Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Tammy Bakshi and
today we're going to be going over
triplet neural networks now triplet
neural Nets
are not a special kind of neural network
but rather a special kind of way to
train neural networks they don't require
special or exotic architectures and they
allow you to do one simple thing how do
you take complex data and project it
onto a feature space so you can identify
similarity between different data points
in that space now triplet neural
networks can be used for all sorts of
things and let me give you a few quick
examples and then we'll get into exactly
what we're gonna do today now think
about this let's just say you're trying
to build an application for facial
recognition now traditionally what you
might do and what you might have seen on
this channel before would be something
like this you would have your neural
network or LC you have your
convolutional neural network to be
specific thanks about your convolutional
neural net now this convolutional neural
network is feeding into a multi-layer
perceptron neural network and so you're
feeding into what would be called in
cross terminology some dense layers now
at the end finally the very let's just
say we've got three dense layers over
here these represent our dense layers
now the very last one would be the
number of classes that you have and you
would traditionally do something like a
softmax activation so in order to train
your facial recognition neural network
you would feed a face like so into your
convoluted owner network you would train
it to classify that face into one of a
few categories and then after that what
you were doing order to classify new
faces is you would just discard this
layer altogether and you would use the
penultimate layer you would use the
second last layer and you would use that
as a feature vector and that feature
vector would then describe exactly what
that face looks like if two separate
faces fit into this neural network have
similar enough vectors then you consider
that they are the same face because the
neural net
extracted similar features the noise may
have been different but the signal the
facial features that the neural network
learned they were essentially the same
but here's the problem in order to train
a neural network like this first of all
you're wasting compute and that's
because you've got this entire last
layer that's just doing classification
that's gonna be removed anyway and plus
just because this normal network has
great accuracy when you're training it
on a certain set of faces doesn't mean
it's necessarily going to generalize
well to other cases as well that weren't
already in the training data set so a
bias problem now triplet neural networks
can help you solve this however there
are also other ways to solve the problem
for example you've got two Siamese
neural networks Oh Siamese neural
networks these are really fascinating
what you can do is you can essentially
take your multi-layer perceptron neural
network and instead of having multiple
multiple layers well it would still have
multiple layers but instead of having a
classification as your output you just
have some feature vector and then you
would have the same model over again so
you have the same convolutional neural
network the same multi-layer perceptron
neural network all right now remember
these are sharing weights so these over
here these share weights these over here
they share the same set of weights
they're the same neural network but then
you would feed in face number one and of
course face number two into the neural
networks now you have two separate
feature vectors because remember they're
two layers at the end you have feature
vectors and then what you do is you can
catenate these you merge them all right
and after merging after merging what you
do is you feed into another same
multi-layer perceptron neural network
and this multi-layer perceptron neural
network will then go ahead and predict
one thing it won't try and classify the
face it'll try to do
Russian problem instead try and predict
are these the same face or not and what
this enables us to do is Satan if these
two vectors are are very similar then
that means that this neural network is
going to classify as well it's the same
face because you have similar vectors in
essence these layers are going to learn
to create feature vectors for the faces
that you feed in or you could even use
the entire sign these neural network
inside of your actual inference
operation although this can sometimes be
a little bit complex because if you ever
want the whole neural network or at
least store these vectors for every new
input and you've got to match every
single input you already have against
the new inputs sometimes it can be a
little bit annoying to use this method
but it works and this is where triplet
neural networks come in what if you
don't want to have two separate inputs
and then a place where you merge those
outputs and then regress a value what if
you just want to have a single neural
network you want to have a single set of
inputs and that single set of inputs
will then provide you with a single set
of embeddings and these are benning's
describe the features of the neural
network found and triplet neural network
training and when triplet neural network
training works is quite interesting the
idea is that you only have a single
neural network model but this single
neural network model is going to be able
to create feature vectors for any input
that you provide it now the way this
works is based off of some label data
that you provide the neural network what
kind of label data well let's find out
and in doing so you'll also figure out
why we call them triplet neural networks
so let's just draw this vertically this
time so let's say you've got a
convolutional neural network again right
classic simple now what you have is a
multi-layer perceptron network of course
right after your convolutional neural
net now this is going to be considered
your network all right and it's gonna
output some kind of feature vector so no
classifications here just a feature
vector it could be
a hundred dimensions doesn't matter
depends on what works best for your
specific use case now what's gonna
happen is you're gonna take some face or
actually they're gonna take three faces
you're gonna take face one phase two and
phase three
but they don't have numbers rather they
have letters you have face a P and M
anchor positive and negative now you
could probably start to see where this
is going
what you do is you feed all three of
these inputs to the neural network now
you're gonna have three separate outputs
from your neural network all of them
have the same shape whatever these
neural networks these three inputs don't
correlate with each other they're run
through the network separately now of
course you have your anchor embedding
your positive embedding and your
negative embedding now what do you want
to do well the idea behind this neural
network is that the anchor and positive
that you feed in are similar images an
anchor and negative are dissimilar
images so for example let's just try and
create like an amnesty Knology what you
could do is you could feed in 0 and 0
into a and P and then some other number
like 8 into negative now you have an
embedding for the number zero another
embedding for a different number zero
and an embedding for the number 8 now
here's what you can do in your loss
function instead of having some kind of
expected output like a classification or
are these two numbers in the same class
instead what you can do is you can try
and maximize the distance between anchor
and negative but minimize the distance
between anchor and positive and when you
do this the neural network guess what
the final layer is going to learn a
feature embedding that describes the
input that you provided such that
similar inputs have similar output
vectors and by doing so you can for
example cluster inputs and that's
exactly what we're gonna do today
so in Cairo's were going to take a
regular neural network
wrap it with a super simple function
that enables the model to take three
inputs after you we're going to create a
custom loss function in Caracas using a
special little workaround that will
actually take this anchor positive and
negative input and we'll calculate
triplet loss as a matter of fact we're
not just going to be using any triplet
loss we're gonna be using a special kind
of triplet loss developed by IBM
Research while they were working on
project debater now how exactly it works
why it works that's a topic for an
entirely separate video but we're gonna
be using some cutting edge loss
functions in this tutorial as a matter
of fact Corral's doesn't particularly
support loss functions like this because
her office expects it hey you have your
model output you have your expected
output but in this case we don't really
expect anything because we don't care we
don't care what the vectors are we just
care the anchor and positive are closer
and anchor and negative are further away
that's it and so that's why we're gonna
be using a little bit of a workaround to
have an empty expected output and then
the loss function knows what to do with
the three separate outputs that we
provide it with and so now without any
further ado how about we take a look at
taking and this data creating feature
vectors for it with a triplet neural
network and then running it through a
library called you map for a
dimensionality reduction to bring it
down to just two dimensions and then
plop out using that plot lid to see if
we can see ten different clusters of
digits so without any further ado let's
get into it
alright so what I've got open right now
is a Jupiter and Jupiter notebook on
skills Network laps now this is of
course a Python notebook as we're going
to be using the Karass library
particularly we're gonna be using TF
cross ten to float cross which is the
tensor flow implementation of the cross
API spec sometimes it can be confusing
as to what that means but it's cross now
skills Network laps is available for
everybody to use it's this free
environment where you can start up your
own notebooks and train neural networks
and try out different things you have
nope kernels like for example Python
Swift Juliet a lot more there will be a
link to it down in the description below
as well as to a github gist with this
notebook so you can download it upload
it to skills Network labs and train it
for yourself or train it on Google
collaboratory or even your own
environment if you have access to one so
let's begin now to start off we've got a
little command line command which is
just pip install tends to flow version
two and another package called you map
learn now you map learn is a package
that implements you map which is a
dimensionality reduction package now how
exactly this package works we can get
into that in the future for now all you
need to care about is that it's kind of
like it achieves the same sort of
fundamental goal as another algorithm
like PCA or t-sne
so the idea is how can you go from say a
hundred dimensions to just two
dimensions so our mere mortal Minds can
actually visualize it now of course
humans can't visualize more than three
dimensions because we live in a universe
with only three so if we've got a
hundred dimensions in our feature space
there's no way to visualize it however
if we were to actually use an algorithm
like you map to bring that down to just
two dimensions then we can visualize it
problem is that we end up losing some
information in that dimensionality
reduction but don't worry about it
there's still enough to give us an idea
of what it would be like projected into
100 dimensions but I'll get into what
that means and what that actually
entails in just a moment alright so as
you can see this command line command
just ran and we've installed our
packages successfully now I'm gonna run
this cell with a bunch of imports let's
see if it works sometimes it'll actually
crash at this cell because after the pip
install you've got to restart the
jupiter kernel now there we go it didn't
crash that's great so it actually
installed and we were able to import
perfectly so now let me just quickly
give you a brief of what we imported
first of all the random package built
into Python for just selecting random
elements from arrays of the matplotlib
package for plotting numpy for of course
numerical numerical operations on numpy
arrays we've got you Matt for benchmark
and then a bunch of tensorflow dr. oz
libraries now we have to import the back
end for this because we're going to be
writing a custom loss function and we
need to run operations on cross tensors
and the the back end is going to allow
us to actually get those operation
functions where the gradients are
actually defined then we also need the
MS data set luckily built right into
cross so you don't need to download or
do any of that weird stuff also we're
going to import model from TF crossed
out models so we're gonna be using the
functional sort of way of building and
modeled and cross and then just import
all the layers this is not best practice
but instead of importing every layer one
by one I thought we would just do import
star so now after this cell pretty
simple self-explanatory didn't come to
this video to see this it's just taking
the mms data set loading that day up
putting it into the X train white rain X
test and Y test arrays reshaping them so
they actually fit the neural net so
there's 60,000 elements in training
10,000 and testing with only a single
color Channel and a 28 by 28 image and
of course we want these pixel values on
a scale of 0 to 1 instead of 0 to 255 as
you would get with an 8-bit unsigned
integer and so therefore we just divide
by 255 and convert to a 32-bit
floating-point number now in terms of
the actual classes there's only 10
categories and we that list of course
there's just 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and then
0 and so those are the 10 classes that
we have for our data now next up is
something that again it's not
necessarily best practice but works for
triplet neural networks what I've done
is I've created a generator function and
this generator function in Python is
essentially going to be something that
you can continuously call from an
iterator and what it'll do is it'll
continuously gather random Triplets from
the data set and put them in a way so
you can train your neural network so let
me actually walk you through this so
what happens is the state of generating
this data generator gets a batch size by
default it's going to be 64 and then it
has an int
Loup and in every iteration of the
infinite loop we create three lists the
anchors list positives list and
negatives list now these three separate
lists will contain all the samples that
will be trained in a certain batch of
training and so every single time this
dysfunction yields it'll be returning
these lists and there will be 64
elements in each of these lists because
the batch size is 64 by default then
there's just a simple for loop where we
iterate the the number of batch size
times so in this case 64 times and then
I do one thing first what is gonna be my
positive class and what is gonna be my
negative class for my positive class I
will extract an anchor and the positive
sample for my negative class I will
extract a negative sample and the way
I'm gonna do that is by using random
dots sample and random that choice so
what I do is I take the X train numpy
array and I say okay give me only the
samples inside of this array where you
know that the class of that sample is
equal to the positive sample of class
and so as you can see over here we have
a list with two different classes one of
them is our positive one of them is our
negative and over here I'm saying okay
only gave me the images of digits if you
know that they are in the positive class
and then out of all of those which there
should be around 5,000 ish select two
random it's like two separate elements
so one will be our anchor one will be
our positive then we just take the same
extra array or yeah umpiring and then
choose all of the samples where you know
that the image is from the negative
class and then choose just one random
image from that negative class then all
you've got to do is take the anchor
positive and negative put them inside
the list and then after the for loop
you've built your batch now all you're
gonna do is you're gonna yield two
things whenever you should be yielding
according to cross spec a tuple and the
tuple should have two values of course
the first one should be a list with the
three separate inputs to the neural
network one is the anchor second one is
positive third one is negative so
three separate inputs in a list like so
now the next one should usually be the
per the expected output from the model
but in this case we don't expect any
output so we're just gonna do zeros with
a batch size of what with it with the
shape of batch size one and the type
should be float 32 and so just like that
we've got our data yielded and our data
generator is finished now after the date
of generator then we got the triplet
loss function now this is really
interesting part comes in now remember
in this case our neural network our
neural network is going to have a
hundred features that it outputs and so
what the triplet loss function is going
to do is it's going to receive a a
tensor with shape num 300 and that's
because we are concatenate a nun 103
times so we are concatenated anchor
positive negative into one output just
to satisfy chorus and tell it okay we
only have one output because it only
supports that one output and then once
they're merged into this then the
triplet loss function will we'll slice
them all out into separate tensors again
and then we're gonna process on those
sliced tensors so we take the anchor
slice the positive slice and the
negative slice in that order and this is
where the special loss function actually
comes in so the way this works is that
we get the l1 distance between anger and
positive and anchor and negative so this
is the l1 distance between anchor anchor
and positive and then we also have the
l1 distance between anchor and negative
all right so that's pretty simple stuff
you've got your distances and this is
where the sort of weird part comes in
what you're gonna do is you're actually
gonna take pause dist and negative
distance and you're gonna put them into
an array and they're going to calculate
softmax on that array now why are you
doing this exactly it's because you want
to get a probability
of either the positive or the negative
being closer to the anchor now after
that what you want to do is you want to
somehow tell the loss function that your
objective is to increase the probability
of positive and decrease the probability
of negative and so the way you're gonna
do that is by using this little function
developed by IBM Research so you're
gonna take the absolute value of the
positive probability and add it to the
absolute value of 1 minus the negative
probability now remember if you're doing
this across batches so the axis over
here is gonna be across batches because
you don't want batches to interfere with
each other's learning so you're gonna do
it across the batch and then you're
gonna mean the lost values for each
individual training example within that
batch and that's why we've got K dot
mean here and there we go that's the
loss function simple as that now
this loss function is surprisingly very
good at what it does and so we're gonna
take a look at that in one second but
let's go ahead and take a quick break to
actually run these three cells as you
can tell we've been able to download the
data and actually run these two
functions so they are valid next up we
are going to create a super super simple
most certainly not optimized but working
analyst classification model so if I go
ahead and run this we've got a super
simple Emnes convolutional neural
network model with a hundred and ninety
thousand one hundred and forty eight
total parameters and this is going to
give us a dense output with just a
hundred features now the all of the
activations of this network are
rectified linear units next up super
simple wrapper around that model that
enables it to become a triplet neural
network so over here we have three
separate inputs the anchor positive and
negative inputs then we have an output
layer the output is just contaminating
the model output for each input together
into that same nun 300 we're talking
about and then constructs the model and
prints out assembly so if we actually go
ahead and run that as you can see give
that just a moment to process sometimes
it takes a moment because Karass is slow
in in in this case again then a second
the cell will run and in theory we
should have three input layers
which are as you can see three input
layers which are connected to that model
and remember this is just one model not
three separate models one model that
will output three separate vectors that
are then concatenate it into one and
then this one is fed into the loss
function now finally all we need to do
is compile the triplet model as you can
see it worked we pass in our custom loss
function and Karass is actually quite
intelligent it actually it'll actually
go through that loss function with a
dummy tensor make sure everything works
and it verifies the fact that the cell
actually executed means that it went
through the function with a dummy tensor
and it worked and then we've just got an
atom optimizer super simple optimize
it's not a simple optimizer but a great
optimizer my favorite the one that I use
by default in a lot of cases and finally
we've got the fit generator function the
fit generator function is going to take
the data generator that we had just
built a little while ago
the number of steps it should run for
epoch in which case I've done around 150
because 150 times 64 we're gonna cover
around 10,000 images per Eibach and then
just three epochs now we could certainly
do a lot better we could go through the
whole data set in every training epoch
which is technically what we should be
doing anyway we could do more EPOC so we
can have a better model architecture but
in this case I wanted to tell you how
triplet neural network networks work and
I don't want to tell you how to optimize
a neural network training specifically
for nvest so we're not gonna do that
right now but we're gonna run the fitter
function and currently this notebook is
not powered by GPUs so the training
could take a couple of minutes as you
can see the loss function is going down
quite rapidly we're currently at around
0.68 and 0.65 0.62 these are big steps
that we're taking and that's a good
thing to lower our lost value the closer
the neural network is to learning
exactly what it is that we want it to
learn and so let's go ahead and speed up
this clip so you don't need to watch
paint dry and in just a few moments
we'll take a look at our neural network
after it's done training see what the
lost value isn't see if we can actually
visualize the clusters that the neural
network learns to create
okay so there we go
the triplet model is now done training
as you can see we get the callback
history that doesn't matter that's just
the return value of fit generator now
I'm just gonna save the model in case so
if something else crashes the kernel we
don't lose the saved model because then
this happened before and it has wasted
many hours of training time so let's
make sure we save before we do anything
else now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna
take the test data that has never been
fit into the model for training at least
and I'm gonna feed it into the model
remember now that we're no longer
training we don't need the triplet shell
and we can just use the model as a
regular role model that takes a single
input and gives us a vector and the way
I do that is by treating the model as
the third or actually fourth layer
within the triplet model because if you
take a look 0 1 2 3
inside the triplet model our actual
model is technically a layer within it
and so I get that model and then I
predict on the X test data set and what
that does is it gives me embeddings for
every image inside of the testing data
set so if I go ahead and run that in
just a few seconds we should get an
array of shape 10100 there we go 10100
so 10,000 samples a hundred dimensions
for each and betting now again we can't
visualize a hundred dimensions so I'm
gonna run a little thing called you map
and what you map is gonna do is it's
gonna take the ten thousand one hundred
and convert it to an array of size
10,000 - so dimensionality reduction now
the specific parameters I'm using that I
found come up with a pretty good
visualization number of neighbors 15 and
minimum distance is gonna be 0.3 the
metric for calculation is gonna be
correlation again I'm not gonna go over
how you app works today that's gonna be
a topic first separate future video all
you need to know is that it's an amazing
dimensionality reduction package now
I've told it to fit its internal model
on the embeddings that we got from the
testing data and also transform them and
run that dimensionality reduction and
then of course print out the shape and
after this cell executes we're gonna go
ahead and print out a scatterplot and
see if it actually well worked this is
just a warning you don't need to worry
about this there we go we're already
done that was really fast and now
without any further ado here's what
we're gonna do we're gonna create a
scatter plot where each dot represents
the dimension the embedding for one of
the input images now every single sever
single sample will have a color that
represents its class so the idea is that
if the model learnt things correctly
then dots with the same color will be
suitably grouped closer together and
there will be visible clusters of colors
each color representing a different
number in the MS dataset so if I go
ahead and run let's see if it works oh
it actually it seemed to have worked
let's take a look at this shall we so
now as you can tell we have a couple of
different clusters we've got this purple
over here we've got these green clusters
we've got this yellow cluster a sort of
bluish color another bluish color now
there's one thing I want you to do first
let's go ahead and count the number of
clusters so you've got one cluster two
three four five six seven eight nine and
ten how many classes do we have we have
ten classes so as you can tell we were
able to get ten clusters representing
the ten different classes that we have
now there is something else to keep in
mind as you can tell it's not a very
unique clustering as you can tell
there's a little bit of green and the
purple over here there's there's more
green in the purple here there's some
yellow in the green there's some there's
this colors overlapping with other
colors now there's a few reasons as to
why this is first of all we didn't train
a very good model because it was not
demise second remember when we went from
a hundred dimensions down to just two we
lost a lot of information something that
could be very easily separable in a
hundred dimensions could be not
separable at all in two dimensions or at
least not obviously I mean even in a
state like this one even with just two
dimensions if
use the you mapped data you would still
be able to create a pretty good
classifier because I mean I could
literally just draw a couple of lines
and and we would have or a couple of
curves and we would have separated the
classes but the thing is in a hundred
dimensions the the network would have so
much more information to go off of that
it may as well be separable now we might
even be able to solve this problem by
going from two to three dimensions and
see how it's even more separable but for
now what matters is that we saw a neural
network given no labels only the fact
that hey these two are similar this one
is not similar to the V anchor based off
of just that information and using a
custom loss function we were able to
create a network that took any arbitrary
image of a digit from zero to nine and
was able to convert to a vector that
describes what that digit is for example
this could could theoretically be a zero
plus or this could be the one cluster
this could be the two cluster it doesn't
really matter what matters is that we're
able to separate different digits into
different clusters if it works in two
dimensions it's got to be better in a
hundred and so that is how triplet
neural networks work now there's a lot
more you can do with this than just
classifying data that already has
classes now feminists of course is meant
to be done as a classification problem
it would be better to do this as a
classification problem but what I wanted
to show you is that the model was
capable of creating such absolutely
vectors like this one and so now what
I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give you this
notebook down the description below and
if you'd like to go ahead and modify
this notebook and use this loss function
for your own neural networks and your
own practical use cases feel free to go
ahead and do so and so thank you very
much everyone for joining in today I do
hope you enjoy if you did please make
sure to leave a like down below apart
from that I would absolutely love to
answer any questions you may have or
hear any feedback as well so leave that
down in the comment section below or you
can email it to me at Taji mani at and once again thank you very
much for joining today goodbye

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