Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to the
tutorial my name is Hannah Bakshi and
this time we're going to be going over
yet again another iOS app this time this
is also entering linked with an
algorithm so this will also be going
into my algorithms playlist anyway so
today we're going to be talking about
something called Dijkstra's shunting
yard algorithm and you'll be wondering
wait how did Dijkstra come into this
you might remember Dijkstra I mentioned
his name in my last algorithms to toriel
which was my a star tutorial and so I
mean yeah Dijkstra did make some amazing
path finding algorithms but one of his
lesser-known algorithms was the shunting
yard algorithm which allows you to
convert a basically equation from infix
to postfix which I will be explaining in
just a minute anyway coming back to
today's topic today's topic is going to
be getting computer to solve a
mathematical equation using stacks
pretty amazing and so today we're going
to using the Swift language against with
to to be able to use essentially just
really small what you call it stacks
which are basically arrays but I'll
explain the differences in just a minute
and so we're going to be able to use
stacks to let the computer actually
parse out a mathematical equation in
this case we're going to be asking it to
parse out 1 times 2 plus 1 sorry 1 plus
2 times 3 plus 4 pretty simple for a
human not as so simple for a computer
the reason it's not so simple for a
computer well you may ask because it has
to follow bed mass let me explain what I
mean in just a second actually in some
places they call it pad maths as well so
I'm just going to stick with that for a
so anyway coming over here I'm just
going to give you a sample mathematical
equation and show you how a normal human
would solve it so first of all we have 1
plus 2 times 3
Plus for now a human would solve this
with ped mass in mind so what he would
do is essentially take this
multiplication first do the
multiplication then do all the addition
so he would do is this is a tree just
for your switch so you can understand
how this works but a real human you
would just do this be done and there you
do all the calculations in his mind
because this isn't like an entire
whiteboard long that you would need to
make a tree but I'm just going to do it
so you can see the actual step and
thinking that goes behind all this so
first of all we take the multiplication
part and we say ok so this is equal to 6
ok then we bring down the plus and bring
down the 1 we also bring down the plus
and bring down the 4 now that we have
all this set up we can solve this part
which we know will easily be able be
able to be equal to 7 so 1 plus 6 is 7
now what we do is we bring down this +
and bring down this 4 and then we find
the final answer which will of course be
11 so the answer to this a human would
know is 11 due to the fact that 2 times
3 6 1 plus 6 7 plus 4 11 now how do we
tell a computer not to do the addition
first but to do the multiplication first
because a computer it would actually
just go left to right and do ok
what's 1 plus 2 3 times 3 9 plus 4 13
and 13 is not the right answer so then
we would actually have to use pen mass
make sure that we do multiplication
addition then addition that's how that
now I'm going to be explaining how we
can tell computer to follow pad mass and
so now as I have already told you the
computer actually cannot follow the pen
mass or it can but that would be way too
complicated to call in so basically what
we do is we simplify the
into something called a postfix equation
which first of all will take care of
take care of pad mass for us second will
be easier for the computer to parse out
let me show that to you in just a second
here now before we continue let me tell
you what in fix and postfix means first
of all in fix would be this sort of an
equation where every single operator has
a number both to the left and to the
right of it and you must be thinking
wait a minute what if I had something
like this see this there's a minus here
that's an operator there's no number to
the left but then that's just a 0 in
disguise essentially so anyway there
will always be a number to the right of
any operator just sometimes there will
not be to the left but that will
automatically mean a zero there so that
means every number every sorry operator
in infix will always have an operand
either to the left or the right of it
now that we have solved that little
mystery we can see what postfix is now
let's just draw another in fix equation
that's relatively simple something like
five and five now let's draw we're
actually five plus five sorry I'm just
about to make postfix actually so I want
to draw a in fix equation which is going
to be pretty simple so something like
five plus two now how would we write
this in postfix now humans aren't really
good at understanding this but computers
they are amazing at understanding this
five two plus is what the computer would
take as a valid equation this is a
postfix answer
for every operator there should be two
numbers before it in some cases this is
not true due to the fact that once all
the other postfix is solved that'll
become a number and help out that
operator if you don't understand what I
what I'm explaining yet don't worry but
just imagine this five two plus in
postfix is five plus two in index let's
just do something a bit more complicated
in infix and convert that to postfix to
something like five plus two times one
now how do we go about doing this first
of all what I'm going to do is I'm going
to write down five then I say plus so
I'm going to ignore that now and there's
two times and yeah just let me since
this is a pretty unreasonable equation
let me just make this a three basically
it would be three times plus this is the
postfix equation for our in fix and so
you can see this better I'm going to
space it out so sorry about that anyway
so this is actually going to be five to
three x plus case you couldn't do that
so sorry if you can't see that yet but
you will in a second so so this is going
to be 5 to 3 x plus essentially okay
there you go back so now that now that
you've seen a pretty good example of
postfix I can actually tell you how we
use Dijkstra shunting yard in order to
be able to convert from this to this
and then solve this
and just in case you were wondering what
this is actually equal to I'll calculate
this so 2 times 3 that would be 6 6 & 5
this is actually 11 so as you can see 2
times 3 that 6 plus 5 that's 11 so then
that was pretty simple for a human being
but for computers again not so simple
because they don't have any logic behind
anything actually you have to teach it
to do something if there's something
it's that less some knowledge about
that's what the thing so now again as I
mentioned we're going to be using
something called stacks in order to be
able to do this now what is a stack you
might ask me well a stack in computer
terms would be just the same thing it is
in real life basically a stack is like
an array basically however you would
picture it going up to down rather than
down to up and so you can imagine it if
you didn't want to imagine it like a
little bricks you can imagine it like
coins so for example if I were to say
push a new coin onto the stack
I would mean take a stack put it on the
top of the step take a coin sorry and
put it on top of the stack after that
let's say I wanted to pop a coin off of
the stack I will just take the first
little coin take it out make it vanish
it's gone and if I wanted to get the
peak of a stack I will just say get the
first which is the most top or actually
the last basically the most top coin
from that stack so that would be the
peak of the stack so now that you've
learned the terminology or which is
essentially just push pop and let's the
other one that push pop and peak and
this also is empty although all those
other array stuff and so that's just
classic but mainly the difference
between a stack and Ray is that the
stack can push pop and it can also
at the peak however arrays they cannot
pop unless you code it to do that and
also they can push so that's the main
difference between a stack and right now
I'm going to be explaining how to use
stacks in Swift to be able to actually
convert from infix to postfix and also
swift does not allow you to use stacks
natively so I have created my own custom
class for stacks that can allow you to
push pop and get the peak in check if
it's empty and all that good stuff
apart from that now let's actually get
to doing it first of all in order to
convert from infix to postfix you have
to have an equation in this case our
equation is going to be something really
oh let me think I didn't want to do
anything by the way you could also say
expression not equation sorry which
would be a more better term for what I'm
trying to explain but anyway let's get
to it and so let's just use first of all
just give you a really simple start up
I'm going to do something like 1 plus 2
times 3 now how would we use a stack in
an array in order to convert this to its
postfix type now first of all we also we
have to use John not two stacks but one
array so we're going to do that we have
to do use of course a stack on the right
and the reason we're going to do that is
because we want to essentially use the
stack for all the operators and the
array for all the operands also just let
you can see how we're pushing and
popping I'm going to add one last thing
on to this so that we can see how we
push and pop from the stack and you'll
see why I added that in just a minute so
now let's start through each iteration
we're going to be looking at each token
every single little part of the equation
is one token so one would be a token
plus would be a token then two times
three plus four they would all be tokens
so first of all through all the
iterations our stack will be equal to
this and then it will come here and then
our array will be equal to apparently
okay so now we can take our one which is
our first token and write it down up
here how are you taking our first token
I can actually create the stack and so
actually yeah so I'm just going to do
move this array down so it because this
is actually going to be a quite big
stack once we're done so I'm just going
to move move to your way down just a bit
okay so now that we have this is our
first token a 1 as you know from over
so now when we go to our stack in our
array this is how we picture the stack
and so our stack will be empty for the
saturation because we don't need to do
anything with the 1 in the stack however
for our array we will add a 1 to our
array now to our next generation our
next token is a plus so I'm going to
track down a plus here now for our stack
we will have a plus and our array will
still have just a one purpose
now that we have a plus in our stack and
one in our array we can continue to our
two so now that we're at two you can
write that down that down here our staff
will not change one bit it will stay a
plus because that's the operator that we
have however our array we will just add
something to our array which will be
that one not me not to and also so that
we can fit because there are going to be
many more iterations that I often
explain lots more stuff I'm just going
to make this a bit thinner
also just remove that from there and put
there anyway
now we have a times and also before we
continue this is goes for till now what
we have one plus two this is completely
good postfix one two plus is equal to
one plus two in in fix so now over here
we can take our x token and now I'm just
going to drop both of them out quickly
so first of all we know that our array
will not change which I'll explain in
just a minute
however our stack will change and since
there's already something in the staff
which is a plus we just want to take a
quick look at it we want to take this
specific operator from the stack and we
want to see okay does it have a lower
than or equal to presidents than myself
and you may ask what is precedence
precedence is the priority that that
operator has in the entire list of
operators that's available in the map so
now I'm going to say these are the
operators that work with my app well
there's a power there is divided there's
multiply there is modulo there's add and
there's also - now again since I don't
want to bore you out and just explain a
lot and also yeah of course brackets
which I'll explain later since I don't
want to bore you out there's three that
I'm going to ignore which are the
brackets the power and also the modulo
I'm going to keep it simple and just do
division multiplication addition
subtraction however the code does allow
for these operators and you can even
make custom operators just by adding a
few lines of code and their priority in
the list anyway coming back to this
let's see our division
now first of all here for division we
have a priority of one this means it has
a highest priority and so does our
multiplication and then our addition
subtraction have two in two so whenever
something has lower priority as we
popped out of our stack into the array
however as you know we're kirlyam times
and we're looking at a plus from our
stack so the plusses priority is not
equal to the one of x and it's actually
greater than so we don't need to do
anything to our plus we can just add a
times to our stack so then I can just
take our x and add it to our sack now we
can continue by adding a three to the
end sorry that was my iPhone anyway so
then after that our stack will still be
a plus and times because that won't
however array will now also have a three
at the end so it'll be a 1 and a 2 then
a 3 so you can see that's how simple
that is now things start to change
however now we have + so as you know our
stack is currently a plus and at times
and our array is currently right now it
is 1 2 and also 3
okay so now that we have that what will
this plus a do to the operators that are
already in our stack let me explain that
to you right now now we have a plus
where the priority is going to be at two
and so now we know that we're looking
first of all at a times here which has a
priority of a one now as we know that
one is less than this two so we are
going to pop out this X from our stock
so you know this X has been now has now
been popped out of our stack this X well
actually get added to our array over
here so now our X is in the array
instead then we see that the next
operator in our stack has a presence of
two which is the same as ad because
there's the same operator they're going
to have the same precedence and so
whenever there's the same precedence we
again move this Plus down into our array
after popping it out of our stack so a
plus has been popped and moved to our
array after that there's no other
operators to check so we put this plus
down into our stack it's that simple now
we have a four of course with any
operands meaning like numbers and
letters and stuff we don't got it to our
stacks or staff and stay the same
however our array will differ quite much
because we will have a one then a two
and three then at times then a plus
and then a four so then we are done
looking through our entire op our entire
expression and now what we can do is
basically go from top to bottom in our
stack and pop each operator down into
our array and so since there's only a
plus we just pop our plus onto our array
and that will give us the final
basically array so then are already
array which is going to be over here is
one so then just a sec
yeah so first let me draw my stack
actually our current stack is going to
be I can actually draw this way because
there's no need for anything else to be
drawn so our stack is going to be a plus
then our array will still be the same
because I mean we're done i derating so
it's going to be a 1 and a 2 and a 3
then it'll be a x then it'll be a plus
then it'll be a 4 and then what we're
going to do is we're going to pop this
out and put it into our array so we're
going to pop it out of our stack and add
it to our array pretty simply take this
that's it and that is our post fix 1 2 3
x plus 4 plus so now let me just write
this out over up here something and
write the stuff over here
sorry not read next up sometimes anyway
so then 1 2 3 first of all 1 2 3 x plus
x plus
for plus plus nice so that is our
postfix and that is completely valid now
you must be thinking how does the
computer understand that postfix sure
you converted post tricks now how old a
computer understand the postfix and so
sorry about that the postfix well that's
pretty simple to answer and so I order
to solve that we will use successfully
another stack yay is if that weren't
enough we're going to use one more stack
however since we aren't generating
anything we don't need an array for this
we just need our postfix
in the array that we already had it and
we will be able to solve it and the
reason I want it in an array format is
because I don't want to tokenize this as
well yeah that's nice perfect
no oh
now that we have our postfix answer we
can successfully convert it to our
answer in order to do this we will take
first of all our one so this is when we
get our 1 and this is going to be our
stack so our stack when we going to one
will just contain a 1 we push that one
into our stack we're going to to again
you push the 2 into our stack 3 push
into our stack
times now this is where stop death
starts to get complicated now when we
reach an operator you might think that
we add it to the stack and do stuff but
you're wrong what we just knew is we
take whatever we already have in our
stack and we pop out these two numbers
so we pop out the 3 and the 2 okay so we
pop out the 3 with you then we do okay
what is 3 times 2 we all know that it's
6 so then we just push in the result
which is 6 that is perfect and so we can
move this basically this times popped
out these 2 and just pushed in the
result then Plus this is another
operator so then what we do is we say
that ok we already have a 1 and a 6 now
what we do is we pop out the 6 and the
one so there's nothing in the stack it
we popped out everything and then what
we do is we say okay well 6 plus 1 7 so
we push in a 7 onto our stack that's
nice too
then we get a 4 and of course when we
get an operand we just add it to ours
back or push it to our stack then
finally we have a plus when we reach the
plus all we need to do is we already
have actually a 7 in the four now what
do we do since we have plus we pop out
the 4 in the 7 and we say okay what's
four plus seven as we all know that
would be 11 for 7/11
Ashley runs a bit anyway okay so four
plus seven that gives us 11 so we push
in the eleven to our sack then we
realize that we're all done so then we
pop this out of our stack and we get
eleven as our answer as you can see the
computer has solved this postfix the
exact same way that the human has solved
the infix in case you didn't remember I
still have the in fix written over here
or actually nevermind I don't but I can
always rewrite this by erasing this
precedence you don't need it anymore and
so let's just ignore this for a second
pretend we didn't do that let's just go
back in time and recover what I had done
a few minutes ago
so as you know human would take 2 times
3 which it successfully did and got 6
then it did 1 plus 6 and it got 7 then
it did 7 plus 4 and not 11
so it has solved these postfix the exact
same way that the human solve the infix
taking no care whatsoever about ped
maths and stuff
still got the right answer due to the
fact that when we converted the postfix
we put the operators in such a way that
there was no need for us to take care of
ped mass in any way we just had to read
left to right simply parse and we were
and yeah that was the explanation of
Dijkstra shunting yard algorithm and of
course if you have any questions on this
please comment down below and now let's
get to the iOS app part I have both an
iOS app and just a playground if you
want to see how it works I will also be
releasing library or actually a
framework for this sometime in the
future not right now though and yeah
let's get to the Mac part now so welcome
back to the Mac part and now I'm going
to be giving you a few examples inside
of the code and then I will be
explaining the entire code to you first
of all as you can see in this code let
me just skim through it first then I'll
give you a few examples and then I will
go into depth this extension to the
string class was created by Alec Larsen
on Stack Overflow and there will be a
link to this specific answer down in the
description and this will allow you to
get any specific character from a string
and so that's really helpful in the sort
of app after that we have another
extension to the string class this was
developed by me it will tell you if a
string is an operator if it's a number
and if it is an operator it will tell
you it's precedence which is its
priority or from that we also have my
own custom stack class because again
Swift doesn't implement stacks natively
so I have to create my own little
workaround classes to do that I mean it
all comes down to a root of an array but
then after that
I also create variables like peak I
check if it's empty I can push and I can
pop to the array so that we have our
math parser this is the actual heart of
the code you could say which will allow
us to find the answer to basically any
math question although some things I
know are a little bit limited percent
with square roots and stuff like that
but I mean it's okay for now since this
is just a proof of concept to make sure
that you know that this sort of thing
actually can happen and it completely
works okay so now I'll give you a few
examples if we could just go look at
this VAR e qu over here if we could just
do into this little section you could
you can tell that this code is used in
order to take an equation parse that
equation and also first of all give us
the post fix over here and give us the
answer over here so if I were to type in
something simple like oh I don't know
five plus five over here our answer will
be ten so if I move over here the answer
there is ten it's that simple
and so the parcel was able to detect
that it's ten and over here we see our
post fix which is five five plus as we
know in post fix it's five five plus
you're wondering another name for post
fix is our PN or reverse polish notation
anyway apart from that let's give a few
more advanced examples now since that
you since you know that this this
actually works so let's go back over
here and let's just give an example like
two plus three times four minus five now
if we see our result first of all this
should be nine and when we see our
result yep it's nine so that worked out
and our RPM or reverse polish notation
or postfix is two three four x plus five
minus which is quite complicated to a
human but it's the best thing that a
computer would ever wish for anyway
coming back to the example area let's do
something now like ya think okay idea
let's put two and three in brackets and
let's see what happens so it gives us 15
and that is the correct answer anyway
apart from that now let's put the other
side of the equation in brackets and the
answer should be minus one and it gives
us negative one perfect now let me show
off the modulo feature ten modulo 7 of
course should be three perfect then
let's do something like negative ten
modulo 7 of course it's negative 3 which
is again the correct answer okay now
let's see something like 2 plus 30
divided by divided by boy sorry
add a little shake it's not supposed to
be negative to it so she just 2 plus 30
divided by 6 minus 10 so now our answer
will be negative 3 as expected now
however if I change this plus to a minus
this will give us a completely different
answer which is negative 13 and as you
can see it worked absolutely perfectly
then let's try out our power feature in
order to try out power we just do
something like 2
power 10 and so this should give us 1024
and as you can see it does then we can
do something like just to prove that
negatives really do work
negative 3 times 2 and as we as we see
we should be yeah so yes this is
negative 6 have Miller my calculations
actually I thought sorry a little
confused but this is actually the
correct answer anyway next 30 minus 5
mod done in power 2 so we get 5 which is
the correct answer
now however if I change this to 10 we
should get negative 15 and it is correct
I think that's enough examples now we
should go into a little bit more depth
of how this actually works if you've
seen the whiteboard part of the video
you should be quite familiar with how
this works however I'm going to go
through the code line by line and make
sure that you understand every single
bit anyone so let's get right to it so
of course in the stacked class we create
our self value which is just an array of
strings we get our real creat variable
called peak which will tell us the very
top element in our stack and create
empty which will tell us if we're empty
or not or or not we create the post
function which will push a new element
into our stack and the pop function
which will pop out an element from our
stack and also return it just in case we
have to use it or something anyway now
in our math parser first of all we
create an output Q which is the array
that you saw on the whiteboard
explanation then we create a stack which
is our new stack which will hold all of
our operators after that we have the
function called parse which takes tokens
as a variable as a string and returns a
double answer so first of all we're
taking care of brackets and right when
we find brackets we're replacing those
brackets a quite
Asians with our actual in our equations
expressions with the actual numbers
which are the answers of that specific
expression so for example if I were to
do in brackets over here in brackets 10
minus 5 times 4 as you can see over here
in our what the hell is a postfix we
actually do not have 10 minus 5 we just
have the answer to 10 minus 5 which is 5
4 and then times which makes it much
simpler for the program to understand so
that's why we do that anyway
so basically then we check if the tokens
contains an open bracket then creates
final tokens variable create a little
buffer which I don't think I'm using
anymore yeah I don't use this anymore
this was just an old feature for my
older version anyway then we're taking
is taking characters to false because we
want to check if we're taking characters
for the expression currently then we
want to loop through the entire tokens
characters if the I meaning the current
character Ron is a closed bracket then
add that closing bracket to the final
tokens and then set is taking characters
to false and you want to check if we're
taking characters currently then just
add this specific character to our final
tokens if the current character is an
open bracket then if we're basically if
there's not all if it's not already
blank the final tokens meaning there's
already some brackets expressions in
there then just add a dollar sign to our
final tokens and then add our open
bracket and then say is taking
characters to true so that we keep on
taking new characters then we know each
single brackets expression is separated
by a dollar sign
so what we can do now is say okay
separate everything like for example
there's a three brackets in the entire
equation what there will be two sorry
expression I keep using that word anyway
expression sorry expression expression
anyway so let's say there's three
brackets or three sets of brackets
inside the entire expression what's
going to happen is there will be two
dollar signs because there's going to be
a set of brackets then the dollar sign
then a set of brackets then the dollar
sign then the set of brackets then what
it's going to do is it's going to chop
off that entire string with brac with
dollar signs and whatnots into little
little elements into an array so it'll
take every single brackets sort of work
and so what's going to happen then is
that we are going to be able to take the
entire expression inside of the bracket
call this the same function that's being
run which is this parse function get the
answer for that equal for that
expression and put it into the and
replace the actual brackets from our
tokens with that answer and if you in
case you don't get it you'll get in just
a minute so then what we're doing is
we're saying for I in final tokens that
components separated by string and then
the dollar sign so that whenever you
find the dollar sign chop it into a new
array element then we are declaring a
variable called bracket open as a new
open bracket and bracket closed as a new
closed bracket then we're creating a new
handler which is a new math parser which
is itself basically then what we're
doing is we're saying tokens which is
the tokens that this will eventually
parse is equal to tokens dot string by
replacing occurrences of string so you
want to replace a few strings
so you want to replace every single set
of brackets with our handlers parse
function which will in turn be parsing
out I which is the set of brackets in
the expression side of it and you want
to remove all closing brackets and
remove all opening brackets and then you
have one simple expression that's we can
be able to parse and then it will parse
it bring it back into the tokens and
it'll replace all the set of brackets
with the answer for that set of brackets
if you don't get it it's okay because
the source code again will be down in
the description so you can check it out
make sure you understand it just like
going through it and you will be able to
see what actually happens on the side
here so it'll become nice and easy for
you because again it's a playground not
an app although there will be an app
version down in the description after a
while not right now though anyway
getting back to the point this is where
the stacks start first of all what we're
doing is we're creating a tokens array
which is equal to the tokens dot
components separated by string so be a
space so whenever you find a space take
that as a new token that's why you have
to have spaces in between almost
everything anyway coming back over here
after that we want to loop through our
tokens array and if we find that this
token is an operator then if basically
we're not empty if the stack is not
then loop through I is equal to zero to
the to the stacks count and so what you
want to do inside of there
is as long as again stack is not empty
check if the stacks peak values
precedence is less than or equal to this
current tokens precedence
upend the stack pop value into the
output queue which is our postfix and
also the pop function will remove it
from our stack after that we just want
to push our token our new token no
matter what into our stack then if we
have a number however then it's things
are a little bit different we just add
the number into our logical as a postfix
after that we're just printing out the
stack which we don't need to then which
I can while not stacked on empty so we
just want to empty out the stack keep
popping out the stack and stack speak
value and then keep putting it into our
postfix as you can see then we're just
printing out our output key which again
we don't need to anyway then we create a
new stack which is equal to a completely
fresh stack and then we are looping
through the entire post fix each token
in the postfix so then what we want to
do is check if the token is a number
then push that number into our new stack
else it will have to be an operator
sudden we create a new number 1 and then
a new number 2 then we want to check if
there is something at the new stack dot
peak then pop it into number 1 if there
is still something at new stack dot peak
pop it into number 2 so it will pop out
the freshest to newest values from our
new stack and it will store them in
number 1 and number 2 after that we
create var result which is quite
complicated because it's checking ok if
the token is a plus then we're the
result is equal to number 1 plus number
2 if the token is a minus then
the result in sequel to number two -
number one if the token is a star is
number one times number two etc etc for
every single operator there could
possibly be like plus - I mean plus
minus times divide power and also modulo
then we push the result onto our stack
and that was actually it now the only
remaining value after this loop in the
stack will be equal to our result and
then we can just return a double value
of the new stack pot and it's that
simple to convert from an infix a sorry
nan equation expression to a final
answer using a computer it was that
simple and then of course we have a
power function which can find the power
of any number it's pretty simple a
grande source code will be down in the
description for that if you want to take
a look at that now it's pretty much it
and while I will be uploading the source
code and I will also upload a small
implementation of an app for this and
this will also eventually be available
in API form just not right now
as yet because this is just for
demonstration purposes to make sure that
you get the point of it and again if you
have any questions or something you can
always email me about that and yeah that
was pretty much it for this tutorial
and yeah subscribe if you're new to my
channel like the video if you liked it
comment if you have any questions or
suggestions for app ideas or even a
question if you have any video questions
that you like to send to me please do at
Tajima and
and i will be featuring your i might be
featuring your question in my next video
or so and that's pretty much it goodbye

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