Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is tan maybakshi and
we're going to be talking about the
transformer architecture and
how you can use it for natural language
understanding and processing now the
transformer architecture is really
interesting but before i get deeper into
i would like to say that if you enjoy
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that if you have any questions
suggestions or feedback
feel free to leave it down in the
comment section below i'd absolutely
to hear from you now diving right into
the transformer architecture why is it
and why is it important
well natural language processing is one
of the you know biggest fields within
machine learning today and i mean it's
understandable why it enables
such more natural sort of interfaces
with technology
but natural language processing is
inherently difficult
because natural language is a very human
mode of communication it can require
creativity to even understand what a
certain sentence means for example
now traditionally the way to understand
natural language sentences has been to
use for example
engram methods like bags of words or
maybe recurrent neural networks like
in particular recurrent neural networks
work by treating natural language like a
time series
take for example the sentence tanmay
likes to record youtube videos
you could think of this sentence as a
series of words over time
every word modifies the meaning of all
the words that came before it and will
come after it
and so by effectively teaching a neural
network to look at one word
and then create a representation and
then further contextualize
that representation with the next words
representation and so on and so forth
you can create a neural network that can
understand natural language in a way
and then you can train it for all
different kinds of tasks like sentiment
uh classification or maybe you want to
train it for
regular kinds of classification like
topic classification maybe regression
all kinds of different things but
there's a couple of issues
with recurrent neural network based
techniques one of them
is speed so take a look once again at
the sentence tanmay likes to record
youtube videos
in order to generate an embedding for
the word
likes which comes after the word tanmay
you have to have processed the word
to come up with an embedding for the
word to you have to have processed the
word likes which requires processing the
word tanmay
and if you get to the very end of the
sentence in order to calculate its
you have to have calculated the
representations of every single word
before it
that's incredibly inefficient because
that means for every single token
they have to rely on the tokens that
come before them you simply cannot
parallelize that computation and so you
have very inefficient use of
accelerators like gpus or tpus
another issue is well contextualization
imagine if your brain could only
the meaning of a word according to the
words that came before it but not the
ones that will come
after it that's incredibly limiting like
for example the word youtube
can mean something different based on
whether you're talking about the
organization whether you're talking
about youtube videos
the word videos can modify the word
youtube in this specific instance
the word likes can modify tanmay how are
we talking about ten
what's that context and to solve this
issue researchers have uh
almost slapped on sort of a technique to
try and fix this issue
which is you take this you take the
sequence and you just reverse the
and you feed both of those into the same
neural network right
or rather two separate versions of the
same neural network so you have
you know your forward neural network
your backward neural network and then
you take the outputs of the backward
neural network reverse them again
and then you sort of merge the forward
and the backward neural nets but that's
not really a solution because then you
can only
either look forward at once or backward
at once and then you can kind of try and
combine the embeddings
again it's really limited and that's why
the transformer architecture was
invented by google researchers
the transformer architecture helps to
solve a lot of these issues
and the way that it solves these issues
is by making it so that
every single token in your sequence can
actually communicate and merge
with every other token in that sequence
at the exact same time
and the best part is that you can do it
with a couple of simple matrix
and that makes it way faster than
recurrent neural networks and lets you
use accelerators like tpus or apple's
neural engine
really really effectively now the way
the transformer works is actually really
elegant although there are a couple of
issues like
n squared memory usage but we'll get to
that in a second
now first of all the idea behind the
transformer architecture is that let's
just say once again you have a series of
tokens like
tanmay likes to record youtube videos
every single token is starts off as an
right so just like with lstms every
single word will start off with its own
word embedding after you embed these
into that sort of semantic space then
each individual
embedding gets three different
representations of its own
right so there's effectively three i
guess you could call them dense
layers in cross or linear layers in pi
so you take each token from the sequence
and feed it into three
different uh multi-layer or rather
single layer perceptrons
and then what you do is you label those
three representations
the query key and value representations
right so now for your entire sequence
you've got the sequence query
sequence key representation and the
sequence value representation
so now what you're going to want to do
is you're going to want to somehow merge
what all these different
tokens actually mean the way you're
going to do that is by using
the queries the keys and the values in
the query vector can be thought of as
what other words a certain word wants to
merge with
the key is how words want to represent
themselves to other words that want to
do a merge
and the value is what actually gets
into that word's representation so if
you take
every single word and for every word you
sort of like a dot product simul
similarity from
that word's query to every other word's
key vector
and if you go ahead and get a weighted
average of the value vectors for every
single word and
sum them up according to those dot
product similarities
you can go ahead and get a new
for every single word effectively what
you've just done
is you've taken individual words and
you've come up with new representations
for them
that actually combine a certain amount
of the value representations
from every other word depending on the
dot product similarity
of that word's query and those other
words key vectors
now i know this can be a little bit
confusing what you're seeing right now
on screen is a diagram of how the
transformer actually works
uh however i will say once you take a
look at the implementation it's actually
really really elegant now once you have
these new contextualized representations
all you can do is feed them into one
more dense layer just to get
a better representation make it a
non-linear transformation
and then once you've done that there we
go you've gotten your new embeddings
and of course you can go ahead and stack
more and more transformer layers on top
of one another
and get a really deep representation of
the text that you're trying to
now here's what's really nice about
transformers or really
before i get to that a limitation of
one of the main limitations is that well
in order to get them to be that
contextualized in order to get them to
language very well and not just attend
to very specific parts of a sentence
you actually have to use multiple
at each layer that you use right so the
sort of core component that i've
described here the query key value
concept that's called the self-attention
and most transformer blocks will have
multiple self-attention heads
and so these query key value
representations let's just say you'll
eight separate representations like this
you'll calculate eight
separate self attention sort of new uh
embeddings for all of your tokens
and then you'll feed them into one extra
dense layer to merge them all
into a single finalized representation
this makes it so the neural network
doesn't need to sort of
only focus on certain parts of the
sentence because
like imagine if you're feeding a 512
length token sequence into the neural
if you're running soft max on that then
there's a very good chance you're going
to have
a lot of very little uh contribution
from a lot of the tokens
or you'll have like one token that has a
lot of contribution
so by doing this uh you have a neural
network that can learn to attend
all different kinds of you know parts of
a of a sequence
uh one more limitation is that
inherently transformers have no bias
in terms of for example the position of
different tokens within a sequence
and so what's really important to do uh
is before you actually go ahead and run
these transformer layers
you have to add extra embeddings to your
word embeddings these are called
position embeddings that can either be
or hard coded by you and these position
embeddings tell the transformer that hey
not only is this a token that means this
in the semantic space
but also it's located at this specific
point within the entire sequence
uh and of course there are other kinds
of embeddings you can pass in like
segment embeddings and all other kinds
of things but we won't be getting into
that for now
specifically today we're going to be
training what i call a programming
language classifier so
a super simple neural network that uses
a bunch of self-attention layers it's
built in keras
and what it does is it takes four lines
of any
uh snippet of code and predicts the
programming language out of eight
programming languages
that it was written in uh and what this
enables me to do
is basically take any file of code split
it up into sort of like a sliding window
of four lines of code
and then feed each of the slide of each
of the windows into the neural network
to predict what the language is and then
merge those
uh those sort of predictions to figure
out uh
what language a file of code was written
in this is pretty similar to a natural
language understanding task and we're
going to be using a transformer
in order to implement it now the only
last tiny limitation of transformers is
that their memory usage
uh scales exponentially um and so what
that means is you know if you were to
you know say say 32 um
tokens in your sequence versus 64 tokens
your sequence
you know you you're gonna have to store
a matrix in memory of size 32 squared
versus 64 squared to calculate
those dot product similarities there are
sort of workarounds for this like for
example microsoft facebook they've got
different models like the performer
which is a
version of the transformer that doesn't
have that limitation
but you know transformers are still
absolutely incredible they've ushered in
this whole sort of new era
in natural language processing they
reach state of the art in pretty much
every task you can imagine we're even
applying them to vision now with vision
it's pretty incredible stuff and so now
without any further ado let's take a
look at how you can implement
from scratch in keras uh to do
programming language classification
all right so now let's take a look at
the code behind this transformer
implementation as i mentioned today
we're going to be implementing a
transformer that can classify between
different programming languages
so for example if you were to feed in
some python code then it should be able
to tell you that what you fed in
was python code we're going to do this
using the tensorflow library it's
actually really convenient to implement
transformers with tensorflow
i'll show you how you can do that using
the tensorflow cross api
uh and of course we're doing this in
google collab and we're going to be
using tpu acceleration
so if you'd like to train your own
version of this model feel free to head
over to collab
spin up a tpu instance and within a
couple of minutes you should have
your own model that should reach
approximately the same performance that
i have
now as you can see i've gone ahead and
gotten a little bit of a head start i've
already connected to my instance and
i've unzipped my data zip here
effectively this is just loading in
three things three numpy files
one of them is x which is our input
including the sort of tokenized
individual like sets of four lines from
the different code files
why is the is the file containing the
labels so
for example which um which which
examples from the x on npy file
correspond to which programming
and m is just a mask file since i've
padded every sample to length 150
mask tells me how many tokens are
actually part of
the final classification that we want to
make or the input
that we're providing for that
now if we go ahead and get started here
to begin we can just start off by
importing os
as well as numpy and tensorflow and i'll
show you why these imports are necessary
in a moment as a matter of fact you can
see why tensorflow is important
right over here we start off with a
class specifically a layer
that we are creating a subclass of
called positional
embedding now positional embedding is a
layer that is necessary
with transformers because think about it
if we go back to my explanation of the
self-attention layer and how that works
you start to realize that for example no
where the the the word youtube appears
um or the word tan me back she appears
in the sentence or the name rather
uh no matter where it appears in a
sentence the
representation for that word is going to
be the same to the transformer
and within the transformers
self-attention layers
there is no inherent bias towards the
position of an element sort of where it
is in the actual sequence
so according to the math that the
self-attention layer is doing
there's no way for it to take into
account the position of individual
when it is attempting to make a
now that can be really bad because i
mean think about it if i
if i were to give you a sentence like
again tanmay likes recording youtube
if i were to not give you the sentence
but rather just give you a set of unique
words and how many times they appear in
a sentence
that's not really as useful for you
right where those words appear within
the sentence
you know in relation to each other is
really really important information
so in order to help the self-attention
layers include that information
we effectively calculate a constant
embedding that's added to each time step
this is the same embedding for every
single sample that we feed into the
neural network just each time step
has its own unique embedding that's
added to it
such that when the self-attention layers
are doing their work
it's possible for them to mathematically
separate words from say the beginning
and the end of the sentence
so what this positional embedding layer
does is actually kind of two things
first of all it does calculate these
position embeddings and it does
add those position embeddings to um the
the inputs that you feed in however it
does do
one more thing and that is it also adds
a class embedding
because think about it what the
transformer does
is it transforms token representations
to more token representations so every
now has a new representation however
when you when you really sort of dig
into what the transformer is doing
you start to realize that well ha there
how exactly do you take those final new
representations and use them to make a
right how do you take variable length
brand new token representations
out of the transformer and convert them
to a prediction like hey this is written
in python
you could do a couple of things you
could average these embeddings of the
and you could feed them into a dense
layer but another way of doing it
is by having a dedicated token called a
class token
at the beginning of every single
sequence and then
using the class tokens representation at
the very end
to make your prediction and effectively
discarding the new representations for
every other
uh token at the end this makes it that
the transformer
learns to attend all the discriminative
for the sequence into the class token
while keeping the other tokens
for understanding the sentence itself so
what the positional embedding layer does
all in all
is it calculates a class embedding as
well as position embeddings for each
time step and then when you call it on
certain inputs
it'll go ahead and add that position
embedding to the beginning of every
and then it'll go ahead and sum those
with the actual position embeddings
making it so that well you can add class
and positional embeddings more easily
then after that i have the actual
transformer encoder block
now the self-attention part that i was
describing earlier which is the whole
self-attention layer right and
so with queries keys and value vectors
that's only a part of the entire
transformer specifically
it's a part of the transformer encoder
block which includes a few other steps
like input normalization
skip connections attention heads and
now the encoder block itself is another
part of the larger transformer
including the encoder and decoder blocks
generally if you want to
generate language and do things like
then you would use encoders and decoders
or just decoders
but if you want to understand language
then you generally just use
encoder blocks specifically this encoder
block that i'm defining here
only takes in three parameters it takes
in the parameter ffdim which is sort of
the dimensionality of the final feed
forward layer
before we you know give you the new
the number of attention heads that we
have so effectively how many individual
self-attention layers do we split up
and then merge back in to create new
and then first token only effectively
what this does is it makes it so that
the encoder block
can return just the representation of
the first
token which we know is the class
embedding this makes it really easy to
feed the output
of the encoder block directly into for
a dense layer now outside of the
i then have my build function and of
course in tensorflow this is where i go
ahead and define all my weights
so let's take a look at how i do that i
start off by figuring out what the size
of my input is
and then based off of that information i
create my
normalization layer this normalization
layer basically helps us standardize the
data distribution for the input coming
into the transformer
to make the learning process more stable
if you'd like to learn more about how
and why that works
feel free to take a look at my video on
batch normalization
although i will say this isn't the exact
same thing it is very similar
in concept now from there i go ahead and
create my attention weights and biases
i do this by creating three sets of
weights and biases
for the query key and value
each one is actually an array because
we have multiple tension heads and so
multiple attention heads
call for multiple individual query key
and value layers
and therefore i go ahead and use this
loop over here for x in range self.heads
to create multiple individual weights
for the query
key and value now of course since we
have multiple self-attention layers but
we only want one individual output
we need another dense layer and this
dense layer is represented by again a
weight and a bias
that is responsible for taking
effectively just concatenating the
result of
all the attention heads and calculating
effectively a new representation based
off of
all of their individual representations
the way we do this is by defining a
weight with size
input size times heads because of course
that's how many individual scalar values
we have
that then outputs to a vector of just
input size
so we've effectively brought the size
back to what it should be
then we have another normalization layer
to normalize the output coming from the
attention itself
and then we have the two feed forward
layers that just take our input
generally up scale it to the feed
forward dimension and then bring it back
down to its original size
this helps us effectively have better
representations and learn some more
mappings that are non-linear
after the self-attention layer itself
when this input is called or rather when
this layer is called with inputs
i go ahead and take the input and split
it into the actual tokens as well as the
mask telling us where the padding within
those inputs are
i go ahead and run my normalization step
of course to make sure our data
distributions are standardized
and then i go ahead and calculate the
outputs for each attention head we do
this by calculating the query key and
value representations for
every single input and then once i do
i go ahead and calculate the attention
scores using that two-dimensional matrix
i was talking about before
by matrix multiplying the query and the
key activations
once i go ahead and do that i go ahead
and zero out the attention scores for
anything that the mask says
shouldn't be included in the final
result and then i run a soft max on the
attention scores
to bring them to a zero to one scale and
so that they sum to one
i then use these attention scores in
order to weigh the value activations
and append that to head outputs i then
concatenate all the head outputs along
their last axis
and then use that information to merge
all the head outputs
into a single attention output that
attention output we then apply a skip
connection to
so effectively we sum in the original
inputs from up here
and what this does is it effectively
makes gradients flow more smoothly
through the neural net
this makes it so that our learning
process once again is more stable
i then normalize the output of the
attention layer feed it into the first
feed forward network
which generally increases dimensionality
and then feed it to the second one to
reduce it back to what it was originally
and then we have another skip connection
adding back in the original attention
output even before normalization
and then of course if we're only
returning the first token i go ahead and
just that first token from the feed
forward output otherwise we go ahead and
all of it to feed into the next
transformer layer
now once we've got that layer defined of
course it's time to build the model
now in this case as i mentioned i only
have inputs of size 150 at maximum
and so i have two inputs to the model
one called input ids which is of size
and then one called input masks of size
151 because remember we are adding the
class embedding to the very beginning
inside of the model and therefore
the masks need to have another sort of
for that padding at the very beginning
to make sure we don't just
mask out the class variable
now once i go ahead and define these two
input layers i can go ahead and embed my
input because once again the raw input
that i'm feeding to this model
is quite simple actually it's just the
index of each individual token in the
vocabulary it's not an actual embedding
so i use a very simple keras embedding
layer in order to embed this into a
of size 256 dimensions and of course my
vocabulary size is 100
and i go ahead and add a positional
embedding to the token embedding
that keras adds for me then i can go
ahead and call my encoder block a bunch
of times
for each one i'm giving it an internal
dimensionality of 512
and i'm telling it to use two attention
heads per layer each time
each block is getting the output of the
previous block except for the first one
getting the output of the embedding
i only keep the actual token
and not the attention scores since i
don't need them in this case
then i can go ahead and feed the final
prediction into a dense layer
to predict which programming language
was fed into the model
now here's what's really interesting
about this we can directly take
once again that class token output from
the last layer
and feed that into the dense layer we
don't need extra transformations
you might want them in some specific
circumstances however i found that in
this case
it is unnecessary to have additional
transformations there's already enough
within the previous transformer encoder
blocks then i can just go ahead and
create a model with my two inputs and
one output
and then compile it with a sparse
categorical cross-entropy loss so i
don't need to one-hot my prediction
and i can go ahead and give it an atom
optimizer with a learning rate of one
e minus four which is a generally good
starting point for the atom optimizer of
you might want this to be faster or
slower depending on your specific use
and in this case accuracy is a good
metric for me
now once i've built the model this bit
of code over here just deals with me
being in collab so needing to connect to
a tpu
and then once i've connected to the tpu
i can go ahead and build my model within
that tpu strategy scope
i can load in all of my data using numpy
i can split it into
training and testing data sets and once
again i do need to add a little bit of
logic here
uh just to make sure that i uh that the
length of each individual data array or
is divisible by the batch size which in
this case is 10
24 otherwise the tpu the tpu doesn't
take too kindly to data
if it's not divisible by the batch size
in terms of
how much data you have specifically
because i am hard
coding the model to support specific
batch sizes
then once that's done i can simply feed
my data
including my x and m and y arrays into
the model fit function
and then i can go ahead and pass my
batch size 10 24
train it for 10 epochs on the validation
data that i fed
in so let's go ahead and run all these
cells and see if we get a working model
so i'm going to go ahead and create my
layers define my build model function
connect to the tpu and once the tpu is
done connecting go ahead and build my
model within the strategy scope
i'm going to go ahead and load in my
data and print out how much data
i have as well as go ahead and split
that data into both a training and a
testing split
once this is all done we should be good
to go ahead and build a model
train it rather and as you can see over
with the model itself when you take a
look at a summary has around 3 million
which for a transformer model is
actually pretty small you know you can
easily get into the hundreds of millions
you know
open ai has trained 175 billion
parameter model
so these can easily get much larger as a
matter of fact for this task you
probably don't even need three million
you could probably even get away
with half of that because it is a pretty
simple task however in this case i found
it's easiest to get good performance
with a model of this size without
needing much hyper parameter tuning and
other kinds of optimizations
but if i go ahead and run a it
should start training on the tpu
each epoch should take less than a
minute easily because we're not also
training with that much data only about
000 samples and there we go training is
so instead of uh having you watch paint
right here
i'm going to go ahead and speed this
clip up so you can take a look at the
training process
and then i'll be right back and we'll
take a look at what the results were
all right so as you can see over here
the model fit is actually done
we've gone through 10 epochs each one
took about 25
20 24 25 seconds um except the first one
since that's the first pass where you
know tensorflow is doing its xla
optimizations and all kinds of things to
get your model to run fast in the future
so you do have a bit of initial overhead
as you can see our
our loss both training and validation
has been going down consistently
and we haven't even completely plateaued
yet i'm pretty sure we could keep this
going for a couple more epochs and
squeeze out some more accuracy
as a matter of fact for this
architecture and this task
the peak performance i've seen is about
on this task um however in this specific
we've got an accuracy of 86.7
on the training set as well as a
validation accuracy of 85.99 percent
and that is how you can train
transformer models
from scratch in cross this task over
enables you to essentially predict the
language that a certain piece of code
was written in
and of course i was happy to show you
how to actually implement this
effectively from scratch right
implementing the actual encoder block
and the self-attention because when you
do that
you sort of gain a better intuition for
how these things work
and it starts to make a lot more sense
as to what architectures you should use
for what tasks
and and why exactly they're used the way
that they are
so thank you very much for joining in
today i really do hope you enjoyed
if you did please do make sure to
subscribe to the channel it really does
help out a lot and turn on notifications
if you'd like to be notified whenever i
release new content of course if you did
enjoy the video
please do make sure to like as well once
again really does help out
apart from that if you have any
questions suggestions or feedback feel
free to leave it down in the comment
section below
and i'd absolutely love to get in touch
once again
thank you everybody and goodbye

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