Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
my name is Turner Bakshi this time we're
gonna be going over split view
controllers in Swift on the iPhone and
so I know this sounds a bit weird but
with X with the iPhone 6 plus and 6s
plus there's enough space to actually
fit a split view controller in the area
so what I've gone ahead and done is I've
created an app which uses split view
controllers on the iPhone 6s plus so as
you can see behind my face I am
mirroring my iphone to my computer and
using Quicktime and now if I make my
face smaller and move it out of the way
we can see but this is the app that
we're going to end up making actually
I'm going to be explaining to so as you
can see we have an actor selector on the
side but what does this actor selector
really do well actually let me just do
this it's now let's just click on an
actor like Tom Cruise and then we get
three movies he was in Tom Kenny three
more movies not demin three more movies
Angelina Jolie sorry and then three more
movies Will Smith and also Brad Pitt so
now this app will very simply allow you
to select an actor and show you three
movies that he or she has been in an
hour to program this we actually need to
use split view controllers of course
since there's a UI tableview on the side
get my hand on this okay and then a
detail view on the other side on so in
order to code this we actually have to
do a little bit math not in the sewing
math but as you can see in my code I
have added something extra and this will
help us determine some coordinates which
I will talk about later anyway first of
all what we have to talk about is let's
just say that I come over here
you won't need to do this I'm just doing
this let you understand okay so now
let's just say you start developing an
app and this is your initial view
controller that you start off with now
how do we convert this into a split view
controller or to do that simply all we
need to do is delete this view delete
this view actually let me just make sure
after that anything wrong here okay oh
so now you just type in the word split
in your objects library take the split
view controller drag it on click on one
of the split you can click on one of the
views and it's a second babe you know
then set the size to your iPhone size
which in my case is the plus so 5.5 inch
okay continue it actually don't set that
one set this one to your iPhone size and
then all of them should change to that
size perfect okay continuing after that
what you want to do is click on this
view controller and DUP and the check
mark is initial view controller then
what you want to do is art is create two
new files list dot Swift and detail dot
Swift in detail dot Swift you need to
type in the code C bar first of all this
will be a global variable so import
UIKit then of our curl list meaning
current list is equal to list now I know
you haven't created a class called list
yet and so it'll give you an error but
just don't worry yet just type in the
code and I'll explain later
thank read a new class called detail
which will be of a subtle be inheriting
from uiviewcontroller bankrate to me
label IB outlets label one label to a
label three in viewdidload
sucker detail to self now you haven't
defined kur detail yet but don't worry
you will be in just a second and so what
this will do is it will set the current
detail variable to ourselves then create
a new function called touches began and
sorry in it once you click print self
dot view dot friend size dot with that's
a mouthful but what it's going to do is
it's going to tell us what the width is
of this view in the split view
controller this is temporary code that
we require only for the time being just
to set up our app okay then on your list
dot Swift file first of all actually I
don't need this anymore okay
it first of all import you I can of
course okay so now what you want to do
is say uh create a new global variable
of our Kerdi tail is equal to a new
details now things are starting to take
shape your current detail error that was
in the other file will now be fixed then
create a new class called list which is
inheriting from not UI view controller
but UI tableview controller then create
a variable called new data and give it
all of this data which is the the actors
and the movies that they star in and
then in the viewdidload set cur list to
self then put in to actually for the
time yeah does this actually create two
new table view functions the first one
there are number of rows in section and
I'm going just going to return the data
arrays count that we just defined here
okay continuing after that in the
tableview cell for our index pass
function well we just create a new cell
set the count variable to zero
loop through new data which is a
dictionary so it will automatically be
enumerated index and value but we don't
need value only index because that's the
actors name which is what we need for
the list so index and underscore the
underscore will be taken as nothing my
Swift so we won't have a Val then what
we want to do is check if the count is
equal to index path 0 but you're saying
this is always 0 how can it be equal to
the index pastro well I'll tell you
first of all we just need to understand
that if it is set the cells text labels
text to the index that we're currently
on being the actor we're currently on
and then break this for loop however if
we didn't execute that we're going to
pass plus count by one eye meaning
increment it by 1 and then it will sorry
it will continue this loop until we find
one actor which is equal to the index
pass row so it's put into the cell and
then we return the cell to be put onto
the split view controller like this then
we want to have one more table view
function but that's weird why is there
another table view function well this is
because we actually want to handle what
happens whenever we select something on
the table view so what we do is once
something is selected on the table view
we get the cell that was selected by
doing var cell is equal to table view
cell for our index path and the index
path of which cell was selected then we
set curve details label ones text to new
data specifically the actor that was
clicked by doing cell dot txt leveled up
text so that's the actor that was
clicked from the new data or forcing
that as an unwrapped and we're getting
the 0 with value
meaning the first value now you
understand why we created the Curless
and cur detail variables because from
the list we want to be able to inject
values into the detail so that because
instead of having the cur the detail
view doing everything we have the list
making the curl the detail view doing
everything and then we do the same thing
for label two and label three except we
get the for the second element and then
the third element of course then all we
need to do is go back to our main up
storyboard click on our detail view move
my face over here and then after moving
my face you just click on this little I
think this what's it's called identity
inspector I think that's supposed to be
like a whatever why do I care anyway
click on custom class actually go under
custom class and click on this little
blank text view here beside the class
label and type in detail and then click
enter but I'm not going to do that then
click on your list and in the class type
list but I'm again not going to do that
because I already have once you're done
you should have a view like this a view
here of you here a view here of you here
then you can also double click on this
little pain here and change the title of
the list but I just named it actor
selector but wait how did I get this
view to be this small
well show you first of all let's just
run the app on my phone actually this is
going to give us an error because I
forgot to click a button okay there now
it won't so all you need to do run the
app now remember the touches begin
temporary code that we added in that's
coming in use now just click anywhere in
this blank area I'll actually show you
I'm clicking in this blank area as you
can see here on my phone I'm clicking in
this blank area
I'm clicking in the blank area and
apparently we printed out the width of
our view and so our width is 4 4 0 4 40
so what you need to do is let's just say
that this is the detailed view this is
the view which you set the class for all
you need to do click on it so there's a
blue boundary around it click on the
attributes inspector set the orientation
to landscape and set the size to
freeform actually set it to I phone 5.5
inch then go to a ruler click on the
simulated size click on freeform then
set the width to 440 and you're done
that was simple the reason we're doing
this is let's say you keep the normal
width and the normal height let's say
you sent her something on the actual
view then it's going to appear here
because you centered it on this entire
plane not just this much so when you
send her in this much it's going to
actually appear in the center of this
detailed view and that's exactly why
we're changing the size of the view
anyway after that what you want to do
yeah well anyway who care act's
after that what you want to do is once
you've done all of that you change the
width and everything go into your view
and create three labels now you can make
any size any color anything doesn't
matter just three labels then connect
the label 1 label 2 and label 3 IB
outlets to these labels it's that simple
once you run the app you should see
this pop-up and it worked as you can see
there are seven actors now actually I
found out why there were only six last
time so Leonardo DiCaprio got left out
but now he's back as well
and so that's going to be it for this
tutorial as you can see this time we
created an actor selector using split
view controllers again I'm sorry I
forgot to mention this in the beginning
but Vaughn Clement who has actually
quite a few courses online and a few
videos and a lots of apps online as well
I had actually send me this question
originally how do I use split view
controllers and Swift he wanted to use
it with an iPad but since iPhones and
iPhone iPhone 6s plus --is and iPads are
pretty much the same if you put them in
landscape now I just decided to do this
for iPhone since I didn't really have an
iPad to test this on actually I do have
an iPad Mini but then it's just too much
- it's too much to work on because the
UI is a bit too big to work on a smaller
screen but that's going to be it for
this tutorial I hope you enjoyed if you
did please make sure to leave a like on
this video and if you have any questions
leave it down in the comments below and
I will almost surely get back to you you
can also email me at a g-man in with any questions suggestions
app ideas concerns or even more comments
you can also email me a video question
of you saying a question and it may just
feature it in one of my next videos it
can be on anything from computing to
science to algorithms to math everything
and also consider subscribing to my
channel if you like my content and you
want to see more of it or if you're just
playing into the channel it would help
me out and also consider following me on
twitter at @anjghie manney again all my
email and my Twitter and everything will
be in the description the source code
for this will also be in the description
and that's going to be it goodbye

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