print one
more thing I believe yeah there we go
and it should be done if i refresh in
PHP myadmin as you can see it's inserted
strawberry now all I need to do is just
uncomment this last line of code which
will actually select from the ice-cream
database convert that NS or data just
down out with a smile moved NSO convert
that data to a string and then print the
string let's try it out shall we
alright so now if I run this as you can
see the simulator is gonna load up
iphone SE and in just as you can see it
is done and it has selected this result
as you can see here it says flavor
chocolate hi this is actually an array
of dictionaries and the first dictionary
is flavored chocolate quantity 5 and I'm
just gonna highlight that there add
flavor strawberry quantity 3 and that's
how my astir l can't hurt works i really
hope you enjoyed that tutorial and if
you did please make sure to leave a like
and subscribe to my youtube channel you
can actually contact me if you have any
questions suggestions or ideas at my
email tangi manage email calm down in
the comments below or on my twitter @jj
many the source code will as always be
in the description and again i hope you
enjoyed and if you did please make sure
to leave a like and share it with anyone
you think that it might help again thank
you very much and if you really liked it
you can even subscribe to the channel it
really does help out a lot that's gonna
be it for my tutorial today I hope you
enjoyed thank you goodbye

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