Thursday 17 October 2024



so long there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Tammy Bakshi and
this time we're going to be going over
how you can use the IBM Watson discovery
service in bluemix and so let's begin so
today we're going to be creating a we're
going to be using the discovery service
in order to create something cold or at
least I like to call it a 10 main search
so let me actually begin by describing
what this will do or actually we begin
by describing the discovery service
itself so to begin I actually just
recently found out about a new service
that the guys over at Watson released
and it's a new data insight service for
IBM Watson and it's a service called
discovery now it's currently in
experimental not even beta yet it's
experimental so there are a few rough
patches that they're still trying to
work around but it is publicly available
on bluemix she would have catalog you
wouldn't be able to see it yet you're
gonna have to go to labs catalog and
I'll tell you how to do that in the Mac
however essentially this discovery
service is very very neat let me
actually show you what the stops so drop
my marker so let's actually begin by
actually say what this does so what do
we gots our discovery service here right
we've got this cover of our discovery ok
so this is our discovery service and
let's say we've got some data right and
so we've got a few HTML files for
example so we've got one dot HTML we've
got two dot HTML and let's say we've got
also three dot HTML now in practice you
actually have hundreds upon thousands of
these HTML documents and you would take
this as your corpus of knowledge or
corpus of data and you'd feed this into
discovery alright and once you have all
the HTML files and discovery what's
going to happen this discovery is going
to index through them and it's going to
you know organize itself and under
and these documents and then you should
be able to give it a query and so let's
say that our data was about me right
that's so what I've done is I've created
a Python script that actually goes to
Google using a Google API of the Google
custom search East API it'll use that
API and what it's going to do is it's
actually going to grab a hundred HTML
documents from Google about me sort of
like articles that contain the words
Tanmay Bakshi and so once we have around
100 of those documents we're going to
feed them right into discovery and once
discovery has those hundred documents
once an index is through them which
takes very very little time then we can
actually give it a query like this is
your quotes when did 10 May start coding
right so let's just say we have it when
but an may start coding or you know we
could actually alright done better so
what happens is we're going to give it a
quick alright
and this query could be anything in fact
you can just about that it could be
about my summer training but let's just
say for the sake of simplicity that we
say when did 10 May start coding ok so
this is our query right we send it into
discovery what's going to have any
discovery is then going to take all of
these documents that would give it and
it's going to order these documents for
most relevant the least relevant and
it's going to give us the most relevant
documents that are related to this query
so let's just say that this is the order
just coincidentally descending aorta
coincidentally 231 I could really be
whatever and so what's happening here is
orts a2 is the most relevant to this
query and to contains a paragraph in it
that says Tanmay started coding at five
years old what happened is it would
really realize that that's the most
relevant and it would bring it to the
top now something really remarkable
discovery is that well don't all search
engines do this well no discovery is
different it's different in the way that
even if it doesn't say that Tanmay back
she started coding at five years old but
it says let's say ten back she's
currently 12 years old he has built
applications with IBM Watson and he
started coding at 5 years old or he
began to code at 5 years old you would
still understand because of that you
know can do it knows that in those
context it would still understand that
what it's very very relevant to when did
10 may start coding because of the
sentence of the paragraphs context and
so of course that's what discovery is
going to help us achieve today and so
without any further ado let's head right
Mack part now where I'm going to be
showing you how you can use this new
discovery cervix in bluemix and so of
course we're going to be of course as I
said using that Python scripting let's
download a hundred documents of really
anything in this case I've said Tanner
Bakshi we're going to feed those the
discovery we're going to then give
discovery one of our queries and
discovery should then give us results
ordered by relevance now another thing
pretty interesting here is that well
while I haven't created an iOS app just
yet you will see that in the next part
so in the next part of this discovery
service video series I'm going to be
showing you how you can implement this
using its JSON REST API with Swift in
order to create an iOS application where
you can type in your query click send
and you'll see a UI tableview with lots
of these results that you can scroll
through as you wish all right so uh yeah
without any further ado let's get to the
next part now shall we
all rights dealt with in the part where
we essentially go to google and grab a
lot of data to actually feed into
discovery so let's begin as you can see
over here if I open up finder I've got
this folder here and as you can see I've
got 100 HTML files and these HTML files
essentially contain well quite simply if
I just click space on one of them as you
can see over here it just shows me a lot
of text in this text is essentially just
you know the sort of the content of the
Google document that we are extracting
so what we do is we take a document from
Google we take the link from that and
then we send that over to alchemy
language and alchemy language extracts a
lot of text from that link in the Matt's
text is put international file along
with the title and so if I just show you
as you can see that we have a lot of
these HTML files about me okay and so
essentially that is what we're going to
be using as our Corbis but in order to
actually grab all of that data I created
a very simple Python script which if I
show you over here it's called scrape py
and so what it does is just a imports
URL Lib JSON and sleep from time and
then it creates a lot of URLs and these
URLs essentially have lots of Google
search queries here as you can see I'm
using the Google custom search engine
API and I'm searching about Weeki on the
entire Internet ten times and each time
I get ten results
ten times ten that's 100 so we're
getting hundred final results and of
course if you see over here I'm using
another parameter apart from just a
query being Tanmay Bakshi over here I'm
also sending the exact terms to Tanmay
so if it doesn't contain the word Tanmay
it won't give me that article back or it
won't give me that URL back so that we
only have
you know search results that contain my
name so it's actually very relevant once
that's done I just of course open up all
those URLs and once we open up all those
URLs and read string values from them we
load those into JSON once we have those
as JSON values we don't need this line
of code anymore then we put that all
into an array of JSON responses and then
we create a new blank array or list in
Python which is which is called results
then I say done is equal to zero this
signifies how many documents we're
currently done and then I loop through
all those JSON responses and then have a
lot you know just a little algorithm or
not algorithm necessarily a little
script here that will essentially take
that JSON it'll extract a link you know
the title all that sort of stuff from
the from the Google search query and of
course they'll finally give us all the
results in HTML files and it'll save
them of course as well now of course I
will be having much more detailed
documentation about how you can actually
use this script not only use it about
how you can you know how it works that
type of thing on github so this will be
as a separate github apart this will be
on a separate github repository which
will be in the description below and
that is how we garner our data or sort
of you know straight out our data from
Google in order to use with this
application and so next though I will be
showing you the next step of the process
which is of course actually taking this
data and feeding it into discovery so
let's get right into that part now
all right so now let's see how we can
actually create a new data collection
and insert our new HTML data that we
grabbed off of Google so let's begin
with going back to our discovery tooling
and clicking on create a data collection
once you're at the screen type in a new
data collection name in this case I'll
call it tan mate
once you're done make sure that you keep
the default configuration this is for
simplicity for now but in a future video
we can always see how we can create our
own configuration with discovery all
right so now click the create button and
just a moment Watson discovery tooling
will show you that you have created your
own collection once you've got this
collection you can now put in your data
in order to do that we Sicily very
simply need to click on the drag or drop
your documents here or browse from
computer button click on that and it'll
show this little Laws file selector view
and then you need to go to the directory
where you have stored all of your HTML
files I'm already here so I'll select
all of my HTML files click on the Open
button and wait for it to upload most of
the documents now this might take a
second or two because the Internet's
probably uploading them and so since it
it might take a few seconds but as you
can see 60 documents were able to
successfully get uploaded and that is
how you can actually feed your data into
IBM Watson discovery service using that
discovery tooling and of course this
might take some time it'll of course
increase the number of documents that
are available and so next though even
while it does that we can still query
this discovery service and so now I'm
going to be showing you how you can
actually query the discovery service
let's get to it
alright so now I'm going to be showing
you how you can actually query this new
discovery collection that you have
alright so let's begin here now as you
can see what you would start off with is
a screen like so a screen like this one
where you can see a kind of register
changes here so you can see your data
tan mate which is the collection that I
have created and towards the right
you'll see a button called query this
collection now if I click on this button
then in just a second you should see
that alright as you can see it said it
tells me - it gives me a few options of
what I can do and as you can see first
it gives me enter a query or keyword and
this is sort of where I can build my
query so of course let's say I wanted to
ask for the Watson discovery service
when did Tanmay start coding ok I won't
send this query just yet but I'm going
to tell it though to return 10 results
I'm going to give it no filter no
aggregation and no offset either and I'm
going to tell it to return all fields in
a different video I'll be telling you
exactly what all of this means but in
case you were wondering there will be a
link to the documentation of the service
down below as well now let's say I click
on the run query button in just a second
towards the right you can see the
results and it's currently loading but
right is it gets a result or it gets the
results from discovery
it gives it to us and let's take a look
at the top result so the title here is
meet 12-year old Henry Max's soccer
developer author and dot dot now let's
actually take a look at the text of this
article or Google search result as you
can see it says we told row ten I've
actually software developers etc etc
meets Henry Bakshi and you know urgent
preteen from Brampton Canada we started
- ok as you can see it says meet Tammy
Bakshi and indian-origin preteen from
Brampton Canada who started coding when
he was just five years old
okay now this sentence has a lot of
twists and turns and it gives you a lot
of different information it tells you
that my name is Amy Bakshi I'm a preteen
from India I originate from India I
currently live in Brandon Canada and I
started coding when I was five years old
and the gap or the gap between the two
phrases meet Tammy Bakshi
and he started coding when he was five
years old he's absolutely huge and stuff
that came between it that's a lot of
information but what Watson discovery
does is it doesn't do a word search that
is usually what would happen with some
sort of search engine it would look for
Tanmay started coding at five years old
however we got live in Watson discovery
it's looking for the same context and
really anything that's related to when
it and they start coding for example it
would prioritize a document that talked
about I created my first app at nine
years old and that may not necessarily
contain that I'm find that I started
coding at five years old but although if
a document does contain that battle be
ranked highest but let's just say that
another document doesn't have that but
it does have I started I created my
first iOS app at night it would rank
that document higher than a document
that highlighted for example let's say
my summer training with IBM and so it's
trying to find documents that are more
contextually related to your query so
you get much more relevant results and
of course if we were to give this tongue
some time this service some time to
actually index and of course optimize
itself it would become even better if we
were putting more documents a little bit
more time I really do believe that this
could actually be great for a sort of
cognitive search engine I guess you
could say all right though that's
actually going to get from this video
though but if you'd like to see how you
can create an iOS application with all
of this new stuff that you just learned
about the IBM Watson discovery service
please do tune in to part two of this
video series where I'm going to be
showing you as I said how you can create
an iOS application to list out discovery
results in a UI tableview with
very given to you on the screen all
right though but that's going to be it
for this video of course if you really
did enjoy this video please do make sure
to leave a like down below but if you
think this could help anyone else you
know then please do consider sharing the
video as well of course if you have any
suggestions feedback or comments or
questions please do consider leaving
that down in the comments below emailing
it to me at tad you manage email comm or
tweeting it to me at Angie Danny of
course though if you really like my
content anyone see more but please do
consider subscribing to my channel as
well as it really does help out a lot
anyway though that's gonna be it for
this tutorial today thank you very much

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