Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Henry bshi and this
time we're going to be going over yet
again another revision for my well now
series of xcode to IPA uh this time
we're going to be going over uh not
really part three but more like part 2.1
since it's just a little extension uh to
what we've had before uh now if you
remember this is this is just literally
history uh but back in the days of xode
2 IPA version one uh it was working fine
it wasn't very practical uh it worked
though uh and then the problem was that
Wade sellers uh commented on my video uh
and he had a code signing issue uh so
then that encouraged me to just make a
second version which fixed 90% of code
signing issues and it also was much
faster and much more practical to use uh
in a real development
environment uh and so now I'm going to
be expanding on that and and giving you
a little extra feature uh that is still
under development uh Apple doesn't
completely allow it so it won't be the
most functional feature uh but it it
it's a workaround and that is
semi-automatic updates now what is a
semi-auto a semi-automatic update uh
basically a semi-automatic update uh is
something it's a feature in which let's
say you just start up your app it if if
uh the feature finds a new version on
your server of that app it will notify
you and say okay here's another uh
version of this app uh I'd like you to
install it and then you can either click
on no or yes uh if you click on no it'll
just remind you the next time you open
the app and if you click on yes uh it
will actually uh it will show a little
menu uh where you can again click yes or
no if you click no it'll again skip if
you click yes it'll exit the app by
itself uh and then it'll it'll ask you
to install manually and that's what the
disadvantage is but before I explain
this let's just I'm just going to bring
your attention over here uh and as you
can see we have one advantage and one
disadvantage to this using this method
which is basically the only method for
this that we have currently U maybe with
iOS 10 or something they'll give us some
new ways to do this but for now the only
thing that we can do uh is the advantage
is that it will notify you when a new
version is released for the software but
the disadvantage is that you have to
manually install this onto your device
uh the reason we have this disadvantage
is due to the fact uh that
um in order to install the app we need
to delete the old app and we can't
delete our own app and we can't delete
any other apps on the iOS system so then
the problem is that if we can't delete
we can't install if we can't install
then we can't do it fully automatically
and that just basically tells us why we
can't do it uh so as you can see I just
WR down Wroten down uh that this is xco
to IPA 2.1 not three uh and that we have
semi-automatic updates finally if you
still didn't get it uh so the bottom
line is that I've introduced sort of
semi-auto updates uh another
disadvantage uh to this method uh could
be the fact uh
that you are required uh to uh use um
more code in your apps uh and sorry
about that but you are required to use
some code in your
app use
storyboard so you unless uh it's just a
little disadvantage that you have to use
some temporary code in your view
controller class or whatever main class
you're using and also an extra view in
your storyboard uh but I mean uh you can
always remove this before you actually
distribute this and this is more for
those like little groups of developers
that are just developing a software and
don't want to keep manually checking if
there's an update but they can just get
ma uh just get notified of it uh and so
essentially what I've done is I took
just a little Remnant or a little block
of Swift databases mixed it with excot
IPA and we got a result uh now I just
took a little Remnant I didn't really
use databases I just used PHP it seemed
easier uh so let me just explain how it
works basically we have a swift
end over here
sorry we have a swift end
here and we also have a phpn on our
server this is where the latest version
will be
kept and this is where the local version
will be
kept okay now let's just say the local
version for Swift is
0.0.1 and let's just say the PHP version
0.0.1 and I put one for a reason I'm
going to tell you why in just a second
now it's going to match the local and
the latest version numbers and now these
are the same so it's going to say hm
there's no update so I should not notify
the user so it'll just do nothing it'll
run the app like normal however let's
just say uh one of the lead developers
releases a new version of the software
and says this is version
0.0.2 uh or 0.1.2 or something like that
uh then Swift will say that hm okay so
these are different now so what I should
do is tell the user that there's an
upgrade and when there's an upgrade it
just uh pops up a little menu and says
would you like to install uh stuff like
that if that's a little drawing of the
view you can imagine it'll ask you then
if you were to click on yes it would
actually update from PHP if you were to
click on no then it just ignores it so
yeah that was really it uh and now I
will see you at the Mac part uh where we
will actually go into the code and just
before we actually go to the Mac part uh
I'm just going to tell you that that I
will be repeating a little section of XO
tyia part two so you feel really the
continuity of this and how you actually
uh embed this in your apps uh but if you
do want to skip that then there might
just be a little um uh annotation on
screen allowing you to do so uh when I
actually start the Mac part uh or you
can just look in the description for the
timing when I start the Mac when I start
the real um update checking part so yeah
I'll see you at the Mac
part so welcome to the Mac part of the
video and now we're going to be
explaining exactly how to do this stuff
uh so let's get started as you can see
uh I have already installed Dropbox and
shenen uh and you can find out how to do
that from my earlier tutorial Swift dat
races part 2 which there will be a link
to in the description down below again I
will will be repeating some parts of X
typa part two in this uh so if you wish
you can just skip it by clicking on The
annotation that's on screen and it
should disappear just around
now okay so now let's actually get
started and I'm just going to go to my
Dropbox I'm going to go to my apps and
as you can see I've also installed my.
drop pages so you also need to do that
and again that will be taught in xco IPA
part two uh which there will be a link
to down in the description uh then you
go to your website you go to public uh
and I'm just going to create a new
folder for this app and I'm going to
call this Au for auto update uh and
let's just go into it uh as you can see
uh it's blank but I have uh first of all
the app that can automatically update
itself over here I'm just going to take
this app and copy it into my
Dropbox okay it's done uh then I'm going
to take all these files that will help
us install to our device and also copy
them onto my
Dropbox and so that'll do that and so
now that once we're done that all we
need to do is let's just go into our
project and let's just wait for it to
load up what I'm just going to do is I'm
going to go to main.
storyboard and I'm going to go to my
view uh which I'm just going to go full
screen in uh hide all this extra stuff
and then I'm going to add a label to
app which will just basically tell us
the current
is okay then I'm just going to move it
like this and like
this and like that uh then I'm going to
go back into my uh uh view controller
and I'm going to create an IB outlet for
it right as it loads sorry sometimes it
does this but I mean you can't really do
much about
it sorry okay there so now I'm going to
create an IB outlet for
this uh IB Outlet VAR and let's just
call it uh label
ver and let's just give this the type of
UI label and down here in our viewed
load uh or actually viewed appear I
guess why not I am going to say label
ver. text is equal to current version
is and then the current version once
that's done uh I'm just going to save
this build it do not run
build uh and then we should be
safe to be able
to uh okay so now we should be safe to
be able to quit xcode uh and as you can
see this will just sync back onto
Dropbox and now I'm going to go back and
then I'm also going to open up terminal
once I have terminal open I'm going to
drag in just a sec going to type in CD
space then drag in the Au folder that we
have on our
Dropbox uh over here sorry that's why I
like this view
better I'm just going to drag back in
here and then I'm going to move the
extra space and then I'm going to click
on enter uh and now that we are in this
directory all we need to do is type in
IPA build okay once that's done uh we
are going to be able to create an IPA so
I'm just going to click
enter and as you can see it will
successfully or at least it should
successfully uh create an IPA file for
us uh so now we can just wait uh wait it
out uh sometimes it does take a little
bit time if your app is this big uh uh
so that'll just do
that and it'll give us some errors but
we can ignore them completely because
those are just temporary ghost
errors as you can see it is generating
our IPA and it has successfully built it
uh now once that's done we just want to
really wait for uh X I mean Dropbox to
upload this onto our server or actually
just uploaded onto Dropbox and sometimes
happen finder
crashes yeah apparently finder does
crash na cppy 10 so that's one glitch
that I just found anyway so once that's
done we have it all synced up and ready
to go now we can go what we can do is go
to the actual um uh uh online version of
Dropbox uh so I'm just going to go to and I'm going to go into my
apps folder once I'm in my apps folder
to my drop pages then my tajim Manu
website then public and then my Au
folder now I'm going to click on share
beside the IPA file and I'm going to
copy this link then I'm going to open up
the uh pist file over here uh with
xcode and then once it opens up I'm just
going to change the link uh to a direct
link uh you know how in XO tyia part 2 I
tell you to remove DL uh and replace
www.d www with dl. I think
this means direct link probably uh so
then we also replace Dropbox with
Dropbox user content uh direct link.
Dropbox user SL whatever
whatever ever slaut update autoa update.
IA perfect uh now I can just save and
quit and once this uh syncs back onto
our server we can go on and we can
refresh now what I'm going to do is I'm
going to click the share button for this
file now I'm going to copy this link I'm
going to go to install a HTML and I'm
going to open this up with Sublime Text
to so it's just going to fetch sometimes
it takes some time maybe if we redo it
okay perfect now I'm going to go into
Sublime Text 2
and as you can see uh we have the link
here and we don't want this link we
actually want this link okay now I'm
going to remove the DL part and I'm also
going to replace www with
DL and Dropbox with Dropbox user
content perfect I'm going to save and
quit once this thing backs onto our back
onto our servers we are ready to give it
a test run now just going to get my iOS
device and plug it into my Mac here uh
so theoretically uh this should be able
to mirror my iPhone onto my computer uh
and yeah I'm just going to plug it in
just give me a second really quickly uh
uh so just one
um sorry this is taking a little bit of
time but I mean
yeah I'm just going to freeze that and
now I'm just just going to get my iPhone
and my lightning connector uh which
apparently uh yeah I'm just going to be
back in 1 second with my lightning
connector and I'll see you
then so yeah I am back with another uh
part of this and sorry I had to cut
there it's just that I didn't have my
lightning connector at the time anyway
now I am successfully streaming uh to my
projector and you should be able to see
it right as I click this button perfect
okay okay so now I can uh basically go
to the drop Pages where this is located
and we should be able to use it so if I
go to tajim
manny. drop
and if I go slash no not emojis I don't
want emojis right now I want
slash uh
Au slash
HTML perfect now if we go enter it
should give us this install link and I'm
just going to zoom in so you can see it
so I'm just going to click on
install and it should ask us if we would
like to install auto app update I'm
going to click on
install uh and this will or at least it
should install uh our automatic updating
software to our device ice so now we can
just wait for a while and just in case
you can't see that I'm going to point it
out to you right now uh using this
pointer apparently uh so as you can see
uh if I bring it down a
bit right there that's where the app is
in case you couldn't see it sorry it's a
bit down I just have a lot of apps
anyway so it's now
installing pretty useful and now it has
successfully installed wirelessly you
already knew this part uh but when we
turn this on apparently it doesn't uh
really like this uh I think I know why
because if we go into our
xcode uh we forgot to hook up the IB
Outlet to the actual label itself so
it's saying that okay there's a nil
value and there's nothing to set the
text of so then it just complains and we
don't get a chance to test out our app
anyway I'm just going to fix that really
quickly in front of you so I'm just
going to connect from view controller to
the current thing label version
uh and then just build not onto the
device as you can see I'm not building
onto my device I'm just building in
general by doing control B I mean
command B and now that that's done I'm
going to quit uh and now it will sync
this back on and then I can recreate the
IPA uh as you can see it's not really
doing anything on the iPhone but then I
can also delete this so it isn't taking
up space and then there so right as it's
done we can open up Safari and we can
install again right as it's
done this will just take a while I guess
and there it has successfully built now
I'm just going to wait for it to sink uh
which might just take a little a few
seconds actually uh so 12 seconds we'll
just wait for that to go um in case you
can't see where I'm reading the time off
of actually I'm just reading the time
off of
here as you can see it's just almost
done and there it's done now that it is
done I am just going to go back onto my
iPhone and I'm going to go into Safari
and I'm going to click on install once
again click on
install if I go back to my homepage it
should theoretically install back onto
my device and we should have uh a nice
working version yeah so see that's
sometimes what happens sometimes you
forget to hook up an IB Outlet sometimes
you forget to give it a certain string
value sometimes you make a r random
optional uh thing in Swift it so is a
bit annoying when that happens but I
mean it does happen
sometimes yeah so this is just going to
take a little while to install and once
it is successfully done we can open it
up and of course it doesn't crash so it
says that the current version is
0.0.1 now there's a problem uh well not
really a problem let's just say I were
to release version
0.0.2 now what I'm going to do is I'm
just going to keep this on here and I'm
not going to close it just so you can
see that I'm not doing anything so I'm
going to open up the
okay now I'm going to go back in and I'm
I'm going to change the version to
0.0.2 well of course has to load first
anyway sometimes it's really annoying
anyway so I'm going to change this to
0.0.2 I'm going to save and I'm going to
quit okay now this is just going to
refresh onto thing then I'm going to
redo IPA
build okay just wait for a second or
just going to wait wait wait wait and
keep on
waiting fake Errors By The X Cod to IPA
script uh and yeah in just a second it
will be done uh it's also going to have
to sync onto the server and while it
syncs uh I can show you how I okay there
now it's going to start syncing while it
syns I'm going to update the PHP uh to
reflect 0.0 2 instead so as you can see
this is literally the simplest PHP
script you could possibly have it's just
starting PHP we're echoing 0.0.2 to the
screen and we're ending PHP that's it so
if we were to go to this
website uh then as you can see we would
see um
check uh 0.0.2 because we just changed
it okay so now it has uh synced and it
has successfully built and we have
changed it here uh now if I were to
close open back up as you can see in
just a second or so or maybe actually
what I should do is clear this out of
memory then okay now if we just wait a
while uh we should be able to see uh
sometimes that'll also take a little
while to load it's normal it's because
yeah see so it just tells us that a new
sorry yeah see so what I'm just going to
uh is in our xcode project there's
another little thing uh is that if uh
you load on to another view this will
still be called uh and then it'll say
that okay now we're on a different View
and this is not no longer there so I
have to do if let underscores is equal
label then only do I want to change the
text okay so that should work and sorry
I just built onto the device there I'm
just going to stop that if it were ever
to load that
is one of the most annoying things to do
in the world of programming wait
anyway okay I'm going to stop the build
from happening and I'm just going to
build I'm not going to run onto the
device I'm just going to
build and in just a
second you should see that it
successfully builds I'm going to keep
the version
0.0.2 just just for the sake of
Simplicity uh but as you can see that's
done now I can quit out uh I can IPA
build it is going to create an IPA file
for us um and we should be able to see
uh the fact that we have a new IPA and
yeah yeah that'll take a little
time sorry about the
wait it's generating a new IPA
now as you can
see and we can just wait and wait and
wait and wait and
anyway now it's sinking it is done
building it is now
um yeah it'll take some
time quite some time okay now that
that's done
we can actually get on uh with building
so now I'm just going to manually update
really quickly uh due to the fact that
we have just changed a really critical
piece of code and then I'm just going to
show you the automatic updates with the
0.0.3 so as you can see it'll do
that so till then what I can do is I can
start repairing version 0.0.3 so I'm
just going to open this
so I'm just going to change this to
0.0.3 but I'm not going to change the
PHP yet okay because I just want you to
see uh that even if we change the xcode
projects uh thing it's not going to
affect our app in anyway okay we can
open it up and it shows us that the
current version is
0.0.2 uh now of course it will not ask
us to update because that's also the
version in the pH HP however we had just
released a new version called 0.0.3 in
this mix uh so what do we do now let's
just do this I'm going to go back to our
PHP and make this 0.0.3 I'm going to
save and then I'm going to clear the
app okay now I'm going to close it
down uh just one
second yeah I didn't want that there
okay I'm just going to open it back up
and it immediately tells me that a new
update is available and what I like to
proceed with the update now I'm just
going to click no and as you can see it
tells us the current version is
0.0.2 now I'm going to
again open it up this time I'm going to
click on yes now I have two options I
can either let's do this or I can just
change my mind now I'm just going to
click on let's do this and it will
automatically close the app for me I can
delete this
app I can re uh rebuild the IPA first of
just wait for that to happen sorry
sometimes it does take a little bit of
time just make sure that's the right
yeah okay um right as it builds an IPA
we will be set
to do more stuff that's one of the most
uh annoying Parts building the IPA over
and over again it is a bit tedious and
it does get
annoying but again I mean it is useful
okay so now it has successfully build
and now I can click on the install after
refreshing as you can see I can click on
install and then I can click on install
again and then it should install version
0.0.3 and if I were to open up
0.0.3 it would well uh just a sec
retry it would successfully uh it would
actually not uh show me that there is an
update available because it would be the
latest version and and that this is
assuming that you have changed the
version number in xcode uh so that it
actually has a new version number to
look at uh so that it isn't just
pointlessly looking in the PHP file and
itself for no reason so now it is just
going to
install sorry about that
um yeah the reason it said it couldn't
install before is because I didn't wait
for the IPA to sync back into Dropbox
when you click on retry it's usually
synced already so I just clicked on
retry and then it
works the reason I know it works is
because it's taking much longer than
usual and when it takes pretty long then
that means it is successfully doing it
see so now we just wait for second and
it installs and we can open it up and we
can even wait a few seconds we can wait
like 10 seconds just to make sure it's
actually connecting and this will not
show anything I'm just going to wake
another 10 seconds right as it becomes
1219 50
a.m. okay okay so as you can see it's
not loading anything at all because it's
seeing that the current version number
and the version number in the PHP file
are the exact same so it's not taking
any action and yeah that was the Mac
part of the video uh pretty interesting
uh again all source code will be down in
the description uh if you have any
questions just comment down below you
can also email me my email would be down
in the description below um you can
subscribe to my channel if you like the
if you like my content and you want to
see more of it uh and you can also like
this video if you liked it uh and
that'll be it

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