Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Tammy and today I
may be talking to you about something
very interesting in math and I'm sure
you're all gonna like it
integers now this is also going to get a
revival to my general education series
so hope you like it
and yeah so let's get started by what is
an integer exactly an integer is any
full number that can be anything from
negative infinity to zero to positive
infinity so it goes all the way from the
beginning all the way to the end so it's
so basically that's left from the zero
on the number line and also right to
zero on the number line so let's go into
a little bit more detail and also why do
I need to learn integers like what uses
integers that it's so important well
actually lots of concepts and math do
use integers and just a few of them
could be named as percentages they could
be stuff like for decimals and fractions
they could be algebra it could be slopes
when you're using the rise over run to
calculate the steepness of a line or
curve all of those things use integers
and it's extremely important to use them
in these topics and it's just very
important to know in general because you
do start learning this in grade one and
then you keep on progressing further and
further and further until grade 9 after
that you you are not taught integers
however you are expected to know most of
it so without further ado let's get to
the drawing board and actually do this
now and since now addition subtraction
is a little bit more abstract a little
bit more abstract than multiplication
and division and yeah in this tutorial
I'm going to be teaching you addition
and subtraction however do look out for
my second part on this into this
tutorial and you will see any
multiplication and division part of it
as well so let's get right into the
tutorial now I'm gonna give you
something really simple that you should
already know except not a written needs
same way so I'm just gonna give you
something like plus five plus four now
what would this be equal to let's think
about it we have plus 5 and we have plus
4 so plus 5 what would this mean that
would mean we're going up we're adding
five to the last number that we were on
and in this case it was zero so adding
five to the last time when we were on
that would give us five then if we were
to add four to the last number which we
were on which was five then we would get
nine so meaning that the answer would be
positive nine
there's another much simpler way to
calculate this however let's say okay
five pluses okay so one two three four
and five now this was perfect right so
now good but then we have another four
pluses so one two three four nothing
cancels each other out we can count them
one two three four five six seven eight
nine ten oh nine sorry and we sit those
nine pluses meaning the ants will be
plus nine now let's get on into a little
bit more deep into it because I mean
we're already starting it why not go a
little bit deeper so let's just try
something like plus five minus four what
would this be equal to well let's draw
the same sort of diagram we have five
pluses and we have four minuses as you
can see these two cancel each other out
these two cancel each other out these
two cancel each other out and these two
cancel each other out what do we have
remaining we have one plus left so we
should know that there's one plus left
meaning the answer B plus one so now we
can remove this since we know the answer
so now we let's say we have a question
like negative 5 positive 4
what would this be equal to well let's
break it down again as you can see 1 2 3
4 5 minus s and then 1 2 3 5 4 pluses
so then as you can see these two cancel
these cancel each other out then we have
1 plus minus remaining
so then minus on now we can erase this
so now that you've learned now that
you've learned that should be relatively
simple relatively simple for you to do
negative 5 negative 4 which would be
equal to well let's count again
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4
nothing cancel each other out and
there's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - that would
mean negative 9 so those are the answers
for those specific questions and let's
see what we can do next as you can see
this is relatively simple but I mean
again we've gone a little bit deeper
into the concept let's go even deeper so
I just want to erase this because now
that you should know this it should be a
piece of cake for you if I were to ask
me another question like that and
upcoming is something a little bit more
not simple I guess but it's not
complicated either because I'm here to
make it simple for you so let's get into
something like this plus 5 is equal to
what now I'm just gonna write tons of
questions for you so that we can go
through them together and then we have
okay now that we have exactly four
questions written down we can actually
start to solve them
now you must be thinking hmm this
doesn't seem very hard five plus four
etcetera etc you just use the same
methods that you know but then again
there's these symbols what do we do
about them
let's see so in order to actually solve
these questions we have to simplify the
questions just like you would simplify
fractions I guess maybe it would be
similar but we need to take this and we
have to decipher it into something that
I just taught you so this would be equal
to okay so you have a plus five here we
know that much I'm a plus five then you
have a plus let's just ignore that for
now then we have another plus and I'm
just gonna make a simple list for you
really quickly which will explain
exactly how it works if you ever have a
plus and a plus or a minus and a minus
it'll come out to always be a plus if
you have a minus and a plus
or a plus and a minus it would always
come out to be a minus so what we should
be able to do in this question as you
can see we have that plus then we have
another plus a plus so plus and plus
always comes out to be a plus so then we
have a plus four and what's this equal
to I just taught you this you should
know this this will be equal to plus
nine okay so now we know the final
answer for this question is what is
going to make plus nine then what we can
do the rest of the questions just like
we did that one so we do plus five plus
minus four let's see here we have a plus
five okay that's normal we don't have
anything in front of that we have a plus
and a minus over here and plus and minus
what comes out to be a minus so we have
a minus four and this answer is between
a actually plus one so as you can see
the answer for this question here is
going to be plus one then we have plus
five minus plus four so let's just take
this down again as you can see me
five that's normal then we have a minus
and a plus that would be a minus and
then a four which would give us the
final result as plus one
and then we also have one more which is
plus five and then we have minus and a
minus that comes out to be a plus as you
can see because they're both the same it
comes out to be a plus then you have a
four and then let's just see what this
is equal to this is equal to the math
and then plus nine no this is pretty
simple okay but there's also some more
possibilities that you could have or
more variations that you can have in
your questions so instead of having a
positive five you could also have a
negative five so if I were to remove the
positives from all these fives and just
change up the question a bit as you can
see we will have negative five for each
now we can change our question here the
floor will stay the same because that's
the only thing being modified by the
operator itself and then what we can do
here say negative 5 negative 5 negative
5 and negative 5 so now the answers will
be different for example over here we
have negative 5 and positive 4 so let's
just count again one two three four five
okay five and we have one two three four
and what's this equal to well let's see
these cancel each other out we have one
left so that would be a negative one so
then we can just that out now for this
answer let's see we have five minuses
and phi4 again minuses and that would
mean nine minuses so we could just
immediately tell that that's minus nine
and again this is the same question so
as we know minus nine and this question
is the same as what's up here minus five
plus four minus five plus four
so the answer here would be negative one
and yeah that was integers uh yeah hope
you liked the video if you did please
leave a like comment do you have any
questions I will get back to you as soon
as possible you could even email me
subscribe it for you to my channel
please do that hope you guys liked it a
Khan Academy and yeah goodbye

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