Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
my name is Tanmay Bakshi and this time
we're going to be going over how you can
use dropout layers and convolutional
neural networks in order to reduce the
chances overfitting now to begin though
a little background now what are you
trading a convolutional neural network
you know it's an extremely you know
computationally expensive process and
there are lots of measures in place to
try and prevent overfitting just like
drop out layers but one thing I'd like
to say here is that specially
convolutional neural networks are
notorious for overfitting they will over
fit if you do not give enough data or
safeguard against it by using an
algorithm like early stopping or these
dropout layers and so like for example
if you don't have enough data
it'll over fit to that training data and
it won't work on your test data and so
that's why this looks like imagenet are
great for scene ends because cnn's have
so many trampled parameters that you
need as much data as possible to allow
them to generalize to the concept of
what they're trying to learn and so
that's what i'm going to be showing you
how you can do today how you can
increase the generalization of your own
network instead of having an overfit to
a specific training set that's actually
came here probably know at the end of
every rule network you've got this fully
connected or as they're called dense
players now they need to act as regular
be forward neural networks so if I were
to draw say some some hidden neurons say
for hidden neurons alright so we've got
four circles representing four neurons
and then if I were to say CN n so the
output from AC and
and can actually become the input for
this beep over here I'll network and so
what would happen is the same man with
feed data into the neural network and so
we're assuming there's one more dense
layer here the beginning of the dense
layers here and then that access input
for this hidden layer what status let's
just say you're building a kind of dog
classifier all right
and so the first neuron represents cat
and the second neuron for output
represents a dog and so let's just say
we're gonna draw two neurons here
representing our output neurons okay I
know what happens all of our neurons
would actually connect to all of our
hidden neurons would connect to all of
our output neurons and then so so this
is what our fully connected or dense
layer looks like now what we're trying
to do is reduce overfitting in this
section of the convolutional neural
network because in this part you know we
can also incorporate dropout layers and
CNN itself but that's an entirely
separate video topic but today which we
talk about dropout layers and cnn's
inside of the dense layers so let's just
say we were to implement a dropout layer
and this dropout layer has a probability
value I don't tell you what the
probability doesn't just for a moment
fifty percent there is a 50 percent
chance that any neuron here can be
dropped up so what will happen is let's
just say we've got you know we've got
the same layer each neuron would be
assigned a random value from 1 to 100
okay let's just say these values are 50
and 10 and 59 and 5
okay so that what's happening is now is
now the actual logic behind behind
choosing the in a 50 percent random drop
out isn't actually no just generating
random number and checking if it's you
know 1 to 50 then no or you know
otherwise yes but let's just call it I'm
going to represent it for you to show
you that there is a 50% probability that
one of these neurons will be dropped out
so each neuron is assigned the value
then we check if we go through each
value if it is then we'll that neurons
been dropped out exactly that means in
just a moment and so as you can see
neuron number one and your number 3 have
been dropped out this means they will
basically be completely inactive they
will pretend as if they're not there and
the neural net will not know of their
existence what this means is that for
the one pass that's currently doing
these neurons won't exist at all
it so it's going to happen is the
neurons themselves as well as all of
their connections now mean nothing
they're not there and so when you see
them provides input to this dense layer
what's happening is only these neurons
are activated and only these neurons
mean is we don't pull it and let's just
say the output layer turns ugly like
zero zero point six seven and four dogs
0.89 but the problem is that it was
actually cat picture but this represents
cat probability and this represents dog
probability and so it's classifying this
cat pictures doll so you've been on the
back propagation to increase the score
for cat and decrease the score for dog
but there is another problem what do we
do with these john bell later dropout
neurons well it's actually quite simple
ignore them again when you back
only backpropagate on the weights that
are active and the muons are active the
ones that are remembering what this will
allow us to do is retain the knowledge
that these neurons and it's connections
store and when it retains its knowledge
well in that case we haven't changed it
at all so the neural network still has
some previous knowledge but also has
some newer knowledge and that doesn't
mean and that means that I mean with
overfitting that means you're basically
throwing out older knowledge using new
knowledge and the knowledge that's
that's there mostly in the data set
because that's the one that that
prevails the most on the back
propagating that simply does not have a
chance to survive because it's keeping
all the knowledge as well as newer
knowledge and it's allows us to reduce
over thing by so much and next time say
maybe this neuron this neuron are
dropped outer this you're on this one
end or this one in this one it's
completely random but it allows for us
never been overfeeding it's such a
simple yet intuitive way because what
happens again is it's not just learning
new things it's remembering what it has
already learned and this allows it to
generalize for the concept of cat and
generalize to the concept of a dog in a
much much better way and this allows it
to give you correct output as part of
the CNN now of course these same drop
out layers can be incorporated in
convolution layers and more but I'm not
going to be covering that yet as that
slightly different the logic behind is
slightly different although the concept
is entirely the same retain older
knowledge while still learning new
knowledge or gaining new knowledge but
again that's a topic for a separate
video all right so I really do hope
you're able to learn something from this
video and of course though if you did
learn from this video please make sure
to leave a like down below so it really
does help out a lot and of course if you
believe this could help anybody else you
know like your friends and family please
do make sure to share the video as well
all right any more questions
feedback from this or any of my other
videos please leave it down in the
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to me at 10 G mani at and my
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very much for watching today but you can
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thank you very much for watching today
and good bye

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