Thursday 17 October 2024



solo there and welcome to another
my name is Senator Bakshi this time
we're gonna be going over well the NS
speech recognizer in Swift now I've
already gone through a little simple
explanation my drawing block tutorial
however now I'm going to be going more
in depth into it actually walking you
through a sample app on how to use this
and then we're going to test it out and
see how it works so what this app is
going to do is you're going to be able
to say different types of food your
favorite food and it will just write it
one after the other on different lines
you can tell it to pause like take a
and then you can say whatever it'll
still recognize but will not write and
then once you tell it to get back to
work it'll actually work again
so let's get started and first of all
actually let me just talk to you
this won't exactly be able to recognize
speech technically it will only be able
to recognize specific commands that you
tell it to recognize for example in my
drawing block this was perfect because I
only wanted the user to say up-down
left-right this that that this etc etc
and so those are the only commands that
I really need it however if you need
like an extensive speech to text program
then this is not the tutorial for you
continuing first of all what we want to
do is go to Xcode and also I am using
Xcode 7.1 beta 2 and I'm also using
actually I'm using the normal L Capitan
GM or golden master for the final
addition I'm not using the beta version
of El Capitan though but again the
source code will be in the description
and if you need it for any other version
just let me know in the comments or
email me and I will get back to you with
a different version of the code anyway
first of all let's open up Xcode and
what I'm just going to do make my face a
bit smaller so you can see the code not
my face and then I'm going to open up
Xcode and then just click on create a
new Xcode project now I want to create a
single view application
due to the fact that it's only when to
be single view and it's just really
basic application and I'm going to call
this YouTube speech test okay let's go
next save it and I'll just replace okay
so now first of all what we're going to
do is code the app then we'll create the
UI so first of all on our code let's
just create an iboutlet actually wait
yeah I made a mistake this is supposed
to be for Mac OSX not iOS so we're going
to create a cocoa application and again
YouTube speech test place okay now
continuing first let's go to our view
controller then let's create an iboutlet
for our output as an NS textview if we
build it should work okay continuing
while that builds now basically what I'm
going to do is I'm going to actually not
create a function yet but let's just go
up to our class view controller add
another class and it inherits from and
let's just say Anna speech recognizer
delegate then let's great var SR or
speech recognizer is equal to a new and
a speech recognizer so what this is
doing is first of all we're telling view
controller to inherit from both NS view
controller and additionally and a speech
recognizer delegate then inside of that
class we're creating a classical
variable named SR or speech recognizer
and then we're just telling it to be a
new instance of the class and a speech
recognizer next what we want to do is
we're going to create IV action or
actually we don't need an action
instead what we'll do is in our view
controller or actually viewdidload let's
just put a new line of code and what
we're going to do is set SRS delegate to
our self or else why else would we
inherit from NSP jerk and as a delegate
that's the reason we do that after that
let's set it commands so these are the
things that we want to search for so
let's just write up down some food like
some chicken rice and goes again taking
this from my UI tableview tutorial
apples I just want a variety so that I
can explain this and one more pears okay
now let's just say SR start listening
now it knows what to listen for it knows
who to respond to once it finds
something and we've told it to start
actually listening for those things now
how do we actually know when our SR has
found a command well that's simple all
we need to do is type in speech in our
code and as you can see autocomplete
generously gives us the function speech
recognizers sender did recognize command
now this is going to do is this is a
function that will give you the command
that the speech recognizer has
recognized and so we could just do a
switch case and check what they entered
and then put that on but why do that and
when you can just say output dot txt
I mean string I'm very missed iOS plus
equals the command that they said in a
new line so it'll keep loading down all
those favorite fruits now if I actually
run this app actually have a little bit
experience what happens is sometimes
when I run this app and
I'm actually recording audio and it's
looking for audio it sometimes out of
nowhere but gets a little scratching the
voice so don't mind that if that happens
okay good it crashed that was completely
expected so the reason it crashes
because there is no output text view how
it does it add stuff to something that's
not there
so in order to fix that let's actually
put an output text view onto the screen
by searching over here for a text view
and then expanding and then connecting
Oh other way and then connecting to
output so now I've created an output
text view and I've connected it to the I
output I've yell it stop I run chicken
apples bananas you get the point
it completely works now let's say I
wanted to say chicken in this sentence
it recognized it and I'm just going
bananas over this yeah you get the point
I don't want it to listen to what I'm
saying right now I want it to stop how
do we do this without closing the
application it's simple add some more
code so I'm going to do is I'm going to
add two more commands to it take a break
get back to work so what this will do is
it will tell it to stop listening for a
while start listening for a while so do
that then let's create a variable that
will tell us if the state is currently
break or work so our break state is
equal to false if it's true meaning
we're in a break we will not add
anything tore speech recognizer or else
if it is than we will so first of all
what we want then what we sorry what we
want to do is say break state is equal
to now I'm actually want to make a
ternary operator here command equals
equals take a break if it is then true
or else check if the command
sorry command is equal to get back to
work then false or else whatever the
break state was before so simply what
this is doing is if it's if you just
said take a break then it'll set break
say to true if you said get back to work
it'll set it to false but if you didn't
say either of those things you actually
said of food it'll just keep it at what
break state was if it was truly looking
for truth it was false looking but false
then let's say I'll put that text
I mean string plus equals that's check
if we're not in break state then we want
to add the command that they said and a
new line or else we want to add
absolutely nothing perfect so this will
essentially do reset the break state
make sure that if they said take a break
set it to true meaning take a break now
but if it was get back to work
then actually remove that and then if it
was neither of those a true if it was a
food keep it at break state then it'll
add the actual command that was said to
the outputs textview unless it was take
a break or get back to work now you
might be noticing that there's something
wrong with this but you'll see what
chicken apples rice mangoes
take a break now as you can see I told
it to take a break and then soon I will
say the that word that tells it to not
take a break so yeah actually I just
said that it thought I said get back to
work and so what happens is the thing is
when we have get back to work it's
setting break stick to false now when
we're adding stuff to the output
textview it's saying if not break state
just add the command and so it's
actually adding get back to work onto
our view and we don't want this so how
do we fix it well instead of this
instead of just adding the command if
we're not break state what we should do
check before we add meaning if not break
state commend not equal to get back to
work or else
I'm assuming this should work or does it
yes it does
so what I'll do if we're not in break
state and command is not get back to
work it'll just put the command and a
newline on to the output text view or
else nothing chicken mangos apples rice
bananas pears take a break now I can say
stuff like chicken mangoes mangoes rice
bananas and it won't work but if I say
get back to work
get back to work as you can see it
didn't note that down and I can say
bananas or nevermind chicken bananas
pears apples take a break and it
completely works this is actually a very
short app that I've made but let's just
run down exactly what's happening in
this code in case I was a bit too fast
for you so first of all we're making
viewcontroller our normal class for our
UI inherit from NSP recognizer delegate
sorry about that
after that we are creating an iboutlet
called output as an NS textview then we
are setting break state to false which
is a new variable which tells us if
we're currently taking a break or for at
work then we are setting a speech
recognizer variable to the to a to an
its went to an instant sorry of the NS
speech recognizer class and also one
more thing again this will only help the
types of people that have specific
commands that they're listening for not
people who just want normal speech to
text so if you wanted that sorry unless
you put the entire English dictionary
basically into the commands and that
could work anyway continuing next we're
setting the speech recognizers delegates
to ourself and again one more thing it's
not like Siri there's no natural
language processing going on here it's
just gonna give you the output just in
case you were wondering yeah because
that was also a misconception I have it
once upon a time anyway continuing we
are sending the XRS delegate to ourself
because of course we made ourselves
inherit from the NS feet recognizer
delegate class then what we are doing is
we are sending the commands to different
different commands like chicken rice
mangoes apples bananas pears take a
break and also get back to work
after that we are telling our speech
recognizer to start listening so we can
listen for the specific commands and we
can append them to our text view or we
can take a break or get back to work
after that and our speech recognizer did
recognize command function we are
setting our break state to whether if
they said take a break set it to true
meaning we are take a break now taking a
break now if they says get back to work
send it to false meaning we're not
taking a break but if it's not any of
those it's just a normal food or some
other command just send it back to break
state keep it default however when we
are when we are after
laughter that's done we are adding
something to the output text to string
value and so this is a ternary operator
we're checking if not break State and
the command is not get back to work then
append the command and a new line to our
textview or else nothing or else nothing
now actually now that I think about it
there might be a little easier way to do
this by just this this this and this
much simpler instead of ternary operator
inside a ternary operator nested they're
just conditional one ternary operator at
so if I run this that should still work
let's just try it out shall we chicken
rice mangoes take a break okay okay nice
get back to work rice pears take a break
you get the point it works okay so as
you can see I've actually shortened that
down a bit and that's going to be it for
this tutorial
again all source code will be in the
description and I actually have to start
noting this down there's a lot for me to
say in my outros aren't there anyway
so rest of all if you have any questions
app ideas suggestions or anything else
leave it in the comments second if you
have any of those or a video question
which I may just feature in one of my
next videos email it at Taji many of my email will be in the
description as well if you can't spell
that third if you like my content you
want to see more of it
please subscribe to my channel it helps
out I'm just one subscriber away from
200 and force please consider following
me on Twitter if you want to get updated
with all my latest videos and news in
general and blogs and stuff like that
and that's going to be it for you this
tutorial again oh yeah I forgot to
mention my Twitter handle is at Tai Chi
mani which will be in the description if
you want to follow me and then after
that I forgot what I was gonna say
anyway continuing that's gonna be it for
this tutorial if you liked it please
make sure to subscribe the source code
will be in the description that's gonna
be it goodbye

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