Thursday 17 October 2024



so well there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Tammy Bakshi and
this time we're going to be going over
how to use Google tensorflow API as well
as with deep learning technologies in
order to create a word prediction model
using LSP M now let's get straight into
how this is going to work so today I'm
going to show you how you can actually
feed into an LLC M powered by tanks as
well actually some data some text that
you bring or that you write on a daily
basis and then that Al's 10 should be
able to predict the next word in a
sentence or in a partial sentence that
you write so let's talk about how this
is going to work now if you use a model
like the or to the keyboard like Swift
key or the new iOS 8 keyboard iOS 8 plus
keyboard even though there are little in
award predictions on the top of your
keyboard and so you can see that these
were predictions basically are
personalized based off of your Google
your Gmail your your Facebook your
Twitter your your contacts and so
basically no take a lot of different
texting rights on this keyboard and
they'll learn how you like how you like
to read text and what word usually come
after other words using machine learning
technology and so now I'm going to show
you how you can actually replicate that
effect using tensorflow let's get into
now I actually I start off here the
point behind this Alice TM or long short
term memory recurrent neural network to
be able to take in a partial sentence
that you write like for example if I say
thank you very much for your email in my
emails a lot then someone is right thank
you very much for each I have some agent
automatically predict your and email
once I type that out and so this is how
we're going to achieve that now it
actually starts off with this data set
that we're going to be into the
yep and of course there's going to be a
bunch of emails that I've written over
time and basically I'm going to take a
bunch of email that are written copy and
paste them into a document and there you
go you've got your data set now for so
I'm using an incredibly small data set
for this task you're probably going to
want to use many many more words or
basically many many more documents who
want to get a good classifier that can
actually predict the next word you want
to write correctly however I want to
using a small model because I'm going to
be showing you a refined example and of
course you can train larger model if
you'd like to yourself all right so now
after that we've got a library this
well basically act as its black box that
will allow us to train and sample from
LSP n networks now this was actually
developed by sure deal out there since
our time and I'm not pronouncing that
correctly however essentially the point
of this is that it's coal car are an
intensive loan okay and so basically the
port of this little of sniffing code
that he's shared on github is to be able
to train Atlas TF networks
just like how I encourage courtesy uses
character or car RM that he created with
torch it's just that he's replicated
that intentional and that is the results
of car are an intensive flow and so what
happens is I will actually go ahead I'm
taking email data facts appear and feed
it into car are and tensorflow
and then once it's inside of car or
inadmissible we can then define a model
inside of car in and sensor the tensor
flow and then wants you to find the
model it should go ahead and start
training and just only while you see
that you get actually a quite low lock
value and once you're lost value is
quite low then you're ready to actually
start predicting using this model until
the color R min what it does is it
actually outputs and saved model as a
and so again
Celsus clips on UL STM tesla model and
something ul s T M month okay
and so the car are an attempt to slow
will output this month now after this
model has been up with we're ready to
actually feed in data into this model
and see which predicts they are
proceeding in a prime in this model now
a prime depicts what the starting heart
attack so basically recede all this of
the output speed and the friction will
happen it let's just say the prime has
to be your partial sentence let's just
say as a prime in this case Thursday
thank you very much for and then what
would happen that sentence will go into
the LSP model and the LSP M model will
then output the next 50 or so characters
that I believe you would write and so
this will be me next 50 characters
okay so once the ls p.m. model gives you
the next 50 characters now you cover
multiple different words that is
predicted 1/3 of it so you have to have
a way to print to extract the next words
of this lsdm predicted and so what would
happen is you would then fit into a very
small Python script that would do word
extraction and so there will be a word
extractor in Python again very very
simple and I will be certifying the next
word the elephant predicted after your
prime text and then once you feed those
next 50 characters into the word
instructor the word extractor will give
you finally the next words that it
believed that the Elliston believes you
would write and there you go and that is
the entire system diagram of how logic
behind this entire system works and so
now again just to recap we would be
feeding in some training data into car
are an intensive flow which will create
an LS p.m. model for us
I'll that's be in a prime to ALS peer
model which will now generate multiple
different words after me after the prime
to great basically is as a paragraph or
what I would say after that prime text
then what'll happen is it'll look at
those next 50 characters or so I will
see that into a word extractor which
will extract the next word after the
prime text and finally that next word is
the next words the LSC and predicts that
we usually like depending on the context
of everything before the prime text and
course applying text itself all right
now obtaining you how you can actually
build a system using car or an intensive
low let's get to it now alright so
welcome back to the code part now I'm
going to be showing you how you can
actually code in this entire system now
if I go back to my terminal right over
here you can see we've got this car on
tensorflow over here and if i LS and
here you see we've got a few folders and
so the in sofa car and in to work you
have to have a few different directories
first of all yes
have your data directory I'll talk about
that in a moment but you also have to
have your save checkpoint directory
which is where it will actually save the
Train models to and once it seems the
Train models and you can actually use
the Train models once they've been
trained enough to actually run your word
prediction tasks I'll take it with me
data directory now if I go to make data
directory as you can see there are few
directors inside of data but inside of
data we've also got one more directory
called payment email I hang my emails
and if I LS this as you can see we've
got a few different files here are you
only need to create input doc txt it'll
automatically create data to nqy and no
cab PKL for you all you need to do is
create input dot txt and fax I get the
first three lines of input dot exe you
can see these are first three lines
inside of that input text field text
type text file however of course there
are many more lines and each line
contains a line from an email that I
sent someone and so basically I'm going
to be training the system to actually
cleave as word prediction model based
off of my emails now remember though
because I'm not eating very much train
dinner at all it is a little bit hard to
train this model because of overfitting
how about of course if you were to use
enough data for example I'm your I'm
using email but if you were to
concatenate a lot of data from Twitter
Facebook email and your contacts it
could become of course much much more
accurate and of course much more context
sensitive now of course though if we
were to go back you can see in
compensate email you just need to have
this in an empty directory once you're
done training all of these files will
come into into this directory alright so
once that's done you're ready to
continue now so that I do not overwrite
the pre train models that I've already
got prepared I want to create a new
checkpoint directory called feed email
YouTube once that's ready your start to
you're ready to start training your
model now the way you actually train the
model is like calling Python train dot
py and I'm going to pass it of the air
directory of data slash can make emails
okay and the same directory it's going
to be saved
email thank you then click enter and let
it work it's magic
it's not going to bloat in all the data
and it's going to get start is going to
start raining all right so what it
started once it has started to Train of
course I actually took this to do are
not too many epochs and so this should
be slightly this should not take too
much time
however instead of having you watch this
model train I decided that I should have
a pre train model that you can actually
look at and see how it performs so again
it reads on the exact same data on the
exact same model configuration the only
thing is that I've already pre trained
it so you don't need to watch this model
train so if I control C out of this you
can see the loss is getting extremely
low and at this point we're starting to
overfit but then again I'm not using
very much data when you use a lot more
data this overfitting will not be a
concern however once that's done
training you're ready to move on to the
sampling stage in the sampling page will
allow you to actually run your word
prediction tasks now if I were to
actually run Python sample dot py and
unfortunately these passages save
directory again which in this case is
save email and of course so we need to
pass sequence prime and paste my prime
will be saved Watson made simple or
walked and made okay as you know I have
an IBM Facebook live series called wasa
mates in volute anime and so I I have
mentioned this in a few different emails
to people and so if I pass this is my
prime it should be able to get symbol as
the next word let's see now this will of
course create a few quite a few more
characters than then just one more work
because of course it's based off of
characters and not words it just doesn't
generate words it generates a lot of
characters and so you can see generate a
lot of characters but in the beginning
we've got our prime we just walked main
space and after that we've got the word
simple however well sure it did of
course predict the next word but how can
we actually extract
SIB loud well this is where my next trip
comes in the next scripts if I actually
show you here I will actually run this
sample script on a prime and giveth and
then once you pass in that prime it'll
actually parse that result in order to
give you your final answer which is then
the next word using its logic it'll
split the results in the sample script
by every new line it'll get the first
line and then it will split every in
split everything in that first line by
spaces it will then get the specific
element which is equal to the length of
the prime itself being split up by
spaces minus one and so basically like
for example if the prime and past it was
Watson made space then and then now
what's happened is the array would be
locked in made and in fact I can
actually go to a Python shell here I can
do Watson made and do dot splint space
all right oh and you can see also gives
a little extra ending here as well and
so what I can do is just go back here so
what happens who want to pass in this
string with a prime then this would be
the output of this right here or prime
dot foot space until the length of this
would be of course three and then of
course what you would do is you would do
the length minus one and then of course
that would be two and then what you
would do is going to take a result which
others all too long to put in here but
if you were to split that up by ever you
line and you get every line they will
take the first line and some that you
would split it by every space until you
get you know Watson made simple dot dot
dot and then once you've got that you
can just get from this specifically the
second element as we cited here and as
you can see this is the zeroth element
this is the first element of some second
element and the output of this should be
the entire logic behind that one line
works I just compressed all this into
one lines of creating multiple different
lines but this and that's what seems a
little bit complicated but this is the
actual logic that goes behind extracting
that word
and so now though if I were to actually
run that script that I just created on
Watson made it would run that exact same
that exact same script in the backend I
will extract out the word symbol and it
should return o sometimes it requires of
course it's an LS p.m. it's it's word
prediction not ever you know completely
predictable but of course as you can see
it has now returned simple as the
correct answer and now of course if I
were you know I on an actual iOS
keyboard I would click on the word
simple instead of typing out simple and
then what happened is would
automatically start suggesting words
that would come next and then of course
it would say walking make simple
episodes that's also something that
could be correcting a watch to make
simple episode but of course lots of
make simple which could also be correct
because that would suggest we as Tanmay
and as you can see it says T can't huh
but again it's an alice you have not
completely predictable and and of course
I'm not using a lot of training data but
if you were to use a lot more training
data you could get much much better
results in fact what you could actually
do is use the training data behind
SwiftKey itself in order to create a
base model and of course improve that
model ever so slightly and fine-tune it
towards the user specifications and
users interest by of course feeding in
the emails Facebook posts tweets and
contact of the user while keeping that
base as a huge training data from for
example blogs or the news or something
of that sort to create this really great
English base but also I will not be
going into that in this video is this is
intended to be a simple video to show
you how you can get a word prediction
model up and running and in fact in
tensorflow which of course is absolutely
great and and of course the best part is
that this doesn't require you know too
much training like sequence of sequence
this is a regular long short-term memory
model that will allow you to of course
the estimate here or predict the next
the next
word in your sentence and plus the thing
is it'll actually continue the context
from the rest of your sentence it won't
just say okay rather if you've got the
sentence watching me then it should be
simple next if you had sentences before
Watson made simple then it will be able
to you know infer context from those
sentences which is why LS TM are just so
so powerful and that is exactly how we
can build this word prediction model
intensive flow using long short term
memory networks of course there will be
a link to the tar are an intensive low
in the description below as well as all
the code that I used which is the word
predict a QR file in the description as
well unfortunately I will not be able to
provide how the emails intersect that I
was talking about
however of course you can use either
your own emails innocent if you've got
enough or q if you don't have enough
emails or you know messages then you can
of course use pre you know data from
online like the end on your data set
which should be able to provide a good
language base for you to train up
alright but thank you very much for
joining today that's going to be it for
this video I really do hope you're able
to learn from this and enjoy watching
this video of course those who are able
to learn from this please to make sure
to consider sharing the video as well as
liking it as well as it really does help
out a lot and of course again if you've
got any more questions suggestions or
feedback please leave it down in the
comment section below you can email it
to me at any minute Gmail comm or tweet
it to me at 10 G mini alright so thank
you very much but of course if you
really like my content you want to see a
lot more of it please do consider
subscribing to our youtube channel as
well as it really does help out a lot
and of course please do make sure to
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content so thank you very much for
joining in today Daphne's goal for this

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