Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
well this is actually a first in my new
series apple events which will review
whatever happened in an apple event
in much shorter than the actual event
itself so people who don't get the
opportunity to watch it or the time to
watch it
can watch us just a really small
condensed description of it
uh and just know what's coming up what
you can pre-order what you can order
uh and stuff like that so let's get
started and today
first thing we're gonna be talking about
is the apple watch because right as we
started up the september 9th event
uh well we got to the apple watch
and so if i didn't already say this we
are going to be discussing
the september 9th uh very special apple
and so this highlights
new apple tvs new apple watches new
ipads and new iphones
so let's get right into it right here
here okay let's get right into it and so
again this was actually hosted in the
bill graham civic auditorium this time
instead of
apple's usual headquarters because they
wanted many more people to be able to
see this
and enjoy it so let's get started
today we're going to be talking about
first of all apple watch now the apple
as we know just a few months ago
actually about a year ago was released
uh and we're already at watch os 2. now
watch os
2 will be released soon however
developers already have access to the
however even before that starting from
today apple has released
two two new colors uh for apple watch
and a few
more bands for the apple watch they've
teamed up with a really nice designing
company for watches and they've created
really nice bands so you might want to
consider getting one
they're pretty nice anyway apart from
right next after that they discuss about
the apple tv
now what's this neo apple tv about they
haven't updated that in a long time
well actually this new apple tv has a
lot of new features
doesn't see right as i'm gonna say these
it won't seem like a lot
but when you actually get the apple tv
and try your best to use it
it's going to be a lot it's basically
a computer mixing it with a smart tv
and then getting an apple tv or at least
a new version of the apple tv
so the new apple tv has an app store a
remote that lets you
touch it for a touch screen sort of
and also out of nowhere
siri yeah so they've implemented siri
into the apple tv so you can
say um show me movies starring this
for example show me all horror movies
starring this actor saw me all comedy
starring this actor etc etc or
what are the latest most popular movies
for kids or something like that
apart from that again as i said there's
a remote with
touch so instead of clicking on the
little buttons you can actually swipe
now and so that's pretty interesting how
that's going to work
uh etc uh apart from that
oh yeah as i said there's an app store
uh and so this new
app store will allow you to as it says
download apps uh
just like any ios you can download games
uh i can imagine there's many more
things like
many more uses for it like sports games
uh and stuff like that
anyway apart from that uh we have
next the ipad pro
yeah i did not expect them to release
this yet i expected them to release this
in october when they usually do it
but they did it in this event anyway uh
and so
well let's get started and you might
think that this is the ev
this is the product that really just
shook the event but
no this is not the product that this
event is based off of
the real product is coming next and
that's the main one
what it is well i'm not going to tell
you that yet but the ipad
pro in fact is just a really
nice ipad it has a lot of more features
including a 12.5
inch display diagonally that is huge
that's almost like
the new macbook sort of uh it
essentially is the same size because the
macbook if you're around the macbook is
also 12
inches the ipad is also 12 inch ipad pro
is also 12 inches
and so apparently uh
they're creating a really gigantic
tablet that can be used as
a sort of tablet computer and so
this ipad pro will be able to
essentially replace
a macbook i'd say is because
guess what it has a full-sized desktop
keyboard like actual full size if i
get one and show it to you just that big
with all the little keys on the top and
then the
enters and the shift and the numbers and
because it's that big it has the
functionality to do it it has the space
so why not
and so apart from that
you have a really big keyboard now with
which you
can write pretty much you can write a
blog really easily you can write
documents really easily you can write
mails much easier now and it's just
amazing of them doing that
after that um
yes they have also announced the apple
pencil and a smart keyboard
now what am i talking about apple pencil
that seems silly
well it's not it's a stylus because of
it's named a pencil so the apple pencil
was named so because it actually
acts like a pencil it has precision down
to a pixel
and if you were to use it with
compatible drawing apps
it's just amazing you can touch like
this pencil will detect force and tilt
when you're pressing on the screen
so if you press down on the screen with
more force it'll make a thicker stroke
and a drawing app that's compatible and
if you
uh make if you do a little bit lighter
it'll make a much lighter stroke than it
would usually
and so this opens up a whole new world
of possibilities really
now now developers can do stuff like uh
drawing apps
main that's the main thing that you can
do one more thing i've realized that
may be useful uh is that if you were to
a video when you're scrubbing it like
from and from beginning to end and end
to beginning
if you were to press really hard and
shift it would just go really fast
but if you were to go like really light
and go it would just go really precision
and so that could also be a bit useful i
uh and yeah so apart from that
we have the smart keyboard as i said so
it's basically if you took the smart
cover and you put a keyboard on it
that's what it is and so uh actually if
you were to
bend it into like a triangle
on the end and then a keyboard and then
if you were to add a little
three uh and so it's connected to the
ipad essentially
with three little magnetic pins which
apple has developed
which go from the keyboard into the ipad
just like
uh they sit they stick together actually
and then they are able to
uh transmit power data etc
and it's just amazing how that works and
then that becomes a fully functional
physical keyboard and then ios 9 will
adapt that and say
okay so you're using a physical keyboard
now i will not show up the digital
keyboard perfect
apart from that uh they have also
changed the screen a bit as i said
and they've added something called a
variable refresh rate
if you know what a refresh rate is it's
pretty interesting
well it's that if you're doing nothing
on your ipad it's just sitting there
then it'll the chip inside the a9x chip
will decide to actually
lower the refresh rate of your screen in
order to conserve battery life
however if you're doing really intensive
tasks then it will increase
the refresh rate of your screen in order
to get a better
playback or like if you're playing a
uh then in order to get better playback
it'll increase the refresh rate
and that'll give you better playback
apart from that uh they've also as i
said upgraded the a9x chip
from the a8 chip compared to the a8 chip
the a9x chip gives us an 80
better cpu and 90 better
gpu which is actually quite a lot
and so that's giving us whole new
standards of performance
and so so many more things are now
compatible uh
they run so much more smoother like
games and
videos and stuff like that they just run
much smoother now than they ever did
also they've added a four speaker system
uh meaning instead of just having one
speaker on the little end
of the ipad there's actually four
speakers now that give you
really nice stereo sound and so
that's one of the other main features of
this ipad pro
next thing we have is the iphone
the iphone 6s and the iphone 6s
plus and yes this update
has a lot of new things and the main key
is that there's a new color the rose
gold color to go along with the apple
and so you might be wondering well
why is this so important well just
because some people like that color more
and for the people that like that color
good you got it now
and for the people that are lucky enough
to have a rose gold apple watch
well they get a matching iphone as well
except it's not made out of gold it's
just colored rose gold
yeah of course the other three colors
are staying the same they're going to be
uh silver space gray gold and then of
course the new rose gold
apart from that uh we also have the a9
chip this is not the a9x sorry about
that fruit fly
uh the a9x chip which is different from
sorry about that the iphone 6s and the
iphone 6s
plus have an a9 chip not an a9x
chip the main difference uh is that
the cpu is 70 better
in the a9 ship but it's 80 percent
in the a89 x chip
but the gpu in both chips are 90
better than the a8 chip
so apart from that nothing really has
changed uh on the chip parts
uh and again this is these are 64-bit um
chips apart from that they've also added
finally a 12 megapixel camera
on the on the back of the iphone uh and
so lots of people have been awaiting
this for a long time
even i have and now this will be able to
take much higher resolution
uh photos and in fact they've even added
video you can imagine that that's like
video that is the highest high
that we could go to yet i'm not saying
about the future maybe we have
better high definition then but for now
this is the highest we can go and this
is just amazing
apart from that uh we are getting
stuff like um if i can think of some 3d
touch one of the
main features new in the iphone 6s and
plus what what is 3d touch now
well for example if you're viewing mail
in order to preview an email
you just press really hard on it okay
now you're in preview if you release
it's just gonna
go away the preview is gonna go away
however if you continue to press you can
continue to read
and let's just say you actually want to
open up this email
and mark it as unread because of course
when you preview you're not marking it
read and that's one of the main
reasons you would have previewed if you
actually want to go into it see some
attachments scroll down a bit
or something like that then press even
while you're pressing hard and it'll go
into the actual email itself
and then you can do pretty much anything
you want then it's just normal mail
and even when you're not using mail any
other app like on the home screen
if you were to really do a
really um hard touch uh on
the edge of the screen then what it
would do
is it would bring up the multitasking
pane instead of you having to double
click the home button
pretty simple and also inside of the
camera like let's say
the camera app uh you could uh
really hard press on it and it would
give you options on what you want to do
inside of the camera app
and so that becomes so much easier than
opening the app and actually doing
and so that really helps in that sense
as well
apart from that uh they've also added
something called
deep trench isolation which if you don't
know what it means it's okay it's just
photons inside of the camera will not
cross talk with each other
meaning there's almost no noise in a
picture meaning there's no
color mixing in a picture wherever two
new colors intersect
there won't be that little blurry area
they've also created a second edition of
touch id
and the second edition will be able to
process touch id requests
twice as fast pretty amazing
apart from that there's nothing really
uh too
amazing that i can think of except for
the fact that they've added fl
front screen flash in the camera uh
which is something
uh quite amazing the screen actually
goes whenever you take a picture from
your front camera
the screen goes three times brighter
and just flashes in your face and so
that's a flash
for your front facing camera uh and so
again this is
also true tone uh and if you don't know
what that means
true tone just means making the flash a
similar to your surroundings in order
for it to look more natural and this is
the same
uh technique of flash used on the back
of the iphone's
6 6 plus 6s and 6s
plus so on the back camera that's the
method used for its flash
apart from that it's going to be
available available for pre-order
1201 am pdt and in est which is where i
it's going to be um actually
i'd say 301 a.m and so that
i'm going to have to stay up pretty late
in order to pre-order that but i will
because it's an apple product of course
logic uh and so i'm going to be
pre-ordering that
uh what about you would you pre-order it
leave your answer in the comments below
i'd be interested
to know uh anyway apart from that it's
going to be available however september
uh and so that day you're going to be
able to actually go to a store
in the amazing lineup outside of it
and pick one up and that was pretty
much it for this video again like the
video if you liked it subscribe if you
like my content you want to see more of
it email me if you have any questions
app ideas suggestions
uh and that's going to be it goodbye

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