Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Tammy Bakshi and
today we're going to be going through an
absolutely fascinating topic we're gonna
be talking about the alphago series of
algorithms now I'm absolutely certain
that you have seen of or or heard about
this new alphago technology alphago was
the very first system ever very first
computer system that has ever defeated a
go world champion a human player and
this is absolutely exceptional because
well if you take a look at other complex
games for example chess they have a very
large state space that means there are
tons of possible moves but still many
decades ago IBM was able to create deep
blue the first computer to ever beat a
human chess champion and that was
incredibly impressive but the way that
works is fundamentally brute force
you're looking through almost every
possible future move in order to
determine your probability of losing or
winning or tying the game and based off
of that choosing the moves that gave you
the highest probability of winning now
the issue with that is that first of all
you have to have human crafted
heuristics to guide your search because
while chess is relatively a lot smaller
than go and we'll get to that in just a
moment it's still really large and that
means brute forcing every single
possible move is simply impossible you
can't do it
and so you somehow have to create these
heuristics to tell you this branch is so
exceedingly unlikely on my opponent's
part that I might as well not even
consider it and the same thing for your
own player and so somehow you have to
create human crafted heuristics and
these take years to build good ones and
you need to use brute force lots of
compute to really take a look into the
future and forcefully figure out what's
gonna be happening but then alphago
completely changes the way games like
this are played and it has to in a way
because in go there are more possible
moves there are more possible individual
states and play outs of a game then
there are atoms in the observable
universe and so no computers
you can really model that entire state
space of go the techniques that we've
used for essentially every other game
won't hold up for the game of go now
there have been a few techniques applied
to try and play the game of go in the
past almost all of them have been based
on something called Monte Carlo tree
search now Monte Carlo and Las Vegas
algorithms are a certain class of
algorithms that work in a fundamentally
random manner that means they're not
deterministic they're stochastic and so
for example while a Las Vegas algorithm
may not always necessarily give you the
correct or always even give you a result
a Monte Carlo algorithm is guaranteed to
give you at least some result so that's
the difference between the two and Monte
Carlo tree search specifically is able
to make use of that random factor in
order to take a look into the future but
not too far into the future and not
through too many states so what exactly
does that mean
well let's take a look at what Monte
Carlo tree search really is and then
we'll get into this whole alphago alpha
zero thing and specifically the example
that I want to show you today so let's
take a look shopping now alpha zero or
alpha go well are fundamentally reliant
not only on deep learning and machine
learning technology but they're also
reliant on this other kind of
technologies Monte Carlo tree search so
the way this works is ensemble a new
techniques and old techniques together
so let's take a look at how exactly that
technology works now let's just say we
have some sort of go board state and
it's maybe represented with this dot now
the thing is there are tons of possible
is possible moving the star so one thing
that you could do is something called a
Monte Carlo evaluation where for example
you say all right I'm gonna take a look
at let's just say every single possible
move from here on out and I am going to
I'm going to modify the state so that I
take all of those actions and then I'm
going to run a series of completely
random games from that point onwards
okay and so on and so forth you're just
gonna run completely random games until
the game ends from that board state
that's it now I know it doesn't seem
like this would do anything but if you
run enough random games then what ends
up happening is the states that are
generally better usually end up having a
better average score after these random
games than the states which are worse
and so if you were choose the one with
the highest random average score then
you would end up most likely choosing a
pretty good move now this technically
isn't Monte Carlo tree search this is a
Monte Carlo evaluation at a single depth
level so you're not going further than
this one depth now let's pause here for
just a moment I would recommend that you
learn a bit more about Monte Carlo tree
search and how it works and specifically
applying it to a game called 2048 to do
so you can take a look at my course on
cognitive class that I I it's totally
free and it uses Swift for tensorflow
there will be a link to that in this in
the description below if you like you
can only take a look at the 2048 module
and come back to the video or if you
like you can take a look at the whole
course that covers other reinforcement
learning algorithms and the ions as well
however that will be very good base
knowledge for you to build off of and
understand the point of Monte Carlo tree
search so let's continue now from here
if I realize that we don't just want to
take a look at one single depth we want
to go a little bit further down the tree
and understand what what the future
holds for us
so what you have with Monte Carlo tree
search is something called a policy and
a policy is something that will take
your current state and it's going to
tell you for my current state I think
out of all the possible moves these are
the ones that are the best it's gonna
rank those possible actions from best to
worst and it's gonna sign a confidence
value to each one so we're gonna call
these our policy values so let's just
say there are four possible next moves
so we have one two three and four and
we're going to use a policy network to
assign a policy to each one of these
alright so we're going to assign a
now what's gonna happen is we're
actually gonna continue down this way
we're going to continue to expand the
search tree for each of these Paul to
each of these nodes according to their
policy value now how do we determine
which nodes to continue down with but
we're gonna be using an algorithm called
UCT upper confidence bound applied to
trees now I'm not gonna get into how
that works here we'll talk about that
more during when we're actually taking a
look at a code but we're going to be
applying an algorithm called UCT to
determine which nodes we want to look at
based off of their policy values and
then continue down the tree so on and so
forth now let's just say we're going to
a depth of two and in this case we want
to expand this one let's just say
there's now only two possible moves so
we want to go down each one we'll have a
policy of course but now we have let's
just say reached our time budget and we
no longer have more time to continue
down so we're gonna end the Monte Carlo
tree search now you're wondering how
would we determine the value of these
nodes so we know which action to take
well then something else comes in we
stopped using our policy and we start
using something called our value now the
value portion of Monte Carlo tree search
is gonna be able to take any state and
just tell you how good that state is for
you so how good or how bad is the state
for my card player now it's a little bit
different from policy policy is for this
certain state what actions should I take
value is for this state how sure am
either this is a good or a bad position
for me so what's gonna happen is they're
gonna go to your leaf nodes and you're
going to go ahead and calculate the
values so you're gonna have a value one
a value two here this is going to have a
value since this itself will have value
you're gonna back propagate these values
up through the tree so this will have a
value this will have a value and this
will also have a value and then
whichever one of these nodes has the
highest value you're simply gonna choose
that one and they're gonna continue now
again the way these values are back
propping it up the tree we're gonna be
taking a look at during our cook we're
gonna be taking a look at that during
the code as well however just know that
this nodes value is based off of its
children values and
these notes had children these ones
values would also be based off of their
children's values and finally just like
that based off the one with the highest
value you know which node or which
action to take now where exactly does
alphago provide its innovation well you
see traditionally how would we estimate
these values we would just simply
devolve back to a Monte Carlo evaluation
we would run a bunch of random games
these are called rollouts and his
rollouts would help us determine what
the value of a current state is and the
policy would be some kind of other set
of heuristics that we would develop
manually now sure this is an OK
algorithm and maybe go BOTS like this
can challenge human beginners but once
you get to human moderate or expert
level these BOTS pose absolutely no
threat to any human player and so you've
got to have a more intelligent way of
doing this search and so what alphago
does is it uses neural network
technology deep learning technology to
be specific and what it's gonna do is
it's actually going to use those deep
neural Nets in order to guide and
evaluate the search as it's happening so
there are two steps making us having the
policy network and the value network the
policy network is gonna take your state
and it's going to predict using a soft
Mac so here at the end using a soft max
activation what are the best actions for
me to take then based off of those best
actions Monte Carlo tree search is going
to determine which nodes it should
continue to search through and then
here's the interesting part
when we reach a leaf node we're not just
going to run a random rollout because
first of all it takes a lot of time
you've got to simulate games
it's simply impractical to keep doing
that and at the same time in their
random games what can you really expect
them for expect from them so the value
network is going to take that state and
it's going to predict a single
continuous value from negative 1 to 1
predicting how good the current board
state is what is the likelihood of the
computer player winning from a current
board state and with those policy and
value net
that contain almost no human knowledge
and I'd say almost and you'll see why I
said the word almost there in just a
moment but because they contain almost
no human knowledge because they're
learning by themselves with deep
reinforcement learning technology
they're able to play the game and a
superhuman level so we're taking
classical techniques like Monte Carlos
research as well as these brand new
techniques of policy networks and value
networks in order to guide the search to
tell us what moves are the best to make
that is the fundamental premise of the
alphago algorithm now there are many
evolutions of this algorithm and there
are many specifics I didn't get into
right now for example how do you know
how much you want to explore versus
exploit your predictions because let's
just say there's a certain there's a
certain node with a very low confidence
value but that turns out to have higher
confidence values for its children well
then maybe it's better to explore in the
tree than it is to explore your highest
predictions so during training maybe you
want to do that but then at the same
time you don't really want to make a
mistake just because you saw something
with a low confidence could actually
pretty good for you and so there are a
few different issues that we'll take a
look at how they're fixed during the
code but again this is a fundamental
premise now you're probably wondering
how are the policy and value networks
trained how do we get the data to
actually get those neural networks to
make these predictions well alphago has
a lot of innovation in this front as
well what happens is the neural networks
generate their own data now I know that
seems weird but let me talk about how
this works so first of all you've got
your policy network and you've also got
your value network what happens is for
alphago in specific not alphago zero and
not alpha 0 for alpha go in specific
what they would do is they would take
moves made by professional human players
over the past couple of years on online
go servers and they would train the
policy network to essentially predict
what would a human expert do in this
case these networks usually never
reached great accuracy only like 60 70
percent accuracy max and that's after a
lot of overfitting but it doesn't really
need to even with a low enough accuracy
Monte Carlo trees
we'll make up for the inaccuracy because
it's gonna be looking deeper in the
actual gantry so low accuracy didn't
really matter then they use the similar
technique in order to train the value
they took 30 million go games and
sampled only a couple of moves from
every single game and then what they did
is they took those boards and fed them
into the neural network and had it
predict negative one or one for lose or
win four for the black player and what
happened was the neural network was able
to learn that hey these board states
usually lead to lose and these ones
usually lead to a win so I was able to
generalize and understand what leads to
a lose and what leads to a win in the
game of Gov now the thing is just
training on human professional moves
isn't enough because the neural networks
don't really generalize to human moves
they very very easily overfits as there
isn't enough data and that data is very
variable different humans will make
different decisions in different
circumstances and so there has to be a
way for the neural network to get more
data now think about this if you were to
play than play the game with only the
policy network so you literally just
take the state feed it into the policy
network get the maximum prediction that
'value for for an output and just make
that move you wouldn't have a very good
bot because that bot can only see one
move ahead into the future whereas with
Monte Carlo tree search when you're
using the policy network in conjunction
with this tree search you're able to see
more further you're able to see further
down the game tree and therefore make a
better decision so the policy network
plus the Monte Carlo tree search makes
better decisions than just the policy
network so what if you were to use the
policy network in conjunction with Monte
Carlo tree search to play games against
itself over and over again well
technically the data generated from
those games would be better data than it
was just fed into the network so you
train the network again now you have a
better network but that network is even
better when you put it with Monte Carlo
tree search so you generate even better
then you feed that data back into the
network and then you continue this cycle
over and over and over again and what
happens is after a few hundred or
thousand iterations you suddenly have a
superhuman goba that plays go at a level
no human has ever seen before and I just
focused on the policy network for
simplicity but this also includes the
value network remember value network
great on its own but it really shines
when it's helping Monte Carlo tree
search and not playing on its own and so
what you do is with every single Monte
Carlo tree search iteration you have the
agent play against itself and you have
it continuously generate better and
better data to create better and better
networks that will create better and
better data and by doing so you have
this infinite loop of progress that is
very very difficult to Plateau it just
continues to grow and grow and so that
is the idea behind the alphago algorithm
you have you have classical tree search
you've got neural networks working
together to create a single superhuman
system now alphago has two separate
neural nets policy and value but later
through the pipeline when deepmind
evolved from just alphago to now alphago
0 and alpha zero
they created a thing pool with a neural
network that merged these two networks
into one essentially having a common
head and two separate tails so you would
have a single feature extractor with a
bunch of convolutional layers and at the
end there would be two separate outputs
one for the policy and one for the value
and so that's how these next new these
next neural networks worked they were
much better because the gradients for
the value in the policy were able to
work together to create a better neural
network system and therefore guide Monte
Carlo tree search better but we don't
stop there there's one more thing I want
to mention and this is absolutely
incredible the inputs to these neural
networks the alphago neural network was
of course the current born state but it
was represented in a pretty special way
so for example you could have a certain
channel telling the neural network where
all the black zones are and then another
channel telling you where all the white
stones are and another another channel
telling it all the liberties of the
the liberties little white stones and so
on and so forth and even have manually
human crafted features in all these
channels and then you would feed it into
the network and when the network was
trained it started off with a bit of
seed data from human experts and then it
took over from there and went into this
sort of iterations iterations of Monte
Carlo tree search now what if you can
have a bot that just learn how to play
go by playing against itself and had no
human data or expertise involved
whatsoever that's exactly what alphago's
dear have accomplished now they still
did have some human crafted features fed
into the network for example the Liberty
counts as I just said as I just said
however these minimal networks were not
seated with any human data they started
from scratch and using Monte Carlo tree
search plus the policy and value
networks together they learned how to
play the game of go and here's the
interesting part
alphago was able to beat Lisa doll a
human Grandmaster at the go game and
then alphago zero which was trained on
no human data was able to beat alphago a
hundred games to zero that is absolutely
incredible but wait it gets better
there's a new algorithm called alpha 0
and alpha zero not only starts off with
absolutely no human expertise but there
are no human crafted features been into
the network so it's just given the raw
board state it's not given any manually
created heuristics or features it just
has the current board and it learns
everything else on its own then alpha
zero was then able to beat alphago zero
so we're starting to notice a bit of a
trend here the Morse human knowledge we
take out of the system and the more we
allow it to just learn on its own the
better it ends up playing because the
more novel play strategies it's able to
discover now there is one more
difference between alphago alphago zero
and the alpha zero algorithm and that is
the arena now what is that exactly well
let's just say you have a certain
version of the neural
network and you use that with Monte
Carlo tree search to generate some data
then what would happen is you would
train a new neural network and you would
have the old and the new play against
each other and only if the new network
actually wins more than 55 percent of
the games will you replace the old
Network and start to create new data if
it doesn't
for example the training didn't happen
very well or the data for some reason
wasn't good then you discard the new
network you keep that data you generate
more data with the old network and then
you train a new one and you continue
like this until you create a better
network to replace the old one with but
with alpha zero things are a bit
you simply have continuous training you
don't have an Arena Stage you have a
single model that continues to generate
data train itself and generate more data
and so on and so forth
now here's the thing Google is a rich
company they have lots and lots and lots
of compute power to throw at this if you
throw 5,000 TP use at just generating
games like this and they're barely
breaking a sweat in terms of budget and
so they can spend a few months with
5,000 GP TP use to continuously generate
games and train a superhuman go bot but
the thing is the vast majority of us
don't have that kind of compute power
and so we have to find other ways to
train these networks for example there's
a project known as Leela
zero and Leela zero is an open source
implementation of alpha go zero so the
naming is a bit off but that Leela zero
is an open source implementation of
alpha 0 and this implementation is a
distributed implementation that means
the average person literally anybody can
download the Leela zero source code
run it and they are suddenly on their
own computer calculating these these
self play games that are then being
contributed towards a larger model on
the Internet and currently the one of
Lear Leela zero models is the strongest
openly available go playing entity that
you can get and so this sort of
distributed effort is truly very
powerful but what I want to do today is
show you an example that you had all
yourselves something that you can just
do on your computer and get an idea of
how the alphas your algorithm works and
so today we're gonna be taking a look at
how you can build a butt that uses
alphago like concepts for the game of
2048 now 2048 in my opinion is an
absolutely fascinating game it's only a
four by four board and there's only
eleven possible values on each tile so
that makes it super easy to represent
inside of memory and to actually
implement the game itself that's not a
challenge but the challenge is creating
a bot that is smart enough to deal with
the fact that the game is entirely
stochastic if you have a certain board
state and you copy it ten times and you
make it's the same move on each board
state there's a chance you'll get
completely different board states so
it's fundamentally a stochastic game and
you somehow have to create an algorithm
that can deal with that level of a
randomness so 2048 is a fascinating
challenge I've already covered how you
can use shallow Monte Carlo evaluations
to play 2048 on my cognitive class on AI
course which is why I recommended you
take a look at that but today we're
going to be taking a look at how you can
use Monte Carlo tree search Monte Carlo
evaluations and the value network for a
logo in conjunction with each other in
order to play 2048 better than any other
non human expertise bought on the
now there are some bots that people have
already put together for 2048 and some
of them are really popular you're seeing
one on screen right now but the thing
with these BOTS is that they are all
based on human heuristics and that is
incredibly annoying to me because we
have human strategies like for example
taking a board and keeping the largest
tile in the corner and then having the
actual tiles go in descending order so
that we can merge and sort of like a
snake style but the thing is that's a
fundamentally very human strategy that's
because we can't see far enough into the
future to know how to maneuver pieces
around so they merge and maneuver in the
right way but computers can't so why
don't we leverage that ability of theirs
and the power of this alphago algorithm
and with the power of Monte Carlo tree
search that's exactly what we can do the
bots that I'm about to show you and we
go over to the code is a bot that plays
with absolutely no human knowledge
involved whatsoever and because it's
using no human knowledge it plays in a
very weird way it just looks alien
whenever you look at it if you're if
you're a professional 2048 player and
you take a look at this you're gonna
think it's making the dumbest moves it
could make but when you actually take a
look at more than just a single move
when you take a look at an entire
episode it's mesmerizing how this 2048
BOTS can take a state that looks like
it's just about to lose and turn it into
a 2048 tile it's really fascinating
stuff and I don't think I can just
explain it I don't think words will do
it justice here so I think it's better
for you to take a look at a demo the
2048 bots in action and then we'll get
into how you can actually build a value
Network for 2048 and how you can
leverage it with Monte Carlo tree search
in the Swift language using sweeper
tensorflow in order to build your own
2048 BOTS let's take a look alright so
now let's take a look at how this
alphago inspired 2048 bots actually
works now before I actually show you the
code behind it I think it would be
really fascinating to take a look at the
actual demo running live so what I'm
gonna do is I'm actually gonna run the
backend code here in Xcode so I'm
running this code from within Xcode this
is written in Swift and what its gonna
do is it's gonna open up a cateura
server on port 8080 which opens up just
one simple rest endpoint that takes the
current 2048 board and spits out the
best move to make now if we switch back
over to my web browser you can take a
look at our 2048 game the 2048 game is
also being hosted by cateura and I've
modified this from Gabriel's
implementation just a little bit so
there's just a two extra functions that
will enable auto movement where you just
click a button and every single move it
will take the board send it over to my
REST API figure out the best move from
my little AI and then brings it back
over to the interface where it actually
makes that move and continues until the
game is over over could mean that it's
lost or it's won so watch this right as
I click the T
button just like that it goes on its way
now what I want you to realize is that
first of all I mean as I mentioned
already we're taking this board state
we're sending it over Swift it's coming
back but it's doing so so incredibly
fast you wouldn't think that 2048 AI
could be this performant now there are
some more performant 2048 guys out there
in fact the only other one that's faster
than this is one that I've also built
and that's the one that you would have
seen on cognitive classed on AI however
what's interesting about this is that
it's not just doing a single depth Monte
Carlo evaluation it's doing both Monte
Carlo evaluations and neural network
predictions and it still is fast that's
how fast the Swift language can be if
you write your code the right way we'll
talk about that in a moment now I want
you to notice something about this play
style I told you it was unorthodox but
now that you're looking at it you're
probably really starting to realize just
how weird it is humans have this
strategy of keeping similarly similar
tiles closer together so you can merge
them more easily so for example in this
case you would probably have 512 in a
corner and then 256 and then 128 and so
on and so forth so you could easily
merge into ingots at the 1024 tile but
this AI didn't need to do that it just
had them in completely random places and
out of nowhere it sort of emerged that
it created a local path of merging where
it merged 120 and 120 8 into 256 to 256
is together and then dos into a 512 and
then 2 of the 5 rolls together into a
1024 and you couldn't even see that
little local file that it created for
that merging but it did and we'll take a
look at some slow-motion footage of this
in just a moment towards the end of the
code section but I just wanted you to
get a feel of just how weird the code
just how weird the actual gameplay is I
mean if you take a look at the net at
the most popular 2048 eye out there and
if you take a look at that YouTube video
all the comments are about how sometimes
the AI ends up moving the highest value
tile out of the corner because it's very
human strategy based but this one is
it's not following any human strategy so
it's making really what seemed to us as
I mean if you were to just pause the
game in one instant you might think
there's no way you're gonna win this but
then since you can see it goes ahead and
wins the game like that so this is
really really fascinating stuff so now
I'll Ted back over to the code and start
to take a look at how this actually
worked so I'm gonna go ahead and stop
the app so we stop taking up memory and
CPU so we can actually focus on the code
now what you're seeing over here is is
all the code that goes behind the actual
sort of quote unquote intelligence
portion of the application now there are
some other components to the app for
example there's the actual 2048 game
logic now here's the thing the 2048 game
logic is pretty intense and the reason
for that is because 2048 is a little bit
more computationally complex than you
may imagine so if we go back to the 2048
game and if you've already seen the
cognitive class course you may already
know a little bit of this but just in
case you haven't I'm gonna quickly walk
you through it if you've got for example
a board like this one you can see
there's only four rows now each row has
a tile and the tile only to store a
value from 0 to 11 now technically the
value is actually range from 0 to 2048
but we're storing them as powers of 2
and so you can a store 0 to 11 because 2
to the power 11 would be 2048 and so
what we need to do here is we need to
somehow have a super fast implementation
of the 2048 board so that for example I
click the left arrow we don't need to
compute all the tile merges and how
everything needs to move to the left
instead the way this algorithm works is
it actually pre computes before the game
starts every possible row of which there
are around 65,000 possibilities and then
for every single possible row it pre
computes all the mergers in all
directions and then when you click the
left arrow key all it's doing is it's
taking each row it's looking that up in
the table and it's saying all right for
this row someone clicks left what do I
need to change the road to and picking
that up and assuming that's the new row
if you click up or down then it just
transpose it so rows become columns and
calls to come rows and then it does the
same thing and then transposes it back
and so that's how this works because it
needs to be
really mainly fast if we want it to be
this performant that's why my other AI
which is which has a lower winning rate
than this one because it's only based on
Monte Carlo evaluations that's why it's
the fastest out there is because it's so
rigorously optimized like this and this
implementation also benefits from that
because it builds off of that
implementation so if we go back as you
can tell there's quite a bit of code
that actually goes behind determining
these determining these these values so
if we continue to go down you can take a
look at all this implementation code a
ends up to be approximately four hundred
and sixty-four lines of code but then it
connects with all sorts of spacing and
comments and other utilities so you
could definitely minimize this but it is
quite a bit of logic but it's absolutely
worth it and finally we can get to the
actual intelligence portion of the
application now the way this works is is
from a coding perspective as you'll see
super elegant it's not to say that it's
simple but rather that the pieces feel
natural and then they feel like they
should fit together and that's what's so
amazing about the alphago series of
algorithms is that they're not
incredibly technologically complex it's
something that people can understand if
you do enough research into it and this
is the first application ever of those
techniques to the 2048 game so let's
take a look at how that works now of
course in the beginning there's just a
couple of imports and Swift we're only
doing a few key imports foundation tends
to flow Python kit and cateura
foundation of course default Apple stuff
can give us some good Swift utilities to
use tensorflow the Swift pratensis love
framework is can allow us to create some
deep neural network architectures within
the Swift language Python kit will
actually allow us to load Python Karass
model weights into Python or into into
Swift and so what I'm going to do is I'm
going to import chorus and then using
chorus I'm going to load a model that's
saved on my disk and I'm going to use
chorus to export those weights to a
numpy array and then import those numpy
arrays into tensors in Swift that I'll
put into my model and then finally
there's cat or ruff we're actually
opening up that rest endpoint that the
2048 game can access and find find the
best moves for so those are the key
opponents that go behind go behind this
entire application then of course we've
just got our standard imports importing
numpy and models from ten to float
across and then I'm using that module to
load a model just called model la h5 in
my home directory users last time I've
actually after that there's a little
sort of utility function that I put
together called tile processor the tile
processor takes a two-dimensional array
of rows a row if we actually look up its
definition with Xcode is just is 16-bit
unsigned integer and so again we're
using a big board super optimized
implementation of the 2048 board and
what that means is each row is 16 bits
and so that means that we have four
individual tiles in each in each row and
each tile only needs four bits in order
to be represented and so 16 bits because
again we only know those four bits to
store up to 11 so now if we go back we
can take a look at the tile processor
function again it's taking that 2d array
of 16-bit unsigned integers and it
returns a floating-point tensor the
shape of this tensor is 1 4 4 11 so what
that means is we have one sample and
each sample is 4 by 4 by 11 large 4 by 4
meaning the actual board and 11 meaning
the channels that were feeding into the
actual algorithm so how does that work
well basically what we're doing is we're
not just gonna feed in the raw board to
the neural net because that doesn't
perform particularly well rather we're
gonna do is create a brand new array
with 11 channels and in each channel
we're going to assign each channel to a
certain kind of tile and every value
that every channel will be 0 except if a
certain location on the board contains
that kind of tile then it'll be a 1 so
for example within the very first
channel all the positions within the
board will be 1 if that tile contains a
2 value in the very last Channel the
positions within that channel will be 1
only if the board contains a 2048 at
that position
and within you get the values between 2
and 2048 and this is a much better
representation of the 2048 beta board
for the model to work off of and so this
logic is essentially just responsible
for that this is gonna find the actual
log base 2 of the actual value so for
example if it were 2048 what it would do
would be the simple logic of get the log
of 2048 and divided by the log of 2 and
then you would get 11 which is our
maximum value here and then finally you
would just go ahead and feed that into
the into the into the tensor so so
that's that's how that would work and
then you would just reshape it and
return it from the function so again
relatively simple logic now from there
we continue and we can take a look at
the actual logic behind the model itself
now the thing is if you've ever used
with for tensor flow you know that
there's a layer protocol and most models
are supposed to conform to the layer
protocol but in this case I did not have
my model conformed to that protocol
because I didn't need to because usually
you would use the layer if you were
actually training the model or if you
were calculating gradients or something
of that sort where if you were using
with other layers but in this case I
don't actually need to do any
differentiation I don't need to do any
training I'm just loading in a
pre-trained model for cross and I'll
talk about that in a moment how I
actually trained it so I'm only
conforming the key path I durable
protocol and what that lets me do is it
lets me take all the stored properties
within this actual structure and it
allows me to recursively iterate in in
this entire structure and all of its
sort properties and all of their stored
properties and so on and so forth and
find the key paths within the structure
to every floating point tensor so what
that's gonna let me do is find the
tensors find the variables that contain
all the weights for all the different
layers within the model and that's gonna
let me load in my weights from Python so
that's why we're doing that
and the way I'm going to do that is by
calling a function that's defined within
this protocol called recursively all
writable key paths so I'm saying
recursively find all of the key paths
that I can write to as long as the key
path is to a to a floating point tensor
and then I'm looping
through that and for each weight I'm
finding the respective Python weight and
loading that into Swift so that's how
that works
and the way this structure works is an
implementing singleton model so I'm not
going to create an instance of this
structure anywhere it's just within it I
have a static constant with this model
defined already and the initializer is
private so you cannot create more
instances other in other places in the
code you've got to use this shared
instance so so that's how this works
I'll also talk about this model and why
I chose the actual filters and laners
that I did in just a moment
so moving on from here I'm also just
defining a simple constant array that's
telling me the the order in which I like
to define my directions so the way I'm
defining that is just up down left right
so whenever I give you an index for a
direction like this just say I gave you
the index - that means I'm referring to
0 1 2 in this array which is left so
this is just so that I have a standard
integer representation and index
representation for every direction from
there I'm just defining an epsilon super
small value to make sure that some
values aren't 0 just 1 - 4 you don't
need to worry about this value it's just
we need this and Swift and we need this
for Monte Carlo tree search specifically
for the UCT algorithm that will
implement later then I've just got a few
utilities over here in my code these
utilities are pretty standard if you're
coming from a Python world but
unfortunately they need to be defined
manually and Swift so for example within
the collection protocol I'm extending
that wherever the element is comparable
and kind of say the Swift generics make
this super easy so every single
collection type this includes arrays and
sets and dictionaries or whatever
whatever the element is a comparable
element I'm adding I'm adding
functionality to that collection called
art max so the maximum argument it'll
give me the index of the largest element
within that array and it's optional
technically because it can if the
collection is empty you're going to get
a nil result so that's how that's a
large max works and then just a couple
of like array multiplication and
division functions custom operators or
custom operator implementations that are
Eric and work across multiple types then
we've got the actual meat of the of the
algorithm so then I've got a function
called scoreboard
now scoreboard is gonna take a board and
this board isn't like an array
representational board this is a big
board so it's just an unsigned 64-bit
integer so again if we take a look at
the row each row is 16 bits and we've
got 4 rows 16 times 4 is 64 so it's
pretty convenient that we have a 64 bit
unsigned integer that we can store our
boards in and and the way that I
actually score boards is super simple
just take the model and the shared
instance of it feed the board into the
model and then rescale it from negative
1 to 1 to 0 to 1 this is used for Monte
Carlo tree search again we won't be
getting into Monte Carlo tree search in
a later video but I'll but what I will
tell you is the way we do this is we
simply add 1 to the prediction and
divide that by 2 rescales from negative
1 to 1 to 0 to 1 and then finally
there's the Monte Carlo search not tree
search a Monte Carlo search now the way
this entire 2048 bot works is it's kind
of weird in a way in a sense that it's
not entirely alphago like in the fact
that the policy and value heads are
neural networks but it's also not
entirely primitive it's it's somewhere
in between the policy is calculated by a
Monte Carlo evaluator but the value is
calculated by a neural network because
the thing is neural networks aren't
particularly good at comprehending 2048
boards because of their stochastic
nature and because of the fact that two
moves don't really make all that much of
a difference in whether or not you lose
a game right now if you had some sort of
2048 board I could make three random
moves and you probably still wouldn't
lose the game there's a way you could
maneuver the board in order to fix those
mistakes at least this is that's how
this works and and neural networks
cannot model that policy very well and
so that's why the policy is being
calculated by a Monte Carlo evaluator
but the value is being calculated by a
because the value neural networks are
pretty good memory stick me are you
close to losing the game or not in fact
I was able to get around a 0.02 mean
squared error loss on a validation data
set that I had for for training the
network and I'll again I'll get into
that in just a moment
this Monte Carlo search if you've seen
the cognitive class that AI course it's
really familiar to you so I'm not going
to go over it in much detail just to
know that it takes a game state as an
input and then it returns just an array
of floats and this array is always going
to be four elements long no matter what
each index refers to a direction and
it's going to give you a probability for
each direction that they all sum to one
so it's going to give you the directions
that it thinks would be best to move in
essentially so again pretty much what
the output of a policy network would be
in the actual alphago algorithm now from
there we start to get into the fun part
of the intelligence which is the search
and score the surgeon score actually
takes a board and returns two outputs
the policy and the value so what it's
going to do is it's going to run the
evaluator that I just showed you for the
policy as well as the value network to
score the board and it'll return both a
policy and the value and this is what
enables the Monte Carlo tree search to
be this intelligent and know where to
look exactly and then finally it got the
Monte Carlo tree search now as you can
tell Monte Carlo tree search is a pretty
hefty algorithm here and the entire
purpose and and the way Monte Carlo tree
search works is it's a topic for a
separate video where I'm going to show
you how you can actually train your own
alpha go including the policy Network
from scratch that's part two however for
now I will tell you how one of the two
functions works within the structure for
Monte Carlo tree search and that is the
get action probabilities now we didn't
get action probabilities this is the
main function that you're hitting with
in Monte Carlo tree search or MCTS and
I'll call it from here on out you're
feeding it a board and a temperature
know what's a temperature
well the temperature is gonna tell your
model how open you are to new ideas or
exploration so if you've got a really
high temperature things are moving
around a lot then you know maybe you
want to have a little bit less of a very
peak in terms of in terms of prediction
probabilities predicted probabilities
maybe you want to have a more smooth
probability matrix in that you're okay
with exploring other options that aren't
necessarily as good but then if you've
got a really cold temperature low
temperature like zero then you only want
to have a one for the top prediction and
zeros for everything else that there's
no chance of you looking in the wrong
direction or at least according to the
Monte Carlo tree search so so the way
this works the way this function
actually executes is it runs a number of
Monte Carlo simulations so it's actually
gonna find a note it's going to expand
the note it's gonna run its value
network it's gonna back propagate those
values of the tree and it runs a number
of these simulations and that's defined
within the actual structure itself and
then what it does is it actually takes
the it's able to calculate the
probabilities for visiting each four
before choosing an action and the way it
chooses it the way it calculates those
probabilities is by actually taking the
visit count of each node again you don't
need to understand what visit count
means just yet that's for the next video
but what it does is it takes a visit
count for each node at that root level
and if the temperature is zero it just
gives a 1/4 probability wherever the
node has the or the action has the
highest visit count and returns that
otherwise it's going to actually go
ahead and calculate that probabilities
according to that temperature and then
return that array so essentially what
it's doing is calculating probabilities
based off a visit count and that visit
count is determined by the actual
searches that the Monte Carlo tree
search does now traditionally the more
searches you do the more simulations you
do the better your result is gonna be
but then again that also means your
results gonna come to you slower now
because we're actually running Monte
Carlo evaluations and not using an
network for the policy the policy
network or the policy algorithm is
pretty compute-intensive
and so we always want to run lower
simulation counts otherwise it's gonna
be super slow but if we were to
transition to using a neural network
then we have the ability to use more and
more simulations which allows us to look
at deeper within the game tree and so
that's why alphago uses neural networks
because you don't need to have to think
about what the policy is going to be the
neural network just has that knowledge
and you're able to leverage that and so
the actual search algorithm I cannot do
it justice in this video we're going to
be talking about it later on a very high
level what it's doing is it's it's doing
a few key steps around choosing nodes
expanding those nodes and back
propagating those values up through the
tree with this logic over here and then
based off of a visit count that's
calculated over here we can go ahead and
determine what the best action to take
is so that's Monte Carlo tree search in
a nutshell now from here we've got our
cateura code so the intelligence is over
and I know it's like wait what that's it
well remember we haven't covered
training yet we haven't covered quite a
few things so let's take a look at this
cateura code this Couture our code is
gonna open up a static file server and
that's what's gonna say ok whatever's in
the public directory just open that up
on the on that on the root end point so
this would be the 2048 game since it's
built in HTML and JavaScript and then
finally I'm going to open up a new Monte
Carlo tree search instance I'm gonna run
only six simulations I can you probably
want to run as many of these as possible
but six is a good balance between very
high winrate
and at the same time very good
performance and then just open up an
endpoint called analyze take a board
from the from the JavaScript code go
ahead and predict using Monte Carlo tree
search with the temperature of zero so
we don't make any mistakes go ahead and
choose the max and the arc max from that
so get the get the action of the highest
probability and then convert that
direction to a string and return that
from the cateura code and then continue
from there and so that is essentially
how this entire and
code works now how did I train the value
network you may ask well here's what I
did I set up this thing called a thread
pool now this is very generic code this
is in no way specific to this
application like you could copy and
paste this code that I've written into
any application you could use the thread
pool and everything and this thread pool
is relatively simple basically what it
does is it takes a function so a closure
and it stores that closure within the
structure and what it enables you to do
is specify alright I want to run this
function on this array of inputs and I
want to get an array of outputs and
these can be totally generic types the
inputs and outputs can be anything and I
only want to use a certain number of
threads though so let's just say you had
a task like Monte Carlo evaluation now
if you only had 16 threads on your
computer and you had 30,000 boards to
analyze and if you were to just do a
loop for I in 1 to 30,000 that if you
were to do dispatch Q double dot async
on everyone you would be launching up 30
thousand threads well not actually
because the scheduler is a bit more
intelligent than just letting you spawn
30,000 threads but you you've overloaded
the system you've given it too much work
to do and there's so much context
switching happening that it's not really
doing a good job at any of them and so
it ends up being pretty slow but this
thread pool makes sure that you're only
running and number of things at once so
threads number of thing at once and then
every time something is done it launches
a new thread and opens up and tells it
to do some work as well and the way this
works is it uses three semaphores to
make sure you know locks are making sure
that the code is thread safe and and it
returns its outputs in a synchronous
fashion so when you call this function
it'll block until all your work is done
and then it returns the output to you so
that's how the operate and and the
thread pool works so with this thread
pool what I did is I actually completely
let go of Monte Carlo tree search and I
just took the Monte Carlo evaluation so
what I built in my cognitive class III
course the world's fastest 2048 AI and
with that what I was able to do was
actually build a data
set of 3000 2048 games which had a win
rate of approximately 65 percent which
is not that great but it's also not bad
either considering that of all the games
played on 2048 only about 1 or 2 percent
were actually won by humans so a 65% win
rate definitely isn't bad and with this
data set I exported that to an empire
array put that onto a GPU server of mine
and used a Python script in order to
train a model to predict based off of
the current board state what's the
likelihood of me actually winning this
current game now there is a bit of a
problem with that though and that is
that the 2048 game is complex from the
very very beginning from the very first
few moves there's very little there's
very little you can do in terms of
understanding the initial board and
determining if you're gonna win or lose
because even if you were to do random
key smash for the first 100 moves it
doesn't really matter because the first
few moves are so so rudimentary anyway
that you can recover from there and win
from the worst forward state however the
neural network model doesn't understand
that what's gonna happen is it's gonna
have 3,000 inputs where a couple of were
65 percent of them are wins and the rest
are all losing port states and it's
gonna take those initial board States
and try and overfit to specific board
States telling it that hey this is a
winner of the soluz so the way I solve
that problem it's actually pretty
interesting what I do is I take I run
the MPI linspace function so I generate
a linear space so let's just say a
certain game was 900 moves long what I
would do is generate an array with 900
elements and going from 0 to 1 assuming
that we won the game that the model win
was able to win the game we go from 0 to
1 now here's a thing we're incrementing
with just a linear increment every
single time and for every element in the
array to get to a 1 but then what I do
is I take every element and I actually
replace it with that element of the
not so what that does is it gives me a
bit of an exponentiation
that says moves made towards the end of
the game are more likely to actually
have affected at the end result of a
game whereas towards the beginning your
predictions can be closer to zero
because you're not really sure which way
the game is gonna go and if you go ahead
and actually plot out the value
throughout the game you're gonna see the
value network actually follows that
curve towards the end of the game it
starts to make stronger and stronger
predictions and they start to get better
and better in the beginning they're not
very good keeps jittering up and down
but that doesn't matter because I
trained it to make sure the values are
close to zero at the beginning and only
towards the end of the game will it
actually start to make more confident
predictions now if it if the model had
lost the game then we would do the same
thing in Reverse it would do zero to
negative one and then do or well
technically still zero to one and then
every value to the power of nine and
multiply those values by negative one
and and so we would be able to take that
and create a curve in the opposite
direction and by doing that the model
was able to learn a really good
representation of what makes a good 2048
board at what stage of the game this
isn't something that demine did for
alphago but it's something that I did as
a game specific optimization for 2048 so
it just goes to show how you can take a
research done on a completely different
kind of game is a completely different
kind of play style and apply similar
research to play again a completely
different kind of game but using the
same fundamental techniques now the
actual code for training this value
network will be available as a separate
repository to this code on github
both github links will be in the
description for you to see and for you
to use I will also have a little bit of
Swift code in the initial repository of
how you can actually generate that data
set and so that's how the training
actually works and with that you're able
to create a really fast a performant and
a model that reaches an over 85% win
rate on 2048 and that's with only six
simulations imagine if you were to do
more simulations which you
easily do just by tinkering around with
this one individual value over here in
this initializer you can get much higher
win rates by allowing the network or by
allowing the game tree to expand it
further and further down now once again
you simply run this it opens up an
endpoint and you're free to experiment
and go ahead and run your your very own
2048 any I like that now there is one
more thing that I want to show you
before we end off today and that is this
over here now as I mentioned some of
these moves are kind of magical the way
just happens to plan everything
beforehand in this stochastic
environment and how it just makes things
work and how it creates these local
aisles of tiles to merge so so here's
what's gonna happen this is the ending
stage of one of one of the 2048 games
that uses this exact technique then I
just record it because it's so fast and
I'm gonna step through this frame by
frame to show you just how fast and how
genius the solution was for this game so
take a look at this board now this isn't
from a human perspective this isn't a
great board now you have all the pieces
necessary to get to 2048 but they're not
merged and they're not in a good
position to be merged but look at this
if you take a look at this column over
here there's only one space at the top
if you hit the up arrow key you're
guaranteed to move these three tiles up
and that means these two 32s are gonna
be aligned but what does that also mean
it also means that after you merge them
to the left there's a 64 beside it to
merge into a 128 and then we're gonna
continue from there and merge everything
else back in the 2048 let's watch so we
step ahead frame by frame the network
had just made a move and so it actually
spawned a tile in the top right corner I
move ahead a few frames Oh as you can
see merge down here and it spawned tile
they're the two it's gonna go ahead and
move left so again this is fascinating
stuff it moves left it goes ahead and
move it up so as I was saying now we've
got the two thirty twos aligned it's
gonna go ahead and move back down to
the 32s align and set the 64's on the
right so we can work that in eventually
now look at this it'll Merv's it to 30
twos and now it's kind of 64 there all
right now and no it looks a little bit
choppy but I'm actually going through
frame by frame because it's so fast I
have to go through frame by frame now
it's gonna merge two to sixty fours and
it had already envisioned this situation
and the one to the other 128 tile is
already above this 128 tile so I go
ahead it goes ahead and clicks down down
arrow and suddenly it's got a 256 and
how convenient it's got a 256 right
beside that tile waiting for it so it
goes ahead and clicks down to prepare or
something again these are moves that I
can't entirely explain because I'm not
the algorithm but it goes ahead and make
some moves now it goes to the right to
actually merge the two 256 tiles and
pause for just a moment
notice how this algorithm is not greedy
at all it's unlike a lot of other
algorithms and then it's not looking for
short-term gain it's not just trying to
say okay how can I get the most merges
right away it was like even though I've
got two 256 is right there and I could
make it 2048 pretty quickly I'm not
going to because I'm gonna maximize my
chances by making this other move
because that's not going to affect my
current board state with these local
merges but it might be beneficial in the
future and so the way things is is
pretty fascinating
now you've simply got 512 512 at 1024
you've got to merge them maybe the 2048
how does it do that well we may never
know exactly how it came to that move
because it was so fast that we did a
single frame it was a blotch I don't
look like the right arrow it's gonna
move with the video ahead by a single
frame this was recorded at 60 frames per
second it somehow merged those two into
two ten twenty fours and in the very
next few frames and two ten twenty fours
become a 2048 tile and just like that
the network has won the game and so that
is absolutely fascinating the way this
technique works and if you if you find
something interesting that you see the
model is done and you end up recording
it please do share that with me I would
absolutely love to analyze
results get a better understanding of
just how this technique is playing 2048
and and what's really going behind it
and so if you enjoy this tutorial please
do make sure to leave me a comment down
below if you have any questions
suggestions or feedback you can reach
out to me on all sorts of social media
my Twitter or my email which will be in
the description below again all the code
and the links for example the logic
behind Monte Carlo tree search that will
be in the description below for you to
check out apart from that if you do want
to see more content like this and you do
enjoy these videos please do make sure
to subscribe to the channel as it really
does help out a lot and once again thank
you very much for watching goodbye

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