Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is ten bshi and this
time we're going to be going over
another natural language classifier
video So today we're going to be talking
about an app that I made called the
Tweet classifier now essentially what
this does is you will give Watson tons
of tweets that you like and tons of
tweets that you don't like and it will
be able to next classify a tweet that's
it's never heard before whether you like
it or you don't like it based off of
your previous interests let me show you
how let me show you how it will
work okay so first of all what we're
going to do is we have
Twitter uh so let's just say Twitter
over here this is one gigantic social
platform okay now this has hundreds and
hundreds and hundreds of tweets now
backstory if you don't know already
Swift is going open
source and so there there's a there is a
hashtag um called
hashtag Swift
lane or sorry I got confused just a sec
it's not like a Tic Tac toeboard it's
a a number
sign okay so Swift
laying just a sec
um so that's
the hash Swift
L okay so now that we have this out of
the way now Swift was recently open
sourced so there's this new hashtag but
this new hashtag has tons and tons and
tons of tweets some of them are related
to the op Source
Swift some of them are not related to
open source
Swift so what I'm going to be doing
today is I'm going to be introducing
another new method called scraping now
what's scraping you may ask now there
are two methods we can do this first of
all we can either a use the official
API or we can B
scrape now since I want this to be user
friendly we're going to go
for the latter option
scraping okay now you might be wondering
what is scraping if you've never heard
the concept before it might seem
complicated but it's not complicated at
all let me show you what it is let's say
we have one Twitter
page right and there's a few tweets
here it's going to
say these many
tweets okay so we have 1 two three four
five six seven eight nine
tweets now let's just say this one is
about open source this one's about open
source this one's about open source and
this one's about open source the rest
are not about open source
Swift so what we're going to do is we're
going to use a Google web extension
called scraper I'm going to leave a link
to it in the description so now this
will allow us to do is let's just say
that there's the name of the um Tweeter
uh and then there's the content of the
Tweet over here and the same thing for
the for one more and all the rest you
get the point there's the content
there's the name of the person and
there's their
image so now let's just say just imagine
that there's stuff for all these tweets
what we're going to do is we're going to
just highlight one of the
Tweets we're going to right click and
click click on the scrape
sorry we're going to click on the
button and so what this will do is it
will take all the tweets contents from
all the tweets and put them into
a well
spreadsheet okay then what we're going
to do is we're going to export this to a
CSV which we will open up in
Excel which we will then continue to
format and then we're going to put this
into a new topic
entirely the
NLC natural language class
toolkit now this is one great resource
uh if you're going to have uh really
small sets of data with your natural
language classifier but before I get
into this let me just tell you we're
going to actually have I'd say around 50
tweets uh you I usually go for around um
30 40 maybe 50
tweets uh less than that you're not
going to have too much of an accurate
classifier more than this and it's
really hard for you to classify each one
so again let me go over the steps with
you first of all we're going to scrape
all of these tweets contents next we're
going to go to a Google spreadsheet one
more thing I forgot to tell you we're
going to
classify these tweets that we just got
scraping so we're going to say yes I
like this one I don't like this one I
like this I don't don't don't I like I
don't I like okay we're going to tell
whats and what we don't and we do like
from this set once we do we're going to
export this as a CSV we're going to go
to excel we're going to format it a bit
more we're going to export this again as
you know and put it into something
called the natural language classifier
toolkit now what is the natural language
classifier toolkit you may ask
it's simple let's come over here uh
let's say that um we
have something like um this over
here now uh yeah so just a
sec okay so just give me a sec now let's
say we have something
like uh this
now the thing
is normally like in my last
tutorial you saw that we'd use something
like uh we' use tons of commands we'd
use the
terminal to do
training now this is essentially a
problem for normal users
normal users don't want to have to learn
all these terminal commands curl how to
do all this authentication etc etc so
the perfect alternative to that is
something that what IBM calls the
toolkit so what this will do is it will
allow you to
train with a
GUI instead of which is graphical user
interface and inside of a character user
interface with the training run the
terminal and so once we create our
csb instead of going into terminal uh
and then going we're going to have to do
all this curl stuff and then we're going
to have to upload to the Watson
servers that's complicated we have to
get the classifier already we don't need
to do all of that when we can just
simply use the NLC toolkit that has a gy
now I'm going to tell you that this is
very easy
however the more tweets you have the
more um the more built up this is and so
what I'm going to be doing is one more
thing actually this app will only be
able to classify tweets it won't
actually yet be able to use a Twitter
API to go to Twitter grab tons of tweets
and classify them all and show them to
you just yet that's coming in the next
part but for now we're just going to
show you how to scrape off a Twitter uh
and then tell Watson what you like and
train it once we train it in the next
part I'm going to be showing you how to
create a real app that grabs tweets from
the Twitter API
itself uh and once it does it actually
ranks them all and show you the shows
you the ones that it thinks you'll like
okay that's for the next part but for
now this is what we're going to be doing
and that's going to be it for the
Whiteboard part so now let's get to the
Mac part where I'll actually tell you
how you can put this into the Watson
toolkit so welcome back to the Mac part
now I'm going to be showing you how you
can actually use a natural language
classifier toolkit how to scrape tweets
off and how to actually tell Watson what
you like and what you do not like okay
so first of all let's get started over
here by going over to Google and just I
want you to type IBM
Watson Das NLC Das
truth okay put that into Google Now this
is the project for the natural language
classifier this one over here the first
one IIM Watson NLC ground truth but
there's a quick problem it doesn't work
right right now so what we have to do uh
is actually what you would usually do is
you would come over here you would click
deploy to Bloomix and it would create a
project in your Blu miix account and
but there's again a problem there's some
error in this code or something uh it's
probably a permissions error uh which
doesn't allow you to deploy or even
build in fact this app so what you have
to do is you have to go to Google and
you have to click on the second result
IBM Watson NLC ground truth
old that's what you have to click
on okay now over here we're just going
to go down and click on the deploy to
blo miix button while you are Lo logged
into your Blum miix
account so I'm just going to click on
the login button over
here uh now this should either
automatically log me in or I should have
to okay it automatically logs me in
perfect so now if I move myself over
here now what we're going to be doing is
we're just going to choose the app name
I'm just going to call this uh Watson
classifier this is n underscores I guess
Dash Watson NLC toolkit tweet classifier
perfect I'm going to go to IBM Blu miix
Us South because that's the closest one
to my um uh to where I live then I'm
going to set my organization as my
current Gmail uh and then my space as
Dev now I'm going to click on the deploy
button uh now we just wait for this to
create our project clone the repository
configure the pipeline and blo miix
while that
happens uh let's go over here now I'm
going to choose to scrape tweets uh off
of well hash Swift Lang on Twitter so if
I search hashtag Swift Lang on Google go
to the Twitter page for it let's go
down uh just go really really down now
we're going to open up a new tab again
and there scraper Google
Chrome uh and then click on the first
one I think this should be the
one uh and yes this is the one this is
uh it is created by
dvhn on Google okay so you just want to
create this um actually you want to get
this from the Google Store uh and then
once you do just um close it down then
go to
Twitter and then just I'm just going to
scroll down a bit
more um no not that much
around December is comments December 3rd
okay so over here now what I'm going to
do is I'm going to right click on any of
the tweets text and I'm going to click
on scrape
similar now as you can see this gives us
tweets now what I'm going to do to get
some more tweets is scroll down just a
bit and do it again so actually just a
bit more up uh around here so now let's
right click and click on scrape similar
again we still have 27 tweets I don't
know why so you won't need to do this
just all I want you to do is scroll down
a bit right click scpe similar that's it
so now I got 27 tweets so we're going to
be using 27 tweets this time so now I'm
going to move my face over here and if
you see over here there's a button
called export to Google Docs click on
this and just wait a sec I guess click
on it okay so now what's going to happen
is it's going to take you to Google
Drive and as you can see it has
successfully exported all of those 27
tweets into a Google spreadsheets uh
little project thing so now what I'm
going to do is you see there's this
little text thing on the top here which
I don't want so what I'm going to do uh
is I'm going to go from two I'm going to
select the second tweet or the first
tweet after text now follow very
carefully keep shift clicked keep
command clicked and click the down arrow
then release
them now you have these all
selected keep command pressed and click
X okay then scroll up and select the
text uh entry over
here now keep command pressed and V or
paste and text is gone okay so now what
we're going to
do uh is we are going to go to each
tweet and beside each tweet we're going
to say yes or no yes meaning yes I like
this tweet or no meaning I don't like
this tweet so official Swift Community
mailing lists no um added funky lighting
no uh label
no yes I'm very interested in
um I might be interested in this um I'm
definitely not interested in that no
again I only want stuff talking about
open source
no no
no no no no no there are a lot of NOS
this time
um there's literally only two yeses at
no oh wait
um maybe
actually yes I actually want
no no no okay so now as you can see
those are a lot of tweets that are not
very um doubtful for Watson honestly
because there are few that I actually
like so
now let's see uh if we can okay so those
are the top tweets so we want um ones
that can come really quickly uh so if I
just scroll down here let's let's do
this again this time with tweets that I
will probably actually like so
now scroll down a
bit again so we're going to keep these
tweets of
course so we're going to keep these ones
I'm going to copy them till then I'm
going to go to
Twitter keep going
okay perfect right click scrape
similar and this time we got 62 tweets
much better so now let's export to
Google Docs
again uh so now let's
um do this scroll down paste those other
tweets again so now we have 90 in total
okay so now as as you can see I have
quite a few tweets to uh classify as yes
or no so what I'm going to do is I'm
going to pause the video really quick
I'm going to classify all these
depending on what I like and what I
don't like then I'm going to be back so
I'll see you right after I classify
these 62
tweets that was really quick for you but
now I'm back and I have classified 62
tweets which was TS work anyway
continuing now that we're done
classifying let's get back to our Watson
instance so if we go over here to our
deploy to Bloomix tab as you can see
success you've added an instance of this
app to your organization in Lumix okay
so now what we're going to do uh is you
just want to click on view your
app and it opens this gem up for you uh
till then go back to your deploy the
Bloomix page uh and what I'm going to do
is I'm going to click on my dashboard
for Blu
miix uh then I'm going to go into
um right as it
loads I'm just going to scroll down and
go into the new toolkit app that we just
created then uh you see this natural
language classifier over here uh just
click on show
credentials and that should show the
credentials for the service okay let's
now copy your
username not the quotes just the
username itself uh paste it into the
username tab over here copy your
password paste in your password perfect
click on the submit
button I'm just going to save it because
it's not really a password that other
people shouldn't really know just yeah
okay so now as you can see it lets us
train it uh now I'm not going to train
it for anything just yet because first
of all what we have to do uh is we have
to uh go over back here to Google Docs
or spreadsheets whatever you'd like to
call it click on the first um tab click
shift click the um right arrow key Okay
now click shift again click command
click the down
arrow perfect now I'm going to click
command C and I'm going to open up Excel
now remember this is a must this is due
to the fact that when you copy and you
paste into a blank workbook in Excel you
actually remove actually first of all
let me show you and if I expand this a
column over here as you can see I
removed all the new lines from the
tweets which is essential uh for us to
be able to create the Watson uh training
data so now as you can see we have each
tweet and a yes or no beside it so now
what I'm going to do is I'm going to
click on the file
button click save
as select CSV from the list
I'm going to save this into my documents
as tweet
training Watson actually I'm going to
save this into my home
directory um as a new
folder called tweet
train uh there perfect now let's save
this uh make sure you click
continue then quit Excel and click don't
save it actually saved it it's just
asking you are you sure you want to save
it in a CSV why not an Excel format
because an Excel format will save your
formatting like uh it'll save your font
and everything uh but when you save the
CSV it won't preserve all of the um uh
fonts and everything that you've put
into it uh so now what we're going to be
doing uh is we're going to go to our
toolkit over
here now click on the training button
over here then click on
import then go into your Tweet train
directory uh and then select the Tweet
training Watson file that you just
selected and it should fill in really
quickly all of these for you so that you
can see them now just wait for this to
be 90 because uh I classified 90 tweets
so I'm going to wait for it to load all
of them
right as it
does we will be ready to
roll so now just give it a minute or two
I guess maybe it's taking a bit of time
so then let's see uh let's just make
sure that there were actually
90 no these are yes these are 90 uh
so perfect now let's just refresh to see
if there's actually 90 yet no I think
it's missing two uh but it's okay
there's already 88 that's more than
enough okay so now what we're going to
do is we are just going to click on this
little train button over here you know
actually I think my suspicion will be
true uh if I click on the train button
here and I say tweets
classifier uh and I confirm this as a
name I think they should give us an
error exactly uh so now if I go into my
tweet train
over here and if I open up this in
Text Okay uh so what I just found
out uh the appearance the how Excel
removes the new lines from uh the file
is Just an Illusion
it doesn't actually do that so now what
we're going to have to do is I'm just
going to search on Google how to remove
blank lines from row and
Excel now let's just go to this one
because I know this website now there
will be a link to this website in the
description also just the
formula uh so now what I'm going to do
is watch
carefully uh this formula will be in the
description of this
video uh where did it go where did it go
uh okay this isn't the one
move extra
line okay and
and it should
be this
one okay so
see there perfect okay so this is the uh
link that you'll have in the description
now you're going to copy this I repeat
this command then you're going to going
to go into Excel with the
CSV okay open up
Excel now what you're going to do is uh
only I have to do this but I'm going to
paste in this
formula uh and if I just change this to
A1 perfect as you can see it has
successfully removed all new lines from
that specific tweet so now I'm not going
to expand uh C at all uh instead what
I'm going to do is I'm going to take
this yes see this little uh Square here
you're going to double click
it as you can see it's removed new lines
from each and every tweet so now what
we're going to do is we're going to
click command C and we're going to click
on this a button
rightclick and click paste
special click values and click
okay then click C again and click the
delete button and as you can see for
real this time all of the new lines have
gone from the
data let's save this click the continue
button quit and click don't
save okay next what we're going to do is
remove uh there's going to be a link to
this as well in the description
okay so there's going to be a link to
the stack Overflow Forum in the
description but you want to take this
command uh go to
terminal uh and so what I'm going to do
is I'm going to see CD tweet train so
I'm going to go into the directory where
we have uh the CSV file and I'm going to
run this command
training watson.
CSV into tweets. CSV or something like
that run it and it has removed all
malformed utf8 characters from the uh
file so now I'm going to go back into my
uh natural language classifier I'm just
going to click the select the uh check
box over here click delete so we delete
all the uh classes then click the check
boox over here click delete and click
perfect now let's import some more data
and this time we're going to use the csb
file that we've
modified perfect now we should just wait
for a
second just wait for it to import all
tweets okay for some reason it's getting
stuck at 88 again but as you can see
it's imported all our
tweets okay perfect so now if we click
on that little train button tweets
classifier click on the confirm button
over here let's just hope that this
works creating a classifier for
you and as you can see it is now
training the classifier now this will
take around 10 minutes and I don't think
you just want to sit around here for 10
minutes so what I'm going to do uh is I
am just going to uh pause the recording
here I'm not even going to move anything
on my computer I'm just going to keep it
at this exact screen I'm going to pause
the recording
I'll come back in around 10 minutes uh
and in 10 minutes I'll show you that
this tweet classifier really works so
I'll be back in 10 minutes and we'll see
if the Tweet classifier is done training
let's do
it so again that would that would be
quite quick for you that was around a
second for you but I had to wait around
7 to 8 minutes for this to be available
uh but what you can eventually keep
refreshing uh and it will say a aailable
when it's ready uh so now let's just
open up Twitter go down a lot like very
down uh and let's copy a
tweet this
one so let's copy this uh let's go down
to Watson now let me just tell you right
now I like this
actually I'm mixed about this tweet I'm
5050 on this one so let's just take a
different one because I'm not exactly
sure if I like this one or not actually
um this one I know that I'm not
interested in this so let's try this out
okay I'm not interested in this one I
just I know so let's classify this and
hopefully it gives us 99% sure that I'm
99% sure you're not interested in this
okay so that works uh that sort of
already Works uh but now let's uh give
it sort of
like okay
okay this
one this one I am interested in I'm not
exactly sure if it's going to be able to
it no as you can see it doesn't always
get it so that one was wrong so it got
one right one
wrong um okay this one I'm interested in
interested let's copy this
in now I'm almost sure this will get it
right yes 99% sure so it's gotten
uh two right one
wrong let's just do two more uh then
I'll explain more
stuff uh
so this one I'm slightly interested
in yeah so it sees that I'm slightly
interested but mostly a
okay this
one could be it this
will okay last
one perfect I got it okay so now as you
can see this got one wrong three right
so now what's the point of creating this
app in general well instead of you
having to go through all of your tweets
and say okay let's see where's a tweet
that I like uh yeah I like this tweet
let's read it okay let's see what links
are in it okay I don't like this no no
no no no but then you realize oh I
missed one oh I like this one etc etc
instead of going through all of that
pain to see which ones you like missing
some and instead of having to do this
you can just get all the information
that you
need and only the information that you
do need it's not going to give you stuff
like uh wrapping your call backs and
Promises unless you're in interested in
this sort of stuff which I am not right
now I want open source Swift so
essentially Watson does all the work for
you Watson will classify all these
tweets as yes or no give them to you
that's it perfect you don't need to do
all of these it'll rank them for you
because as you can see it gives you
confidence scores so if it says uh yes
I'm 99% sure it'll bring it to the Top
If it's 50% sure it'll bring it a bit
down so stuff like that uh and that will
be really helpful for the next part of
this tutorial that we're going to be
doing when which it actually does choose
out tweets for you and show them to you
on screen so that's going to be great uh
I hope you enjoyed if you did please
leave a like down below comment email me
or contact me at to addim man on Twitter
uh if you'd like to uh send me a email
qu or a video question uh which I can
feature in one of my next videos you can
send me questions comments concerns Etc
uh you can also subscribe to my channel
if you're new or you like my content and
you want to see more of it it does help
a lot uh and again that's going to be it
for this tutorial

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