Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Tim Baki and this
time we're going to be going over how
you can use Swift in order to customize
and take input from the touch bar and
authenticate using Touch ID not using an
i phone but instead using the new late
2016 MacBook Pros so to begin now I'm
very excited about this today so uh
essentially now if you haven't already
heard uh Apple has just released new
Macbook Pros uh in October uh the 27th
uh in fact I was live streaming their
event uh and so what happened uh is the
new of course the new Macbook Pros have
Touch ID with them so of course the same
feature that powers your iPhones and
your iPads where you can scan your
finger unlock and use you know for the
App Store for apps generally apps can
use Touch ID for you know securing data
for example uh and of course you can use
it for Apple pay that type of stuff with
the iPhone and iPad has now come to the
mac and now you can actually incorporate
Touch ID in your Mac
applications now apart from just touch
ID Apple has actually released an entire
new feature called The Touch bar which
is exclusive to the new Macbook Pros at
least at the the time of this video and
so essentially this new touch bar will
allow us to essentially have a dynamic
function row on the top of our keyboard
and so essentially what Apple decided is
that instead of having something like a
touch screen they wanted to have a touch
keyboard so you had a lot of
customizable functionality at your
fingertips and so today I'm going to be
showing you how we can Port uh my ti
Vault application which is actually an
application for iOS that can allow you
to of course use your fingerprint to
store data and we're going to be porting
that over to Mac OS so that you can of
course store your data securely with
Touch ID and in fact this also shows you
an example of how you can use the NS
touch bar in order to customize the
touch bar all right so now another thing
here is that uh another quick note uh
this video was mainly supposed to be a
demo of how Touch ID and the touch bar
actually work so this application isn't
the most secure it takes the data that
you put into the tid Vault and stores it
in a text file in your home directory
while that isn't the most secure in the
next uh video where I show you how to
improve this application you'll be
seeing more features such as a much more
secure way of storing this information
but of course until then let's actually
get into how you can use the touch bar
and touch ID with the new Macbook Pros
in order to create T Vault for Mac OS
let's get right to the Mac part now
shall we all right so welcome back to
the Mac part and now just before I begin
this video today I'd like to show you a
quick demo of this Mac first of all and
as well uh the ti Vault application in
action so before we begin the coding I'm
going to be showing you a quick demo of
the application let's begin shall we so
as you can see over here we have our new
uh MacBook Pro here with the touch bar
and touch ID right there uh of course
new keyboard everything else so now to
begin first of all of course uh as you
can see if I want to unlock my Mac it
allows me to use Touch ID for that as
you can see it says unlock with Touch ID
I just put my finger over it and it
unlocks using Touch ID now as you can
see this touch bar as well is very
customizable and as you can see I have
this little application running in the
center here and this application is
actually our tid Vault now as you can
see in the middle we have our unlock
Vault button but what I've also done is
I've coded this in a way that we also
have unlock Vault right here on our
touch bar and so let's say we were you
know in the flow using this application
it was a bit more complex and we had a
lot of functionality uh and some of that
functionality was hidden down in you
know menus and stuff well the touch bar
wants to make that accessible and so
let's just say unlock vault is right
over there and let's say I'm just typing
and I want to click unlock Vault so I
click unlock Vault and as you can see
happens is it says that uh the touch ID
Vault Mac application is trying to
unlock tid vault okay uh and so of
course it's saying you need to give your
touch ID or enter your password to allow
this so as you can see first of all on
the touch bar it says Touch ID Vault Mac
and my application logo Touch ID to
unlock T Vault and if I put my finger on
that touch ID
sensor it lets me right into my Vault
and as you can see we have a nice text
field here where I can put in any of my
information like I don't know a credit
card information uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 uh
9012 um um three four five uh six just
random information you know my passwords
really whatever uh this is a TI default
test right and then right there once I'm
done typing at my fingertips I have that
functionality to click Lock vault and it
locks that Vault and we're back into the
unlock Vault page now if I want to
unlock once more of course I can just
you know click here for example and if I
want I can also use my password my Mac
OS password by clicking on use password
and I can type in my Mac OS password and
as you can see it lets me right into my
touch ID Vault all right so that was a
quick demo of first of all the touch bar
and touch ID in action with this new
Macbook Pro and how I was able to use
that with ti Vault on the new Mac OS uh
and MacBook Pro all right so now let's
get right into how we can code in this
application let's get to the screen
recording now shall we all right so
welcome back to the part where now we
should start coding so before we begin
as you can see again I have this touch
ID Vault application open I can on I can
click on unlock Vault I put my finger on
the touch ID sensor right over there
unlocks and there we go that is our text
all right so now before we can begin uh
more demos let's actually take a look at
the code for this application so the way
this works is just how this would work
uh for an iOS application it works using
the local authentication framework in
Swift and so if I head back over to my
xcode view here now let's begin with the
uh actual storyboard shall we the UI so
as you can see here I have you know just
like a Mac AOA application uh I have our
window controller over here just general
window controller uh I also have a view
controller this is our default view
controller where I have an unlock Vault
button uh and I also have a new view
that I've created called The Vault
controller now the Vault controller
essentially is the view that I mean it's
this view over here uh that comes up
once you have unlocked your Vault and
you are ready to start typing some text
into it so next as you can see this was
a very simple UI and of course I've
created a new class for this Vault
controller view called well Vault
controller now another thing that I've
done is in order to actually have touch
bar support we need to actually have uh
some some functions uh implemented in
the uh in the window controller uh of
our views so that it knows what to put
on the touch bar and so in order to
actually Implement that I had to create
a new class for that window controller
uh called well window controller uh
which inherits from NS window controller
and as you can see this is the function
or this is the class okay so this is a
class called window controller inherits
from NS window controller uh and so of
course we have our window did load
function uh this isn't anything we need
to worry about right now but the
function that we had to implement in our
uh project is the make touch bar
function now the main touch bar function
essentially allows us to tell Mac OS
that yes we are creating a touch bar and
here is what is going to be in that
touch bar now uh of course uh this has a
few uh sort of uh this will now the way
this works is it'll return an NS touch
bar okay and this is optional because we
could or could not actually have a touch
bar to use at the moment if we return
nil then there'll just be nothing on the
touch bar just you know the escape and
our system controls uh but if we return
and then that's touch bar then in the
middle there between the escape and
between those system controls you'll
have an application space where you can
put in any of your objects and so as you
can see in our window controller now did
what we display on the touch bar depends
on what view we're on right and so what
happens is if we're in if we haven't
unlocked our vault and we want to then
on our touch bar we want to say unlock
Vault so we can ask the user for their
fingerprint but if we're inside of the
Vault and we want to lock it now then
that means that we want to click on
touch bar Lock vault and so we need to
change button text accordingly and so in
the main touch bar function what I've
done is I've checked if uh let view
controller is equal to the content view
controller self. content content view
controller as view controller so what
this is doing is we're saying okay we're
taking this Windows content uh we I mean
self is an NS window controller and
we're taking the view content okay and
we're checking if that view content can
be made as a view
controller now keep in mind that view
controller is this view right over here
okay this is view controller and so uh
if it is then we call that view
controller make touch bar function if
it's a vault controller then of course
we still call that make touch bar
function and so uh inside of the view
controller class and the Vault uh
controller class and both of those have
their own functions called make touch
bar now each one will create their own
touch bar you know their own customized
touch bar whatever they want to have in
it and so essentially what happens is if
we call let's say this one's make touch
bar so again this is the make touch bar
for this view over here that wants us to
unlock the Vault and so as you can see
in this function we are creating a new
touch bar we're setting the delegate to
self we're setting the customization
identifier to an unlock bar I'll talk
about this in just a little a little bit
I'm setting the default item identifiers
as unlock button and I'm setting the
allowed item identifiers as unlock
button and of course then I'm returning
the touch bar now what is unlock bar
unlock button well essentially what this
is is if I go to touchbar identifiers.
Swift over here on my side as you can
see I have an extension to the NS
touchbar item identifier uh class which
essentially allows me to create two new
constants the unlock button and the lock
button and so these are the two types of
elements that I that I'm creating for my
touch bar now again if you had many more
elements to put on your touch bar you
would have many more in these list okay
now another thing to keep in mind here
is that this isn't your average sort of
hey I'm going to create a label element
I'm going to create a button element I'm
going to create etc etc uh in this case
what you want to do is create very
specific types for example I didn't just
create button like stat let button and
and then just say okay then in the code
I set one of the buttons texts to unlock
button and one of the buttons text to
lock button what I did is I created the
unlock button and lock button as
separate types and that's what you want
to do be very specific with each and
every item that will be on your touch
bar now after that I've set these
constants to NS touch bar item
identifier uh and then I've just given
it some random identifier like com. tbss
touchbar do un lock button and then lock
button for the lock button now I've also
extended the NS touch bar customization
identifier class and this allows me to
create an unlock bar and a lock bar uh
and so essentially this tells me whether
this this um this touch bar that we're
currently creating will be will will be
the one with an unlock button or a lock
button all right and so that essentially
allows me to of course know what I'm
currently doing with the touch bar and
allow the system to know what I'm doing
with the touch bar as well so now if I
head back over here uh so that's
essentially what we're doing in the view
controller for make touch bar in the
vault controller for make touch bar
we're doing the exact same thing except
instead we're giving it the lock bar
lock button and of course lock button
once more now heading back the to the
view controller class uh now of course
the view controller class also inherits
from another class called NS touch bar
delegate or in this case it's a protocol
not a class sorry so of course uh from
this protocol we are uh implementing a
function called touch bar make item for
identifier and which returns an NS touch
bar item okay and so what I'm checking
here is if the identifier is a do unlock
button then we return an unlock button
what this means is that if the touch bar
API is saying hey what does an unlock
button look like you told me that we're
going to create an unlock button but
what does that look like and so if it's
asking for an unlock button which in
this case it most probably is then we're
going to create a new unlock button item
we're going to create a new NS button
for this unlock Vault uh and of course
we're going to give it a selector and a
Target we're going to set the unlock
button items view to that button because
of course NS button uh inherits from
that view uh and then we can return that
item and so the touch bar is then able
to put essentially an NS button onto
your touch bar that you can then control
and right as you click that uh little
button over there it'll call that action
in the selector that you put in your NS
button all right and so of course if we
aren't asking for unlock button then
we're going to return nil because we
don't know how to do this all right so
next in the vault controller let's talk
about the Vault controllers touch bar
make item for identifier function again
exact same thing as view controller
except instead of unlock Vault it is
Lock vault and of course a different
selector as
well but now let's talk about the logic
where we can actually use Touch ID to
authenticate our users so now in order
to do that we actually need a special
framework that Apple's written called
local authentication now of course you
can just write in import local
authentication Swift will import that
automatically into your project and of
course what we can do now is sort of uh
also we don't exactly need this okay so
that was an uh that was something from
my older version but never mind uh so
what we can do now uh is essentially see
this unlock function here uh is
essentially going to allow us to unlock
the ti Vault so of course just like an
iOS application just like I've explained
in my previous tutorial which by the way
if you haven't watched there will be a
link to in the description that video
sort of explains how you can use Touch
ID with the iPhone and the same thing
over here we're creating a new La
context local authentication context
we're giving the reason as unlock TI
Vault we're giving an authentication
error currently as nil but if it gets an
authentication error it'll put that
error into this variable and then we're
checking if this context can actually uh
can actually you know um you know
actually ask the user for their Touch ID
uh and but we're doing that by saying
can evaluate policy that checks if the
user actually has Touch ID on their
device and so in this case if they do
then it'll call another block of code
which will actually evaluate that policy
and ask the user for their Touch ID now
another thing to note if I command click
on device owner authentication here as
you can see there's another case here
device owner authentication with
Biometrics this means that we're only
going to take a biometric scan okay we
don't want any passwords nothing we only
want that touch ID scan if they get the
touch ID wrong we're not going to let
them devolve
but if they get the touch ID right we'll
let them in but in this case we're using
both Touch ID and the user system
password and this allows us to
essentially say hey if you want to use
your touch ID use your touch ID is
really convenient but if you don't want
to use your touch ID or you don't have
that finger right now you can of course
use your
password of course uh though since I
wanted people to be able to use their
password I did not tell it to specify
Biometrics and so finally one once I
evaluate that policy and once it gets
back to me I check if it was a success
and if it was a success we were
successfully able to authenticate that
user that yes it is indeed the user of
this Mac that we want to let into the
Vault then we can perform a segue called
the unlocked Segway now let me tell you
a bit more about that so if I go to my
main. storyboard as you can see I have a
little segue here uh between these two
views uh and this segue is uh a sheet
segue uh and the identifier is unlocked
segue okay okay now the sheet seg
essentially now if I unlock my Vault
here as you can see uh it sort of just
dropped down like a sheet onto this view
uh and so that's essentially a sheet
segue okay it it just drops down uh and
then when I click on Lock vault it
slides back up again okay and so that's
essentially what that is it's one of the
simplest Segways I could find to
actually Implement because uh as you
probably know uh Segway with kakoa
aren't exactly fun to work with uh but
of course I was able to get that that
working uh and in order to actually
dismiss this Lock vault controller You
Must Be Wondering well we don't have a
segue from Lock vault back to unlock
Vault uh well actually what happens is
what I can do if I show you here uh all
I need to do is call self. dismiss self
and what this does it'll just dismiss
self okay it'll just go right back up
because this is essentially like a
message view or an alert view uh and it
will allow us to dismiss it
automatically all right so apart from
that we of course have our save and load
functions these are very
self-explanatory again mostly inherited
from our iPhone application and this
will allow us to of course first of all
save our text that we've put in our tid
Vault and load text from the tid Vault
when the application begins and of
course when you click lock we call a
lock function and the lock function will
automatically save what you put in the T
Vault and it'll dismiss self and of
course in viewed load we will try to
load in some new text and we will tell
the touch bar that hey now essentially
what this is that uh this input field if
I unlock the Vault again this input
field um now when with what happened is
the touch bar actually has another
feature where when you start to type in
text uh it'll actually give you those
quick type suggestions just like just
like it does on iOS very convenient but
not for a tid Vault the reason being
that well our Lock vault button gets
hidden due to that keyboard uh those
quick type suggestions and so of course
I told it that is automatic text
completion enabled is equal to false and
this means that it will not give us
those quick type suggestions so that the
Lock vault button can stay there and of
course can be very accessible and easy
to access by the
user and that is essentially a quick
rundown of the code for this
application now again as I said if you
look in the save function this isn't the
most secure save function then again
today I wanted to teach you how you can
use Touch ID and the NS touch bar in
order to control these new features that
the Mac has brought to us but of course
a new feature or a new version of this
video will be coming out very soon which
tells you exactly how you can of course
improve on this and make it more secure
and of course an actual Mac up soon
maybe as well all right then so of
course this code will be open sourced on
GitHub and the link will be down in the
description for you to download and use
and learn from uh and if you have any
more questions suggestions or feedback
you can leave them down in the comment
section below email them to me or tweet
them to me at tajim Manny and of course
if you really like my content and you
want to see more of it please do
consider subscribing to this YouTube
channel or maybe just liking the video
and if you think this video could help
anyone else you know please do consider
sharing it as well again once again
thank you that's going to be it for this
tutorial today goodbye

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