Thursday 17 October 2024



hey traders in this video i want to show
you guys a hack to make your back
testing process significantly
this one's a little bit different to my
normal pan script lessons in this video
i'm going to be showing you how you can
use pine script
strategy scripts to significantly speed
up and optimize your back testing
process to make it way
way faster now before we start full
disclaimer this is an imperfect science
there are potential issues with this
approach to
back testing that i'm going to show you
today it's very important you watch the
full lesson pay attention because
i do explain my thought process the pros
and cons of this approach throughout the
lesson but what i'm going to show you
here is how you can export your strategy
from the trading view strategy tester
and convert it into a spreadsheet so
that you can compare the
trade metrics the strategy performance
metrics of multiple markets and get a
better grasp on the max drawdown the
total return drawdown duration and all
that sort of thing using simple
spreadsheet well this isn't a simple
spreadsheet but you can use a simple
spreadsheet you don't need to use this
spreadsheet you see here this is my
personal trading spreadsheet that it's
taken me years to build you don't need
to use this particular one i'll link you
below to a more simple one that doesn't
have as much overwhelming information in
it if you want this one with the full
bells and whistles i include this in my
indicators and strategies course i also
include the source code to this
particular script you see today
in that course which includes full
pine connector and automation
integration it's completely ready out of
the box to start auto trading through
pine connect and i have been auto
trading the script for the past two or
three months and the whole reason i'm
making this video today is because i've
been running into an issue which i'll
explain throughout the lesson that i
needed to address regarding my max
drawdown and trading multiple markets
and today's lesson is going to show you
the fastest method that i have found to
analyze my strategy scripts at least in
a preliminary fashion i do like to
manually confirm any automated testing
results that i generate but we'll cover
that throughout the lesson so with all
that said let's get started with today's
so in this case i have a script on my
chart this is an inside bar momentum
strategy i'm not going to go into how
this strategy script works because i
cover that in my indicators and
strategies course where i will be
breaking down the source code but for
now i just want to use this script as a
great example of how this hack
so basically what we're going to do here
is we're going to export
all of our trade data
the list of trade data here into a
and then i'm going to convert that
into like a back testing template
kind of thing what this will allow us to
do is combine multiple markets so here
on the right side of my screen you can
see i've flagged every market every 4x
market that is profitable with this
strategy significantly profitable so if
i click on some of these
let me just quickly go through i'll just
keep hitting space keep an eye on the
top right corner here where my mouse is
and you can see that some markets are
not profitable at all
while other markets are decently
profitable with this strategy
now the problem is and actually the
problem i've been having with automating
this strategy
is that the i don't know the drawdown i
don't know the max drawdown when trading
multiple pairs so all of these pairs i
think the maximum drawdown of any single
is around 12
any of these pairs i've got flagged some
of these are way higher than 12 max
drawdown but the problem i was having
with automating the strategy on multiple
markets is when it hits a losing streak
i don't know how bad that losing streak
is going to get
imagine if all
how many pairs do i have here one two
three four five six seven eight nine 10
11 12. i've got 12 markers here that are
profitable with this strategy if i
automate the script across all 12 of
these first of all i don't have enough
money in my account balance
to handle the margin requirement of
opening 12 simultaneous trades at least
not yet maybe if the strategy does well
i'll throw more money in um but the
point is if the script trades all of
these markets at the same time
and all of them have a losing
streak let's say all of them lose two
three four trades in a row which is not
uncommon for any strategy even with a
high win rate if that would have
happened simultaneously across multiple
markets i could be looking at a 20 30 40
draw down on my account if i'm not
and so what i want to do
is i know that this strategy is
profitable on a bunch of markets
what i don't know
is the max drawdown when combining all
of these markets so that's what i'm
going to do today i'm going to show you
how to export this trade data into a
and then combine all these markets into
a single spreadsheet so we can track the
max drawdown so let's do it it's
actually not that difficult there's a
few steps involved
i'll show you how we do that now let's
start from the top let's start with
aussie dollar
now this applies to any strategy script
that you throw on your chart the catch
here is that it will only work with a
fixed target so in this particular case
this strategy takes a one to one
profit target so
if i have a 10 pip stop loss i have a 10
pip target and so my reward is identical
to my risk so if i risk 1 i make 1 on a
winning trade and obviously lose one
percent on a losing trade so that's
important to mention it may be possible
to do this with a variable profit target
like a dynamic profit target that
changes on each trade i haven't looked
into doing that yet because most of my
automated strategies use fixed
in fact all of my automated strategies
at the moment use a fixed target just
because it's just simpler to work with
there's less that can go wrong when
you're using a fixed target with an
automated system i'll be experimenting
as i get more confident with my
automated trading i'll be experimenting
with other profit taking techniques but
for now i just use a fixed target and so
this technique works with most of my
strategy scripts
and this is how it works
throw on any strategy script with a
fixed target in this case i'm using my
inside bar momentum strategy
open up the tester and then we have this
export button right here
if you click on that
it will copy all of this data onto your
clipboard and we can paste that into a
spreadsheet you can use excel if you
want to if you're more proficient with
excel then of course you can use that
i'm more proficient with google's google
sheets that's what i use for my own
testing just because it's online
cloud-based i can access it anywhere so
i've i use
google sheets that is my preference so
i'm going to copy this into a blank
spreadsheet here i'm going to click on
this first cell and paste in
all of my data now there's a lot of data
here most of it is useless to me because
i don't care about my contract size i
don't care about cumulative profit and
run-up percent and all this crap i just
want to get a clean
uh list of every trade this script took
and whether it won or lost i don't care
about the direction either
you can track that if you want to but
for me i just want the date the trade
was taken and whether it won or lost
so i'm going to delete all of this data
from the top
and then what i need to do is sort my
spreadsheet by type the reason for that
is that we don't want any of this data
um all these blank cell data we don't
want this and so if we
sort our spreadsheet by type by the b
column that will allow us to get rid of
all of our entries we don't want any of
our entry um
cells we just want our exit cells this
is where it tells us whether the trade
won or lost now the catch here is that
the date time is going to be a little
bit off it's not going to track the date
and time that the trade it was opened
it's going to track when it was closed
but for the purposes of what i'm trying
to do here that doesn't matter i don't
care about that
so let me sort my spreadsheet by the b
column by clicking on the b column and
clicking data clicking
sort sheet
sort sheet by column b a to z click that
and now
if i scroll up to the top of my
spreadsheet i can delete all of this
data here
if i scroll down until
we get to this
section here about halfway down the
i want to delete all of this info here
that does not contain the exit price and
profit so i can hit delete here
and now if i scroll to the bottom of
this data
that is where our column names will be
column titles
and now what i want to do
is first of all we can delete a lot of
these columns i can delete that
i can delete that i can delete that that
the only columns i want is the date and
the profit so this is profit in dollars
a negative number just means the trade
lost obviously positive number means a
trade one that's the only data i need so
i can delete all of these other columns
as well
now i have everything i need in order to
convert this information into a back
so now what i want to do is delete these
sort all this data by date and time so i
need to come back up to data and click
sort sheet by column d this time now
when we scroll up to the very top of our
spreadsheet we have all of our trades
listed by date and time and the monetary
gain and loss now to convert this into a
back testing spreadsheet i just need to
get a positive number
the trade
1 and the negative number of the trade
so to do that i can create a
spreadsheet formula here i can say if
open parentheses
g one is less than zero
so if you're not familiar with
spreadsheet formulas it's pretty much
the same thing as pine script just the
syntax is a little bit different
and here what we need to do is put in a
comma and now the next value we put in
is what this cell will be filled with if
that condition is true
so if g1 the cell g1 is less than zero
that's a negative number that means we
lost the trade i need to put negative
one there
if i put another comma in
this is the value that gets put in the
cell if that condition is not true so if
g1 is not less than zero that means it
must be a positive number
and so we won that trade and so i just
want to put one in there
and now if i close off that parentheses
and hit enter
this little suggestion will pop up if
you're using google sheets and we do
want to autofill this entire column
but if you accidentally click off this
and you don't get the chance to click
the tick button
you can still fill all of these cells by
just clicking on this cell click on this
little square down the bottom here
click on that and drag all the way down
to the bottom of your
data and there's quite a few trades
taken here and so now if you look
through here carefully we have a bunch
of ones and negative ones
this whole column now represents
which trades won which trades lost and
the date and time that happened
so now if i scroll up to the top of my
the problem we have now is if i try to
copy all of this data into my
the google sheets at least i don't know
how excel works but google sheets will
not copy the values it will actually
copy the formulas and so when i paste
this information
into a different spreadsheet
it will
copy the formulas and so we won't get an
accurate reading it will actually
all of these numbers will be based on
whatever's in the g column
on this spreadsheet
so what i need to do is click on the
column title here the h column select
all of these cells
copy them ctrl c or command c on a mac
or just right click copy
and then in any other cell here
i need to click in a cell
right click
come down to paste special
and then paste the values only we do not
want the formulas we just want the
so now if i paste the values only
and if you double click on the cell it
now doesn't contain a formula it's just
the values that we generated here now
what i can do is click on that
copy all of those values jump over to my
back testing spreadsheet there'll be a
link beneath this video to this
spreadsheet template if you need it if
you have your own spreadsheet this will
work just fine depending on how you've
set up your formulas but what i need to
do here is paste all of those values
into my target column so this
spreadsheet allows for two targets by
default the second target is ignored so
we're just dealing with a one target
system here and so now if i paste in all
of my values into my target column
there they are
now what i need to do is just put one
for my stop loss so technically this
normally counts the pips per trade that
you win and lose but as i said at the
start of this video
since we are using a fixed target it
doesn't really matter how many pips we
want or lost because i'm risking a set
percentage per trade
and i don't care if i won one pip or 10
pips or 100 pips that means that i won
one percent
or lost one percent of the trade lost
so what i can do now
um first of all let's paste in all of
our dates so i'm going to click on the
date column here paste that into the
date column on this spreadsheet i'm
going to change the market so this is
aussie dollar we're dealing with here
and now i'm doing this on my template
spreadsheet i should have been doing
this into a unique spreadsheet so let me
duplicate this really quickly before we
proceed and let me rename this
sheet to aud usd
i can highlight these three columns drag
it all the way down to the bottom of our
dates list and our targets list
there's a lot of trades there
and now all i need to do is drag this
all the way down to the very last trade
in this list
and once i do that
the spreadsheet will automatically
generate all of my trade metrics
so we have
my total gain percentage my max drawdown
percentage my win rate
and the monetary gain um and that's it i
also track a bunch of other metrics in
my spreadsheet such as which days
perform the best you can see here that
mondays are actually quite bad for this
strategy so on this particular pair
aussie dollar maybe it would be worth
adding a filter to the script to not
take trades on mondays since it's not
profitable in fact it's far from
a one to one target with a 43
win rate is terrible we need to win at
least 50 percent to break even and
that's not even including commission
costs and spread and the cost of trading
mondays are not profitable for this
strategy that's something to note and i
should add a filter to aussie dollar to
not take trades on mondays but that's
outside the scope of this lesson
maybe we'll cover that in a different
lesson if you guys are interested in
strategy optimization but for now we'll
just leave it
as it is it's still profitable but it
would be more profitable if we didn't
take 91 trades with a 43 win rate so
keep that in mind
and anyway there we go we have our data
let me tidy up some of this
and we'll move on to doing this whole
process again
with a new
so let me duplicate our template i'll
only do one more pair here to save time
the process is identical for multiple
pairs but for now let's just do cad yen
i think cad yen was the next one on my
list yes so now we do exactly the same
thing i load up the cad yen strategy
data i export it click that button now
let's copy the clipboard i can click ok
i can open up my blank spreadsheet here
create a new tab if you want to or new
sheet if you want to
paste all that data in and we do exactly
the same thing i need to delete all of
this header data
i don't care about that
i need to sort by the b column the type
column so let's sort our sheet by type
now i can scroll up and delete all of
this data down to where
our trade winning loss
metrics are
beginning to be tracked by the
spreadsheet delete all of that
useless data there that we don't need
i can scroll down to the bottom of this
data to where our titles are column
i can delete
these columns
all three of these and i can delete all
of these up to profit we want to keep
our profit column but get rid of all
these other columns
and now we can delete our two
column titles here scroll up to the top
and or maybe not quite to the top and
click on the d column we need to sort
our column by date and time now so let
me click data sort sheet by column d
scroll all the way up to the top and now
we need to do the same thing we did last
time equals if
open parentheses g1
if g1 is less than zero put in negative
one otherwise put in positive one
close that off hit enter
and we we didn't get the option to
this time maybe because i did this in
one column over if we did it in this
column i think it would suggest the
autofill so that could be one way to
speed up this process but anyway let me
click on this
little box and drag it all the way down
to the bottom of our trade data list and
stop there
scroll back up to the top select this
and then right click paste values only
copy that column jump over to our
backtester spreadsheet i can change this
to cad yen paste in our targets paste in
date and times and then i can drag all
of these down to the bottom i'll show
you why this is important in a moment
why we bother tracking that data
there we go
now i can do the same thing here hit one
drag this up to the top
there we go and now we have our trade
data entered into the backtesting
spreadsheet and notice that these
metrics are identical if i jump over to
my chart
57.68 return
11.47 percent drawdown
um same numbers here 57.68 return
drawdown close enough there's a rounding
difference there on the final digit but
these numbers are accurate at least as
far as our script is if your script is
inaccurate obviously your data is going
to be inaccurate some of these trades
may have lost
instead of one because a spread maybe
price got really close to our stop loss
but didn't quite touch it and the script
didn't record it as a loss even though
our broker would have stopped us out of
the trade keep that information in mind
use this at your own risk
it's not a perfect system but it is a
fast way to quickly analyze
your strategy results and see which
markets perform well together
potentially you still need to manually
confirm this demo trade it if you can
for a while or at least on a small
account balance that you don't care to
lose before you start risking any
serious amount of money with this sort
of approach to strategy development and
optimization but anyway we have two
spreadsheets here now filled with data
time and date and win and loss data we
can now merge these two spreadsheets to
see how they would have performed
together we can see how aussie dollar
performed with cad yen in terms of its
max drawdown and total return
over the
past couple of years of data we're
starting from
january of 2018 until today which is
november 2021 that's a lot of data
that's 438 trades so
we can merge these two spreadsheets and
see how these performed together
let's click on this little plus sign to
add a new blank sheet and then what i
need to do we'll start with cad yen
click in the top left cell here
the very first trade that's recorded
scroll down to the
bottom here where our trade is no longer
where our final trade was taken by the
select all of those cells copy
paste them in here
and then do the same thing for aussie
copy the first cell all the way down to
the last trade
scroll down to the bottom of this data
this list of data
and paste this under cad yen
there we go we now have both markets on
the one spreadsheet all that's left to
do is sort this spreadsheet by date and
time so that we get the correct
order of trades taken by these two
markets so if i click on the d column
click data sort sheet by column d
done we now have all of our
markets that we have combined sorted by
the correct date and time and if we had
multiple markets here other than two
this would still work so that's why i'm
only showing you two forex pairs here as
an example
because these steps apply to however
many markets you want to combine so now
all that's left to do is we can
copy all of this data and
control c
now if i duplicate my template
spreadsheet here i can rename this let's
just call it portfolio for now this is a
portfolio of all of the pairs i want to
delete that data click on the very first
trade cell here
and you can either just paste this
straight in and it should work just fine
or you can right click and click paste
special values only
i'm just going to paste in all that data
as i normally would
and here we go we have two markets
all of their metrics combined
our win rate on monday has jumped up to
53 so cad yen obviously does well on
mondays to increase our
win rate on aussie dollar from
43 percent
um 250 whatever it is if we look at cad
yen cabin must do quite well on monday
very well 63 win rate on a monday so
that's interesting isn't it
the australian dollar doesn't do well on
but the cad yen does you wouldn't know
that unless you combine this data into a
and so anyway um let's go to portfolio
we have a 14
max drawdown it's pretty reasonable
if you look at the rules tab here i have
a list of the
calendar year returns and intra year
drawdowns of the s p 500 so if you just
bought and held etfs
you would have been looking at multiple
drawdowns exceeding 14
i mean the average drawdown here is
quite horrible really it's horrific 48
which is obviously from 2007 terrible
drawdown if i lost 48 of my trading
account on a strategy i would be
pretty concerned but 14 i can handle 14
i'd like it to be a little lower than
that if i can manage it but 14 is fine
20 is fine i can stomach that because i
have a high risk tolerance i'm young i'm
making plenty of money for my lifestyle
i don't care if i lose 20 on my way to
um whoops where was it portfolio
130 return over a couple of years it's
pretty good considering i'm getting i
maybe two percent interest
on my savings account in my bank i don't
even bother saving money anymore
whenever i have money i invested in
something either my stock portfolio my
trading my forex trading or crypto or i
spend it on things i need i do not leave
money burning in my savings account no
more than i need in order to cover an
all of my assets are pretty liquid so i
don't really care if i need money
quickly it wouldn't take me longer than
a day or two to get a decent amount of
money into my hands
so yeah anyway
that's really it for today's video i
just wanted to show you guys how to
quickly combine strategy data into a
testing spreadsheet so that you can
check your max drawdown
i'm sure that if i added up all of these
markets into one spreadsheet the
drawdown would be surely a lot higher
than this
because a lot of these pairs are
correlated cad yen will be correlated to
some degree with swiss yen so will euro
yen pound yen
new zealand yen even though this
strategy performs well on all of these
yen markets when one encounters a
drawdown surely the others will likely
do as well and so that's something i
need to check and this is how i'm going
to do it and maybe i need to cut out a
couple of yen pairs and just pick the
ones that perform the best maybe two
pairs two yen pairs the best ones that
had the best drawdown and total return
together maybe i'll throw them onto my
automated trading system and see how
that goes but i certainly don't think i
will want to trade all of these yen
pairs maybe i'll be surprised maybe i'll
throw them all in a spreadsheet and they
do fine but i doubt it and same with all
these euro pairs euro aussie euro yen
euro dollar i'll need to check how these
correlated pairs perform together before
i feel comfortable throwing them all
into a system
to be automatically traded plus as i
mentioned earlier this script takes a
trade at the same time of day on all of
these pairs so i can only trade a couple
of markets anyway
with this strategy without risking
margin calls frequently so i need to be
careful of that as well
but i'll figure that out i'll just
probably trade two or three markets here
maybe four because i'm using pine
connector with this particular strategy
i can set up pine connect to only
allow it to execute x amount of trades
so i could say only open two trades max
or three trades maximum and then it
doesn't matter how many alerts i set uh
because if it receives more than three
it won't take all of them but then i
have the problem of of inconsistency
seeping into my trading because i don't
know which markets will be executed
first and so it's probably best to just
keep a small portfolio of two or three
pairs trading
this strategy and depending on what um i
find out through my own automated
testing on my actual live account i'm
using around 10 grand on an actual live
account at the moment testing this stuff
as startup with a few grand and it now
has bumped up to 10 grand as i get more
confident with the system and i'm seeing
that it can handle itself without
implosions but i'm still not comfortable
going any further than 10 grand at the
moment just because i need to track my
max draw down and see how the strategy
handles bad times
correlated bad times i need to see how a
bunch of markets perform together
when they are going through a rough
patch that is what this technique i'm
showing you today will help me
figure out through my back testing
results i can check which pairs are
terrible together and which pairs
complement each other sometimes you'll
merge two pairs together and your total
return will increase and your drawdown
will actually decrease because when one
pair is losing the other pair is winning
and so it's important to do this process
for both
protection of your capital protection of
your risk
a management of your risk and
optimization of your return because if
two markets increase your return but
lower your drawdown that's going to
probably be better to trade than trading
two markets that have an outstanding
return but their max drawdowns also
complement each other and you have a
larger max drawdown one way to think of
it is
waves in the ocean i'm sure you've all
those of you who live near an ocean i'm
sure you've seen
times when two waves
hit each other from opposite directions
and they form a super
large wave it's the same with trading
and drawdown you don't want two markets
that have a drawdown that overlap with
each other too often or at least not too
many markets doing that too often
because you can
see some pretty outrageous drawdown
levels if your pairs are too correlated
in that risk metric anyway that's it for
today's video i hope you found this
it's a pretty cool technique again use
it at your own risk it's obviously
flawed because we haven't gone through
and checked every single trade here
there could be trades that might have
that were counted as winning trades as i
mentioned earlier maybe your stop loss
was actually filled but price never
technically touched it on your chart and
so your script didn't exit or count that
trade as a losing trade but your
spreadsheet did count it as a winning
trade that's a problem you need to watch
out for
not super frequent
in my experience but it can happen and
depending on the strategy you're using
it could be a big problem so keep that
in mind another thing worth mentioning
is that
pine script is terrible
simulating intrabar price action
so on a trade that hits your take profit
spikes up to hit your stop-loss on the
same bar if you get a giant bar
with a huge wick
and the candle hits both your take
profit and your stop-loss sometimes
pinescript and the strategy tester will
count that as a winning trade and when
you drop down to a lower time frame and
go back to that time of
uh you'll see that price action actually
did it in the opposite direction it
played out in the opposite
way it hit your stop-loss first and then
you'd take profit but the higher time
frame strategy test that counted it as a
that is a problem
again not super frequent but depending
on what type of strategy you're using
could be a huge problem so keep that in
anyway i'll wrap it up here i covered
this information pretty quick because
it's a weekend here i have family over
but i wanted to get this information out
as quickly as possible so i hope you
found this interesting if this is all
new to you the spreadsheeting and all
this stuff you might need to watch this
video a couple more times but i'm sure
you'll get the hang of it it's not that
difficult a bit of practice and you'll
have this down and it will save you a
heap of time in your back testing
process at least that initial stage of
picking which markets to further
investigate manually i mean
it would be a good idea even if these
metrics turn out good to
manually confirm and go over at least a
few hundred trades and just make sure
that there's no glaring issues with your
script and that the data is at least
90 accurate that would be my advice and
that's personally what i like to do in
my own trading i don't mind a little bit
of margin of error
as long as my metrics look solid and
that margin of error isn't going to
result in a winning strategy actually
being a losing strategy
anyway that's all see in the next lesson
good luck with your trading

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