Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
my name is 10 May Bakshi and this time
we're gonna be covering locally remote
push notifications in Swift 2 so to
begin this tutorial we'll be covering
something like simulating remote
notifications using local notifications
and an implementation of Swift databases
so this is going to be a part 1 in a
part in a two part series that I'm going
to be creating today ok
so part 2 will be coming up soon I'm
currently working on it but so part one
is here so to begin this is going to be
the concept part of the video and I hope
you enjoy so to begin what is a push
notification a push notification is
essentially something like using parse
to send a notification to all or a
specific group of your users or specific
groups of users and now what's a local
notification well let's say you want
only one user locally to not connect to
a server and get a notification but
let's just say every 24 hours got a
standard notification like that's a
preset string for example if you have
sort of like a racing game then you'd
want to say from the last open time of
this app in the next 24 hours show
notification saying hey you haven't come
in a day you might want to check out the
app okay so that's one example of a push
notification or a local notification
sorry now now the parser shut down I
mean there are alternatives like lumix
push notifications however today I have
another method of simulating push
notifications also called remote
notifications using local notifications
and such databases so let's get right
into it so let's begin with something
that I'm sure you all know at this point
and also state erases series we have a
my sequel database so I'm going to
pretend that we have a my SQL database
over here alright so now we have a MySQL
database and so let's just pretend this
is an object here now on
the other side over here in the middle
we're going to have PHP okay then next
we have swift as you will know and
finally we have the owners device all
right now I mean technically swift runs
under the device but there is also a UI
device class I guess you could call it
in Swift that you can use to do stuff
like no local notifications now how do
we use all of these objects and local
notifications to simulate remote
notifications well let me tell you right
now so to begin we're going to add into
our app which is sort of like the
container of Swift so there's basically
an app and it contains Swift so this is
app and it contains Swift okay and the
device technically obtains the app okay
so now to the app we're going to add
something that I like to call the
background execution so I'm going to add
the back ground execution ability oh
ability so essentially what this will do
is if you go into the little abilities
tab in the Xcode info you will find a
something called background execution of
or some of something like that and so
basically we're going to add that in and
so basically this will allows the app to
run in the background with a little
daemon and so what it's gonna do is it's
just gonna keep checking if we have to
display a notification okay and so what
I'm just gonna do is so even though this
isn't a part of the device so it's an
extension to the app added by Xcode to
your app bundle ID specifically but
we'll talk about that later okay
then now we have PHP MySQL which as you
all know from my previous tutorials can
talk to and from each other all right
that's normal however now we're gonna do
is you know lie askew L is of course a
part of the admin the admin controls
what's in side of the MySQL database at
all times okay and so let's say the
admin were to add a notification
and let's just say that it said new
version of this app is here okay so
let's just say this was the string that
he sent into a MySQL table okay so now
it's gonna happen is Swift is just
constantly every second going over to
PHP and asking for some information
which will then go through to MySQL okay
MySQL DEP gets the data goes to PHP
sends it back and then from PHP it goes
back to Swift and back here and so now
Swift either has no there's no new
notification or yes there's a new
notification and here's its text and
here are any other special attributes so
we need to put along with the
notification now if Swift receives a
notification it's going to create a new
local notification local notification
okay so it's created a new local
notification and it sends this local
notification with some attributes over
to the actually you know what
technically so I'm not confusing you the
UI device class that's what it sends it
over to the UI device class that's how
that works and this is essentially an
entire overview of how this app is going
to work so that's really all I had to
explain in part one so one more time
recap essentially what we're doing is we
are simulating or creating our own
little version of essentially push
notifications simulating it using local
notifications a MySQL table which can
tell Swift when to show a local
modification that's gonna be it for
I hope you enjoyed if you did please
leave a like that's gonna be it for this
video I'll meet you in the next part in
which we will going more in depth and so
if you'd like to contact and please do
at my email if you'd like to edge mani
at will be in the description
Twitter at Taji mani
and finally github 10 nebula 3 and of
course you can always comment on this
video that's gonna be it for this part
and I hope you enjoyed that's gonna be
yet goodbye

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