Thursday 17 October 2024



hi there my name is tme back for
another SQL Server
tutorial um so today we're going to be
covering the
topic um the order by
so order bu is a command that that
basically sorts the result set that you
so what U I'm going to do select star
from IE cream okay so we have this table
here IE cream and I have Sid now I have
one two and three in here and it's
really messy and if I wanted to find
let's say all the fives I could go where
but if I just wanted to see them with
the entire result set then what I do is
I wouldn't go down scroll and uh copy
down every single one that I see that's
five that would take way too much time
and yeah so what I do is I just go
order by Sid and then it's by default
ascending so it shows the lowest number
to the highest number and or ascending
order so um the serial is Miss up now
but the Sid is um organized so 11 one 22
three so then the Cal and then you could
also order it by the Sid and serial
too or was that a yes you
can so it result it um orders it as good
as it can to match Sid
as the primary of what it needs to order
and then Cal as um the secondary thing
it needs to um order just because
because so whatever comes first is the
primary thing that needs to be changed
so if I did seral and then
Sid um Sid would be um secondary so it
would first order cereal and then Sid to
um be as close as it can match up so
that was the tutorial for SQL Server
um um order by
function so thank you goodbye

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