Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Tam Baki and this
time we're going to be going over how
you can Implement oneshot learning with
an extremely Advanced deep learning
algorithm such as convolutional neural
network Works let's get started now in
this video today I'm going to tell you a
little bit about the challenges of
bringing onot learning to a system like
a deep neural network like a
convolutional neural network and well
there are quite a few reasons why
artificial intelligence isn't as good as
really learning from only a few training
parameters or a few training examples
whereas natural intelligence like humans
are very good in fact Excel at this task
for example let's just say that you have
seen you know you've seen kitchen
utensils You' seen spoons forks knives
etc etc uh you've seen quite a few you
haven't seen them all but you've seen
quite a few but you've never seen a
spatula or a blender before okay and so
let's just say that one day someone
introduces you to an individual spatula
and one blender okay simple enough you
start to understand the concept of a
spatula and a blender now though you've
only seen one spatula and one blender in
your entire life yet magically the next
time he shows you an entirely different
spatula or an entirely different blender
you instantly recognize what it is and
you don't confuse it with any other
kitchen utensil or the spatula and the
blender how is that that's because you
are human and you are amazing at
learning from only a few and in this
case one training
example however this sort of uh these
sorts of actions this sort of learning
is not very easy to replicate in
computers and the reason is computers
have one key part to learning that's
completely missing they're just missing
this one individual sort of main part of
learning that humans definitely do have
I'll talk about what that is in just a
moment but before that let's take a look
at what a regular convolutional neural
network looks like now when you're
either training or inferencing on a
convolutional neural network you're
using uh you know one of the classic CNN
flat and dense neural networks and so uh
let's just say you're building an
mnist convolutional neural
network and so with
mnist you're feeding the data into a
convolutional neural network the
convolutional neural Network's output
flattened and then that flattened output
goes to a few dense
layers which then give output to the
user and so that is the final
output which is then
analyzed and so you're using this type
of model whether you are training
testing or inferencing whatever you're
doing you're
this model
OKAY however there are a few key
drawbacks to this model but before we
talk about the drawback let's take a
look at what we do if we want to say
compare two images to see if they
contain the same class now what I mean
by this is let's just say that we have
two different images and they both
contain the letter six but they're not
drawn in the same way they're not the
same image there could be a few pixels
up few pixels down it could be drawn a
little bit rotated etc etc so many
different things could go wrong or not
wrong necessarily but so many things
could be different between the images a
regular computer program could not tell
the difference between them I mean
forget telling the difference between
them a regular computer program couldn't
even tell you that there's a six in this
image that's for sure and so a deep
learning algorithm like this one can do
that with almost 100% accuracy
99.98% accuracy is the state-of-the-art
and so computers are very good at this
task when it comes to this type of deep
learning however say that you wanted to
do I mean this would be called I guess
you could say like a classic
CNN but now you want to do some sort of
oh you want to do an equivalency
test and so essentially what this allows
you to do is take two images and see if
they contain the same class now
generally this could be quite easy what
you do is you go ahead and take the
output over here and You' compare it to
the other image's output and see if
they're the same and while technically
that would perform quite nicely let's
just say that you even wanted the
comparison to all be done by Deep
learning so it does it all
automatically how would you do that sort
of equivalency test well what you go
ahead and do is take two versions of
mnist or not necessarily two versions to
the the the nness data set you'd feed it
into two different
CNN's and remember these cnns are
already trained in a classic way so
these are pre-trained CNN's that you're
using you'd flatten their
output however there is one
difference oh sorry not dense the the
difference is that we're not using dense
layers we're only going to be using the
layer after that we've got a numeric
representation of how the CNN thinks
that the image looks and we've got this
in a list a one-dimensional array what
you can then
do is use a non-trained dense layer and
feed in the output of the trained CNN
and then train the dense layer to
understand when two images have the same
class and then you would have the dense
layer give output and this output can
either be the class that both of these
images contain or it could be just
simply whether or not the class of these
two images are the
same and so this would allow you to
create a relatively simple equivalency
neural network that'll take two images
and check if they contain the same
class however what would happen if you
only had had a few images to train with
but you have a lot of images to test
with really an infinite number of images
to test with because people can draw
these however they want to and while
technically the amness data set has
60,000 of these images there is another
data set which only has a few in fact
only 10 training images per letter and
in this case we're not going to be going
for numbers we're going to use 10 Greek
letters while technically the data set
provides many more I'm going with a
refined version of 10 of the characters
that this data set provides each of the
10 characters has 10 examples of how
it's written in Greek of course it's a
Greek character and so we don't really
have much to work with here and a
regular equivalent or classic CNN really
wouldn't do anything here at all so what
do we do well I'm going to go ahead and
merge these two types of neural networks
and add in one key element which enables
really natural learning and with this
key element such a neural network should
be possible let's talk about that now
and now with such a neural network there
are two stages you can't just train test
and inference on the exact same neural
network just like you can for these two
types of neural networks you have to
train on a different system and and test
or inference on another system let's
take a look at how you do
that and let's just say that you start
off with training so you want to start
off by training this neural
network and this time we're going for a
oneshot sort of learning and while
technically it's not one shot entirely
because we've got 10 different images
still though it's very very little data
to work off of so now again what we're
doing is well technically we should be
training with Greek and we are training
with Greek characters so we're taking
the Greek characters that we got from
the data set but we're feeding them into
a pre-trained CNN this pre-trained CNN
is trained on a very similar data set
that has ample data for us to work with
now what this means is well Greek
characters aren't that off for from
numbers they're still really the same
concept they are representing in some
sort of very small sort of character way
uh some sort of meaning and so we want
to be able to determine which character
it is and these characters are drawn uh
in a similar way to how a number would
be drawn it's similar enough that the
CNN's filters wouldn't do something
entirely different to these Greek
characters uh for example if we were to
use an imag net sort of convolutional
neural network we're using very very
similar data so you're going to feed
this into a convolutional neural network
which is pre-trained on the mest data
set now this mest data set has already
given the CNN a high amount of accuracy
so it already knows how to at least
slightly distinguish between different
characters from there you're going to
flatten the output of the
CNN but then once once you flatten the
output there's one key and this is
really as I mentioned what's going to
enable the entire system and that is
memory that's right deep neural networks
are very powerful but unlike humans they
never remember anything they just learn
individual patterns or concepts but they
don't remember any of the examples that
they had learned previously what this
means is that you're gener not getting
high accuracy because it doesn't
remember what the spatula looks like
it's trying to find individual little
patterns that might make a spatula a
spatula and little patterns that might
make a blender a blender but it's not
remembering the actual spatula or the
actual blender itself to be able to
compare future examples with its past
knowledge it doesn't have past knowledge
it only has past patterns learned and
current patterns that it's trying to
find and these patterns get mixed up
with other training examples and
eventually with enough training examples
you're able to make it learn enough of
an averaged pattern that it understands
new images however with this type of
neural network we're not doing that sure
we might want to retrain the CNN a
little bit and just fine tun its weights
to work with the Greek alphabet however
we're not going to be training an entire
neural network from scratch because we
don't have enough data to do that in the
first place and that's just generally
how these neural networks were built and
how they were built and really meant to
be used from the ground up and so once
you've gotten this flatten this
flattened output you can feed that into
the memory and the memory in this case
is just a very simple database this
database will contain the flatten output
and a little index of which character
this is say that we've got these 10
different characters the index will be
the number of which character this
flattened output truly
represents and now you have trained your
memory and you've already got a trained
convolutional neural network you've only
got one last training phase left before
you can get to the inferencing stage
once you've gone through the number one
training phase let's go through number
two now in number two this very same
model will be used for training
testing and
inference now this model will
essentially take that very same Greek
alphabet we were talking about and it'll
feed it into again the same
convolutional neural network that we
were talking about before now it's
actually again very important that you
use the same CNN so that what the memory
outputs actually still make sense in
this case once that's done of course the
CNN's output will be
flattened and then once it's flattened
then of course we bring back the memory
except we're not feeding into the memory
this time we're taking from previous
memory so the memory will also have
output here and now there's going to be
an entirely new script and this is
called the comparison script
now this itself will be powered by Deep
learning and I'll talk about that in
just a moment and so essentially the
memory will also feed into this
comparison script from somewhere else
and so this this memory will essentially
contain as I mentioned flattened output
that the con illusional neural network
had previously learned and with this
flattened output the comparison script
will then go ahead and use dense neural
networks against all of the different
examples in memory and finally the dense
neural network will output for each
different a training example that the
neural network had learned from before
how similar this image is or the content
in this image is or in this case the
important content in this image is to
the important content in the training
example from the memory from there the
comparison script once it's done using
its dense neural networks will give us
output and this output will contain the
class of the image itself and from there
you've built an entire system that took
only 10 training samples for 10
different classes and was able to
understand with actually very very high
accuracy these sorts of images and
remember this all depends on the neural
network that you're training off of if
the convolutional neural network that
you're train TR based off of in this
case from mest is isn't using similar
enough data or it doesn't have high
enough accuracy itself it can of course
definitely influence the accuracy that
you're getting on your Greek characters
in fact in the next part of this
tutorial I'll share with you exactly how
I was able to build the system all of
the challenges with it and of course how
you can give it multi- Channel images
and so so much more all implemented in
carass with a tensor flow back end and
so that's what I have had to cover in in
this video today thank you very much for
joining in I really do hope you were
able to learn something from this video
and enjoy so thank you very much if you
have any more questions suggestions or
feedback please do leave that in the
comment section down below email it to
me at tajim Manny or you can
tweet it to me at tagim Manny of course
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you think it could help anybody else you
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thank you very much for joining in today
that's going to be all for this video

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